Sinners and Saints (11 page)

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Authors: Ambear Shellea

BOOK: Sinners and Saints
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Chapter 20


Vylette made it into class on time, but just barely. She noticed as she sat down it was a full class of about twenty people, most about her age. An older woman stood behind a long desk waiting to start. In her seat, pen in hand, she pushed Dorrian out of her mind so she could focus on what promised to be a 'kick your ass' class, Languages. She knew English well enough since it was what she spoke, but she had never even taken a foreign language in high school.

This is going to be interesting.

The librarian looking instructor looked at her and spoke.

Willkommen in Sprachen, wir freuen uns Sie sind hier: Was ist dein nam

Huh? Let's see... the last part sound
s like she is asking my name.

Vylette must have been taking to long to answer
or really looked confused because the instructor spoke again. 

Bienvenue sur les langues, nous sommes heureux que vous êtes ici, Quel est ton nom?”

Flipping through her book, s
he tried to find the French section, she recognized the language, she just didnt understand the words. Again the instructor spoke.

Bem-vindo ao Idiomas, estamos satisfeitos que você está aqui, que é o seu nome?”

She sn
apped her head up, she’d had enough. “Okay, I recognize each language you spoke, I just don't know what you said. I assume it's something about languages and you asking me my name?”

Tell me correctly which languages I used and I will tell you in English what I said.”

German. French and Portuguese.”

Correct. I said, Welcome to Languages, we are pleased you are here. What is your name?”

She sighed in relief, finally something she understood.

“Vylette Echo.”

It is nice to meet you,Vylette. I am Kristean Deltah.”

Nice to meet you.”

Okay, so you have some catching up to do. We are in chapter ten of this book, so you may stay in class or you can go to the library and start from the beginning, with French. Your choice.”

I think I will stay.”

Okay, then open to chapter ten and follow along.”

Looking down at
the oversized thick book, chapter ten was on the Greek language. She followed along as the instructor read from beginning, starting with the History of Greece. Since Greece had always been a place she’d hoped to visit she was very much enthralled with the chapter and found herself reading ahead of the instructor and tuning her out all together.

Engrossed in the reading material she was surprised when a classmate, a young dark haired boy, nudged her.
“Hey class is over.”

She glanced up and su
re enough, that had been the quickest hour she had ever spent. The boy next to her sounded again.

Did you catch the homework assignment?”

Furrowing her brow, confused,
she asked, “Homework? No, what is it?”

The name is Jared and it is to take notes on chapter ten and learn how to say ten sentences in the Greek language. The fun part is, it can be any ten sentences of your choice.”

She smiled at him. “
Thank you, Jared.” Scooping up her book and paper, she got up from her chair and left the room heading to her next class. She pulled out her schedule and looked to see where her next class was located. Glancing around, she tried to find a clue. She didn't find one, but she did see Travine standing at the end of the hall.

h! I will ask her. Win!

She hurrie
d down the long corridor and caught the woman before she got too far away. “Mrs. Travine.”

The woman spun and smiled.

“Oh, Vylette. Come up for air I see.”

She blushed and looked around, making sure no one noticed.

Whatever. You owe me details, and good ones. We are having dinner in your room tonight and since your...distraction is not here, there will be no getting you out of it.”

Rolling her eyes, Vylette murmured, “
Fine.” The look on Travine's face had her smiling. “I need to know where the Etiquette and dress, know your style, class is.”

Oh, It’s down the hall, round the corner, first set of double doors on the right.”

Thank you.”

Mrs. Travine went to say more
, but Vylette rushed off before she got pulled into a full gossip session over what she walked in on.
That convo will have to wait.

She made it just in time and burst through the door just as a tiny framed brunette started addressing the class. She weaved her way through the tables dotted around the huge ro
om. It looked a lot like the dining hall without all the fancy food pieces. Linen covered tables, adorned with plate settings and small candles, soft music played from speakers hidden behind curtains and a wait staff stood with empty trays at the front of the room, next to the instructor.

She took the seat closest to her at the nearest empty table, dropping her book in a nearby chair. She made herself comfortable as the woman cont

...therefore, it is important that you can pull off any occasion as if you were bred into and lived it your whole life, from peasants to kings. This class will teach you all you need to know on how to dress, how to act and how to speak according to the mission and person you are impersonating. Also, we will cover a range of topics that are most common among each type of mission. Today, we will start will the table you are sitting at. Each one is set up properly and the same way you will find it in fancier, establishments where such things are important...”

Vylette snatched up her noteboo
k and diagramed the table, labeling each piece as the instructor described its proper name and what it was used for. When the woman moved onto foods and food dishes, she scribbled quick descriptions of what they were, what they looked and smelled like, as well as how to fix them. The waiters in the front of the class rushed in and out of the kitchen, bringing sample dishes of the different foods they were studying. By the time the two hour class was over, she wasn't sure she had room for anything else, food or drink wise.

It wa
sn't until she glanced at her schedule, when class was over, that she noticed she had been in the wrong class.


Turning back, she walked inside and straight to the instructor.

Excuse me, Miss?

Hello, Vylette, what can I do for you?”

Have I met her

Um, hi. Did I meet you already?”

No, I’m Sue Ann Longhorn. I’m a friend of your uncle's. He told me you would be joining the team.”

Whew! Thought I was losing it for second.

“Oh, Okay. Nice to meet you. I just noticed that I came in here by mistake, I had Cultures and World Trade and this class after it.”

