Silence In Numbers: File One (22 page)

BOOK: Silence In Numbers: File One
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Elwood took a step into the room. “Ayane… You’ve grown into a beautiful young woman. Your mother would be proud…” That was as far as he got. Ayane reached beneath her pillow as soon as she was over her shock, withdrawing a pistol and firing. Elwood moved with unnatural speed and dodged out of the doorway, speaking from out of view in the hallway. “I’m saddened that my daughters would react so harshly to our reunion. Perhaps another time…”

Ayane threw away her sheets and dropped out of her bed, running to the door and stepping out of it, aiming down the hallway. Unfortunately no sign of Joseph Elwood remained; all she saw was a few terrified nurses. Ayane cursed and slammed her fist into the door frame, cracking it and sending a few pieces of thin metal and plaster flying. She leaned against the doorway, dozens of emotions flooding through her, charging and draining her at the same time.
The way Elwood had said ‘my daughters’ made Ayane think he’d paid her a visit as well, and she hoped it wasn’t worse than that.

Ayane got a few unfocused thoughts in response from her sister at first, the sort of thing she recognized as her sister coming out of an attack from her illness.
Where are you, Katsumi? Are you alright?

I’m… My apartment. Fine, I’m fine. I need to… come there today. You can see for yourself.

I think I just saw for myself,
Ayane answered as her glare focused down the empty hallway.
I saw him.

There?! He showed up there?!
Now Katsumi was awake, that much was clear.
He went there?!
And there was the expected rage and panic.

Yes, and before you ask I’m fine, except that my shot missed.

I’m on my way.

Don’t rush yourself.

Katsumi was there in a short time, pacing Ayane’s room, caught between seething and worrying. “I can’t believe he was here. After all the trouble of hiding you...”

“It’s fine, he didn’t do anything.”

“This time.” Katsumi stopped to face Ayane. “What if he came when you were asleep?”

“He did. He knocked.”

“I mean if he didn’t. But he did ask to meet me, as well, instead of just coming to me.”

“It doesn’t make any sense, unless…” Ayane frowned. “You don’t think he’s trying to get us to join him, do you?”

Katsumi looked at her incredulously. “Join him?! Is he insane enough to think it’s possible?!”

“Maybe he is.” Ayane looked off to the side. “He mentioned mother…”

“As if he has any right to,” Katsumi growled. “Did he…”

“No,” Ayane answered the unfinished question. “He didn’t try to blame you for it like last time, and I wouldn’t take that if he did.”

“I know you wouldn’t, I just…” Katsumi sighed. “Hearing it makes it harder anyway.”

“Then forget it. Let’s focus on now: what are we going to do about this?”

“He’s impossible to find, we’ll have to wait for his next move. I’m not leaving you here, that’s for sure.”

“What are you going to do, lock me in a guarded vault?”

“No…” Katsumi folded her arms. “I’m going to do the opposite. I think it’s time my team met you.”

Ayane blinked. “I… didn’t expect that. Why?”

“It will give you more people to call on for one. And two…” Katsumi sighed. “As much as I hate to admit it, we can’t hide from the one person I least want to find us… So there’s really no reason to hide from the people on our side. Besides, we’re trying to build a life here and we’re on the right track to do so, it’s not fair to move again.”

Ayane smiled. “I’m glad you’re thinking that way. To be honest I didn’t know what you would want.”

to kill him, I
us to be cured and I
all of this to stop so we can just live. Unfortunately we can’t get all of that at once so we might as well try to be happy in our current situation.”

Ayane stood and stretched. “In that case, I need to go shopping!” She smiled at Katsumi’s smirk. “Come on, we both know that if we can’t kill him, forgetting him is the best option. We’ve been miserable because of him enough; at least now he’s within possible reach. Besides, if I’m going to meet people I’ll need more clothing than patient attire.”

Katsumi sighed. “You’re very right. Okay then, we’ll do that today and meet people tomorrow, if you’re feeling up to it.”

