Smugglers 2 The Sheriff: Sex, Meth & Murder; The Cartel from Tucson to the Florida Keys (8 page)

BOOK: Smugglers 2 The Sheriff: Sex, Meth & Murder; The Cartel from Tucson to the Florida Keys
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The next day while we were out at a restaurant, I went to the can where I was accosted by two South American men. They said they wanted the money, the twenty million, and would give me twenty four hours to come up with it. They also instructed me to stay in the bathroom for three minutes after they left.

When I got back to the table, I told Terry what had happened, so we had to get back to the boat. We did so, and the girls went out on the dock to have a few drinks and socialize. This gave Terry and me an opportunity to talk alone.

I told him the whole story, and let him know where the five million
was hidden on the boat. I told him I thought we should leave in the morning, but he felt we should end it here because they would find us and kill us as they were probably connected. He wanted to “hold court” there and then, especially since the only ones who knew about the money were not connected to the “law.”

Part of me knew that what Terry was saying made sense, but I also knew that he just might be looking for a good fight. One thing I knew for sure was that none of this would be going on if he had not slipped up, and I reminded him of that fact. We decided to finish our conversation in the morning and hold off on a decision until then, so we joined the girls on the dock.

The next morning over coffee, we decided to do it Terry’s way. Besides, we liked it at Bayside Marina and did not want to be driven away to live in fear. We also knew that they would not stop at us, but would kill the girls and the captain and the cook. We started our plan in motion with Terry asking Pat if he could rent an apartment for a month using the ruse that it was for hookers and sex. Pat said she would rent him the apartment in their duplex which was upstairs from her and Mike. It would be fifteen hundred a month which he said was great and gave her two grand in cash, and that he needed her to keep it just between them.

As she took the money and handed him the key she exclaimed, “You dog, you! Don’t worry, no one will ever know.”

Terry set up the room with a walkie-talkie, field glasses, a pistol and a rifle. We did not think that we would see neither hide nor hair of them until after dark. Much to our surprise, my phone rang about six and the call was from a person who spoke English as a first language, asking if I had the money. I told them I did not, but that I needed to meet them at the marina to discuss it further. They said they would get back to me and hung up.

In less than thirty minutes my phone rang again; it was the same person who said they would be there by midnight. I asked how they got my number, but the phone just went dead.

I told Terry to get up to the apartment and set up because giving a large space of time was an old trick used to catch you off guard, and I wanted to be ready for them. Terry agreed and said that he would have my back, and if there was something I could not handle, he would kill them before they killed me.

As I had thought might happen, the same two guys from the bathroom showed up on the dock within the hour. When they reached the back deck they sat down at the table, and I knew that Terry would have a clear head shot if need be. I told them I did not have the money, that it was back in Texas, and it would take a week for Terry and me to drive there and back. I also told them that there was only ten million, not twenty as they thought, and that a one million dollar finder’s fee would be appropriate. I knew that they wouldn’t beat me or shoot me, because the boss wanted the money, and this was not about revenge, it was about the cash!

Terry followed them when they left, hoping to find the boss, but strangely enough they went to the State Police Station and came out shortly after in police uniforms and drove off in squad cars. 

So who was this boss and were the police really behind this? I wondered. The drug running business had really bottomed out since the laws changed in 1986, and it was only ten percent of what it was four or five years ago. Ten million dollars is a major score in anyone’s life, and so it could be for them.

If the police were really involved, they must die. Not killing a cop is a myth started by cops. You can kill anybody if planned well and performed carefully. Remember Monroe and Kennedy?  I knew I needed to find out who this boss was and kill him.

The next morning Terry reported that the Chief met with the same two guys, and that they had gone out to breakfast together, only this time they were in uniform. The only conclusion we could come to was that he was the boss and that these two goons were just acting like they were drug kingpins from Columbia or part of a big Cartel. Our only way out was to convince them that I had no money and hadn’t found any with Isabel, or we had to kill them. Of course, Terry voted to kill them. He was always into the thrill of it which makes his blood hot. A fire fight to him was equal or better than great sex.