No dear, we combined those classes, so you are fine. We are just going to discuss one class one day and one class the next day, but the two kind of go hand in hand.”

Great! Where do I go now?”

Where ever you want until after lunch, and then come back here.”



With that, she turned and left the class.

Chapter 21


Vylette sat on her bed with her legs crossed picking at her food, waiting for Travine to join her. Knowing she would be getting the third degree from her friend, she had her shower and was dressed in her night clothes. Her Languages book lay open in front of her, as she scanned the pages while she waited.

She had just learned a new sentence when Travine finally show

Whatcha doin’, Vylette?”

Studying Languages, waiting for you.”

Well, you look like you could use a break.”

Really? Hmm, and what would I be doing on this so called break?”

You will be explaining, in detail, to me what I walked in on this morning. Of course.”

Yes, of course. Where shall I start?”

How about at the part where I left the two of you last night?”

Knowing it was going to be an all-
nighter, she crawled off the bed and placed her tray on the bedside table and got comfortable under her covers. Taking a deep breath, she gave Travine what she wanted.

Well, after you left, he came in and we started talking...”

About what?”

Taking it slow—”

Taking it slow! What I walked in on didn't look like you were taking it slow. I mean, you had blankets over you, but what parts of you two I could see, I knew you were naked.”

Well, you were wrong, we weren't naked. Now do you want me to tell you what happened in detail or just what happened?”

No, No! I want all the juicy details!”

So...We discussed and agreed on taking it a bit slower because we don't know each other that well. He proposed that he stay the night, so we could spend the evening getting to know one another since he was leaving today. I accepted...”

How much talking did you get done?”

A fair amount actually.”

Are you lying to me?”

No! We did spend a few hours know...talking.”

Oh yeah? What was said, 'wanna go again?'”

She couldn't help it, she laughed with Travine and got caught up in the school girl chat session which
turned out to be more fun than she thought. Travine really did get her quirkiness and humor and it was refreshing. With little innuendoes and flat out blunt questions and answers the inquisition went on until well into the night.

Okay, Vylette, It is getting late, but I have one more question...Okay maybe two more?”

Which are?”

Was Dorrian your first or have you had others before?”

By the
blush on her cheeks and the surprised look on her friend's face, she knew she didn't have to say it out loud, but she did anyway.


Ah! You nasty whore. I knew it!”

She slapped Travine playfully o
n the arm at her mock horror comment. “Hey now! There was only one other guy.”

Okay, now I am disappointed. Just one?”

Yes just one. He was my first boyfriend after I started college. We had been dating for six months, and had more shots than we needed at the frat party and one thing led to...”

Sex! It always leads to sex. Gee, Saint Mary, you are making me feel bad here. know...In my life before I was dragged into hell, I wasn't a ho, but I really liked sex. I only had three lovers before I was kidnapped, but I tell ya, we fought like cats just so we could make up like dogs.”

What?” She rolled from side to side, laughing at the borderline crude comment. “I have never heard such a thing before.”

Really, did you live under a rock?”

No, but I was kind of the nerdy bookworm.”

I can see that. Nothing wrong with it mind you...but you kind of look like the preppy school girl who never breaks the rules...Well I guess Dorrian changed all that.”

Oh, he has changed a lot of things.”

Which brings me to my next question...Did you like it? I mean did he rock your world or just your sheets?”

I can honestly say, the whole freakin’ room and everything in it. I don't know how he does it, but I swear he touches me in one place and I feel it all over. The thing is, it doesn't matter where he touches me. Its...Oh, I have no words to describe it.”

Oh, I think you just did a great job of it with the words you used.”

More lau
ghing from both of them.

Alright, girl, I’m out. You have class and I have to be ready at any moment for Mr. Buchanan's arrival. It could be anytime.”

I know. I remember.” Vylette sighed. “Hey Travine, before you go, after class tomorrow evening, you want to go with me to see Lissa? I think I’m going to have her dye my hair.”

Sure. What color you going for?”

I think I want some blonde and red highlights.”

Oh with your caramel brown that would look great. I'll meet you after dinner and we will go.”



See ya.” As the door clicked shut, Vylette snuggled into her fluff of blankets and drifted off to sleep, hoping it would be enough to get her through training class in the morning. Her dreams were filled with flashes of fight moves, speaking in different languages and the sweet sound of Dorrian's voice. She could smell his Nautica cologne as if he were laying next to her, his seductive tone whispering promises of hotter more active nights. Her inner need rose to the taunting images her mind played and replayed like the favorite part of a movie.

The two of them wound up in each other
’s arms, the bed ablaze with the fiery heat rippling off each of them, igniting the room yet leaving them free of burns. Their hands wandering, looking for the treasure troves of pleasure they both craved. It was then that it happened. She exploded from inside, her body trembling with release, wound in sweaty sheets.

Jerking awake, hand on her chest, she looked around her room. It was just as it was when she went
to sleep and to her utter relief and disappointment, Dorrian was not in there with her.

Guess that was for the best. I sure would have been
devastatingly embarrassed had he seen what just happened. That would have been an awkward conversation. Well, for me anyway.

She slipped out of bed, taking the sheets with her
, dropping them in a pile in bathing room. Opening every cabinet and drawer, she searched for another set to line the bed.


In a small crevice inside the closet, she found and extra set and made quick work of reassembling her sleeping space. Now that her bed was functional and covered, she rushed to the bathroom for a quick shower before heading back to sleep.

Here's to more sleep without all the fantasies of the man. I am sure I am in over he
ad with him, but I just really don't care.

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