Smugglers 2 The Sheriff: Sex, Meth & Murder; The Cartel from Tucson to the Florida Keys (7 page)

BOOK: Smugglers 2 The Sheriff: Sex, Meth & Murder; The Cartel from Tucson to the Florida Keys
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Back at the apartment, we spent some time checking out the compound. We discovered that in an effort to keep the guards from being killed, they had moved them all inside the wall. They had filled in the gate with steel so we were not able to see inside.

We knew we had to come up with a new plan. Over drinks, we talked and decided to blow the back wall down. We would have to go back to Brownsville to pick up some plastic explosives or shape chargers. It turned out we couldn’t get plastics, but we could get dynamite and primer cord. After we spent the night on the boat with the girls, we returned to the Mexican side.

That night we got everything ready and drove to within a couple of blocks of the compound and then walked the rest of the way.

We set the explosives at three places on the wall, which were to go off about thirty seconds apart and take out some guards to clear the way for us.

We blew the first one, and the hole was big enough to drive a truck through, then the second and third ones blew in succession. The second and third had three times as much explosives. We figured the shrapnel would take out a lot of the men as they ran to the first hole, and it did.

We jumped through the first hole with guns ablaze and kept firing and changing clips as we made our way to the window side of the house and shot out one and threw in grenades. We kept firing as more men came at us from the main courtyard. Laying down a spray of bullets, we watched them fall.

I yelled, “Let’s go!” as we retreated through the hole and threw a couple more grenades and continued to shoot at the guards who were firing at us with machine guns. One thing being in the military ingrained in me was to never back up, because if you show you are not afraid to die, the other guy always loses. You must always go forward and run to the roar, never lose your nerve or your guard, at least that is what you want him to perceive, and perception is reality! I was able to do this because this is what I was taught and believe, but Terry was just crazy, and death had no meaning for him. We were able to do this together, and they fell to our advance. When they were all down or dead, we got back to our car and sped away.

We got back to the apartment and took off our vests.  Terry had four or five dents in his, and mine had two. It was lucky for us that the shots all came from Sub-Nines MM, and the vests were able to stop these with ease.

We were high from the adrenaline and the excitement. It was still dark, so we kept the lights off and sat with drinks in hand and waited to have a look at what was left of the compound.

As a pink dawn slowly spread across the landscape, we could see the destruction. The wall had been decimated, and we could see the bodies of the dead and injured guards everywhere.

We went back to the boat the next day, and of course the girls were happy to see us and were still ‘high’ from all the shopping. We were so happy with the reception and ‘high’ from the other night’s experience that we gave them another ten thousand to shop with, and we stayed back on the boat and worked.

Over the next week, we heard that the Cartel was moving headquarters again, now to Cuidad Juarez/El Paso. We had done what we could to eradicate them and decided to take the boat across the Gulf of Mexico to Florida and spend a couple of years seeing the sights. We thought we might go on to the Bahamas after that.

We needed to find a captain and cook with good experience, and who would also fit our lifestyle. We contacted a crew headquarters and gave them our criteria. They lined up several couples, including some husbands and wives for us to interview that were qualified. We were offering a boat credit card with a fifty-thousand maximum and a salary of fifty thousand a year each with a one year contract, owner’s option to renew.

The compensation we offered was about twice the going rate, which we needed to do because of our lifestyle and our desire to have the best. The contract also included a ten thousand a year per person increase if all went well and even if we tired of the boat or died, they still received it free and clear at the end.

After interviewing several people, we found a competent captain and cook, Bob and Karen. We told them they had carte blanche with their quarters and in the keeping of the boat, no expense spared. We had plenty of time and no time line.

Three weeks passed, and we were ready to leave. After taking a vote we decided to head to Tampa first, then down to Fort Meyers, on to Key West and then up the East Coast, crossing the Seven Mile Bridge and continue on to Miami. As it turned out Sarasota and Tampa were too much like Milwaukee for our tastes, and Fort Meyers was too sleepy, so we cut our time short and continued on to Key West. When we arrived we took a slip at the Hilton and told them we would be there a week or two. We also told our captain, Bob, to have the boat cleaned and waxed while we were there and that he and Karen should relax and have some fun. The four of us spent the rest of the day at the bar and pool and figured we would do some sightseeing the next day.

We left our boat, which we had named the Bluewater, the next morning and started our sightseeing at the Mel Fisher Museum. We saw some of the four hundred million dollars in treasure that had been found on the sunken Atocha. The museum contained an amazing history of Key West and its treasures.

We had a late lunch and asked our waiter why there were so many motorcycles around. He told us it was motorcycle week. I had never seen so many bikers with beards and sleeves rolled up to look tough. These were all men who were in their fifties plus that had probably never been in a fight in their life, never knocked out a tooth or an eye, but were paying thirty thousand for a Harley. I remember thinking they were probably trying desperately to hold back the hands of time. Most likely they had been out of shape most of their lives and were now fat, but riding a Harley.

