Slow Ride (Riding with Honor) (23 page)

BOOK: Slow Ride (Riding with Honor)
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She carried the diaper bag and her purse over one shoulder and Melody in her arms while Tommy collected the flowers
, balloons and the empty car seat.  As they walked toward the front door it suddenly opened and Gretchen came running out.

“I can help
, Daddy!” she said excitedly as she took the car seat from Tommy’s hand.

Gretchen dragged the seat up the walk and into the house
because carrying it was impossible since it was almost as big as her.  As they made their way through the door their guests whispered, “Surprise!”

Lilly came and relieved her of the diaper bag and purse while Gran took the flowers from Tommy and headed into the kitchen with them.  Tommy handed the balloons to Gretchen and said
, “One for each of you…and yes you can put it in your room”

“Come on
, my Chuckie!” Gretchen yelled startling Melody.

“Indoor voice and all that
,” Chuck told her as she grabbed his hand and yanked him up the stairs toward her room with the balloons flying behind her smacking him in the face.

Bobby gave Tommy a hug complete with a pounding on his back that made Dana wince.  The man was powerfully built in his upper chest and arms and Dana hoped he hadn’t winded Tommy. 

Tommy only laughed and was treated to more of the same from Dickie who stood next to Becca.  Everyone seemed to be talking at once.

She could feel herself tearing up again…she’d waited her whole life for this…to fit in…be a part…for a family of her own.  This ragtag bunch of bikers was just that…her people, her friends…family. 

Lilly put her arm around Dana’s shoulders and pulled Dana’s head down to her shoulder being careful of Melody and said, “Aww, come on sweetie…there’s something you need to see.”

Lilly lead her up the stairs and down the hall to Melody’s room with Tommy following behind.  As they passed Gretchen’s room, Chuck picked her up and followed behind Tommy.  Lilly opened the door and Dana gasped at the room.

A large hand painted mural went along the entire length of the far wall and depicted a young girl looking similar to Gretchen with her mouth open and musical notes coming out. 

The notes seemed to be blowing in the wind around the girl while an out of focus audience filled in all the space behind the girl.  The remaining walls appeared to have more audience members along the upper half
, so that standing in the center of the room and turning in a circle it was like the young girl was singing to a sold out stadium.

The crib was in the corner nearest the image of the young girl and had been painted
to appear as though it was security gating to keep the crowd back from the stage.  A dresser sat along the other side of the wall from the bed and appeared to be band members at a distance. 

A small toy box that looked like a piano sat along the other wall next to a rocking chair.  She was speechless as she slowly turned in a circle.  It was quite simply the most amazing thing she had ever seen.

As she finished turning she noticed Chuck standing in the doorway with Gretchen clinging to his neck.

“When did you do this?”
she asked him.

“This past week while you were gone
,” he replied with a knowing grin.  “I told you it was done.”

They discussed the paint job Chuck had
created and eventually made their way back downstairs, leaving her alone with Melody.  She sat in the rocking chair and Tommy brought up a bottle.  After feeding her and rocking her to sleep she put her in the crib, turned the mobile on low and the baby monitor as well.

As she headed downstairs she found them all in the living room eating pizza.  Gran brought her a plate with a couple of slices on it and a glass of
sweet tea.  She sat on the couch between Becca and Tommy and ate quietly as she listened to them talk.

Leaning over to her Tommy said against her head
, “That’s great what you did for Chuck.  I’ll thank you for it later.”

“So you have an apartment
, which is really good, but what about the GED classes?” Becca asked Chuck who was lying on his stomach on the floor while Gretchen walked on his back with her bare feet.

, my Chuckie… if I gots to go to school so do you!” Gretchen sang.

“If I
to go to school, so do you,” Dana corrected.

“I’m not sure which turns me on more, when you talk all proper and shit or when you groan out my name…” Tommy whispered in her ear.  Dana’s entire body seemed to react to his words.

“Gagging over here from all the dirty talk in this room,” Chuck said. “And I’m going Monday to register.  I already called about it so there…”

“Wow…Who is five years old and who is twenty two?” Lilly asked from where she sat on Bobby’s lap.

“You should listen to Miss Becca, Chuck…she knows about these things,” Gran said from the other side of Becca.

“I’ll listen if you want to order
around,” Dickie offered to Becca who frowned and looked away.

The banter continued for a while until finally Bobby lifted Lilly off his lap and said
, “We should get going.  I’m sure they’d like some time to settle in before calling it a night.”

Everyone moved to leave with hugs and congratulations being given freely as though she really were a new mother.  As Chuck
headed for the door he leaned in and said, “Thanks again for letting me use your apartment”.

“Thanks for painting Melody’s room and having it all ready to go
,” she replied.

After everyone had left Tommy turned to Gretchen
. “PJ’s and teeth brushing, little missy,” he said pointing to the stairs.

“Can’t I stay up until Miss Atkinson leaves
, Daddy?” she asked.

, we wanted to talk to you about something when you’re all ready for bed,” Tommy said.

That seemed to be the spark that ignited the fire behind her as she scurried up the stairs.  Tommy sat on the couch and pulled
Dana down next to him. 

After some thumping
followed briefly by running water and a few minutes had passed, Gretchen came back down the stairs and crawled up in Tommy’s lap.

she had settled in and rested her head back against Tommy’s chest he asked, “What would you think about Dana staying here with us?”

