Sisters in Law (58 page)

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Authors: Linda Hirshman

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House Un-American Activities Committee, 10, 11

Hoyt v. Florida
, 36, 90, 91–93

“If” (Kipling), 8

Illinois, Bradwell v.
, 92, 269–70

immigration and parentage, 246–50

INS, Nguyen v.
, 263–64

Internal Revenue Code on men as caretakers, 32–33

Internet blog:
Notorious R.B.G.
, 289–90, 292, 295, 299

Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education
, 265–66

James Madison High School, Brooklyn, New York, 6

J.E.B. v. Alabama
, 224–28

Jewish lawyers and “The Year of Our Lord” on certificates of admission, 213

Johnson, Josh, 292

Johnson v. Santa Clara Transportation Authority
, 170–72, 208–9

judiciary and politics, xvi, 53, 183

Junior League, 20

juries, defendant's right to shape, 228–29, 230

jury service, 224.
See also
sex discrimination in jury service

Kagan, Elena, 278, 298–99

Kahn, Melvin, 85, 94

Kahn v. Shevin
, 85–87, 96–98, 99

Keith, Judith, 233–34

Kelly, Mary F., 39–40, 156

Kennedy, Anthony,

appointment, 174

Bush v. Gore
, 256

Ferguson v. Charleston
, 262

Gonzales v. Carhart
, 296

Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education
, 266

Nguyen v. INS
, 263–64

Planned Parenthood v. Casey
, 192–94, 250–51, 295

Bush v. Gore
liberal votes, 260

and Scalia, 193

Stenberg v. Carhart
, 250, 251, 253

as swing vote, 279

University of Texas Southwestern Hospital v. Nassar
, 284

and women's equality, 219–20, 252–53, 260–61, 262–65, 269–70

Kennedy, Cornelia, 151

Kennedy, Edward, 133

Kenyon, Dorothy, 38

King & Spalding, Atlanta, Georgia, 157–58

King & Spalding, Hishon v.
, 157, 158–60, 161

Kipling, Rudyard, 8

Kiser, Jackson, 237, 238

Klain, Ron, 208

Klein, Joel, 207–8

Knizhnik, Shana, 289–, 299

Kolbert, Kathryn, 191, 192

Kozinski, Alex, 215

Krauskopf, Joan, 54

Kurland, Philip, 52–53, 102

Lago Vista Independent School District, Gebser v.
, 246, 247

law firms and women

Ginsburg's dead-end summer job at Paul, Weiss, 20

Hishon v. King & Spalding
, 157, 158–60, 161

lawsuits for equal treatment, 156–57, 158–60, 161

O'Connor offered legal secretary position post-graduation, xiv, xix, 13–14

O'Connor's rejections, 13

women presumed to be incompetent, 160–61

Lazy B
(O'Connor and Day), 3–4

legal equality, 102

legal profession and ERA, 51–53

legal social change movements, xvi, xx–xxi.
See also
Ginsburg's strategy for equality feminism; racial social movement

legal system in the United States, 36–37, 42

lesbianism, 64–65, 146

Levin, Joseph, 69–70, 71–73

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009), 276

Lilly Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber
, 274–76

Lindh, Patricia, 126–27

Lippman, Mark, 176

London, England, legal conference, 129–30

Louisiana, 90, 92–93, 280–81

Lutzker, Shelly, 59

MacKinnon, Catharine, 163, 202, 203

MacKinnon, George, 163

Madison, Dolly, 40

Madison Lecture series at NYU, 203–5

Mandil, Daniel, 187

Mann, Jonathan, 295, 296

“Marriage Agreement, A” (Shulman), 27–28

Marriage of Figaro, The
(Mozart), 293

Marshall, Thurgood, xvi, 42

Brown v. Board of Education
, 40, 117–18, 140, 144–45, 273

case selection, 65

Mary Baldwin College solution to VMI, 238–39

McBridge, Andrew, 187

McCain, John, 181

McCarthy, Joseph, and McCarthyism, 9–10, 11

McFeathers, Ann, 131

McGregor, Ruth, 132–33, 136, 138–39

McKissick, Floyd, 38

Mellor, Mary-Audrey Weicker, 136

Meritor Savings Bank, FSB v. Vinson
, 164–68, 216

Michelman, Kate, 205

Miller, Charles, 246

Miller v. Albright
, 246–47

Mill, John Stuart, 243

Mills, Cheryl, 205

Millstein, Ira, 110, 113

Mississippi University for Women (MUW, the W), 138, 139–40, 141. See also
Hogan v. Mississippi

Missouri, 111, 150–52, 186–90, 227

Missouri Citizens for Life (MCL), 150, 186

mixed-motive cases, 284–85

Moberg, Eva, 21–22, 26, 27

Monaghan, Henry, 278

Monroe County Board of Education, Davis v.
, 247–48

Monsoor, Debra, 60

Moore, Frank, 112

Morgan, Charles, 158

Moritz, Charles, 32–33

Moritz v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue
, 33–34, 39, 43, 55

