Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4 (25 page)

BOOK: Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4
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Chapter 25

It was four o’clock in the morning by the time Sid pulled into Lana’s driveway. He walked her to her door
, but before she could pull her key out, he cupped her face in his large hands and just stared into her eyes. Slowly leaning toward her, his intense eyes pinned her to the spot as he slowly kissed first the corner of her mouth, his tongue lightly running the seam of her full lips until she opened for him. One hand slipped behind her head as the other stayed on her face. The kiss was slow, but deep and mind-blowing, and sure as hell didn’t last long enough. He separated from her, again staring into her eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispered.

Lana tried to focus after that kiss and wasn’t sure she heard what she thought she heard.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll pick you up about ten. We have a lot of interviews to finish up with the women that we released and the men we arrested.” Sid nodded toward her house. “You need to get some rest.”

“Are you serious?” Lana frowned, still reeling from his kiss, a kiss that made every kiss she had ever had in her life seem like a peck on the forehead.

“Yes, I am.” Sid
then actually gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Lana’s eyes heated in anger. Well
, two could play at that game. “Well, okay, if you’re sure you don’t want to come in.” Lana reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck and seductively rubbed herself against his growing hardness. She made sure her breasts were plastered against him as she placed a kiss against his neck. She then tiptoed so she could nip at his earlobe. She moaned for good measure, and as she pulled her lips away from his neck, she nipped at him. “Goodnight.”

She opened the door and squealed when she was pushed the rest of the way in
. Plastered up against her wall, Sid’s hands were all over her. “You woke the beast.” He bit her neck with playful nips. “Now, you will get no rest.”

“I never said I wanted rest
,” Lana shot back, doing her own kissing and biting.

“Since we said we love each other
, do we just make love now?” Sid’s hand went under her shirt, pinching her nipple hard.

“Fuck me
, now.” Lana grabbed his hardness through his jeans, working him over. “We can make love later.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” Sid ripped off his shirt
, watching as she did the same. When she bared her tits, he growled, especially when they bounced and swayed with her efforts of taking off her jeans. He leaned down, taking a nipple in his mouth as he finished getting out of his own jeans kicking them to the side. Lana’s legs gave out, and he swiftly caught her, pulling her flush against his naked body. His hand cupped her as his fingers rubbed the small nub, making her arch her back in pure ecstasy. Lana’s head fell backwards banging against the wall.

Sid chuckled as he relentlessly rubbed and pulled on her nub.
“You’re absolutely killing me.” Lana sighed, which quickly turned into a moan when a large finger slipped inside her.

“Does this feel good
, Lana?” Sid breathed into her ear. “Do you like to be fucked this way?”

When he talked like this to her
, it made her so damn hot she felt like she was going to explode. “Yes, but I’d rather have you inside me.”

Sid removed his finger
, putting it to his mouth tasting her. He smiled seductively as she watched, moaning. “You taste so damn good.”

“I’m going to pay you back for this
,” Lana breathed heavily.

“Can’t wait.” Sid lifted her leg
, and in one swift push was deep inside her.

Lana had to remind herself to breath
e before she passed out from the pleasure. She stood on tiptoes until he picked her up. He moved inside her like a man possessed.

“Too much?” Sid asked, his voice harsh.

“No.” Lana slammed down on him, meeting his thrusts. “Please, don’t stop.”

Sid growled
, walking her to the couch, still deep inside her. When she wiggled, he grasped her hips, picking her up and slamming her down on him a few more times before sliding out of her. When she started to protest, he kissed her, turned her around and bent her over the arm of the couch. He lifted her hips up, slamming into her. Lana screamed her pleasure, making a proud all-male smile spread across his face.

“I’m just trying to find ways to please you
,” Sid gritted out between clenched teeth. “And by that scream, I think I succeeded.” She had her hands braced on the couch. He looked around, watching her heavy tits bounce with his thrusts. He felt his build-up coming and reached around, finding her clit. With expert fingers, he brought her to orgasm, letting her ride it out on his hard cock.

“I want to bite you.” Sid leaned over her pressing into her back. “I’m addicted to you
, Lana.”

She moaned
as she turned her neck for him.

That was all the go
ahead he needed. His fangs sunk into her soft skin as he pumped into her tight warmth. It was only seconds before he came, harder than he ever had before.

Lana went limp on the couch. Sid slowly pulled out of her,
licked the two small wounds closed, turned her around and picked her up. She curled into him as he made his way to her bedroom. Laying her on the bed, he found the bathroom and a washcloth. Going over to her, he cleaned her off and then himself. Pulling the covers back, he laid her down and crawled in next to her. She automatically curled into him.

“I love you
, Sid,” her voice was sleepy and soft.

“And I love you
, lovely Lana.” He smiled down at her; soon she was asleep, a small satisfied smile tipping her lips. . He knew then and there, at that very moment he would live the rest of his long life making this woman happy.


Jill cursed, wrinkling her nose. “Well, that was a total fail.”

“What the hell are you doing to my kitchen?”
Sid walked over, looking into the trashcan. “Was that pancakes?”

Jill also looked at her poor attempt. “
Yeah,” Jill laughed. “Pretty sad, huh?”

“Have a seat and I’ll fix some
up real quick.” Sid grabbed what he needed.

Jill pulled up a stool so she could watch him. “Where’s Lana?”

“At her place. I let her sleep in,” Sid grinned, thinking of the sex marathon. He seriously thought he’d met his match. “She requires a little more sleep than I do.”

