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Authors: Jeremy Bowen

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‘The daughters of Colonel': interview with Mordechai Bar, Jerusalem, 25 November 2002.

‘Israeli pilots were going to dive-bomb': PRO/AIR 77/581, March 1968: altitude and operational details in PRO/FCO 17/576, 29 June 1967.

‘Everybody started to talk': interview with Hod.

‘We were sure that our Egyptian fighters': quote from Murtagi in El-Gamasy, p. 53.

‘At General Salah Muhsin's': interview with Salim.

‘It was the day of the final': interview with Kamel Sulaiman Shaheen, Deiral Balah, 30 November 2002.

‘His job was to keep an eye': interview with General Ibrahim El Dakhakny, Cairo, 19 December 2002.

‘Chief of Staff Rabin phoned': from IDF Southern Command publication, quoted in
Mission Survival,
p. 175.

‘Further south': Barker,
Six-Day War,
pp. 79–80; Pollack, p. 64.

‘Orr gave his men a last briefing': Orr, ‘Bamahane',

‘simple messages': IDF press release, 6 June 1967, quoted in
Mission Survival,
p. 177.

‘In his final briefing Tal': Bar On, p. 38.

‘King Hussein was at home with his family': Snow, p. 139.

‘Ihsan Shurdom lay': interview with Shurdom.

‘They asked us to give them': Hussein,
My ‘War' With Israel,
pp. 60–1.

‘When the King and the others': ibid., p. 66.

‘before the war the Royal Jordanian Air Force': IDF 1983/1210/147.

‘on Beni Sweif': interview with Bodinger.

‘At Inshas base': interview with Ronen.

‘Murtagi's command post': interview with Murtagi.

‘Among the weaknesses': PRO/AIR 77/581, March 1968.

‘Egypt's entire air defence': interview with Hadidi: he presided over the first court martial of the heads of the air force and the air defence system after the war.

‘In Tel Aviv': Weizman, p. 216.

‘Israel's air force commander': interview with Hod.

‘Mohamed Heikal told his readers': Heikal in
13 October 1967, quoted in
p. 214.

‘But it was yet another bonus': Barker, p. 62.

‘At Egypt's base at Bir Tamada': interview with Ali Mohammed, Cairo, 14 December 2002.

‘Vice President Shafei': interview with Hussein al Shafei, Cairo, 15 December 2002.

‘Mahmoud Riad, the foreign minister of Egypt': Riad, p. 23.

‘Trevor Armbrister': Trevor Armbrister, ‘Letter from Cairo',
Saturday Evening Post,
29 July 1967, quoted in Chace, pp. 111–12.

‘Winston Burdett': Burdett, p. 317.

‘No one at the Soviet Embassy': Sergei Tarasenko, ‘Blitzkrieg in Sinai',
Novoe Vremya,
No. 21, 1997, pp. 32–3.

‘On the streets': Armbrister in Chace, pp. 111–12.

‘At first, Cairo Radio': both quotes from Cairo Radio in War File, p. 71.

‘I lay down': Draz, pp. 49–54.

‘Tal's division': Van Creveld, p. 184; Barker, pp. 80–1; Dupuy, pp. 249–52.

‘Orr, following on up the road': Orr, ‘Bamahane'.

‘Ramadan Mohammed Iraqi': interview with Ramadan Mohammad Iraqi, Cairo, 17 December 2002.

‘UNEF troops': UN S/7930, 5 June 1967,

‘Major El Dakhakny': interview with El Dakhakny.

‘Fayek Abdul Mezied': interview with Fayek Abdul Mezied, Qalqilya, 29 November 2002.

‘The bloodiest battle': Morris, pp. 413–18; Van Creveld, p. 141.

‘On 5 June': Mutawi, p. 135.

‘As well as the Jordanian army': interview with Tawfik Mahmud Afaneh, Qalqilya, 29 November 2002.

‘Memdour Nufel had always wanted': interview with Memdour Nufel, Ramallah, 25 November 2002.

‘Various estimates': Sayigh, p. 139.

‘Dayan did a very clever thing': interview with Meir Amit, Herzliya, 26 November 2002.

‘This morning Egypt': Tel Aviv Cable 3924 to State, 5 June 1967, NSF, Box 23.

‘Hussein told Bull': Hussein, pp. 64–5.

‘Bullets narrowly missed': PRO/FCO 17/489: Pullar (Jerusalem) to FCO, 5 June 1967.

‘In a “distinctly chilly” way': PRO/FCO 17/492: Pullar (Jerusalem) to FCO, 5 June 1967.

‘John Tleel, a Palestinian dentist': Tleel, p. 156; interview with Tleel, Jerusalem, 8 May 2002.

‘Anwar Nusseibeh heard the news': Nusseibeh quote from Moskin, p. 104.

‘One crackpot scheme': Schliefer, p. 168.

‘260 Enfield rifles, 20 Sten': ibid., p. 174.

‘In Amman the Jordanian minister': interview with Leila Sharaf, 8 June 2002.

‘In Tel Aviv at midday': Memo for LBJ from McPherson, 11 June 1967, NSC, Box 18.

