Sinners and Saints (16 page)

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Authors: Ambear Shellea

BOOK: Sinners and Saints
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led the way back to the house.

Have you seen Mike or Jared since we’ve been here?”


Okay, I am going to use the facilities and see if I can make contact.”

Just as the
y were about to walk through the doors a big man in a black suit and a head set stepped in front of them.

Party is over. Do you have a stamp?”

Vylette tried to mimic the blondes she just left.

“No!” She put on her best pouty face. “We went to the bar to get more drinks and these two jealous bitches spilled their drinks on us and the stamp got washed off.”

The body guard motioned around the corner.

“Sorry, no entry. You can follow the stones down the beach and they lead to a path that will lead you back to the main part of the beach. No stamp, no entry. This is a special, private party for a special guest.”

She thought about
that for a minute and her best way into the house. The plan she came up with a ballsy one and only had a small chance of working, and a huge chance of back firing.

When will Wyndmire and Baxter be back?”

Excuse me and who are you?” the guard asked.

She went with a small truth.
“I’m a potential client. I’ve heard great things about Mr. Wyndmire's...Merchandise and I came to check it out for myself and after being here, I can say that I am very interested. I have seen a fair portion of things I would like to purchase.”

Wait here please.”

The body guard got to his headset and chatted a few feet away. Vylette could make out his voice
, but she couldn't hear what was said.

Baxter says you can come back at seven thirty p.m. That is buying time, and bring plenty of money, as there is already a major player offering a very large amount for his entire collection.”

Vylette was in total agent mode.
“What is the highest bid thus far?”

Again the guard consulted his head set.

“Four million.”

ylette smiled. “Oh, is that all? Tell Baxter and Wyndmire, I will see them at seven thirty.” She grabbed Jazmin's hand, before someone changed their mind or caught on, and walked away.


Chapter 28


Vylette had just shut the door to their hotel room and Jazmin began her questioning.

Are you crazy? I’m all for improvising, but how are going to get that kind of money in two hours?”

We aren't, we are just going to look like we are.”

Vylette went to
her suitcase and pulled out her tactical gear.

Jazmin asked the obvious, “
Are you going to wear that? I don't think we will get very far in that outfit.”

Yes and no.”

Explain, please. I willow follow whatever you decide, but I need to understand this idea.”

Vylette turned and faced her friend.
“We are going to wear our tactical gear under black suits. I was thinking about it all the way back here. Since our tactical clothes are made out of that flexible body armor kind of stuff, it will fit just fine under our other clothes and no one will notice. We can strap the guns under our suit clothes.”

And if they frisk us...”

Naturally they will find those, but the small pistols we are going to stow away on the inside pockets of our suit jackets they won’t. Plus, we are going to place the small thin flat blades inside our heels and under our feet as back up. It’s not ideal, but is the best I have at the moment and who knows it might work.”

Well, since I don't have anything better...Let’s do this.”

With the
ir minds on the mission and the new plan, neither of them spoke as they changed into all their clothes and strapped on their gear. Vylette took one last look at herself in the mirror to be sure nothing showed. Satisfied it was good enough, she snatched up her phone and called Lewis. He answered on the first ring, concern in his voice.

What's wrong? You weren’t supposed to call me.”

Change of plans. Grab three of your friends and a suitcase full of money and meet me out front of the hotel in one hour.”

He asked no questions, he just said
, “Okay” and hung up.

That was easy,” Jazmin said.

Yeah. It's probably going to be the last easy thing on this mission. Now to call Jared and Mike.”

Vylette dialed Mike's number. No answer. She dialed Jared's number. No answer. She called Lewis back.

“What's wrong?”

I don't know. When was the last time you heard form Jared and Mike?”

Twenty minutes ago, they had been invited to the after party to check out some merchandise, why?”

I just tried to call them and they didn't answer.”

That is because their phones were taken along with the weapons the bodyguards found. Vylette, there is no way to smuggle in a weapon. Jared and Mike are naked of guns and ammo. Those body guards found everything.”

What are we supposed to do then? What happened to the back up team?”

They are in place. Haiden just called, he guessed your plan since you didn’t check in and your tracker shows you are back at the hotel. He is trying to get another back up team to save all of us, should this go badly.”

It's the only thing we can do except abandon the mission which leaves those of our agents inside to fend for themselves and we are all family, and we don’t leave family behind. I will see you in fifty minutes.”

She stood staring off into space raking her brain for a way to smuggle in weapons for pro

Jazmin, the one always full of surprises had a great one.
“Vylette. Take off all the guns and toss the knives and come here.”

She unarmed herself and walked to the bed where Jazmin sat opening a large black case. Sitting on the mattress next to h
er, Jazmin carefully pulled out several pieces of jewelry.

What's this, Jazmin?”

It was a gift from your family and I. I was going to give it to you after we saved all these men and women, but I think we are going to need them.”

She laid it
out in several pieces and explained what they were.

This necklace here, with the funky shaped Emerald, is not just a necklace. It is a smoke bomb. You pull the chain, just like a grenade, and toss it. These matching earrings, they do the same thing, only you snap the back off. Over here, these diamonds...the heart on this piece pops out and has sharp edges like a blade and the matching bracelet doubles as a razor sharp wire, it can cut through metal once you press these two studs in the center together, it unwinds these spirals. Next we have the Ruby set, this one is my favorite. The ruby on this necklace is shaped like a skinny H, this is actually a taser. See how the little golden mark that crosses both lines makes an H? That is the button you press to shock the life out of someone. To the ordinary eye they look like nothing more than expensive pieces of jewelry. This is the only protection we will have. I think we need to use it.”

Vylette ran her hand softly over each piece inspecting it carefully. She was amazed by the
jewelry and by the fact that Jazmin had acquired them.