“Oh, I will be. And then later this week you can meet my friends!”

“I don’t see how that’s necessary…”

Ayane gave Katsumi her best ‘kicked puppy’ look. “You… You don’t want to meet my friends?”

Katsumi’s eyes widened and she held up her hands. “I didn’t say that! I’d love to!”

Ayane beamed. “Great! I’ll let them know!”

Katsumi groaned, closing her eyes.
This is promising to be a fun week.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“I’mcomingI’mcomingI’mcomingI’mcoming!” Lenora skidded around the corner, picking her ringing phone up off the bar. “Hello?”

“Hi, Lenora. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“Katsumi!” Lenora smiled, taking a seat. “No, nothing important. How are you?”

“That’s… a complicated answer. My father is in town.”

Lenora blinked. “Your father’s alive? I didn’t know you had any family.”

“It’s not a good thing,” Katsumi followed up quickly.

“It isn’t? But-“

“I might talk about that later, but it’s not a favorite subject. Listen, this call isn’t about that, it’s about my other surviving family member, the one I actually care about: my sister.”

Lenora brightened. “You have a sister?”

“Yes, and I- hey!”

There was the sound of shuffling and two voices, leaving Lenora confused. “Katsumi?”

After a moment a different voice came over the phone. “Hello! I’m – Katsumi, lemme go!
wanna talk on the phone!” There was a sigh and a ‘fine’, followed by a laugh. “Thank you! Where was I? You’re Lenora, right? The only woman that Katsumi knows because she’s all tough and macho.”

Lenora smiled. “That would be me. I assume you’re the sister?”

sister? I like it! Makes me sound important. In case you want my name at some point it’s Ayane. Anyway, Katsumi’s finally giving in and letting me meet people, so we’re going to see if we can get everyone together tonight.”

“Oh, that sounds perfect! We have no plans.”

“Great! If the others agree we’ll send details. See you tonight!”

The phone cut off and Lenora looked at it, unable to suppress a smile. Apparently Katsumi wasn’t as alone as she seemed.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Date: April 5, 2068
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Angel Wings Bar


The conversation was about the obvious topic as Reno, Lenora, Kurasano, Rufus and Samuel sat at the table, waiting on Katsumi and her sister. It’d been revealed that Law knew her but he wasn’t answering any questions, leaving the others to speculate. They sat and guessed about the person they were going to meet and why they didn’t even know she existed before now, though Law did caution them that questions along that line should be avoided.

Eventually they entered; Katsumi wearing a casual black shirt, pants and jacket, while Ayane was more colorful in a blue tank top and skirt that matched her hair. Their clothing was only the first difference as the group soon learned. Ayane waved cheerily, meeting Law as he stood up and hugging him. “Hi Big L! It’s nice to see you actually out with people.”

“I could say the same for your sister,” Law chuckled, catching Katsumi’s smirk. “Besides, I’m always up for seein’ you blue-hair.”

“That’s because I’m special.” Ayane turned to the rest of the group, holding up a hand. “Shhh! Lemme guess!” Katsumi’s smirk widened as she folded her arms and watched. Ayane pointed at Lenora, smiling. “Lenora obviously. You’re easy because you’re the only woman.”

Lenora smiled. “Because Katsumi is tough and macho?” Reno snorted and Katsumi just rolled her eyes.

“Yes! And that must mean you are Reno.”

“Glasses give it away?”

“That and the fact that you laughed at my sister’s expense,” Ayane grinned and received one in return. She pointed at Rufus next. “You’re obvious. Sunglasses, white suit, appropriate posture and fancier drink? You’re very distinct, Mr. Ivanov.”

Rufus smiled, taking a sip of his drink. “Being bland was never my thing. It’s a pleasure, Ms. Samakura.”

“For me as well. And… Sano.” Ayane smiled at him. “I think we know each other a little already, even though we’ve never met.”

