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Authors: Jeremy Bowen

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‘Another Arab military critic': PRO/FCO 17/334: ‘The Middle East War and its Consequences', 30 May 1968.

‘A few days after he emerged': interview with El Dakhakny.


‘cowards and bastards': quote by Egyptian General Riyadh to Jordanian General Khammash, in Amman 4945, NSF, Box 110.

‘Israelis were not impressed': NSF, Box 110.

‘By the end of July': CIA Intelligence Information Cable, 31 July 1967, NSF, Box 110.

‘Nasser's biggest problem': interview with Howedi.

‘On 13 September': interview with Salah Amer, Cairo, 17 December 2002.

‘Thirty-five years on': interview with Howedi.

‘A week before he died': copy of testimony, along with inquest report and reopened investigation report provided by Amer's son Salah.

‘main source of danger': CIA Intelligence Information Cable, 22 September 1967.

‘many are saying that Zion': Cameron, p. 344.

‘reversed the policy of twenty years': NSC, 31 May 1967, Box 18.

‘after the doubts, confusions': Memo for LBJ from Harry C. McPherson, 11 June 1967: NSC, Box 18.

‘the time has passed': CIA Memo for J. P. Walsh, 3 August 1967,

‘it would create a revanchism': Notes of NSC Special Committee meeting, 14 June 1967, NSF.

‘not a prescription for peace': Remarks of the president at the National Foreign Policy Conference for Educators, 19 June 1967, NSC, Box 18.

‘We've lost something':
The Seventh Day,
p. 159.

‘Just after the war': Arthur Hertzberg,
New York Review of Books,
28 May 1987.

‘not a guarantee of peace': Eban,
Personal Witness,
p. 451.

‘an isolated realm of anxiety': ibid., p. 450.

‘taste for flags': ibid., p. 464.

‘Being a conqueror':
The Seventh Day,
pp. 113–14.

‘In November 1967': David Holden,
Sunday Times,
19 November 1967.

‘He was stretching one hand': Yael Dayan, pp. 107–11.

‘Hebron and Nablus': Weizman, pp. 156, 207.

‘emptied of their Jews': Wiesel, p. 80.

‘we've liberated Jerusalem':
The Seventh Day,
p. 139.

‘Some suggestions emerged': CIA Sitrep, 13 June 1967, NSC, Box 21.

‘I had the sense': interview with Hanan Porat.

‘The IDF is total sanctity': Kook, quoted in Eban, p. 469.

‘an astounding divine miracle': Rabbi O. Hadya, quoted in Roth, p. 220.

‘Gershom Scholem': Amos Elon,
New York Review of Books,
10 April 2003.

‘The Old City of Jerusalem': Rostow to LBJ, 6 July 1967, NSF, Box 110.

‘with all my soul':
The Seventh Day,
p. 219.

‘Jerusalem is ours': ibid., p. 100.

‘On 28 June': PRO/PREM 13/1622: Lewen (Jerusalem) to FCO, 29 June 1967.

‘administrative action': PRO/PREM 13/1622: Dean (Washington) to FCO, 29 June 1967.

‘the annexation of the Old City': PRO/PREM 13/1621: SoSFA to Tel Aviv, 16 June 1967 (sent 17 June).

‘Israelis wanted to believe': CIA Sitrep, 13 June 1967, NSC, Box 21.

‘as it waited for the Arabs': Gazit, p. 120.

‘By August Gideon Rafael': PRO/PREM 13/1623: Dean (Washington) to FCO, 19 August 1967.

‘the Arabs “seemed capable”': Hadow quotes from PRO/FCO 17/468, Israel: Annual Review for 1967, 22 January 1968.

‘Israeli leaders are deeply divided': Saunders Memo for Rostow, 4 December 1967, NSC, Box 104.

‘The overwhelming sentiment':
New York Times,
6 December 1967.

‘Moshe Dayan said':
p. 275

‘No one at all': Dean interview with Eban, 24 July 1967, NSF, Box 110.

‘Realising that trying': Pedatzur, pp. 40–8.

‘When, on 18 June': ISA G6304/10, Prime Minister's Office: Yael Uzai to Eshkol, 18 June 1967.

‘Various schemes for the future': Pedatzur, pp. 39–40.

‘Three days later': ISA 6303/3 Prime Minister's Office: Occupied Territories, July–December 1967.

‘The most influential plan': ISA G6304/10, Prime Minister's Office: Yigal Allon to Eshkol, 25 July 1967.

‘if Hussein embarks': PRO/PREM 13/1623: SoSFA to Washington, 27 July 1967.

‘an assassin's bullet': PRO/PREM 13/1623: Adams (Amman) to FCO, 8 September 1967.

‘At the end of August': PRO/FCO 17/36, 13 September 1967; FCO 17/36, 6 September 1967.

‘Caradon wanted it vague': PRO/PREM 13/1624: Caradon to FCO, 2 November 1967; PREM 13/1624, 22 November 1967.

‘greatly concerned': PRO/PREM 13/1621: Caradon to FCO, 12 June 1967 (sent 13 June).

‘The Arabs signed up': NSC, Tel Aviv Cables 4118 and 4137 to State Dept, 14/15 June 1967.

‘A CIA source in Israel': CIA Intelligence Information Cable, 14 July 67.

‘to blacken Hussein's image': NSF, Box 104.

‘If the Arabs were suddenly': PRO/FCO 17/468 Israel: Annual Review for 1967, 22 January 1968.

‘Don't allow yourself': interview with Churchill.

‘One such person': details of Kfar Etzion from
Jewish Action,
Winter 1999; interview with Hanan Porat; PRO/FCO 17/214, Hadow (Tel Aviv) to FCO, 26 June 1967.