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 200–201

Murray, Bob, 137

Murray, Pauli, 38, 65

Myrdal, Gunnar, 40

Nassar, University of Texas Southwestern Hospital v.
, 284–85

National Association of Law Women, 29

National Association of Women Judges, xxii, 208

National Conference on Women and the Law, George Washington Law School, 154–55

National Organization for Women (NOW), 63–66, 133–34

near-beer case in Oklahoma, 105–8

Nebraska, 250–51

Neier, Aryeh, 39, 57–58, 61, 63, 66, 108–9

Ness, Susan, 111

Nevada, 265

Nevada v. Hibbs
, 265, 282–83

New England School of Law, Boston, Massachusetts, 149

Nguyen v. INS
, 263–64

Nicastro, Robert, 281–82

Nixon, Richard, 42, 117, 121–22, 131

Notorious B.I.G., 289

Notorious R.B.G.
Internet blog, 289–90, 292, 295, 299

Nussbaum, Bernard, 201, 206–7

Oberly, Kathryn, 180

O'Connor and Ginsburg comparisons

abortion issue, 60, 184–85, 209

affirmative action, 170–72, 208–9

constitutional interpretation, 209, 210

and ERA battle, 49–50

mentors, 8–11

pre-Supreme Court, xvii–xix

relationships with others, xxi–xxii

road to the Supreme Court, xv–xix

self-respect and regard for others, xx–xxii

speaking about Ellen Ash Peters, 231–32

on Supreme Court, xxii–xxiii

visions of the present world, 210

O'Connor and Ginsburg differentiation with T-shirts, xxii, 208

O'Connor, Sandra Day,

and abortion issue, 60, 131, 134, 150–54, 184, 251

on blessings of marriage, 46

and Burger, 128–31, 135, 168–69

and Bush, George H. W., 181, 182, 192

cancer diagnosis, 181

and cap on taxes issue, 123, 124

constitutional interpretation, 152–53, 189, 209, 210

criticism of, 196

delegation to France, 176

demeanor, xxiii

and different-voice theory, 203–4, 233, 300

and ERA, 47, 48–50

family first philosophy, xviii, 46, 131, 132, 147–48

and feminism, 118–19

and Ginsburg, 155, 178, 222–24, 231–33, 270, 298–301

and Goldwater, xxii, 123, 131, 181

at Mormon church service, 133

and Nixon, 46–47, 117, 119, 122

and Reagan, xiv, 123, 130, 131–32

and Rehnquist, 118–21

and social change, 172

on women in the law profession, 161–62

See also
O'Connor and Ginsburg comparisons

O'Connor, biographical information

as Arizona Court of Appeals judge, 129

as Arizona State Senator, 23–24, 25, 45–50, 122–24, 134

as assistant attorney general, 23

cancer diagnosis, 176–78

childhood, xxiii, 3–5

as criminal trial judge, 124–25

legal secretary position offer, xiv, xix, 13–14

as newly-graduated lawyer, xiv, xix, 13–14, 18–19

photographic memory, 148

pre-Supreme Court, xv–xvi, xvii, xviii, xx

and Rathbun, 9, 258

at Stanford, 5, 7–9

at Stanford Law School, 12–14

on Supreme Court, xv, xxii, xxiii

as wife and mother, 20, 24–25

O'Connor on the Supreme Court

overview, 174–75, 183, 195–96, 219, 221, 222, 230–31, 298, 299, 300

abortion issue analysis, 150–54

and affirmative action, 119, 171–72, 208–9

all-female aerobics class, 147, 175, 244

appointment and confirmation hearings, xiv, 130–35

Bush v. Gore
, 255–59

clerks, 174–75, 187, 222–23

on defendant's right to shape juries, 228–29

Harris v. Forklift Systems
, 217, 218

Hishon v. King & Spalding
, 160

Hogan v. Mississippi
, xii–xiii, 141–43, 145–46

Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education
, 266

J.E.B. v. Alabama
, 228–29

Johnson v. Santa Clara Transportation Authority
, 171–72, 208

legacy, 266–68

Meritor Savings Bank
FSB v. Vinson
, 165–66, 167–68, 216

office disorder on arrival, 136

Planned Parenthood v. Casey
, 192–96

Bush v. Gore
support for women's equality, 259–60

Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins
, 182–83, 285

public speaking and events, 147–49

road to, xv–xix, 127–30

Stenberg v. Carhart
, 251

swearing-in ceremony, 135, 146–47

United States v. Virginia
, xii, 241–42

O'Connor, John, III (husband), 13, 18–19, 46, 132–33, 137–38, 255, 267

Ogg, Mary Fran, 124–25

Olson, Theodore, 240

Oncale v. Sundowner
, 221, 222

O'Neill, John E., 96–97

Palme, Olof, 22, 26

Palmieri, Edmund, 21

“partial birth” abortions, 250–51, 268–70

Paul, Alice, xvii

Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, New York, New York, 20

Pennsylvania's sex-segregated schools, 237

Peratis, Kathleen, 65

peremptory challenges of state vs. defendant, 228–29

Perkins, Charles, 140

Peters, Ellen Ash, 231–32

Pickrell, Bob, 23

Planned Parenthood, 79

Planned Parenthood v. Casey
, 190–96, 295

Plessy v. Ferguson
, 118, 144


and abortion issue, 191, 204–5

in Arizona, 19–20, 119–20

of equal rights, 88–89

and judiciary, xvi, 53, 183

and makeup of the Supreme Court, 181–82

O'Connor's, 255, 257–58

women and Republican Party, 130

Posner, Richard, 215

Post, David, 211–12

Post, Suzy, 38

Powell, Lewis

Califano v. Goldfarb
, 104, 107

Clark as clerk, 88–90, 91, 98–99, 105, 144

ERA argument in
Frontiero v. Richardson
decision, 76–77

Hishon v. King & Spalding
, 160

Hogan v. Mississippi
, 143–46

Nixon's appointment of, 75

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