Sano returned the smile. “I’ve heard a bit, yeah. It’s great to actually meet you, though.”

Ayane looked around. “Aww, M didn’t come? I guess he didn’t have to, but I’m gonna have a talk with him later!”

“You know M?”

“Of course!” Ayane smiled. “He’s the one that set up the whole thing, including paying for my… expenses.”

“If we’re done with the introductions,” Katsumi interrupted, “then I think we should get started with the drinks. Lord knows the more she talks the more I’m going to need.”

Ayane grinned. “Better believe it.”

As the minutes went by things seemed to get easier and more fun. Ayane was talking with the others and laughing as, while Katsumi was gone to get a drink at the bar, she was being told a story of Katsumi’s tough personality. “I don’t get any of that, myself.”

Reno snorted. “Everyone gets some of that.”

“She’s different with me.”


“No, really. I’m an exception to everything.” Ayane smiled. “Katsumi’s been wrapped around my finger since we were little, and those were
words first, I’ve just started using them because it’s funny.”

Sano raised an eyebrow. “That’s a little hard to believe.”

“Oh, yeah?” Ayane looked over her shoulder, seeing Katsumi on her way back. She looked back to the others. “You want proof?” As Katsumi returned to the table Ayane looked at her. “Sumi, I’m thirsty.”

“Oh, I’ll be right back then. One second.”

Ayane beamed as the others simply blinked. Once Katsumi started returning, Ayane pouted. “I wanted a yellow drink…”

“Oh!” Katsumi laughed and rubbed her head. “My mistake – be right back guys!”

Reno watched her walking back towards the bar, shaking his head. “This is glorious.”

Ayane smiled at him. “Your problem is you’ve only seen one or two sides of my sister. She’s a lot more than that.”

“I’m just amazed someone is an exception to her usual attitude.”

“Hey, it’s not just me. I just bring out other parts of her personality. Katsumi is a lot more than anyone thinks.” Ayane stopped with a gasp, her eyes widening as a new song started
playing in the bar. She spun around to see Katsumi with her own eyes widened, almost back to the table. “Sumi!”

Katsumi began shaking her head. “Now, Aya, I don’t…”

Ayane jumped up and grabbed the drink from Katsumi’s hand, setting it on the table. “Sumi, it’s ‘Golden Sky’! Come on, we have to!”

Katsumi sighed, looking up at the ceiling before a smile broke out. “Okay, let’s do it.”

Ayane grinned, grabbing her hand and pulling her to an open spot on the floor. What followed, as the high-energy dance song kicked in, left four people at the table staring in both shock and amazement. The sisters began side by side, laughing as they mirrored each other’s movements with kicks and sidesteps before they spun into new positions, clapping and moving to the song.

Law grinned over his drink, looking between the choreographed dance and the people at the table. “You know they won a competition with that when they were kids.”

Reno looked from Katsumi twirling Ayane to Law’s grin, shaking his head in bewilderment. “I have a hard time believing Katsumi was a kid!”

Ayane was saying something as they danced and Katsumi’s grin was one the others had never seen, a look of someone who, at the moment, was living with nothing but good memories.

Lenora smiled as she watched. “Katsumi looks happy, doesn’t she? I’d hoped she’d be able to be that happy one day, I didn’t think she had it now.”

Law set his drink down, his mood more somber now. “It probably isn’t my place to talk about this, but I care about both of them. Ayane lives in the hospital.” The others turned to look at him, paying attention to his words as they took glances back at the other two. “No one knows what she has and they can’t fix it, so they,” he pointed at the two sisters, “just have to hope.”

Lenora saddened. “That’s terrible…” Reno shook his head and Sano just looked angry at the things he couldn’t fix.

“I’ve been hopin’, too,” Law continued. “You’ve seen just a little tonight, but lemme tell you this: if Ayane doesn’t make it, neither will Katsumi. Everything she does revolves around that girl, and all her plans include her. She doesn’t bother plannin’ for the darker possibility.”

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