Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4 (19 page)

BOOK: Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4
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She knew without a doubt Sid let her roll him over. If he didn’t want to be on
the bottom, he most certainly wouldn’t be on the bottom. Straddling him, she lifted over his cock, sliding down slowly, trying to keep her eyes focused on him, but the feeling of him sliding into her was almost too much. It has been so long; she had forgotten the feeling of a man inside her. She was so tight; it was almost painful, but the pain was pleasurable, and she took a deep breath, sinking all the way down flush against him. Hearing his moan sent her breath out in a soft sigh.

Once her eyes focused
, they locked with his as she began riding him slowly at first, stopping just before he slipped out before then pushing herself back in slowly. She repeated the steps and watched, mesmerized at the small tick in his strong jaw. He was on the edge and she knew it, loved it, and wanted to make him shatter like he had done to her countless times.

His hands grabbed her waist setting a tempo faster than what she was doing. Even as she continued to ride him
, she pried his hands away. “This is my ride.” Lana gave him a sexy smile. “Can’t you take it?”

Sid hissed as she slammed down on him. “Oh, we going to play like that
, are we?”

’re you going to do about it, Warrior?” Lana smirked, slamming down again, loving the power she had over him for the moment. “I’m in control now.”

A moment was all she had. Before she knew what was happening
, she was on her back with her arms clasped together over her head, and they were pinned to the bed, and he was still inside her. “Who’s in control?” He cocked his eyebrow in question before biting at her neck.

Lana was in heaven as he pounded into her. When she thought she could take no more
, he slowed down, licking and worshipping her breasts. As soon as she came down from the edge of insanity, he began his fast pounding pace, sending her right back to the edge.

, Sid,” Lana panted. She had never begged for release in her life, but the pain of being denied was driving her crazy.

“I’m in control now
, Lana.” His words came out in deep breaths. “I could do this all night and never get tired of feeling your warmth wrapped around me.” He grabbed her breasts, squeezing them together. “Are these gorgeous tits virgin?”

Opening her eyes at his words
, she looked down at her breasts overflowing his rough manly hands, turning her on even more. “What?” she panted, her mind not working right.

“Has a man
been between these tits, Lana?” Sid growled, plucking at her hardened nipples.

Just those words alone sent a sharp tingle through her clit.
“Oh God.”

“By your reaction
, I take that as a no,” Sid grinned. “Did I shock you, Lana?”

She moved her head back and forth on the pillow. “Just make me
come, Sid.”

“Music to my ears
, babe.” Sid lifted her hips as he pounded into her mercilessly. With one hand, he tapped her clit.

Please, bite me,” Lana urged Sid, but when he only stared at her in surprise, she pleaded, “Come on, please. I want to feel it. Please, Sid.”

Sid cursed before slamming his fangs into her neck. Lana scream
ed as a mind-blowing orgasm consumed them both.

Chapter 19

Sid headed for the kitchen.
Lying next to Lana for hours after she fell into a deep sleep was another new experience for him. To say he wasn’t shaken by what happened would be a total lie. Two things had happened in his room that had never happened before. Never had he lay with a woman in his arms after having sex, and his fangs had never sunk into human flesh. Her blood was sweet and strong as well as addictive. He already craved more of the sweet taste and her. He was fucked, plain and simple.

Slamming into the kitchen
, he was met with knowing and curious stares. Before Jared could open his mouth, Sid stopped him. “If one motherfucker says one thing disrespectful, I will kill you.”

“I was just going to ask what’s for breakfast.” Jared held his hands up. “My stomach is
for food.”

Duncan chuckled, but Damon stood between Sid and Jared. “It’s okay
, Damon,” Sid glared at Jared. “I’ll just poison his food. It won’t kill him, but it will be painful as hell.”

“Ah, come on Sid.” J
ared got up following Sid. “Why the sour-puss mood? You should be tap dancing to that stove after what we heard last night.”

“Definitely getting my own place
,” Sid mumbled to himself as he grabbed stuff out of the refrigerator to start breakfast, while trying his best to ignore Jared.

Slade walked into the kitchen carrying a folder.
“Glad you guys are here.” He tossed the folder on the long table. “I got the report from the blood samples I took from Steve, Jeff, Adam and Jill.”

“Where’s Sloan?” Sid asked
, slapping bacon in a large skillet.

“He’s out, but I’ll fill him in.” Duncan filled another cup of coffee.

“So what’s up, Doc?” Jared grinned at his own Bugs Bunny joke.

“I really
fucking hate that cartoon,” Slade glared at him. “Anyway, they all have the same elements in their blood. I won’t bore you with all the medical stuff, but there is one element that should not be in their blood, and none of our top lab techs knows what it is.”

“So what does that mean exactly?” Sid continued to cook, but his attention was on the conversation.

