Silence In Numbers: File One (21 page)

BOOK: Silence In Numbers: File One
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Ayane yawned, looking at her sleeping sister through half-lidded eyes and smiling softly. Sometimes Katsumi seemed like the younger one, the one who needed looking after. Katsumi often said they were “equal in age” and it made sense at times like these. She was looking forward to living with Katsumi again for more than herself; she also knew how much it would help her sister.

Of course, the fact that I won’t be spending entire days and nights without her anymore is pretty nice, too
, she thought with a smile as she closed her eyes and hugged her sister more tightly.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Date: April 4, 2068
Time: 1:07 PM
Location: East Wind Restaurant, Chiba, Japan


Katsumi yawned as she stepped out of her car, tucking her hands in her jacket pockets as she headed towards the restaurant. She was wearing casual clothes this time, something that helped her a little in changing her mindset for the day from “Captain Samakura” to “Katsumi”. She entered the place and gave them the name Hillford, smiling as she saw Lenora wave at her. “I’m glad you chose somewhere casual,” Katsumi said as she sat in the booth across from the woman. “I wasn’t feeling like getting dressed up today.”

Lenora smiled at her. “I didn’t think you would be. This isn’t anything formal though, just lunch.”

“Yeah, it always starts with lunch. Next time it’ll be dinner, and then back to your place.”

“Don’t be ridiculous – I won’t ask you back until the third date. I’m a classy woman.”

Katsumi chuckled. “Good, I’m no slut. Despite whatever Reno might suggest.”

Lenora laughed. “You think he’s brave enough to say that about you?”

“Behind my back, maybe, so long as he doesn’t think I’ll find out. You’d be surprised what I’ve heard him say.”

Lenora raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really? Anything he should be sleeping on the couch for?”

“Probably.” Katsumi smirked. “I’ll let you know. It could make a good punishment, although I usually like dealing out my own.”

“So I’ve heard. He’s shown me a few bruises he got that way. Half the time he says it’s worth it.”

“He would. I’m glad he’s stubborn enough to keep going, though. Reno’s one of the major factors in keeping the team together.”

Lenora smiled softly. “He does have a talent for lightening moods.”

“That he does.” Katsumi looked out the window. “Speaking of… Reno… You’re the last person I owe an apology to.”

Lenora tilted her head. “Me?”

Katsumi nodded, looking at her. “I talked with Sano when he found me. I talked with Reno on the ride back. Sam yelled at me after I got fixed up. Rufus…” Katsumi gave a sad smile. “Rufus doesn’t need, or want, an apology, because I only did what he and I both used to do long before we met each other. He has no problems with my actions, though I still spoke with him. Even though I knew exactly how it would go.” Katsumi set her hands in her lap. “You, however…”

“I’m not part of your team.”

“You don’t go on missions with us, no.” Katsumi looked down. “Still, I feel I let you down just as much. I abandoned my team, Reno included, even though I promised you I’d look after him. Of course I don’t need to watch him all the time, he’s just as capable as the rest of us, but I endangered my entire team with my actions and I think you deserve an apology for that.” Katsumi looked away and her voice dropped. “I truly am sorry… Not only for that… I know you care about me and consider me your friend. You… have no idea what that means to me. So you deserve an apology as much as anyone else on the team does, and I’m sorry for worrying you.”

Lenora smiled gently at her. “I think you already know how I feel. I’m honored you appreciate my friendship like you do. I was relieved to learn you were okay, and I
worried about you. However, I will always worry about you. Just like I’ll worry about Reno, just like I’ll worry about Sano, and Sam, and yes, even Rufus. I know how dangerous your daily lives are. I will always worry about it. The only way you’re different is that I’m closer to you than the others, or at least I think I could be.”

Katsumi smiled. “You could. You have a… unique personality,” she chuckled, receiving a grin from Lenora. “It’s hard to describe. You’re pushy, which I usually hate… and I do hate it when you push, don’t get me wrong… but I still end up talking. You win, that’s the problem. You’re very hard to resist.”

Lenora laughed. “I can back off if you like, hard as it would be.”

Katsumi shook her head. “So long as I can trust you, you can push. You’ll learn, with time, what you can and can’t press me on.”

Lenora nodded. “Don’t worry, I’m not trying to be your psychiatrist. I want you to be my friend, too.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Katsumi said with a smile. “Believe it or not I can be a pretty good friend. Sano would probably vouch for me.”

