Silence In Numbers: File One (37 page)

BOOK: Silence In Numbers: File One
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Chapter 16:  Tender



There was nothing inside.

Katsumi stood in the middle of the demolished auditorium, looking around as soldiers combed the rest of the building. There was no sign of Belphegor, only a few lesser demons that they cleared out with no trouble. Already the soldiers were beginning to forget what they’d been fighting; “biological weapons” Victoria told them, creatures created by a terrorist cell. The cell she named didn’t even exist; it was simply invented by Aegis as an excuse for supernatural attacks too large to cover up with the usual methods. V herself, of course, had the same chip all the other Aegis Board members and SIN soldiers did, so she, along with Katsumi’s team and the soldiers from the SIN division, understood exactly what had happened.

Victoria came up beside Katsumi. “I’ve got my men keeping civilians out of the area, but they’re curious. And the press is already here.”

The Captain grimaced. “They’re like hyenas; never late to a corpse.”

“Indeed. Listen, I’m going to organize them and M already has clean-up on their way… You should get to Ayane.”

Katsumi looked at her. “Just… leave?”

“There’s nothing here,” Victoria said with a shrug. “Whatever the next step of this is, it’s not happening tonight. Belphegor won’t have the energy to do this again for a week at least.”

Katsumi sighed, rubbing her eyes with the heel of her hand. “The on-and-off nature of this job drives me insane sometimes.”

“Maybe it does, but no one could do it better. Even Aegis is realizing that… Major.”

Katsumi lowered her hand, blinking. “What…? Major? A promotion?”

Victoria smiled. “It’s long overdue, but just look at what you’ve done over the past few months alone, and tonight in particular. You’re not just the best at your job, Major Samakura – you’re the best chance this world has against things like this.” She held up a hand to stop Katsumi’s protest. “Don’t argue, please. Your new rank will give you more authority and freedom, which I know you will use well. It will help you protect.”

Katsumi sighed. “I guess I’ll accept that, then. As long as no one throws me a party.”

The general chuckled. “Is anyone foolish enough to try that again?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.” Katsumi looked at her. “Thank you, General. For everything.”

Victoria smiled fondly. “I’ve done nothing you haven’t earned, whether promotion, aid or friendship. Now go,” she said with a wave of her hand, “I’d rather not suffer Ayane’s anger for keeping you.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Katsumi said as she walked away. “I can still feel her anger right now, and it’s not directed at you.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Broken thumb. Four broken fingers on left hand, two fractured in two places. Five broken ribs. Punctured lung (two places). Torn wrist ligament. Dislocated shoulder. Torn abdominal muscle. Internal bleeding in multiple locations; immediate surgery needed to prevent fatal damage.

Katsumi sat on a bench in the darkened hallway, her forehead on her left hand supported by the elbow on her knee. Her right arm rested on her other leg with a clipboard loosely hanging from her fingers. She’d read it multiple times and the words on it hadn’t changed once. Ayane’s injuries had been worse under the surface according to the doctors, leading to her nearly drowning in her own blood on the way to the hospital, and then nearly dying once there from blood loss. Katsumi had been assured she was safe now, that she would live, but it was too close.

She was glad that the members of her team were busy and unable to come as she ignored the tears on her cheeks, focusing her will on reigning in her emotions. The technique wasn’t working like it often did, though, not now; Katsumi could deal with near-misses, but not when it came to her sister. She couldn’t even summon the anger to throw or break the clipboard, or punch the wall, or scream. All she could do was sit there and wait. When the doctors finally told her she could go in she stood slowly, barely remembering to hand them the clipboard as she more or less drifted into the room.

Ayane was out; unconscious, asleep, or somewhere in between. Katsumi couldn’t prevent herself from checking her pulse just to be sure. She dropped into the chair beside her, looking around the dark room lit only by the light from a street lamp outside filtering in through the blinds. Katsumi hated hospital rooms, she really did; there was such an air of weakness in this room, a feeling of encroaching death and sickness. She almost felt as if she was deteriorating just by being there, muscles and mind atrophying from lack of use.

Looking at Ayane was even worse. Her little sister was only three years younger, but she looked so small in a hospital bed. Katsumi reached out and gently brushed her pale blue hair, giving a shuddering sigh. She had an oxygen mask and an IV which just made the picture look worse. The anger still didn’t come this time, only fear. Fear, as she looked at her unconscious little sister who had been beaten nearly to death. Their plans to just move on, to start living together again tomorrow, to forget their past… they seemed so distant now, and pointless.

She watched light move across the wall as a car passed and found herself thinking of doing things she’d never accepted before. Maybe she couldn’t beat Joseph. Maybe she couldn’t protect Ayane from him. If he was really done with them, maybe they should just take the opportunity and leave, go somewhere else, forget everything.

Katsumi put her head in her hands and let out a shaky breath. She didn’t want to kill their father any less, but it wasn’t worth the risk of losing the most important part of her life. Was she giving up? ‘Since when does Katsumi give up?’ she imagined Sano or Law saying.
Katsumi gives up when her sister might die if she doesn’t,
she answered herself. Her anger tried to rise up, tried to yell at her, but she just shrugged at it in response. In her mind she saw her pride, rage, hate, justice, and will to fight confronting her, telling her to keep fighting, keep going. And in reply Katsumi sighed and turned away, embracing resignation and fear instead. What was worse was that she couldn’t even summon the will to care about losing or the fact that she was running away.

She felt a hand on her knee and she let her own fall to cover it, gently encasing the bandaged fingers with her own. She lifted her head enough to meet the gaze of blue eyes. “I’m done,” she said softly with a hoarse voice. “I can’t go any further.”

Ayane studied her carefully.
So you want to give up and run away?