Sitting back up, she looked at Tommy and said
, “For how long?”

Tommy looked at Gretchen and then to her and said
, “For as long as she wants to.”

“She can stay in my room with me
,” Gretchen offered.

“Well I thought about that but my room is bigger and so is my bed
,” Tommy replied.

“Yea, I guess so.  Your bed would be better for the killer legs you said she had, huh
, Daddy?”

Tommy laug
hed and then coughed saying, “Were you listening in on other people’s conversations again, Gretchen?”

, Daddy, I’ll do better,” Gretchen said, turning around so she could see Dana.

Tommy winked at her across the top of Gretchen’s head and it was hard to focus on the child with
him looking at her that way. 

“Do you want to stay with us?” Gretchen asked her

“I’d like that
, Gretchen, if you don’t mind me being here,” she replied.

“I want you to stay here with us all the time
,” Gretchen said, picking up her hand and linking their fingers together. “Will you be like a mommy now instead of a teacher?”

After forcing the burning in her throat and behind her eyes into submission she said
, “I’ve never been a mommy before but I will give it a try with you and Melody.”

“Don’t worry…I’ll help
, just like at school,” Gretchen offered “Deal?”

,” she choked out.

“You can read my book and tuck me in instead of Daddy tonight.  I think mommies do that stuff too
,” Gretchen said.

Melody began to cry and Tommy looked at Gretchen and said
, “Show her the ropes and I’ll take care of Melody.”

, Daddy,” she said kissing his cheek and then hopping down off his lap.

Tommy headed up the stairs to look in on Melody while Gretchen sat next to her on the couch rubbing her hand.

After a few minutes Gretchen finally got up again and said, “We should probably go read that book now.”

“Ready when you are
,” she replied.

The next few days seemed to fly by in a flurry of activities.  Gretchen’s talent show at school, going for final fittings for the wedding, and moving her things out of the apartment kept her from worrying about the upcoming custody hearing too much. 

Melody seemed to settle in pretty well and seemed equally drawn to Chuck as much as Gretchen was.

The morning of the custody hearing was a rush as Tommy got Gretchen off to school and then headed to the courthouse to meet up with Becca while she got Melody off to Lilly’s sister Sherri’s house.  After settling Melody in she drove over to the courthouse as well.


Upon entering the courtroom she was relieved to see what she secretly referred to as her ‘makeshift family’ sitting behind Tommy.  Sliding in next to Lilly
, she grasped hands with her and gave her an imploring look.  Glancing at the table across from where Tommy sat she could see Casey’s attorney but not Casey. 
Where was she?

Thinking back
, she realized they hadn’t heard much from her over the past couple of weeks, at least to her knowledge.  Life had suddenly taken off like a sled going downhill on ice and she hadn’t given much thought to Casey or her whereabouts.  Becca had taken care of turning the CD in to local law enforcement.

judge entered the courtroom and sat down. After shuffling some papers he looked first at Tommy and then at Casey’s attorney.

“Where is your client?” t
he judge asked him.

“Your Honor, my client started an outpatient treatment program the day following the last hearing.  She successfully completed three days of treatment before…
disappearing.  I have not heard from her since then and unfortunately do not know of her whereabouts at this time,” he said. “I respectfully request a continuation of these proceedings.”

judge scowled at the man, “So because your client had more important things to do than appear before this court today and present good reason why she should be given parental rights concerning her child, I should continue this hearing?” he asked in disbelief.

Casey’s attorney turned red but merely shrugged his shoulders indicating he didn’t know what else to do.   “I apologize to the court on behalf of my client
, Your Honor”.

judge sighed and leaned back in his chair and looked over at Tommy. “I understand the child was released from the hospital this past week, is that correct?”

, Your Honor” Becca replied. “She is doing well with my client and her health and weight gain improves daily.”

Shaking his head and appearing disgusted the
judge turned back to Casey’s attorney and said, “Here is what I am prepared to do.  I am granting full custody to Mr. McMurray.  No visitation will be awarded at this time to Ms. Lawrence.  However, should she petition the court within three months of these proceedings for visitation privileges, I will hear her arguments at that time.”

“Thank you
, Your Honor,” he said.

“As I’m sure you are aware, Ms. Lawrence has another child with Mr. McMurray who she has no visitation with.  It seems as though history is repeating itself where your client is concerned.  It is the wish of the court that she
seeks treatment and sobriety before ever filing a motion for visitation.  Am I clear?  Do not allow your client to waste the time of this court and that of Mr. McMurray until such time as she is serious about treatment and serious about what is required to be a parent.  Child support will be assessed according to income.” the judge finished.

She was torn between joy that neither of the girls would be subjected to Casey’s addictions and neglect, yet saddened that
a mother could have so little concern that she couldn’t bother to even show up for court.  After the judge left the courtroom the group began congratulating both her and Tommy.

“It must break your heart that she would do that to those babies
,” Gran said, pressing her palm to Dana’s cheek.

She could only nod her response
, afraid to speak past the lump in her throat as everyone else celebrated.  Forcing the tears aside, she watched as Tommy approached and then hugged her to him.

“You know she’s a keeper
, Tommy, so don’t take too long to do the right thing by her,” Gran warned him shaking her finger.  Then picking up her purse from the bench she slowly made her way out of the courtroom.

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