“You and he are pretty close, aren’t you?”

Katsumi nodded. “I guess you could say he’s one of my better friends.”

“Why is that?” Lenora tilted her head curiously.

Katsumi shrugged. “I guess his personality just works with mine. It always seems like he has a respect for me that I can’t lose because he accepts the things I do. Even though I haven’t known him as long as I have Law, he and I fit in a different way. We don’t agree on everything like Rufus and I do, and sometimes we argue or fight, but even then there’s an acceptance beyond that which isn’t jeopardized by disagreement. He’s one of the easiest people to be around I’ve ever known.”

Lenora smiled. “That explains why you can relax around him.”

“I suppose it does. You know, sometimes it seems like he’s at my place more than his own.” Lenora raised an eyebrow and Katsumi shook her head. “Not like that.”

“I see. I had suspicions though.”

Katsumi looked away. “No, we’re just friends…”

Lenora nodded, watching her quietly for a few moments. “You wish it were like that?”

Katsumi smiled a little. “No. It can’t be. Maybe someday I’ll say why, but for now let’s just leave it at that.”

“Fair enough.” Lenora sat back and offered a smile. “Well! I hope someday you’ll relax like that around me, too.”

Katsumi returned the smile. “So do I.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“I’m home,” Lenora yelled into the house as she entered.

“Mommy!” Lianne ran to into the hall and hugged her leg, eliciting a large smile from Lenora who picked her up.

“Hi angel! Did you and daddy have fun today?”

“Uh-huh! We went to a movie!”

“Oh, did you?” Lenora grinned as Reno entered the hall. “Was it good?”

Reno removed his glasses and beat his head against the wall as an answer to the question, while Lianne nodded. “It was great!”

Lenora chuckled. “I’m glad.” She put her daughter down. “Why don’t you give me and daddy a minute to talk, then you can tell me all about it?”


Lenora smiled as she ran off. Reno stepped up and kissed her. “If she wants to see that movie again, you’re going.”

Lenora laughed. “Don’t even start. Would you like to compare the number of movies we’ve each taken her to?”

Reno huffed. ”So not fair. Fine, since you’re cheating, let’s change the subject. How was lunch?”

Lenora smiled widely. “It was great. We talked a lot and plan to do it more. She’s willing to be open.”

“Oh, so you won’t go crazy?” he grinned.

“No, I won’t go crazy.” Lenora gave a wry smile. “I’m surprised you’re teasing me considering I’m talking about a close friendship with your boss that includes sharing all sorts of things.”

“Well, I…” Reno blinked. “I, uh… Okay, you’re bluffing, right?” Lenora just smiled over her shoulder as she walked away. “Honey? You’re bluffing, right? Say you’re bluffing! Get back here!”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“So this mystery man just contacted you out of nowhere and gave you information about Kintashi.”

“Yep. Not suspicious at all, right?” Sano grinned.

It was early evening and Katsumi was already getting a bit tired again. Truth be told she was looking forward to getting back to Ayane and didn’t really want to deal with anything, but Sano had said that this was important and now that he’d told her everything about this “John Briggs”, she agreed completely. “And he wants to meet me in return for the information?”

“Yeah. I told him you probably wouldn’t, but he said you’d want to. Said he had ‘some information about your condition’, whatever that means.” Katsumi suddenly jerked in surprise and Sano blinked. “Wait, is there a condition?”

“No,” she answered evenly. “It just confuses me. The wording surprised me is all, like he assumes there’s something wrong with me. I suppose I’ll meet this man.”

“Right… Well, he knows you’re back and said to meet him tonight, so we can go now if you’re sure.”

“I’m too curious not to go,” Katsumi answered, heading for the car.

They arrived right on time and Sano led her into the basement level. She watched him open the secret side tunnel. “This Briggs is a little paranoid, isn’t he?”

“Tell me about it. Fake name, secret location for meetings, he even gives information on pieces of paper he leaves in a concealed cubby before you get there. Never see him on this side of the glass, either.” They entered the room and Sano looked through the glass into the dark room beyond. “Mr. Briggs? I’m hoping you’re in there, ‘cause this is your big chance to meet Captain Sama.”