We went to the Hemingway House, did the tour and saw all the six toed cats. By this time we had all had enough sightseeing and needed to get down to some serious drinking. We walked to
which was packed with customers and got a table and drinks. The band was playing Jimmy Buffet songs, of course, and the bar was full of these middle age bikers.

Before long we were all singing along with the band, and then we moved down the street to the next bar,
Sloppy Joe’s,
and did more of the same. We were doing the “Duval Crawl” (moving from one bar to the next), dodging the occasional rooster or six toed cat on the sidewalk. We ended up at the bar in the Hilton, then made our way back to our boat. We ran into our neighbors, Charlie and Sandy, a couple who owned a fifty-foot trawler. They were half in the bag also, so we invited them onboard for drinks and to get better acquainted.

The captain and cook were out, so we felt freer to act as we wanted, and we would be leaving in a week or two anyway, so what the heck. Both of the girls were really getting into it, but Charlie, the man from the neighboring boat, seemed very straight to me, and this made me nervous, so I held back on the toot. They left early and went home about three a.m. anyway.

After they left we broke out the toot and off came the clothes and we all started dancing. The captain and cook came back to the boat and snuck down to their room. We continued to party, dancing and kissing until we were in a pile in my room. It must have been Tara’s turn as we descended on her body like vultures, taking turns kissing her and sucking her tits, while Ebony was between her legs, devouring her womanhood like it was cake. We exchanged places, until she came several times, twisting and screaming in an attempt to hide her vagina from hungry mouths.

Ebony and I coupled to complete the act, and we did Tara. At one point both Terry and I mounted Tara, one from the front and one from the back. I was laying on my back with Tara face down on me and Terry was mounting her from behind. She loved this position and went wild with one of us penetrating her vagina and one her ass.  She and I kissed passionately while Terry was gently biting her neck and shoulders. As our pumping rhythm became faster and faster, Tara’s cries became louder and louder with each thrust, which made Ebony hotter than hell, and of course she did not want to miss out so she started kissing us all and tasting Tara. As we reached a crescendo, we all came together crying out in ecstasy. Tara reached around and held Terry tight, while kissing me passionately and then we lay on our sides keeping close contact with Ebony who was holding on tight. We all loved the experience of having new sexual partners once in a while, but this was great. We felt foreplay with three on one was so hot, and it could last for hours with the toot.

The next day we woke up about two in our own staterooms and went to the aft deck for a breakfast of coffee, pancakes, bacon and eggs.  We were all hung over of course, but extremely hungry from all the energy we had expended the night before.

We saw our neighbors, Sandy and Charlie, and another couple, Steve and Betty, a little later and invited them over that evening for Mimosas.  Sandy asked us if we had all gone to bed after they had left.

After the laughter died down, I said “You could say that.” Sandy replied, “Sorry I missed that,” looking directly at Tara and then the subject was changed. I knew then that one of the four neighbors wanted in on the partying, the dancing and maybe the sex.

Later when Terry and I were making drinks and talking about the neighbors, we both expressed a desire to bed Sandy. We thought she was in to it and hot! Just then Ebony walked up behind us and said, “You are both wrong, she does not want either of you, she wants Tara and me.” 

Terry and I just looked at each other and laughed, and Terry said “Well, I guess we’ve been told.” Despite the laughter, we were still afraid we might offend Charlie if we got out the toot or started kissing each other’s girls, so we decided we had better behave ourselves. At least the other couple, Steve and Betty, seemed game for anything as far as drugs were concerned.

Later when our neighbors joined us, and the day turned into night, the alcohol flowed like sea water, and we made several trips to our state rooms for toot. The other two couples got happier as the night went on also. We all went to dinner and continued our alcohol consumption at the hotel bar and restaurant and consumed massive quantities, as the Cone Heads would say.

Once we were back on the boat, the girls started dancing, and Charlie was passed out cold in an overstuffed chair, so I brought out a two gram hitter. All seven of us took several hits. The tone of the dancing got sexier and sexier, and the clothing less and less, as usual. Sandy was flirting with Tara, and they danced closer and closer and were soon kissing. I danced with all three, but mostly Ebony. Steve and Betty went home leaving Tara, Sandy and Ebony to us.

During a break in the music we made more drinks and did lines. Tara and Sandy disappeared for a while, and I came upon them on one of my trips for more toot. Tara was on her back with her knees bent and Sandy was face down in her glory. I couldn’t resist joining them and so there were the two of us on Tara as she writhed and attempted to twist herself from Sandy’s tongue. As she came, her whole body stiffened and she held her breath, which she eventually let go in little gasps.

Suddenly, the door opened and there stood the rest of our group, completely nude with drinks in hand and still ready to party. They joined us in bed, Ebony and Steve locked in a kiss and Terry kissing Sandy’s tits. We had an extra woman, which worked out great, especially for the men.