‘At the end of June': report of Hod news conference,
30 June 1967, quoted in
Mission Survival,
p. 162.

‘By 0430 Walt Rostow': interview with Rostow.

‘The CIA recalled that': President's Daily Brief, 5 June 1967, NSC, Box 19.

‘Johnson, still in his bedroom': Memo for the record: Walt Rostow's Recollections of 5 June 1967, Box 18; also Memo from George Christian, 7 June 1967, NSC, Box 19.

‘Bundy was made executive secretary': Memo for the record by Harold Saunders, 16 May–13 June, 20 December 1968, NSF.

‘A group of foreign correspondents': Armbrister in Chace, pp. 111–12.

‘US diplomats reported': Cairo Cable 8504 to State, NSC, 5 June 67, Box 23.

‘Outside, the sky': Hewat (ed.),
War File,
pp. 66–7.

‘At 1110 Bakr': Armbrister in Chace, pp. 111–12.

‘Eric Rouleau': E. Rouleau, J. F. Held, S. Lacouture,
Israel et les Arabes: le 3me Combat,
quoted in
p. 217.

‘The speaker of the Egyptian': Sadat, p. 174.

‘The Jordanians gave up waiting': Mutawi, p. 127: Hussein, p. 65.

‘In Damascus in the morning': PRO/FCO 17/489: Evans (Damascus) to FCO, 5 June 1967.

‘At 5 a.m. Gideon Rafael': USUN Cable 5623 to State, 5 June 1967, NSC, Box 23.

‘Within minutes': interview with General Salahadeen Hadidi, Cairo, 12 December 2002.

‘Anwar El Sadat': Sadat, p. 175.

‘Around 11 o'clock': Boghdady's account from Abu Zikri, pp. 295–304.

‘The forces in the Sinai': Dupuy, p. 265.

‘The next phone call came from Nasser': El-Gamasy, p. 57.

‘Mohamed Hassanein Heikal': Mohamed Hassanein Heikal,
The Cairo Documents,
p. 247.

‘Vice-President Shafei': interview with Hussein al Shafei.

‘A reporter from the Israeli army': Yosef Bar Yosef, IDF Magazine.

‘Somehow, six Tupolev': Riad, pp. 24–5.

‘In Libya, the US': Cable from Benghazi to State, 5 June 1967, NSC, Box 23.

‘Two hours later': ibid.

‘In Yemen': Cable 750 to State, 5 June 1967, NSC, Box 23.

‘In Basra, in southern Iraq': Baghdad Cable 2089 to State, 5 June 1967, NSC, Box 23.

‘Aharon Yariv': IDF 1076/192/1974: Rabin and his staff meet.

‘Saad el Shazli': interview with General Saad el Shazli, 16 December 2002.

‘Ihsan Shurdom': interview with Ihsan Shurdom, Amman, 5 June 1967.

‘Below them, on the runway': interview with Jordanian air force engineer, name withheld on request.

‘The squadron commander': Hussein, p. 72.

‘Israel bombed our airbases': ibid., p. 71.

‘A year later': Dept of State from American Embassy, Amman, 3 June 1968; Memo of interview, 30 May 1968.

‘It was called Operation Tariq': Muttawi, p. 125.

‘According to Ziad Rifai': Hussein, p. 70.

‘Pressing hard': Weizman, p. 205.

‘Throughout the morning': IDF 1076/192/1974: discussion of war in Jerusalem.

‘In charge was Aaron Kamera': interview with Aaron Kamera, 5 May 2002.

‘A group of men': Kibbutz Nachshon bulletin courtesy Moshe Yotvat.

‘Israel's 55th Paratroop Brigade': interviews with Jacov Hetz (Chaimowitz), Yokneam, 26 November 2002, and Arie Weiner, Jerusalem, 9 May 2002.

‘Old municipal buses': interview with Hanan Porat, Kfar Etzion, 3 December 2002.

‘He shouted': Roth, p. 212.

‘General Rabin at GHQ': Narkiss, p. 117.

‘The Israelis had a plan': account of Government House battle interview with Asher Dar (Drizen), Tel Aviv, 19 April 2002; Hammel, p. 297; Pollack, p. 300.

‘An Israeli corporal': Rabinovich, pp. 116–17; Narkiss, p. 127.

‘For the second time': Bull, p. 115.

‘Abu Agheila was': Dupuy, pp. 257–8.

‘General Narkiss's mobile': Narkiss, p. 123.

‘They put the line': Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson, Memo: ‘The Hot Line Exchanges', 4 November 1968, NSC, Box 19.

‘At 0730': note from President's Appointment File, 5 June 1967, NSF, Box 67.

‘The runway was unusable': interview with Jordanian aircraft engineer; name withheld at his request.

‘After the capture of Government House': interview with Asher Dar (Drizen)

‘Teddy Kollek … picked up Ruth Dayan': Kollek, pp. 190–3.

‘We will dine in Tel Aviv': Schliefer, p. 174.