We didn’t have any way to contact them, so we just waited for their next call. The days passed slowly and every time my phone rang I could feel my heart beating fast in anticipation.

The day finally came. They called and we set up a meeting in the parking lot at Publix to take within the hour. When they arrived, the cops were in full acting mode and in full dress and speaking broken English. They became pretty upset when I tried to explain again that I had no money. They told me that the boss may decide to have everyone on the boat hit. I removed my baseball cap and scratched my head which was a signal to Terry to shoot.

Terry was set up in a borrowed car, and I did not have to signal twice as he loved the action. Walking up to the car with a silenced 9mm, he shot through the window and into the shotgun side, sending blood, brains and bone all over the driver and the inside of the car. He fired three more times, hitting the driver in the jaw and chest, and then fired one more shot at each cop’s head for good measure.

We drove back to the boat and waited for the Chief’s next move. We needed to find out where he lived and what his schedule was. We did not have to jump through hoops to find out this information as he was at the dock with several of his men in the morning, asking a lot of questions. He wanted to know our whereabouts the previou
s day, and using police tactics, they separated us and questioned us over and over again. They kept at this for about four hours, never mentioning why they were there until after a couple of hours into it. They even tried to scare us, stating they had a video tape of the incident, although we knew that the cops would not have parked where there were any surveillance cameras. They would have parked in a blind spot since they were committing a crime at the time of the incident.

After they left, Terry and I met and talked and realized that they would be watching us closely, so we decided to just party as usual and do nothing out of the ordinary for the next week or so. We spent a lot of time partying with the girls and the others on the dock while learning what we could about the Chief. We were also able to obtain his address for use at a later time.

At one of the parties, Mike and Pat were there to partake, and when the rest of the crowd left, we broke out the toot. Clothes started coming off as usual. Pat told us that Mike liked to talk dirty to her during sex, and I brought up watching pornos.

“Well, of course, all men watch them, don’t they?”  Pat said and Tara and Ebony agreed in unison “No shit, all men have pornos!” She also mentioned that Mike liked her to dress up like a stripper with spiked heels, fishnet stockings, black bra and panties and a black baby doll nightie with a sheer cover up.

Terry laughed and said, “I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m getting hot! When are we going to see this outfit?”

Mike told Pat to go home and put it on and she said “You are crazy. I’m not going to walk down the dock dressed like that!” As the owner of the marina, she thought that it might not be the best way to be seen on the dock.

“Well, go on and get the costume and put it on when you get back here,” Mack said.

The girls chimed in, too, and said if she did that, they would get their “outfits” on, too.

Pat left to get her costume.

When she got back, she went inside to change with the girls. They were in there over an hour, laughing and giggling all the while. Before they came out they requested specific music, that the lights be dimmed, and that we have drinks ready as well as lines drawn.

When they finally came out in their sexy attire and high heels, they put on a show that was better than any I’ve seen in a tittie bar.  We got so hot we could hardly contain ourselves. We didn’t know who or what they were fantasizing about, and we didn’t care as long as they were hot for us, too! When the girls took off their see-through tops, it was more than we could bear, and we joined in the dancing. This is when the fantasies came out. None of the men picked their own mates, and the girls loved this, too. It was a free for all of dancing, drinking, tooting and kissing.

We were getting into some serious making out when I heard Pat ask how big Mack’s stateroom was. I took control at this point and told everyone to bring their drinks, and I would show them.

The music continued to blare upstairs, as we went to my stateroom. I was on one side of the bed busy kissing Pat while Terry was assisting. Mike was being entertained by Tara and Ebony. Soon all six of us were naked on the bed and breathing heavy in the dark, but still able to find what or who we needed. Every so often, one of us would get untangled and go to the bathroom to do more toot, coming back to dive back into the pile and start licking and kissing all over again without missing a beat.