Several hours later we went upstairs to find Charlie still asleep in the overstuffed chair. Sandy woke him and took him home and never mentioned what he had missed out on. Tara and I went to our stateroom, and we were still hot and on a roll, so we started making love all over again. We left the door open in case Ebony or Steve wanted to join in. We tasted each other for over an hour before finally falling asleep.

We got up later that day to find Terry and Ebony already having breakfast. We talked about the night before and the fact that Charlie had passed out and missed all the fun, and Tara mentioned how sore her crotch was from all the attention it had received.





Later that day we decided to take the high speed catamaran to the Dry Tortugas and see the sights. Needless to say we drank a lot of beer on the trip over, “Hair of the dog, don’t you know.” We saw the old fort and walked around until we were blue in the face, which only took about an hour, most likely due to the fact we were so hung over from the night before. We were thankful to get back on the boat for some vodka, toot and food. We stayed in that night and decided not to do any bar hopping until the next day, and that perhaps we would just head out on the boat to our next stop.

We sat around the breakfast table the next morning planning the day and were in agreement to leave at noon and continue up the coast. We were at the Seven Mile Bridge by five and decided to find a slip for the night.

As we backed in and tied down, a sexy woman came walking down the dock to welcome us to Bayside Marina. She introduced herself as Pat, the owner, and that Mike was her husband. She said that if we wanted something done to talk to her, not Mike.

“Isn’t that the way it always is?” I commented.

Tara and Pat gave each other the “high five,” saying in unison and laughing, “You got it.”

I asked her if they would like to join us for drinks. She returned with Mike a few minutes later, and after introductions, they joined us and came aboard. We sat and talked with them and told them about our travels thus far and asked how long they had owned the marina. Pat explained that they had purchased it through an estate about four years ago. A lot of death and murders had taken place here prior to their ownership.

The girls replied almost in unison, “No shit, I would be afraid to live here.”

I questioned them further about the murders. Pat explained that there were five murders/deaths in two years and at least two bodies that had never been found. “I bet the same guy killed them too,”  I said.

“The strange part is they think it was a woman,” Pat said, “the previous owner, that killed everyone, and that some black dancer killed her.”

I asked her if the dancer who had killed the owner was a woman, too.

“Yes,” Pat said and I thought about Isabel and the other bodies found in Texas and that her murder had occurred about four years ago, too.  I thought to myself that this was quite the coincidence, but it must be where Isabel came from. So where had the five million come from, and could this be the motive behind the murders? I knew I could not continue to ask questions or I would arouse suspicion, but I could not believe this was happening!

We had a few more drinks, and then Pat and Mike went home. The rest of the evening and night passed uneventfully as we all were worn out, so we retired around midnight. After everyone had gone, Terry commented on the strange conversation I had had with Pat.

At coffee in the morning, and after much coaxing from me, we decided to stay where we were for a week or so, and then go on to Miami. Pat came aboard and had coffee with us and told us where to rent a car so we could get around over the next few days. I was able to find out little about the money or where it may have come from. I did get more information, however, and that was that the dead bodies were found tied to a piling under the dock. One of the bodies was the previous marina owner’s, Nikki’s attorney, Kenney who had been connected with cocaine smuggling. I also found out that he was murdered in his office, and his whole family was found dead in their pool at their home, but not a word about the five million.

Pat and Mike spent time with us on the boat drinking one night, and Terry let it slip about my being a retired police sheriff from Texas and about Isabel’s body. I could see the lights go off in Pat’s head as Terry talked, and the worst part was that the other people on board had heard it, also. No matter how I tried to avoid or brush off the topic, the fact of the matter was that it was too late. Too many people had heard it, and it was like trying to un-ring a bell.

Over the next few days we went out to dinner, bar hopped and went boating. The marina owners came aboard one night while I was making drinks, and Pat stood next to me and said, “So you were the sheriff in Texas where they found Isabel. Did they find the twenty million that she had?”

I looked at her for several seconds and replied, “She didn’t have anything with her, except two hundred eighty dollars.”

“Really” she said.

I asked her why she and Mike lived in the “headquarters for cocaine” and don’t do any.

“Who says we don’t?” she said.  “We’re just quiet about what we do and who we do it with.”

“Now that it is out in the open, and you don’t mind, I’ll break out the toot,” I announced.

“Well, go get it,” she said. As I came back to the main salon with mirror in hand and a pile in the middle, I was greeted with excitement and cheers from the group.

We partied until daybreak, parted company and went to our separate beds. The four of us did not get up until dark that next day. It was late, but I talked to Terry and told him he had to be more careful about what he said, especially about my past. The next day, the local Chief of Police arrived on the dock. He was in his late fifties, about one hundred pounds overweight, with a huge pot belly. He appeared shook up as he introduced himself as Joe. He said that he had heard that I was the retired sheriff from Texas that had found Isabel’s body, but not the millions.

I said I was the one who found her body, but that I had never heard of any money connected to her. He only stayed about ten minutes, then left, and I was hoping that I would never see him again. As he was leaving he made reference to how expensive a boat like mine was and that it must have cost a fortune.

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