Smugglers 2 The Sheriff: Sex, Meth & Murder; The Cartel from Tucson to the Florida Keys (6 page)

BOOK: Smugglers 2 The Sheriff: Sex, Meth & Murder; The Cartel from Tucson to the Florida Keys
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When I got up, I found out that the Cartel had decided to move their headquarters to Matamoros, which was outside of Brownsville. I got packed and ready to leave so I could follow them and kill them for Elena, as I had promised myself I would.

I followed them and drove to Matamoros, where I rented an apartment about a half a mile from their front door. They had set up in a house within a walled compound and they installed a front gate.

In the meantime, I had my apartment painted and furnished and told all I met that I was retired and living on social security and my pension. I moved in and found a hiding place for my guns, etc. That first night I sat for hours and focused on the house and gate with my binoculars. The gate was well lit and fortunately for me, that made it easy for me to watch their activities. I couldn’t ask for a better view.

I decided that I would take the guards down the next night about two or three. I spent the day in town, visiting local bars and meeting the local working girls, most of whom were younger than twenty-five. It helped that I spoke Spanish fluently which I had learned while living in Texas in a town where half the population was Mexican.

I set up later that night and then tried to get some shut eye. I got up a short time later as I found myself too excited to fall asleep, so I made some coffee and sat at my table in the dark. I focused the scope on the guards, thinking that they were very foolishly feeling safe, standing side by side talking to each other. I spent an hour, to no avail, trying to site them together so I could kill them both with one shot. This would have been a personal best for me.

As they were talking, I fired a single silent shot and watched as one of the guards flew backward. In the time it took for the other guard to turn and look toward him (which seemed like a split second), I had fired again and saw the second guard go down next to the first. I watched the scene for hours and no one was aware of what had happened.

At change of shift which was about eight a.m. two other men came out and found the bodies which were cold by then. All hell broke loose at the compound and there were guards everywhere. Everything had settled down by late day, and I shot another guard at about nine that night. He was the only one I could see at the time.

By the next afternoon they had mounted a four foot by eight foot by half inch sheet of steel on either side of the gate for the guards to stand behind for protection. They also cut holes in it so they could see, but little did they know that I could hit the holes also.

Late that night I scoped a head in one of the holes and sent one. It must have hit the mark because there were no marks on the steel sheet and the hole was empty. I went for the other and it found its mark also. Both holes were now empty and the compound was quiet.

I packed up and went to bed and finally got a much needed night’s sleep. In the morning I noticed that there were a lot of guards milling about. It seemed that they felt safer during the day, so I killed a guard and watched as they ran for cover like a bunch of cockroaches do when you turn on the lights at night.

Terry and the girls were flying in today, so I packed up my gun, etc. and left for the airport. We were all very happy to see each other, and the girls and I spent a long time kissing and hugging. We went straight to a watering hole and started throwing down Tequila and anything else that struck our fancy. When we got hungry later in the day, we went out to eat and then returned to the apartment and to our respective bedrooms to make love and drink champagne.

In the morning over coffee, Terry told me that although he was rich, he was sick and tired of working and that he needed some fun and excitement in his life. He said that he missed the foursomes we had. He told me that he missed the excitement of what I was doing, that he liked living on the edge.

“I’m just plain tired” he said.

I looked at him and asked, “So what do you want to do?”

“I want to go back to Tucson and sell everything and move back to Mexico with you and Tara and Ebony.”

“Have you told Ebony what I have been doing?”

“Not a word!” he promised me. “Not a word!”

I warned him again that he could never tell anyone, ever! “This is all pretty heavy, and you will be giving up a lot and could end up torched and dead!” I said.  I also told him that I would think about it, and we would decide over the next day or two, and that he should think about it too. This might be just a temporary thing for him, like a mid-life crisis.

We went out to the beach bars, and then the girls wanted to go shopping, of course. While they were on their own, Terry and I walked around killing time and wandered onto a boat dock.

“Let’s buy a seventy or a one hundred foot boat,” Terry suggested, “and make it home and our base of operations.” We discussed this over the next few days and came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter if it was due to a midlife crisis or just boredom, and I knew that I could sure use the company. The fact of the matter was, the four of us had a lot of fun together and had great sex together, so we decided we had a deal!

The four of us partied and tooted our brains out that night in celebration and had great sex the night through. As the light started to peek between the shades, we got up and went to the beach and let the hot sun and Corona take over. The time flew by and before we knew it, it was time for Terry to leave. The girls were staying with me, and he was going back to Tucson to sell his business, house and rental properties. He hoped to have it all wrapped up within a month.

The three of us got a good night’s sleep, as far as I knew, anyway. Tara and Ebony shared the guest room that night, and I slept in mine and snored to my heart’s content. The girls spent the next day shopping on the money I gave them.

While they were gone, I set up and watched, hoping a boss might show so I could get a shot at him. I was putting everything away in anticipation of the girls’ return from shopping when I took one last look through the binoculars. I did this just as a black car pulled into the main gate where it was receiving royal treatment from the guards. I assumed that this was some kind of boss and wrote down the plate number. I knew the girls would return any minute and did not have time to take him out.

The girls walked in shortly after, loaded with bags and boxes, all excited and asking for drinks, which I made for them. They both headed to the bathrooms to pee, and when they came out they asked me to sit on the sofa and watch their fashion show. They wanted to show off the new clothes they had purchased. I agreed, realizing I might have a good chance of seeing them naked while I was completely sober. The show was great and ended with the swim wear, and it was a show lasting over an hour. Then we went to dinner together. 