The light on the other side flicked on, revealing Briggs. The man seemed a little odd for a second before he smiled and spoke in a soft voice. “Katsumi…”

Katsumi’s eyes widened and she took a step back, bringing a curious look from Sano. For a few seconds all she did was stare, no words leaving her lips. Then, in an instant, her face contorted in a rage Sano had never seen before and she drew her gun, firing several shots at the man. Sano jumped back with a yell. “What the hell, Katsumi?!” His eyes shot from her to the man behind the glass and he immediately drew his own pistol, aiming at the man on the other side as his eyes narrowed. He had no clue who it was, but obviously Katsumi recognized him – and wanted him dead.

The thick glass stopped the bullets and the man sighed, taking a sad look at Katsumi before shaking his head and walking through a door behind him.

Sano lowered his gun and watched as she ran at the glass and slammed her fist into it repeatedly until it finally shattered, at which point she jumped through before the glass had even fallen and ran through the door after Briggs. Sano jumped through after her, chasing her through the tunnel to help her catch whoever the man was. “What the hell is going on?!”

The tunnel came to some stairs that went up and up and up. Katsumi took them at a dead sprint, leaving Sano behind. He pushed himself to keep him, arms and legs pumping, leaping up them when he could. At the top Katsumi bust out of a door and onto the roof and Sano came out seconds behind to see a helicopter flying away. Katsumi stood on the edge of the roof firing and yelling at it. “GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING COWARD! GET BACK HERE!” Her pistol ran out of shots and still she focused angrily at the chopper that was too far away now, roaring in rage. “COME BACK AND FACE ME, FATHER!”


Chapter 10:  Habitus



Date: April 4, 2068
Time: 10:12 PM
Location: Takagawa Building Roof


Kurasano stood in shocked silence, something he felt he’d been doing far too often lately. “F… Father?” Katsumi just glared at the distant speck that was the helicopter, knowing it was impossible to catch. “John Briggs is your… father?”

“Not John Briggs,” Katsumi corrected. “Joseph Elwood.”

The venom she poured into the name sent a chill down Sano’s spine. “I thought your father was…”

“Whatever you thought obviously doesn’t matter, because all you know about him now is that he’s here,” Katsumi spat out. She whirled around and headed for the door back down. “I need… I need to get out of here.”

“I’ll come with you.”

“No, Sano, you won’t.”

“Katsumi, it’s obvious you shouldn’t-“

“SANO!” She spun on him. “Now is NOT the time to fucking push me! Leave me the fuck alone! Go back to your home, go to headquarters, I don’t care where the fuck you go as long as it’s not near me!”

“Look,” Sano shook his head, “I’m your friend.” He narrowed his eyes as his own anger came forward. “Stop fucking pushing me away! I’m not going away, I’m following you and your arguments aren’t going to stop me.”

Katsumi’s fingers curled and tightened into fists as she glared at him. “You don’t know me at all, do you? Sano, I’m telling you one more time, leave me alone or I’m putting you down and leaving anyway.”

Sano cracked his neck, his eyes never leaving hers as he started walking towards her. “You’re gonna have to try to put me down, then.” He stopped right in front of her, staring into her eyes and wondering if she’d actually do it. For a minute she looked conflicted; her hands started to loosen.

But Sano had forgotten to take into account what had just transpired. Katsumi’s unexplained rage at her father’s appearance was still boiling over and pushing right now was, as she had said, not the right move. She slammed her fist into his stomach and he stumbled back a few steps, grimacing as he straightened back up. “It’d take more than that.”

He brought his hand up and blocked the punch she threw at his face. Her other fist came low again and he slapped it down, grabbing her arm and pulling her past him. As he did, though, she spun left and slammed her elbow into his face, knocking him back. Fortunately he had the presence of mind to jump back, avoiding the kick she followed up with. Sano jumped back in and threw his own punch but she ducked under it, coming up outside and bringing her knee up into his stomach hard enough to lift him off the ground, knocking all breath out of him. Her palm slammed into his chin right after, sending him back and to the ground.

Sano wasn’t done just after that, though. He kicked up and came back at her, ducking the punch she met him with and scoring his own on her stomach, wincing himself as he heard the pained gasp and realized he’d just hit the spot she’d recently been shot in. The fist that hit the side of his face prevented any apology, however, and he was forced to duck another strike in order to get back into an even position. After that their strikes connected less, blocks and counter-attacks meeting in a flurry of speed.