‘Colonel Uri Ben Ari': interviews with Uri Ben Ari, Tel Aviv, 18 April 2002 and Hagai Mann, Jerusalem, 24 November 2002; Dupuy pp. 281, 295; Muttawi, p. 130; Pollack, pp. 303–4.

‘An Israeli tank commander': IDF 1076/192/1974: discussion of war in Jerusalem.

‘At about five': Kahalani, pp. 54–5.

‘Major Ehud Elad': Teveth, pp. 190–201.

‘At the State Department in Foggy Bottom': Memo from Joe Califano to LBJ; Press statement by Dean Rusk; Memo from Larry Levinson and Beu Wattenberg to LBJ; Memo from Walt Rostow to LBJ: all documents in NSC, Box 18.

‘The Soviet delegation': Shevchenko, p. 133.

‘As he was kissing': Eban,
Personal Witness,
p. 413.

‘Millions of television': Shevchenko, p. 121.

‘When at last instructions': ibid., p. 134.

‘Moscow also took military': Isabella Ginor, ‘The Russians Were Coming: The Soviet Military Threat in the 1967 Six-Day War',
Middle East Review of International Affairs,
Vol. 4 No. 4, December 2000.

‘Ambassador Goldberg': Memo to Arthur Goldberg, chronology of Soviet delay on Security Council meetings, 26 June 1967, State Dept Historical project: both in NSC, Box 20; also Gideon Rafael,
Destination Peace,
pp. 153–8.

‘But in a private meeting': Shevchenko, p. 134.

‘President Johnson summoned his new “Special Committee”: McGeorge Bundy on the hotline meetings and the Middle East, 7 November 1968, NSC, Box 19; Rostow, Memo for the Record, 17 November 1967, NSC, Box 18.

‘When, in late afternoon': Memo for the Record, ‘Who fired the first shot', 19 December 1968; CIA analysis, 5 June 1967; Rostow, Memo for the Record, 17 November 1968: all NSF, Box 18.

‘The State Department's own legal advice': Memo from Leonard C. Meeker, legal adviser to Secretary of State Rusk, 5 June 1967, NSC, Box 18.

‘Abu Deeb, the
': Hikmat Deeb Ali's story based on oral history in
Homeland: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians,
pp. 55–9.

‘By six, Brig. Gen. Avraham Yoffe's': Churchill, p. 112; Barker, p. 87.

‘Ori Orr': Orr, IDF Magazine.

‘The commander of Israel's southern front': Elon, pp. 11–12.

‘Rabin called Gavish': interview with Gavish.

‘The Egyptians do not like': quote in Churchill, p. 118.

‘Ariel Sharon rubbed his hands': Dayan, p. 48; account of Abu Agheila fighting from Van Creveld, pp. 186–7; Barker,
Arab-Israeli Wars,
p. 70; Pollack, pp. 67–70; Dupuy, pp. 258–63.

‘One of their doctors': Dayan, p. 56.

‘By eight in the morning':
War File,
pp. 74–8.

‘At Central Command': interview with General Hadidi.

‘The US Embassy': Cairo Cable 8539 to State, 5 June 1967, NSC, Box 23.

‘Anwar El Sadat': Sadat, p. 176.

‘The editors in the newsroom': Elkins quote from Moskin, p. 69.

‘less than fifteen hours': Elkins, dispatch quoted in
War File,
p. 70.

‘The Jordanian command': Schliefer, pp. 175–6.

‘Tel Aviv disappeared': Cameron, p. 337.

‘Since mid-afternoon': Memos from Rostow to LBJ, 5 June 1967, NSC, Box 18.

Day Two

‘The Israeli paratroops': Fighting at Ammunition Hill based on interviews with Hagai Mann, Doron Mor, Jacov Hetz (Chaimowitz), Arie Weiner and Shimon Cahaner, Jerusalem, 9 May 2002; also Pollack, p. 305; Moskin, pp. 258–9; Muttawi, pp. 133–4.

‘But General Narkiss wanted': Narkiss, pp. 156–7.

‘At least sixty men were wounded': Diary of Central Command, 6 June 1967, quoted in
Mission Survival,
p. 225.

‘Waiting in a jeep': interview with Yoel Herzl, Netanya, 6 May 2002.

‘this was fighting of a sort': Gur, quoted in Churchill, p. 134.

‘A mile away in the Old City': Schliefer, p. 179.

‘Tank fire could have finished': Moskin, p. 272.

‘You'd approach a house': interview with Yoseph Schwartz, Jerusalem, 9 May 1967.

‘the noise was deafening': Rose, pp. 263–4.

‘Before the Israeli troops': Schliefer, p. 183.

‘Moshe Yotvat': interview with Moshe Yotvat, Tel Aviv, 7 May 2002.

‘Among them was Yossi Ally': Kibbutz Nachshon bulletin, 6 June 1968.

‘Hikmat Deeb Ali': Hikmat Deeb Ali's story based on oral history in Lynd (ed.)
Homeland: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians,
pp. 55–9.

‘In Beit Nuba': Dodds and Barakat, p. 39; also PRO FCO 17/217: ‘Jordan's 1967 Refugees': a research report by the American University of Beirut, 31 October 1967.

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