‘the future of the West Bank': ISA G 6303/3, Prime Minister's Office: Occupied Territories, July–December 1967.

‘The plans for the establishment': PRO/FCO 17/230, 26 September 1967.

‘The Americans sent': PRO/FCO 17/214: Dean (Washington) to FCO, 30 June 1967.

‘only temporary military': PRO/FCO 17/230: FCO to Tel Aviv, 28 September 1967.

‘At the foreign ministry': PRO/FCO 17/230: Hadow (Tel Aviv) to FCO, 28 September 1967.

‘great gusts of theological emotion': Eban, p. 470.

‘The true frontier': quoted in Schiff, p. 85.

‘By 1967 the job of settling': Gazit, p. 151.

‘inevitable time bombs': ibid., p. 153.

‘encouraging note of dissent':
pp. 376–7.

‘On Israeli state radio': PRO/PREM 13/1622: SoSFA to Paris, 19 June 1967.

‘If our dreams come true':
Wall Street Journal,
14 July 1967.

‘no matter what they say':
Washington Post,
22 October 1967.

‘fast becoming a reality':
The Times,
10 November 1967.

‘Successive Israeli governments':
Crimes of War,
pp. 37–8.

‘broad and imaginative': NSC, 7 June 1967, Box 18.

‘In his speech on 19 June': NSC, 19 June 1967.

‘The hopes for any enduring settlement': PRO/PREM 13/1621: SoSFA to Tel Aviv, 13 June 1967.

‘extent of the movement': PRO/FCO 17/214, Hadow (Tel Aviv) to FCO, 26 June 1967; UNRWA figures in FCO 17/217: Crawford (Amman) to Moberly (Eastern Dept), 26 June 1967.

‘In Bethlehem': interview with Samir Elias Khouri, Bethlehem, 22 November 2002.

‘every facility to leave': PRO/FCO 17/214, 3 August 1967.

‘Israelis in favour of': ISA 6303/3 Prime Minister's Office: Occupied Territories July–December 1967.

‘colossal propaganda campaign': PRO/FCO 17/214: Moberly minute of talk with Mr Anug, Israeli Minister in London.

‘assisted emigration': PRO/FCO 17/214: draft telegram to Washington, 24 June 1967.

‘diplomat's “houseboy”': PRO/FCO 17/212: Pullar (Jerusalem) to FCO, 19 June 1967.

‘the process worked':
Washington Post,
23 June 1967; Haifa Khalidi also witnessed the scene at Damascus Gate: interview, Old City, 23 November 2002.

‘UNRWA': PRO/FCO 17/217: Crawford (Amman) to Moberly (Eastern Dept), 26 June 1967.

‘of their own free will': ISA G6303/5 Prime Minister's Office, 22 October 1967.

‘peasant farmers': Dodd and Barakat, p. 43; PRO/FCO 17/217, 31 October 1967.

‘Nils-Goran Gussing': CIA Directorate of Intelligence Special Report, Arab Territories under Israeli Occupation, 6 October 1967, NSF, Box 160.

‘young men in Gaza had no choice': PRO/FCO 17/214, 24 June 1967.

‘Israel would like to retain Gaza': CIA, Main Issues in a Middle East Settlement, 13 July 1967, NSF, Box 104.

‘500 new refugees were crossing': PRO/FCO: Crawford (Jerusalem) to Moberly (Eastern Dept), 16 October 1967.

‘The news that Jews': PRO/FCO 17/216: Crawford (Amman) to Moberly (Eastern Dept), 2 October 1967.

‘By September 1967': PRO/FCO 17/212: Lewen (Jerusalem) to Moberly (Eastern Dept), 12 September 1967.

‘to permit continuation': ISA G6303/5 Prime Minister's Office, 30 August 1967.

‘the British foreign secretary': PRO/CAB 129, Vol. 133, Part 1 C(67)150, 13 September 1967.

‘half-hearted': PRO/FCO 17/215, 1 September 1967 and 19 September 1967.

‘argument about petty details': PRO/FCO 17/216: Hadow (Tel Aviv) to FCO, 26 September 1967; also 28 September 1967; FCO 17/214: Tel Aviv to FCO, 25 July 1967.

‘increasing evidence': PRO/FCO: Crawford (Jerusalem) to Moberly (Eastern Dept), 11 December 1967.

‘did not want to find itself': PRO/PREM 13/1623, 30 August 1967.

‘if I were in their place': Eban, p. 464.

‘A typical night': IDF 100/438/1969: telegram 0900, 8 July 1967.

‘more serious incidents': PRO/FCO 17/468, Israel: Annual Review for 1967, 22 January 1968.

‘June 1965': PRO/FCO 17/576: McIntyre (Tel Aviv) to MoD, 21 February 1967.

‘until the outbreak of war':
pp. 175–8.

‘end of the war and February 1968': Moshe Dayan's figures quoted in PRO/FCO 17/577, DA/5/2/68: Rogers (Tel Aviv) to MoD, 16 February 1968.

‘In some refugee camps': PRO/FCO 17/212: Lewen (Jerusalem) to Moberly (Eastern Dept), 16 November 1967.

‘spokesman for Brigadier-General Narkiss':
Sunday Times,
19 November 1967.

‘On 20 November': PRO/FCO 17/475: Amman to FCO, 20 November 1967.

‘Israel finally sent': Pollack, pp. 330–5.

‘all too easy to run a truck': PRO/FCO 17B: Hadow (Tel Aviv) to Moore (Eastern Dept), 28 March 1968.

‘A year after the 1967 war': interview with Winston Churchill.


‘When two rabbis from Vienna': Shlaim, p. 3.

‘Six weeks after the end of the war': PRO/PREM 13/1623: Hadow (Tel Aviv) to FCO, 1 August 1967.


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