They’d done this many times before, training and practicing against each other to get better. Sano was a little worried this time, however. He knew Katsumi would never seriously hurt him, even in a situation like this, but… that only meant she wouldn’t
hurt him. In her anger, he could tell from the hits he received that she was using more and more of her strength every second, forgetting her control. If it continued this way Sano could end up with a broken neck or splattered head in a total accident. His fears proved well-founded several seconds later when Katsumi, in a move of pure speed, seemed to simply appear beside him outside his defenses.

Her fist slammed into her stomach and, as he doubled over, her foot kicked out his own, sending him face-first to the ground. Sano would forever after this moment be grateful for their sparring practice because Katsumi’s foot continued the arc and came down in a vicious axe kick. A flash of memory triggered Sano’s reflexes and he threw himself to the side, watching Katsumi’s heel meet the cement in an impact that shattered it and sent cracks out in every direction for several feet. There was a virtual crater where his head had been less than a second earlier and a bit of li
ght shone from where she’d broken through to the floor below.

It went deadly silent after that; neither of them moved to continue the fight. Sano looked up to see Katsumi’s eyes wide, her gaze fixed on the spot her foot was in – the spot where Sano’s corpse would be had he not reacted as quickly as he had. The expression of horror was clear on her face and all traces of anger were gone. “I-I’m… I’m sorry… I didn’t…”

“I know,” Sano said as he pushed himself up and dusted off his suit. “I knew I should’ve backed off.” Katsumi looked scared so he moved to put a hand on her arm. “It’s fine, Katsumi.”

She shook her head, looking at him fearfully. “I almost…”

“Yeah, well, I’m the dumbass who thought it’d be good to fight you angry.” He smiled at her, knowing she needed to see it. “Look, forget that.”

Katsumi looked away, her voice a lot softer than it was before. “Sano, I… I really need to be alone right now, okay?”

“You always do that.”

“Well it’s how I deal with things. And this…” She looked back at him, her eyes pleading with him to let her go. “I can’t talk about this right now. I’ll… I might talk later, but not now.”

Sano tilted his head. “You’ll forgive me for not wanting you to just run off again after last week.”

Katsumi smiled sadly. “I’m not going to run off. I just really can’t be around other people at this moment.” She looked down at the cracks beneath her feet. “It’s just making it worse, and I’ll do something I can’t take back.”

“I understand,” Sano sighed, folding his arms. “Go.”

“Thank you.” Katsumi met his gaze for another few moments before walking into the building.

Sano shook his head, looking up into the night sky with a thousand thoughts in his mind.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Sano was lying on his bed looking at the ceiling when his phone rang. Seeing as it was two in the morning he didn’t expect many calls so he picked it up quickly, especially once he saw the name. “Katsumi?”

“Sano…”  It sounded like she’d been crying which, frankly, didn’t surprise him after the way she’d reacted tonight, especially after all the events of the past two weeks.

“Everything alright?”

“I just… Well I… I don’t know where you are, but you could come over now… if you wanted to. I know you wanted to before.”

Sano smiled at the weak ‘cover’ she used as he headed for the door. “I’m just down the hall. I’ll be there in a sec.”

“Well you complained before about not being able to-“

“Yeah, I appreciate you doing this for me,” Sano chuckled, hanging up and opening the door after knocking. He noticed Katsumi on the couch staring down at an older pistol in her hands and moved to join her, pointing at the weapon as he sat beside her. “What’re you doing with that?”

“You know how people always have one thing from their parents that means something? That they keep forever?”

“Yeah. Your father gave you that?”

Katsumi shook her head. “I took it. It’s the first weapon I ever tried to kill him with.”

“Ah…” Sano looked at it. “You know, I don’t think that’s the same kinda thing other people keep.”

“I think you’re right.”

“Why’d you keep it for that meaning?”

“Because I failed to kill him with it. I usually take it out a few times a year to clean it and remind myself.”

“You’re planning to kill him with it eventually, then.”

“When I get a chance,” Katsumi nodded.

“That’s a morbid reminder, Katsumi.”

“Maybe so.”

“You know…” Sano scratched his head. “I had no idea who he was…”

She smiled at him. “I know.”

“Why do you hate him so much?”

“That’s…” Katsumi looked down. “I’m not quite sure how to answer… it’s nothing I’ve ever talked about.”