After about an hour passed, we decided to concentrate on making Tara and Pat come, and they did several times. As they fell into a sweaty heap, we turned our attention to the rest, and eventually we all ended up in the same pile, spent and satisfied. Eventually everyone woke up and went to their own beds. I made love to Tara one more time before falling asleep, holding her tightly.





Terry and I met up to have coffee and discuss our problem and figure out how we were going to fix it. It was a practical problem, because obviously we could not afford to be seen in the Chief’s neighborhood, and his house was on a
cul de sac,
which made it worse.  We were sure he was very heavily armed, and that police cruisers monitored the house frequently.  We devised our plan and decided to act on it right after the cops had their morning meeting and shift change at the department.

I borrowed a car and had Terry drop me off in the woods several blocks from the Chief’s house. I wore a jogging outfit to allay suspicion, should anyone see me.

Once at the house, I disabled the alarm system by jumping it so it would not go off upon my entry. I entered the house through a bedroom window and was careful not to disturb anything.

Once inside, I knew I had most likely eight to ten hours to kill until the Chief would arrive home, so I started searching the house in hopes of
finding some kind of evidence that would tie him to Isabel or the money. I found a wall safe (under a picture of course) and got an ax from the garage and chopped the wall to get the safe out. Any burglary case I had ever been on in the past, the thief would chop the safe from the wall in order to take it with them and check out the contents at his leisure.

I carried the safe to the garage and beat it open, where I found files on the money, dope, Isabel and the dead cops. I burned all the evidenced related to us and flushed it.

I continued to search the house and noticed loose floor boards in the kitchen, which I pulled up to find a metal locker in the opening. I pulled up several other boards so I could open the box where I found what looked like ten or fifteen million dollars.

At first I was excited by the sight of all the money, but as the day went on, several other thoughts came to me. It was going to be difficult to get the fifty to one hundred pounds of money out of the house, and that Terry and I had about ten million ourselves and
our freedom.

All this hidden money was proof that the Chief was dirty and involved in the cocaine business, so I decided to leave the money with the Chief handcuffed to the box and call the DEA. 

When the Chief arrived home, I surprised him and handcuffed him to the box after taping his mouth. I called the DEA from his phone and told them his story and where to find him.  I was wearing double vinyl gloves so I did not need to worry about prints, was wearing a jump suit taped at the ankles and wrists, and had not shot a gun, so there would be no DNA to tie me to the scene. I would later burn everything I wore.

Before I left, I started thinking that the DEA would most likely turn the Chief, and he would spill the beans on me, so I decided he had to die. I went back into the kitchen to shoot him, but God had intervened, and I found him with no pulse. It had most likely been a heart attack as he was sixty five, and at least one hundred pounds overweight. I left by the back door and walked several blocks back to where Terry was waiting for me.

Upon arriving at the boat, I turned on the TV to watch for any reports on the Chief and his death and the money. Of course, there were, and it went on for days with no mention of Isabel, Terry or I, or our boat. We were free of the situation at last, so we spent most of the evening with our new “dock” friends at “The Sand Bar”. We were able to relax and not worry about tying up loose ends for the first time since arriving at the dock a few weeks ago. All the conversation revolved around the Chief, the money he had hidden and his involvement.

No one could believe that he got busted and now the DEA knows why no one had gotten busted there for years. The laws had changed back in 1986 to a heavier sentence. The previous sentence had been three-four years for cocaine smuggling and after 1986 increased to thirty-forty years. This had given rise to a lot of snitches as no one was willing to go away for thirty-forty years. It was why the cocaine smuggling business had gone down 90%, temporarily.

We decided to hang out at the marina for the rest of the summer before continuing on to Miami. The people at the dock were very friendly and loved to party, and new people arrived every weekend which was fun also. Both the dock and the town continued to be alive with talk of the Chief and smuggling. Many stories were being recounted about past related events, including the mysterious disappearance of people from the area.