“Sounds like we don’t know any more than we did before we recruited half-breeds.” Jared frowned.

“On the blood samples
, that’s true, but in the research I have been doing, I have documented something I’ve never seen before. I’ve asked around to some of the oldest vampires I know and even they are surprised.” Slade opened the file, pulling out a paper. “They are maturing. Each one of them have has either gained or lost weight. Steve has grown in height.”

“So they are more human than vampire?” Duncan frowned. “But what about Adam and Jill’s gifts
? I mean, you would think if they were more human, they wouldn’t have the power they have.”

“That’s the thing.” Slade pulled out another paper. “According to the blood work
-up, Jill and Adam had more of the unknown compound than Jeff or Steve.”

“Any half-breed I’ve ever met has stopped all human characteristics other than a heartbeat. They don’t grow and they don’t age.
” Sid added with a frown.

“It’s a mystery, but they haven’t given up. They are still running tests and want more blood in the next two months to see if there are any changes.” Slade set the papers back down in the file. “We have to find who manufactures this stuff.”

“Thanks, Doc,” Duncan said with a nod. “Maybe tonight we’ll get lucky.”

Slade glanced at Jared. “Can I talk to you in private?”

“Sure.” Jared followed him out.

“I have tried to think of a way to help you and Tessa.” Slade checked his phone when it beeped.

“I appreciate that, Slade.” Jared slapped him on the shoulder. “But we’ve got it worked out. We’ve interviewed a few donors and came to a decision with one that we’re both comfortable with.”

“Is she still wanting you to turn her?” Slade asked concerned.

“No, we’ve got it worked out.” Jared frowned. “Tessa went through a lot with an abusive father and then an asshole of a boyfriend. She’s working on her issues, but in all honesty, I think she’s perfect.”

“Good to hear.” Slade nodded. “Tessa is a very special lady.”

“That she is,” Jared smiled proudly.

, if things don’t work out, I do have a few suggestions that could help you,” Slade added.

“I appreciate that
,” Jared replied. They both turned, hearing footsteps coming down the steps.

Slade and Jared watched as Lana managed her way down the steps and toward the door. They looked at each other with
amused knowing smirks.

, Sid.” Jared walked back into the kitchen with Slade right behind him. “Looks like your latest conquest is slipping out the front door.”

Sid’s head snapped up. “Keep an eye on this
,” he ordered Jared as he stomped out of the kitchen.


Lana woke alone. Flashes of last night sent heat through her body. My God, she acted like a…slut. Slapping her hands on her reddening cheeks, she groaned. She had never been that brazen with a man. No wonder he skipped out on her. Grabbing a pillow, she crushed it to her face trying to suffocate herself. When that didn’t work, she got up, looking for her clothes which were scattered everywhere. It wasn’t like she had done anything wrong; she knew that, yet in the light of day she was embarrassed as hell. Then the thought hit her, sending her hand slapping against the side of her neck. Jesus, she had asked him to bite her. Asked, hell, she practically begged him to bite her. Running to the bathroom, she looked at the side of her neck to see two small puncture wounds. Her eyes left her neck as she stared at herself. Slowly, she bared her teeth, and then she sighed loudly when no fangs appeared. She wasn’t totally sure how one was changed into a vampire; she was sure there was more to it than having your neck bitten by a hot, sexy vampire, but human nature took over making her check it out anyway. Thank God just being bitten didn’t do the trick because that was so damn hot. She knew, without a doubt, she was going to be begging him again to slide those teeth back into her.

Leaving the bathroom with a ‘you are truly fucked’ look at herself
, she grabbed her clothes. As she dressed, she looked around, noticing that the room was pretty bare. Nothing in this room revealed that anyone even lived here. It broke her heart. Walking to a dresser, she opened a drawer, finding a bunch of black t-shirts. Picking one up, she lifted it to her nose, breathing in his scent. Catching a glance of her reflection in the mirror over the dresser, she rolled her eyes at herself. “You’re pathetic.” She stared at herself as she put the shirt in her bag, which made her more pathetic because she wasn’t just smelling his shirt, she was stealing his damn shirt. With one last look around, Lana rushed out the door.

By the time she made
it down the steps and out the front door, Lana was actually sweating. She didn’t want to face Sid. She needed to get her shit together and have an Oprah moment. Oh, who was she kidding? She messed up bad. He was her boss for shit’s sake. How professional was that!

Yes, sir, sorry I’m late, but how was that blow job I happily gave you last night?” Lana hissed, mocking herself.

You’re not late, breakfast is just now ready, and the blow job was the best I’ve ever had,” Sid’s growl was right behind her. “Now, where in the hell do you think you’re going?”

