Sisters in Law (56 page)

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Authors: Linda Hirshman

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Rathbun, Harry J. Audio recording, 1955, Stanford Digital Repository,


“Arizona's Expenditure and Tax Limitation Proposal: An Analysis of Proposition 106,” Arizona State University Papers in Public Administration, 1974, O'Connor files, Arizona History and Archives, 5:2.

The Nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, to Be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States: Hearings Before the S. Comm. on the Judiciary, 103d Cong. 127 (1993),

William H. Rehnquist, “A Random Thought on the Segregation Cases,” 1952,

“Sandra Day O'Connor House,” Tempe Preservation on Flickr,

“Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Chief Justice Warren Burger on Steps of Supreme Court, Washington DC,” image, Ron Bennett Photography,

“Uniform Disposition of Community Property Rights at Death Act,” National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, August 21–28, 1971, %20property%20rights/udcprda%201971.pdf.

Welborn, Angie A.
The Law of Church and State
Selected Opinions of Justice O'Connor
. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Report for Congress, July 20, 2005,


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Note: Page numbers in
indicate a photograph.

Abernathy, Charles, 72

abortion issue

overview, 204–5

doctors' awareness of women dying from illegal abortions, 78–79

D&X or partial birth abortions, 250–53, 268–70

and feminist movement, 79–80

and Ginsburg, 60, 61, 80–81, 184–85, 204, 205, 209

and health of the pregnant woman, 79–80, 152–54, 185, 194, 250–52

and O'Connor, 60, 131, 134, 150–54, 184, 251

prohibition on giving foreign aid for abortions, 259

separation from feminism, 78–79

and Supreme Court, 61–62, 82–83

and thalidomide, 79

undue-burden standard, 153–54, 194–96, 251–52

U.S. military attempt to force an abortion, 61–62, 188

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
, 186–90

women asking their husbands before an abortion, 191, 194–95, 268

See also
anti-abortion movement;
Roe v. Wade

abusive work environment, defining, 218

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

and ERA, 37–38, 39

and Ford Foundation, 61

and Ginsburg's Harvard professorship, 56–57

case, 33–34, 39, 43

Planned Parenthood v. Casey
, 191

policy on women's equality, 55–56

Reed v. Reed
, 34–35

resistance to integration of women, 58

women's caucus, 38–39, 58

ACLU Women's Rights Project

overview, 62–63

agenda-setting conference with NOW, 63–66

areas for action, 59–60

creation of, 57–58

and Ginsburg, xvii, 58

offices in midtown Manhattan, 59

Reed v. Reed
, xxi

See also
Ginsburg's cases before the Supreme Court

Adams, Abigail, 38

affirmative action

and ERA, 85

Fisher v. University of Texas
, 285–87

and Ginsburg, 170–71, 208–9, 286–87

and O'Connor, 119, 171–72

resistance to, 169–70

Scalia on, 119

Sotomayor's dissent on Roberts's roll back, 301

Supreme Court on, 170–72, 286–87

Akron v. Akron Reproductive Center
, 152–54, 184–85


African Americans voting in, 287–88

Frontiero v. Richardson
, 69–77, 97, 142–43

J.E.B. v. Alabama
, 224–28

Lilly Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber
, 274–76

Albright, Miller v.
, 246–47

Alexander, Michelle, 228

Alito, Samuel

appointment and confirmation, 259, 268

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby
, 293, 294

and Third Circuit ruling on
Planned Parenthood v. Casey
, 190, 268

American Bar Association, 51, 66, 110, 160–61

American Civil Liberties Union.

American Law Institute (ALI), 79

American Nurses Association, 143

anti-abortion movement

Akron v. Akron Reproductive Center
, 152–54, 184–85

and Bush, George W., 252, 257, 259

in Missouri, 150–52, 186–90

and O'Connor, 131

Planned Parenthood v. Casey
, 190–96, 295

states' hurdles to abortion, 60, 186–90, 195–96

and States' rights, 251

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
, 186–90


abortion issue, 60

Burger's trip to, 127–29

law limiting women's work hours, 47

O'Connor as Arizona Court of Appeals judge, 129

O'Connor as Arizona State Senator, 23–24, 25, 45–50, 122–24, 134

O'Connor childhood, xviii–xix, 3–5

politics in, 19–20, 119–20

Armstrong, Anne, 126–27

Armstrong, Tobin, 126

Askin, Frank, 22–23, 25

Atlantic Monthly
special issue on women, 45–46

Babbitt, Bruce, 129, 200

Babcock, Barbara, 147–48, 205

Bader, Celia (mother), xix, 6, 7, 200

Bader, Kiki, 7.
See also
entries beginning with
“Ginsburg, Ruth Bader”