Terry and I talked and thought it might be a good time to let all the craziness go and buy a home in the Bahamas or a larger boat, and just love our women. We thought it might be the right time “to sit back and smell the roses”, but this was short lived. We spent the next month sightseeing, going out to dinner or clubs and partying on the boat. Then at coffee one morning, Terry asked me if I was satisfied, or if I was just marking time until the end. We realized that we were with beautiful young women, twenty years our junior, who at some point would leave us. We were well aware of how attractive they were, and that they were being hit on by younger men
women frequently. It was exciting for them right now, but in five years, who knows, we may just become two old farts to them, albeit wealthy. They both had at least two hundred thousand a piece and counting, which would make it easier for them to leave.

So this discussion led us back to Terry’s original question; was I satisfied? I answered Terry, “Not completely; I miss having a purpose and feeling in charge of my destiny.” I asked Terry what he wanted to do.

“I never felt more alive than when we were at odds with the Cartel,” Terry admitted. “Sex was better and I felt younger, and we are getting older as we speak. Let’s put four hundred grand aside for the girls and keep it between us. We will make up wills and have the money released to them upon our death and leave the boat to Bob and Karen. We’ll go into town, get a local attorney today and have the wills drawn up.” We shook hands over the deal and went to see an attorney that same day.

At the attorney’s office, we made arrangement to leave our estates to each other and then to our girls at the time of our demise.

It was over the next week when we found out that the Cartel had switched their smuggling in Florida from cocaine to Crystal Meth or “Ice”. They did this as the product was much smaller to transport, and they made it themselves.

People also got hooked on it really fast; it caused big time weight loss, and, unfortunately, tooth loss. Women loved it, except for the really bad smell. It was pungent, very strong and could not be hidden from DEA dogs. A hundred pounds was a very big load, as opposed to a thousand of cocaine or four thousand pounds in bush (grass).

We went to work finding a connection for Ice here that would pay us to smuggle one hundred pounds into the US at a time. Jet skis were easily modified to make both a water tight compartment for the contraband and to heat shield the engine compartment from DEA’s infrared view, while exhausting the engine under the vehicle. Out of the box, it did ninety miles an hour which was fast enough, and with its maneuverability and size, it couldn’t be beat.

Terry and I started making runs on jet skis, as the loads were so small and the vehicle was so small it was hard for radar or infrared to pick up.

In order to obtain the first load, we had to pay for it when we picked it up, C.O.D. Our pickup was at three p.m. at a GPS setting about thirty miles out, and we were meeting a small go-fast, not a big mother ship.

Since the loads were so small, the big mother ship stayed between seventy five to one hundred miles out from the coast.  In the case of Key West, the pickup was Cuba, which was ninety miles away from the Keys by go-fast.

Our first trip went flawlessly, and they picked up the goods at our dock by car and paid us. We divided one hundred pounds and one million dollars, which was enough temptation for the crew of the go-fast. We made two hundred fifty thousand dollars per trip, and we put the goods in one jet ski, while the other one was to run interference if we were pursued by the DEA.

The clean ski would run a little behind the loaded one, and if that didn’t work, we would split, and hopefully they would pursue the empty one which would take off in the opposite direction, of course. If that did not work, we would “run for our lives with every man for himself.” We made several trips over the next few months without incident.

It was during this time that Terry and I heard that the Chief’s crew got life and that the findings were that the two dead cops were killed as a result of the drug business they were involved in. They made no connection to Terry and me.

We received an overnight FEDEX at the boat, and inside the envelope was a Trac phone and a note instructing us to turn on the phone and press send one. After discussing whether to do this or not, we waited until noon and then turned on the phone. The person on the other end obviously knew who we were and wanted to know if we could up the weight to two hundred pounds. They wanted us to discuss this and call back in fifteen minutes. We felt that the way we had been doing things was the safe, smart and right way, so we called back and turned them down.