These are genius. When...I mean, how did you guys come across this?”

Your uncle said these have been in your family for a long time, long before your bloodline started playing for the good guys. And he wanted you to have it. He wanted to wait until the official graduation, but he said, that he would much rather I bring them and give them to you in case we needed them. And it looks as if we are going to need them.”

These are brilliant. Let’s get them on and go. I’ll wear the diamonds and the ruby necklace, you wear the rest.”


* * *


“Are we ready?” Vylette asked as they pulled up to the house of pervs.

They sat in the limo f
or only a moment and she got into character, as did everyone else. They had all been over the plan on the way over. The driver opened door and she followed her bodyguards out. With them leading the way, they walked into the house and prayed for the best.

Through the door, as expected, they were checked for weapons, none were found a
s they left the guns and knives at the hotel rooms, and since they were both women, no one questioned the jewelry that decked out their outfits.

Once the guar
ds were satisfied, they were led into a main room and it brought back memories. There along the far wall were about twenty girls, scared, drugged and some had been beaten, and just today. Vylette bit the inside of her cheek and acted as if nothing was wrong. When she caught the look on Dorrian's face, she thought for a second their whole scheme would go up in smoke. He looked as if he had seen as ghost, but he quickly recovered. Unaware of her plan, he voiced his obvious displeasure.

Baxter, what is this? I thought this was a done deal. Who is she?”

Vylette jumped right into her role.

“Baxter, I was under the impression I am still potential buyer, here. Your body guard told me the highest bid was four million, I have brought enough to buy all of these girls if they meet my needs. Although looking at some of them, I am not sure they will. Some look...well, to be honest, half dead and unappealing. I mean look at this one...”

She stepped over and grabbed the girl
’s spindly arm.

...she barely has meat on her bones. I understand clients want skinny and pretty, but she looks like a walking corpse. I can’t sell that.”

ter completely brushed it off.

Why don't we all have a seat and we can discuss this.”

Vylette jumped in,
“I think I will deal with the suit over there, as you are just interested in the money anyway. So If I can strike a deal with him, then you will get your money if not...Well, I'm taking my seven mill to the next buyer. I hear there is another one close-by. Your competition maybe?”

Baxter was quickly falling onto her game.

“That won't be necessary, I am sure that Mr. Buchanan can make some kind of arrangement and not buy all of them.”

Vylette acted as if she were shocked and turned to Dorrian. “
All of them? Mr. Buchanan, what are you going to do with all of them? Why do you need so many?”

First, what I am to do with them is none of your business and second, I like them all.”

Even the corpse?”

Even the corpse.”

She took a few steps closer to Dorrian.

“Well, you can have her. I have no need for that. I propose a split down the middle. You can have half and I can have half and Baxter still makes out with more than the four million.”

Let me inspect the girls and I will let you know.”

Fine, but I will be checking them as well.”

Vylette turned to Baxter. “
This may take a bit, you might want to sit down.”

Baxter's eyes were all over Jazmin
, despite Vylette's attempt to snare his attention. Baxter reached out to touch Jazmin and Vylette caught his hand.

She is not for sale, as she is my pet, so if you don't mind, please keep your hands off.”

But I like her. Just looking at her, gives me so many ideas...of the fun we could we have.”

That is irrelevant, she is my property and off limits. Do not test me, Baxter. If you push me, I push back with twice the power.”

Vylette let go when he took a few steps back. She had just gotten her back tu
rned when Baxter, reached out and started the war they all knew was coming. When he reached past Vylette to grab, Jazmin, she spun and broke his arm. The room erupted in a loud chaotic war zone. The girls scattered and screamed, gun shots from his guards rang out, drowning Baxter's yells of profanity from the broken limb. She signaled her team, and Jared and Mike, surfaced from she didn't know where and they all moved as a unit to the far end of the room past Dorrian quickly. She yanked the emerald free and tossed it toward Baxter and his men.

advantage of the smoke screen, her team equipped themselves with the weapons that had been taken and a few more. Vylette and Jazmin, yanked the suits off, leaving them free to strap on the extra weapons and tactical gear. Since the jig was up, they moved through the house, looking for the people they had been sent to save.

As the smoke cleared, Baxter and his men were ready and waiting. They had
the upper hand, as it was their house, but Vylette's team had them out gunned. Vylette knew at that moment this mission would be on her orders only, no time to ask questions. Accepting this she immediately went into action.

Game time,” she yelled and she was surrounded by her team in proper formation waiting for her order.

STK,” was all she said and bullets flew past her toward Baxter and his men who fired back, everybody dodging hot lead by ducking behind furniture and tables, firing back. She moved around a group of tables, upturned and shot up, and fired, killing one of Baxter's guards.


For a moment all gu
n fire ceased and the room had an eerie quiet to it. She peeked back around the table and didn’t see the other body guards or Baxter. Jazmin stood and before Vylette could catch her, a bullet caught her in the chest first. Her entire team unloaded on the guard who stepped out from his hiding place, killing him more times than necessary.

Vylette crawled to her friend.

“Jazmin, are you okay...” Tears in her eyes, she said “Talk to me.”

Her friend smiled at her and spoke with a gargled tone. “
Kill them all...for me...and the captives. Thank you...for friend...could ever have...”

Vylette shoo
k her. “No, you can’t do this. You are going to be alright.”

Even as she said the words, she knew she was lying and it didn't matter because Jazmin's
life was fading quickly. One last flutter of eye lashes and she was gone. Vylette stood, pistols in both hands and fired at them all. Pulling the trigger as fast as she could, she sliced through fabric, through flesh and bled them from as many holes as she could mange, her team hot on her heels.


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