After dinner we went back to the apartment and put on some music, and I broke out the toot. We continued to drink and toot and then the girls started to dance for me and kiss me. Before long we were in a pile on my bed, Tara, Ebony and I. Tara and I concentrated on Ebony, licking and biting her until she could no longer stand it. It was Tara’s turn next and then mine. Before the night was over we were all satisfied and fell asleep in each others’ arms.





Terry came back in less than a month, and I was never so happy to see anybody, as these women were in their twenties and insatiable. I needed some relief! I didn’t know for sure, but felt some reality to the saying ‘Too much of a good thing can kill you” I felt that if I lost anymore body fluid, I would die.

I went in for a nap and left the three of them to play. I saw Terry intermittently over the next few days when he was getting a beer or whatever. It took that long before he caught up with sex and then sleep. Terry and I finally sat in the apartment and talked about the future. I told him I was committed to killing everyone in the Cartel or breaking it. I also talked about how our chances of staying alive through this were next to nil and that if we failed and were caught, we would be tortured for days before we would die. I told him that we needed to be prepared to kill ourselves if we were caught.

Terry held up his coffee cup in a toast and agreed to everything, saying, “Okay, do we walk or drive”

So we toasted to our great adventure, which we knew could possibly be our last.

The first thing on our agenda was to go back to the U.S. to buy a boat to live on. I knew more about boats than Terry, so I took the lead on this one, and we left for Brownsville to look at some. We thought we would be safer if we lived on the boat as ‘Rich Americans’ and just used the apartment for shooting.

In Brownsville, we found ten different boats to choose from and settled on a sixty-foot Bayliner that was five years old but had been treated well by its owner. We spent the next few days getting the engine tuned up, new furniture and carpet.

The rest was up to the girls. They would take charge of the decorating, etc. The boat was out of the water for a week while the bottom was painted and the props and shaft were checked out.

After that we moved the girls to the boat so they could finish their shopping and decorating. The girls loved the boat, and we were sure they would enjoy spending the one hundred grand we had given them to get it set up.

We returned to the apartment, formulated a plan and got set up to work.

Terry had no experience with sniper fire long distance shooting so he was to be my spotter, and I trained him as such. That night we sat at the table and zeroed in on the front of the compound.

There were two guards there as usual, and they were trying to stay out of sight as much as possible. We took a break for dinner, and afterward, as Terry was looking through his spotter scope, he told me that the guards were out in the open.

I made us each a Jack Daniels and told him I would take the first one, and then in an instant, I would also take out the second one. He didn’t believe that I could shoot that fast.

“Just watch me,” I said. He gave me the wind and distance, so I let one loose, and within seconds I let the other one loose. Both bullets hit their marks, and both guards were dead.

Terry looked through the scope for another minute and then said, “That’s it, no noise, no fighting back? Where did you learn to do this anyhow?”

“Back in the day I was a Marine sniper,” I said, “and believe me, that was an easy shoot.”

Terry was very disappointed and said that was not what he had pictured. He said that shooting someone a mile away with a silencer was not his style. “Let’s go there and kill somebody tonight.”

“Should we walk or take the car?” I replied.  We broke into laughter and then got ready.

We dressed in black, and at two in the morning, we snuck up on the guards and slit their throats. We continued on to the house where we encountered four other men, and we opened fire on them with a full automatic spray, which was a silenced gun.

Two of the men fired into the air as they went down, alerting the others who came from every direction shooting. They were in a panic, so we killed them one by one, but they kept coming from behind buildings and cars. They came as fast as we knocked them down.

When it was over, I had less than ten rounds out of one hundred, and Terry had less than that left.

We made our way back to the apartment and had drinks before we even asked if the other was okay, and then we probably asked each other about a hundred times. 

“Well,” I said, noting the blood on Terry’s clothes, “was that up close and personal enough for you? Did you find that exciting enough?”

“That was like an angel pissing on my tongue,” Terry said.

We sat at the table and talked over the night’s events until just about daylight, watching all the activity at the compound.

“Let’s take one or two out before we go back to the boat or the sun comes up,” I suggested.

We got set up and Terry said, “Now, this isn’t so boring, knowing there are moments of sheer terror to offset this uneventful shit.”

We both had a good laugh over that before we zeroed in on a guard. I turned one loose, and as he fell, we found the second target, and I shot him, too. We packed everything and went to sleep until morning as we knew they would be searching the city now for anyone leaving town.

The following day, we left for the boat and the girls, and thankfully, the trip was uneventful.

The boat looked great with all the new improvements; in fact, it looked brand new. The girls looked even better, of course, and were happy to see us. We spent the rest of the day looking over the boat, and then took a nap before going out to dinner. We found a nice restaurant and got a table, had dinner and drinks so the party could begin. When we returned to the boat, we were happy to see how it looked with the night lights on. It was a very pleasing sight to the eyes, and it looked magnificent in the slip.

Brownsville and Matamoros were on either side of the river, so we kept the boat in a marina on the U.S. side. The amenities were so much better on the American side, too. We had decided to keep the apartment in Mexico for work, and, in case we needed a hiding place if things got hot.

We knew we had to make a list of all the other things we wanted fixed or changed on the boat, but that could be done the next day. This night was for us.

We partied until three and then retired to our rooms to be with our suntanned, young women. It was all I could do to hold Tara down on the bed as I ate her great crotch. The master suite was just perfect with its own head and all built-in dressers. The guest room was great also with a fully equipped head just across the hall.

We had our usual coffee and fruit about nine that morning. Terry and I made a list of what we wanted accomplished while we were gone. We partied for a couple of days with the girls and cut a deal with the ships carpenter to make hidden compartments for guns and toot, and then left again for Mexico.

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