Lana jumped a mile high
, dropping her bag, which of course fell upside-down, dumping the contents onto the ground. And if her luck wasn’t bad enough, his shirt she stole lay on top of all her shit. Dropping to the ground trying to shove everything back in her bag before he saw, Lana’s mouth silently cursed a string of obscenities. Her eyes closed when a large masculine hand reached in front of her eyes, grabbing the shirt.

“Is that my shirt?” His deep voice flowed over her.

Lie, just lie, Lana. Then he can call you lying Lana. Yep, she was losing it. “Yes,” she said, but her head shook no.

“So you stole my shirt and decided to make a run for it?” Sid asked
, helping her to her feet.

That sounded better than why she was really leaving. Finally
, her eyes rose to meet his. “Yes.”

“Stealing is a crime
, Lana.” Sid held the shirt out. “Didn’t you learn that in…cop school?”

,” she answered again, frowning when his lips twitched.

“Why were you leaving
, Lana?” Sid handed her the shirt back.

Lana took the shirt
, shoving it in her bag with a sigh. “You were gone.” She shrugged looking back up at him. “I figured you had that morning-after regret thingy.”

Sid eyed her. “Morning
-after regret thingy?”

“Yeah, you know.” Lana flipped her hand
, laughing nervously, and then made a shocked face. “The ‘holy hell…what did I do and how the hell can I get out of it’ moment?”

Understanding flashed in his eyes. “And because I was gone
, you felt I had the ‘morning-after regret thingy’ going on?”

, yeah, I mean I did act pretty slutty and…” Lana’s words started flying out of her mouth fast.

Sid laughed loudly
, cutting her off. “Lana, honey.” Sid’s grin grew. “First of all, last night was the best time I’ve had in a long time. Everything you did came from you, meaning you were a hundred-percent honest in what you wanted and wanted to give.”

“Are you calling me a slut?” Lana frowned. She had
, in fact, said she acted slutty, but to have him call her one was a whole different matter.

“Have you ever acted like that with another man?” Sid growled, his eyes darkening.

“No,” Lana replied, wondering why he was getting angry.

“Good, because I’d hate to have to kill the son of a bitch.” Sid pulled her close. “A woman who can be herself with a man, going for what she wants
, is priceless, and honey, last night was priceless. What man in his right mind wouldn’t want the woman he was with to act a little…slutty…hmm?”

“But you’re my boss for the moment
, and that was totally unprofessional.” Lana looked at him.

“You’re fired
,” Sid grinned down at her. “Since that’s taken care of, come on and get something to eat, then you can act slutty again.”

Lana smacked him. “I’m being serious.”

“So am I.” Sid winked down at her. “I’ve been around a long time, honey, and let me tell you, last night was the most I’ve ever been turned on by a woman, and I’m ready for round….”

Looking up at him when he cut himself off
, she watched as he seemed in deep thought. “Round what?”

“Shush, wait a minute. I’m trying to count.” Sid tried not to grin. “Five, I believe
, round five.”

Lana, feeling better about the situation
, grinned then elbowed him. “It’s six.”

Sid didn’t reply. He pulled her into his arms
, kissing her long and hard. Lifting away, he nipped her chin. “I know. I was testing you.” He grabbed her hand, leading her back inside. “You definitely keep it interesting, Lana.”

“Not a boring minute with me.” Lana smile
d, feeling better after their talk. In all honesty, she should have just been the woman she knew she was and faced it like she had before, but with Sid, it was different. Not only was he a vampire, which was definitely a new venture for her, but he oozed alpha male confidence and she knew they would clash. She didn’t take well to demands from anyone, even drop dead sexy alpha vampires.

Lana’s phone rang
, and when she looked at it, she grimaced, feeling conflicted. She and Sid did have sex, but was that all it was or was it something more? To her, it was something more. She liked sex, yes, but she just didn’t go around spreading her legs for anyone. To Sid it was probably just another sexual encounter, and though that hurt, she was a big girl and knew what she was in for before dropping her panties.

“You going to answer that?” Sid eyed her, his happy mood disappearing quickly. “Who is it?”

“Ah, it’s Doug. I’ll just call him back.” Lana went to put her phone in her back pocket.

“The fuck you will.” Sid grabbed her phone
, answering it.

“Hey!” Lana grabbed for her phone, but he was too quick.

“This is Sid Sinclair and Lana is no longer available. If you call her again, I will hunt you down,” Sid growled into the phone. “You got me, Dennis? Good!”

“Why did you do that?” Lana looked at him with a wide-eyed stare. “And his name is Doug.”

“I don’t give two fucks what his fucking name is,” Sid growled, handing her the phone. “I suggest you block his number if you want him to live.”

“What is wrong with you?” Lana stepped back
, shocked by his anger, but in all honesty, he was amazing. She’d never had a man act like this by her just talking to another man, and it made her feel…special. What in the hell was wrong with her? She was a cop, a woman who knew who she was and didn’t need an overbearing alpha male bending her to his will…or did she?

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