Katsumi lowered her head again, staring at the floor.
I’m sorry, I can’t take more of this. You barely made it. If we keep going, you might not. That’s the one chance I can’t take. I refuse to.

Ayane sighed, remaining silent for a few moments of thought.
You did make a promise.

I’ve done a lot of foolish things. Maybe we can kill him, Aya, but what will that mean if you die in the process? What if I die and leave you alone?

That won’t happen-

“We’re not invincible!” Katsumi said loudly. “You can’t just
we’ll survive. We have to
at it, we’ve
had to work at it, and attacking him isn’t doing anything but getting us hurt worse every time.”

Katsumi… I know you’re worried. I know how you feel; you’re just scared.

“Of course I’m scared,” she said in a quieter tone. “During any of our fights he could have killed us, and he’s getting harsher every time. The only reason we’re alive is that he hasn’t just decided to end it yet; the second he does, we’re dead. He’s just let us live so far, we both know that.” Katsumi shook her head. “We’re already sick, Aya. And we’ve already struggled to survive for so long, why get ourselves killed?”

Because we won’t be free otherwise. What if he changes his mind and comes after us later? I don’t believe he’ll just let us go. I don’t think we have a choice.

“So we’re just… stuck. No escape.”

It’s okay, Sumi. You’ll protect me.

“I can’t. You’re in here because-“

You’re wrong, again. You fought him off which is why I’m alive. I won’t have you hating yourself, not when it’s all his fault. I love you and I hate seeing you like this, it’s worse than the injuries.

Katsumi sighed, running her thumb over the bandaged fingers. “I’m sorry.” She reached over and threaded her fingers through Ayane’s hair. “I love you, too. I’m just terrified of losing you, and I don’t know if I can stop it from happening.”

Things beyond your control are frightening. But don’t forget about me, Katsumi; I’ll keep myself alive. I wouldn’t do that to you.

They were both silent for a long moment, thinking over their options, of which there were few. Katsumi absent-mindedly stroked the hand in hers as she thought, looking at Ayane. “I did get promoted… I’m a Major now… I guess I shouldn’t leave that.”

Ayane blinked.
What? You mean they actually gave the most important and successful asset in the company some recognition? Finally!

Katsumi smiled dryly. “I guess they’re doing


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Kurasano entered the SIN HQ weary but alive. His arm was in a thin wrapped cast that would help the break heal and he had a few other injuries, but they were minor. Law and Rufus had gotten away with relatively minor injuries as well, for which he was thankful. He’d tried calling Katsumi to ask about Ayane’s injuries, but both her phone and cyber link went unanswered. That probably wasn’t a good sign, so he tried not to think about it. Inside he found M in his usual spot inside the command center. “Mr. Lionel, you did very well tonight,” the enigmatic man said without turning as Sano entered.

Sano rubbed the back of his head. “Thanks. Don’t know if I believe that, but I’ll accept it. Is Hitomi still up?”

M adjusted his glasses. “I’ve no idea. She was in here earlier, but she left. She isn’t used to the violence yet.”

not used to the violence yet,” Sano said with a shake of his head. “Tonight was… hell.”

M turned his attention to Sano. “Large-scale attacks can be bothersome, I understand. The transition was easier for the others, who all had military experience. Widespread death and carnage can take some time to get used to.” He smiled. “And then, of course, you begin feeling bad for getting used to such a thing.”

Sano sighed. “Sounds great. Glad to know I have so much to look forward to.”

M chuckled as he accessed the computer. He tilted his head, looking at the screen. “That’s odd… Apparently Miss Saizen left several hours ago.”

Sano frowned. “Where would she go? She didn’t appear at the scene, and several hours is too long for a walk.”

“We shall find out,” M said as he directed the computer to display the security footage at the time. Both he and Sano went quiet as they watched him and Hitomi walk down the hallway and out of the building. M pursed his lips, tapping the brim of his hat before he looked at Sano. “I don’t have to tell you that isn’t me, I hope.”

“I was hoping you’d say it was.” Sano grimaced, testing out his arm. “What the hell is going on here? Who is that?”

“There’s no way to tell.” M removed his hat, running a hand through white hair. He actually looked disappointed in himself; annoyed.

Sano held up his phone and shook his head. “Katsumi’s still not answering.” He looked at M. “What’re we gonna do about this?”

“We are going to get a search going.” He looked at Sano. “But not you personally. You and the others are going to rest so you are ready to go if it’s necessary.”

“Alright, boss, good call. I’m just going to sleep in one of the rooms here, then.”

“Very well. I will inform the others.”

Sano nodded as he left the room, his anger growing with every step. This stupid night just wouldn’t quit.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Rufus snapped his phone shut, looking at Law. “Okay, what the hell? No, seriously, what the hell? What is going on tonight?”

Law shrugged as he lit a cigarette. “Somethin’ big, that’s all I know. Three events: attack on Ayane, attack at Garrus Limited, abduction of Hitomi.”

“We don’t know it’s an abduction yet. For all we know someone’s trying to recruit her; Silents are big news.”

“Neither is good.” Law breathed out a puff of smoke. “It’s all coordinated too well, y’know?”

Rufus folded his arms, leaning back against a building. The two of them were near the scene of the battle, neither trusting the situation enough to leave yet. They’d helped with the clean-up at first and were now in a nearby alley discussing the events outside the hearing of the soldiers, medical personnel and security officers swarming the site. “It’s more than a little suspicious,” Rufus said as he watched people clearing the rubble. Reconstruction would take a while here with the damage several buildings had taken. “There has to be some sort of inside information being leaked or stolen.”

“That’s what I’m thinking.”

Rufus noticed Law checking his phone again. “Still no word from her?”

Law shook his head. “It’s a little worryin’, but t’be honest, she probably ain’t in the best state o’ mind right now.”

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