Bader, Nathan (father), 5–6

Baker, Jim, 137

Bakke, Allan, 170

Ballard, Schlesinger v.
, 89–90, 227

Ball State, Vance v.
, 284

Barnes, Paulette, 163

Barr, Burton, 123–24

bathing suit (wet T-shirt) contest at King & Spalding, 157–58, 162

Baxter, Hugh, 218–19, 222

Bellagio Center, Lake Como, Italy, 108

Bemiss, Fitzgerald, 137

Benshoof, Janet, 289

Berkeley Law School, Berkeley, California, 87–88

Berresford, Susan, 63

Berzon, Marsha, 87–88, 99

Biden, Joe, 134

“bird shit” case
(F.S. Royster Guano v. Virginia)
, 43–44

Birmingham Board of Education, Jackson v
., 265–66

birth control and health insurance case, 292–95

Biskupic, Joan, 3, 133

Black, Hugo, 41

Blackmun, Harry,

appointment, 41–42

and Ginsburg, 225, 226, 227–28

Harris v. Forklift Systems
, 217, 218

J.E.B. v. Alabama
, 226

on legal feminism, 75–76

and O'Connor, 151, 225–26

Roe v. Wade
, 78

and strict scrutiny of sex discrimination, 76

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
, 186–90

Weinberger v. Wiesenfeld
, 98, 100

Blank, Diane, 156–57

Board of Education, Brown v.
, 40, 117–18, 140, 144–45, 273

Bolton, Doe v.
, 80

Boren, Craig v.
, 105–8, 142

Bork, Robert, and borking, 208

Born, Brooksley, 160–61

Bowen, Catherine Drinker, 45

Bradwell v. Illinois
, 92, 269–70

Braibant, Guy, 176

Brandeis, Louis, 40, 273

Braun, Carol Moseley, 199

Brennan, William

Berzon as clerk, 87–88, 99

Califano v. Goldfarb
, 104

Craig v. Boren
, 107

and Ginsburg's argument for strict scrutiny of sex discrimination, 75–76, 77

Hishon v. King & Spalding
, 159

Johnson v. Santa Clara Transportation Authority
, 171–72

and O'Connor, xxi

Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins
, 182

raising the standard for sex discrimination laws, 107

refusing to hire a female clerk, 21

Weinberger v. Wiesenfeld
, 100

Breyer, Stephen, 176, 205–6, 240–41

Brown, Shirley, 261, 262

Brown v. Board of Education
, 40, 117–18, 140, 144–45, 273

Burger, Warren,

appointment, 41

Arizona trip, 127–29

Craig v. Boren
, 107

Hishon v. King & Spalding
, 159–60

Hogan v. Mississippi
, 145

Meritor Savings Bank
FSB v. Vinson
, 166

and O'Connor, 128–31, 135, 168–69

on women on the Supreme Court, 47

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby
, 292–95

Bush, George H. W., 154, 187

Bush, George W., 252, 257, 259

Bush v. Gore
, 255–59

Califano v. Goldfarb
, 104, 106

Califano v. Westcott
, 111–12

Cannon, Mark, 127

Carhart, Gonzales v.
, 268–70, 274

Carhart, Stenberg v.
, 250–53, 296

Carr, Robert, 10

Carter, Jimmy, 109, 110–11

Casey, Planned Parenthood v.
, 190–96, 295

Catholic Church and abortion, 150

centrism as philosophy, 221

Charleston, Ferguson v.
, 261–62

childbearing and special privileges, 246–50, 262–64

children born in a foreign country to American fathers vs. America mothers, 248–50, 262–64

child support case jury in Alabama, 224–28

child support for boys vs. girls, 105

Christopher, Warren, 12

Citizens Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 48–49

Civiletti, Benjamin, 112

“Civil Liberty After the War” (Cushman), 10

Civil Rights Act (1964)

overview, xvii

applicability to partnerships, 157, 158–60, 161

Marshall's strategy, xvi

and sex discrimination, 246–47, 275–76

and sexual harassment, 164–68, 217–19

Clark, Penny, 88–90, 91, 98–99, 102–3, 105, 144

Cleary, Goesaert v.
, 26

Cleveland, Sarah, 218

Clinton, Bill, 6, 199–200, 206–7

Clinton, Hilary Rodham, 160–61

Coleman v. Court of Appeals of Maryland
, 282–83

colleges and universities, integration of, 55–56, 138, 139–40, 141

Collins, Gail, xiii

Colom, Wilbur, 140, 146

Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, 136

Columbia Law School, New York, New York, 16, 21, 57, 66, 109

Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Moritz v.
, 33–34, 39, 43, 55

Commission on Women in the Profession, American Bar Association, 160–61

“Conditional Emancipation of Women, The” (Moberg), 21–22, 26, 27

Congress of the United States

on abortion issue, 251–52

Family and Medical Leave Act, 265, 282–83

and Ledbetter, 275–76

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, 276

Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 293

Voting Rights Act, 287–88

See also
Civil Rights Act

Congress on Racial Equality (CORE), 38

Conlan, John, 48

Constitution of the United States

discrimination protection, 35

judicial interpretation of, 36–37, 209, 210

See also
Fourteenth Amendment

Cooper, George, 84

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 7, 9–11, 14

Cosby, Kelly, 290–91

country club elites, 137–38

Court of Appeals

Coleman v. Court of Appeals of Maryland
, 282–83

D.C. Circuit, 112–14, 163–64, 207, 231

Fourth Circuit, 238–39

Second Circuit, 110–11

Third Circuit, 190–91, 268

Cox, Bill, 150

Craig v. Boren
, 105–8, 142

criminal sodomy laws, 260

Cuomo, Mario, 200

Cushman, Robert, xx, 9–11

Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education
, 247–48

Day, Ada Mae Wilkey (mother), 3

Day, Alan (brother), 4

Day, Harry (father), xviii–xix, 3, 4–5

Day, Sandra.
entries beginning with
“O'Connor, Sandra Day”

death row inmate exonerated, 279, 280–82

Dershowitz, Alan, 215

difference feminism, 201–4, 229, 234–35

different-voice theory, 203–4, 234, 300


affirmative action as reverse discrimination charge, 170–71

constitutional protection against, 35

employment discrimination cases, 284–85

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