“I’m glad things worked out for you two
,” Jill sighed. “I really like her.”

“She thinks a lot
of you also.” Sid glanced at Jill as he whipped up the batter. “How you doing, Jill? I know last night was pretty traumatic for you.”

“Why is that?
‘Cause everyone saw me naked?” Jill snorted. “I’m fine. I’m just glad we caught the bad guy.”

, I’m proud of you. I know that was hard, but you handled it like a true Warrior.” Sid poured out perfect pancakes onto a hot skillet. “But there will be someone else replacing the asshole we got last night. There always is.”

“Job security
,” Jill nodded, rubbing her stomach.

saw her action and laughed, “You hungry, Jill?”

, so hurry up.” Jill hopped down, getting a plate ready.

“That’s not what I’m talking about
.” Sid frowned. “You need to feed.”

“I know.”

Sid set the pancakes aside, turning toward her. “You’re like a little sister to me.” He lifted his wrist to her mouth. “You can feed from my wrist.”

“The hell she can.” Slade walked in.

“She needs to feed,” Sid glared at Slade. He had known Slade was about to walk into the kitchen and was trying to make a point, but the damn doc was so fucking hardheaded.

“I’ve got this
,” Slade nodded. “Sloan wants to see you.”

“I’m heading back to Lana’s if you guys need me.”
Sid walked past Jill, tugging at her hair. “Stay out of trouble, brat.”

“You do the same
, old man,” Jill grinned, but grabbed her stomach with a groan.

“Come on, Jill.” Slade stepped to the side. “You need to feed.”

“Did you talk to Alice about me after you…had sex with her?” Jill asked before moving a muscle.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Slade frowned down at her.

“Did you ask Alice to feed me so you wouldn’t have to again?” Jill’s eyes didn’t waver from his.

He walked straight up to her and leaned forward. He had bent so close they were almost nose-to-nose. “I have never touched Alice in a sexual way, ever. And I definitely would not talk about you to that nasty bitch.”

Relief surged through Jill at his words; she
believed him instantly. She licked her lips, her eyes leaving his to his neck. “Are you sure you don’t care if I feed? I promise to behave myself.” Her eyes popped back to his. “I can take it from your wrist. I’m sorry, but I’m so hungry.”

“Take it from the same place you took it before.” Slade’s voice was deep
; it rumbled throughout the room. “And don’t apologize.”

Jill nodded
, putting her hand on his shoulder to steady herself. Her mouth opened as she gently sunk her fangs into his neck. She took long deep pulls and couldn’t help the moans as his delicious blood slipped down her throat. He tasted so damn good. His blood made her feel alive and her nipples hardened almost painfully. She was shocked when Slade’s hand landed on her thigh, his fingers tightening and moving up her leg. She tingled in all the right places and wanted more than anything in the world for his hand to go between her legs. It seemed like her wish was going to be granted as his hand traveled so close, but stopped when someone cleared their throat.

Pulling away quickly
, she was surprised when Slade turned toward the intruder with a growl. Steve stood in the doorway. “What the hell do you want?”

Steve looked surprised, but hid it quickly. “
We found Angelina.”

“Does Adam know yet?” Jill asked
, peeking around Slade.

“No, not yet
,” Steve shook his head. “But Jared wants some of us to go with Adam.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute
,” Jill assured him. Once Steve had left, she glanced up at Slade. His neck was oozing blood from her feeding. Slowly, she leaned in, licking the wounds closed. She enjoyed the moment of closeness and the chance to have her skin next to his.

“You get enough?” Slade stare was intense.

Not even close, she wanted to say, but nodded instead. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Slade helped her off the stool.

“I guess I better go.” She turned away walking out.

Slade leaned against the wall
, closing his eyes. Looking down at the huge bulge in his pants, he adjusted himself. “You are so fucked, Buchanan.” He glanced at the door Jill had just walked through. All his good intentions were about to go out the damn window.


Sid walked into Lana’s house, finding her on the phone. He had left to run back to the compound to clean up giving her time to do the same. He also needed to clear his head a little. He had broken his number one rule, never to spend the night with a woman, but Lana was not just any woman. He knew that, but it still floored him how quickly she had become the most important thing in his life. And he was ready.

He could watch her every minute of the day. She was not only a beautiful woman, she had a spirit that matched his. She made him whole.
He had woke Lana doing wicked things to her body. Then spent the early part of the morning in bed, not only learning each other’s bodies in ways that even blew his mind, but learning about each other. Sid had never talked to a woman in such depth, but Lana intrigued him. He wanted to know everything there was to know about her.

He grinned when she spotted him.
She came straight to him, placing a soft kiss against his lips.

“He just got here
,” Lana said into the phone. “Hold on. Let me ask.” She placed her hand over the phone.

,” Sid smiled, nuzzling her neck.

“Hi yourself.” She leaned her head back with a sigh.

“Someone on the phone?” Sid grinned.

“Huh, oh yeah
,” Lana rolled her eyes. “My sister would like to know if we could take the day off and head to the hospital today. They are letting her go home and she wants the whole family there.”

“Sure, I can drop you off and pick you up later.” Sid tried to hide his disappointment.

“She wants you there, Sid,” Lana frowned. “And so do I, and the rest of the family.”

Sid felt a knot in his throat
, and didn’t that make him feel like a big pussy. He gave her a half-grin before he nodded. She touched his cheek, putting the phone back to her ear, informing her sister they would be there.

“What’s wrong?” Lana asked after hanging up.

BOOK: Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4
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