“Okay, so how about this: you’re good at clinical facts, right? Just state a few facts about what he’s done. Or about him. Whatever you’re comfortable saying.”

“Might be easier… Okay. He… killed my mother indirectly.”

“He what?!” Sano looked at her in shock. “How? What do you mean indirectly?”

“Joseph Elwood is a criminal. He’s always been a criminal.” Katsumi narrowed her eyes. “Even though my mother didn’t know that. He had some… twisted form of family loyalty. It was like he cared and didn’t care at the same time.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

Katsumi sighed. “He wanted my sister, Ayane, and I to be ‘great’, but his definition of great is as twisted as he is. He wanted us to be the ‘next generation of criminal’. Skilled killers tearing
cities apart by ripping out the upper ranks. He said our family could take over; he had a plan for it. He even trained us both for it for years, but mother eventually found out. She told him to leave. That he’d never see us again.”

“Did he kill her?”

“No,” Katsumi shook her head. “He didn’t need to… He had a way of twisting people’s minds. He twisted her and she came after us. He was going to take us all somewhere no one could find us and complete what he was going to do.”

“So what happened?”

“I was fifteen by then; Ayane was twelve. We could think for ourselves and take care of ourselves, all we had to do was get out…  But he wouldn’t let us. I stole one of his guns with the intent of forcing him back and… he didn’t like that. He ordered our mother to kill one of us as an example.”

“That’s insane… What did you even do?”

Katsumi looked away. “What do you think I did, Sano…? Either I died and my sister was taken by him, or she died. So when mother – what was left of her – came after us, I killed her.”

“Jesus Christ.” Sano shook his head. “I can’t imagine a situation like that. I guess you did the only thing you could.”

Katsumi closed her eyes. “That’s what I hope.” She sighed and sat back, laying her head on his shoulder. “You always wonder if there was another option you missed.”

“Yeah, that’s how you drive yourself crazy. You have to just accept what you did was the right thing. What happened to your sister?”

“She’s alive,” Katsumi answered softly. “I visit her all the time. She’s the only thing that keeps me sane.”

“I never even knew you had a sister.”

“I never mention her,” Katsumi replied in a harder tone. “And you won’t either. You’re the only person I’ve told and I expect you’ll keep that trust.” She sighed. “I won’t have my job endangering her. She never wanted this kind of life and I won’t force it on her.”

“I can understand that. She’s lucky to have you.”

Katsumi smiled softly, pulling her legs up onto the couch beside her and leaving her eyes closed. It was late; she was tired. “Maybe you’ll meet her sometime. But not yet. I need to go see her tomorrow… Tell her about this in person.” She sighed. “I’m not looking forward to that.”

“Do you think he knows where she is?”

“I don’t know… I may have to move her if he does.”

“Move her?”

“It’s a long story…” Katsumi grimaced as a headache came on. She opened her eyes and lifted her head from Sano’s shoulder, putting her fingers to her forehead. “You should go.”

“Huh? I thought you wanted me to come-“

“Yes, of course. But it’s late and I’m still catching up on sleep.”

“Oh, right! Stupid me.” Sano stood up and moved towards the door. “Lemme know if you need anything.” He smiled at her.

Katsumi summoned up her willpower and forced herself to stand and walk straight, returning his smile. “Thank you. For now, just… keep this to yourself.”

“Of course. Night, Katsumi.”

“Goodnight, Sano.” Katsumi closed the door after him and leaned back against it, sliding down it to sit on the floor.

I’ve probably spent almost as many nights on the floor as in the bed,
she thought as she looked longingly at the bed that grew harder to see in her swimming vision. After a moment she made herself grip the door handle and pulled herself up painfully, using the wall to help her stumble to the bed. She fell on it gratefully, curling up in the sheets as pain wracked her, thinking of Ayane as she blacked out.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Date: April 5, 2068
Time: 5:00 AM
Location: South Ashfield Hospital, 3rd Floor, Room 302


Ayane sat up, blinking groggily. It was early morning, judging by the dim light streaming in through her windows. She looked at the door as another knock came and it began to open. She smiled, assuming Katsumi was here for another of her way-too-early morning visits. Her smile faded as Joseph Elwood appeared in the open doorway, a man she hadn’t seen in over a decade. Suddenly she was fully awake.

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