There was silence on the other end of the line, and we knew that whoever he was, was not used to be being told no. He said, “we’ll get back to you,’ and hung up. 

When we got the call back, he asked, “What would make you happy?” In the meantime, Terry and I had discussed that two hundred pounds would be our maximum. As it was, we would lose eight mph, as the jet ski would be loaded down with the additional weight.

We had done several test runs with weights to see how it would run and handle with different amounts.  The only thing that made our jet skis appears different were small pencil beam lights in the middle. They had a push button switch on them and sat on the handle bars. The light only stays on when you hold the button down and it shoots out a small six hundred foot beam. 

We agreed to do the two hundred and also agreed that there would be no prior payment from us, but that they pay us instead when they picked up the goods. We requested five hundred thousand in cash, not goods. The next drop was to be in a week or so, and we agreed to four hundred thousand.

When the time came, we left for the go-fast with only our side arms and our flat black jet skis. As usual we wore wet suits under a complete jumpsuit made of cotton and stocking masks. We would get the whole works wet from time to time, and we carried no cash and no ID’s.

When we got to the pickup point, all went well, and we were on our way. The smell of the crack penetrated the air even though it was wrapped and sealed in the compartment on the jet ski. We went back to the dock, taking a route we had used several times. We never turned on the lights and traveled about half speed in the total darkness.

At the dock, the pick-up was made, and we were given our money. Everyone was happy.

The next trip did not go as well, as there was no go-fast boat at the appointed coordinates, but there were plenty of Coast Guard and DEA boats in the water. We could see them a mile away, so we stopped and watched as we sat side by side, just floating in one spot for an hour or so. We were there so long we had to shut off the jet skis so the plugs would not foul out. Finally, we went home and called the Trac phone number and there was no answer. We went and had a drink or two, then went to bed.

The next day about noon, the Trac phone rang and the explanation given was that the go-fast could not meet us due to the water being full of cops, and that we were to try it again next week. He told me that an eighty-footer was on fire and that was why all the cops were out. Later that week when I was at the café having breakfast, I overheard a cop saying that they had caught a go-fast full of crack. I interjected that I had heard that an eighty-footer had been on fire, and he said that this was not true.

We knew now that the DEA was watching that area of water for go-fast boats and that that was the weak point for us; the pickup. The DEA used their radar to follow the go-fast boats to their rendezvous. We always knew that they would lie to us just to keep us running, or simply kill us if it would advance their end. They know no loyalty; that is the nature of the business.

Our next trip came with a new pickup point, and we added two loaded flare guns to each jet ski. Both were loaded with white flares and ready to shoot. We had holsters bolted to the engine compartment which were within reach. When shot, the flare would blind the driver of the DEA boat and would shut down any infra red radar, like a fighter jet does to throw off heat seeking missiles.

We left for the first pick up of two hundred pounds around one a.m. and reached our coordinates within an hour. We made the transfer quickly, but we could not get the engine compartment completely closed, so we had to leave four packages behind.  About half way home, a Coast Guard Cutter was in our path and the boat was totally dark. They saw us and gave chase, putting all their lights and sirens on, but did not shoot at us in fear of killing us without cause. The cutter was able to travel at fifty miles per hour and drew five feet of water, compared to our jet skis that did eighty-five miles per hour and drew six inches of water.

We knew they had little chance of catching us, so we continued and watched as the chase boat got smaller and smaller, finally disappearing from view. When we got to the marina, we had time to count and weigh the packages. We had eight tightly wrapped waterproof packages that weighed approximately two hundred pounds, and the four we left with the go-fast must have totaled twenty pounds by themselves, which meant they were screwing us out of money. More importantly, we learned that they were not to be trusted, and if the extra twenty pounds wasn’t noticed by us, they would not say anything to us. We decided not to bring up the twenty pounds we left with the go-fast because we wanted to see if it was some kind of mistake. If so, they would bring it up, but they said nothing.

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