Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4 (17 page)

BOOK: Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4
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Sid helped clean up, but quietly listened to them laugh and tease each other.
He had never had a family of his own. Even before he was turned, he was orphaned, never being adopted out. He had been raised by priests. When he was old enough, he was thrown out on the street where he was turned within two days of being free. His thoughts turned back those hundreds of years ago, surprising him, because this was the first time in all that time, he yearned that things had been different for him.

you okay?” Lana stood next to him, taking him by surprise. It had been a long time since he’d been so caught up in his thoughts that he was taken by surprise.

“Yeah.” He looked down at her
. He stared into her eyes, wondering if he could commit to a life with one woman. Doubt surfaced, but he knew without a doubt, if there was one woman out there he would want to spend his long lifetime with, it would be her. Jesus, he must be losing his mind to be thinking this way. What the hell! He hadn’t even slept with her yet. He quickly wondered if this was how his brothers had felt when they found their mates or he was just losing his mind.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Lana gave him a warm smile, but there were questions in her eyes.

“Give me a twenty, and they’re yours,” he said without a smile, but winked at her.

Lana reached into her back pocket
, pulling out ten bucks. “I’m ten short. Can I have the bargain version?” she grinned, but her grin slipped quickly at the seriousness in his gaze.

They stood staring at each other while activity bus
tled around them. Neither smiled, but an understanding seemed to click.

“Sid, thank you again for taking care of my girl.”
Miles broke the moment, pulling Lana into a bear hug. “It’s hard to let go. If I had it my way, all my girls would live under my roof forever.”

Sid gave a nod. “She’s a handful, but I’ve got it.”

Lana rolled her eyes, pulling away from her dad. “Mom, Dad’s being overbearing again.” She took on a high-pitched voice as she called out to her mom. Sid couldn’t help but laugh.

, stop it,” Melanie ordered, but the adoration in her gaze softened the heat behind her words. She walked over, pinching him on the ribs before looking up at Sid. “I’m not sure what happened before I got here, but thank you. We were rushing to get here and Miles took off to make sure Lana didn’t have to face Rod alone.”

Sid glanced over at Lana
, who was talking to Caroline, softly saying her goodbyes. “Does she come here alone often?”

“Yes.” Miles pulled his wife closer. “Because of her work schedule
, sometimes she has to drop in whenever she can, but she comes every day. I can only imagine what is said when we’re not around, but nothing short of revoking Rod’s visiting privileges, I don’t know what to do.”

“Lana won’t let you do that.” It wasn’t a question
; it was a fact Sid knew was true. In the short time Sid had known her, Lana definitely thought of others before herself.

“No, she won’t
,” Melanie sighed.

Sid shook Miles
’s hand then kissed Melanie’s. “It was nice meeting you both, and thank you for allowing me to be a part of your special night.” Sid looked over at Jamie, who was staring at him. “Jamie, it was nice meeting you.”

She nodded
, glancing at her mom and dad who were busy getting their things. “Don’t let anything happen to my sister.” Her eyes, so much like Lana’s, pleaded with him before she grabbed her things and walked out.

Sid turned his head
, watching her leave. This family was going through a hell no one deserved. Turning his attention back to Caroline, he walked toward her. Reaching out, he placed his hand on her small cool fingers. A quick flash of something blinded his vision, but then it was gone. He had hoped touching her would allow him to see something but she was totally shut off to him. Adam had that talent, and as soon as he found the pain in the ass he would be bringing him here.

“It was nice meeting you
, Caroline,” he repeated the words he had said to her family. He squeezed her hand and was surprised to feel a finger twitch. Frowning, he stared down at her hand.

“You okay?” Lana walked up with her

Knowing he wasn’t going to say anything
, because he wasn’t sure that he’d felt anything and didn’t want to get Lana’s hopes up, he looked away from her sister.

“Just saying goodbye
,” he smiled down at her.

Lana smiled back, gave Caroline one more kiss to the forehead, waved to her family one more time
, and then walked next to Sid to the elevator. Sid noticed she didn’t even glance to see if the glass had been cleaned up, which it had. Thinking about Rod, Sid’s instincts kicked in and he became aware of everything. Rod looked stupid enough to hang around and he wasn’t going to be caught off guard.

As soon as the door closed
, Lana seemed to fold into herself. Her shoulders slumped; her eyes drooped as she leaned against the back wall of the elevator.

“Lana, you okay?” Sid watched her closely.

“Umm hum,” she mumbled, her eyes closed. “I don’t want to go home.”

“Good.” Sid leaned back next to her. “
Because I wasn’t taking you home.”

Chapter 17

Lana made it to the car. Thankfully
, Sid was quiet on the walk there, because it was taking everything she had to hold her emotions back. Hoping not to see Rod, she had kept her eyes down, almost running into people, but Sid had wrapped his arm around her, leading her out the door without running anyone down.

Once at the car
, Lana stopped at the door waiting for Sid to unlock it. His hand slipped under her chin, pulling her face up to his. He didn’t have to say a word; just the understanding look in his eyes did her in.

The first tear leaked from
the corner of her eye, slipping down her cheek, and another followed from the other. Her lips quivered. “It should have been me,” she whispered from somewhere deep, her words so full of hurt. “I should be the one up there, not her.”

Sid pulled her into his arms
, holding her tight. “Let it out.”

His words hit the most wounded part of her soul
, making her hold onto him for dear life. For the first time since her sister’s accident, she didn’t cry alone, but held onto a Warrior who absorbed her pain as if it was his own.

It hurts so bad,” Lana cried the words into his chest. “She was getting married. Her dress is still hanging on the door in her room. It’s all she ever talked about when we were little girls. She wanted to get married, have a huge wedding, and I wanted to shoot bad guys.”

Sid pushed her away enough to look down into her face. Using both hands
, he tilted her face up to his. Sid gently rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs, wiping her pain away.

“She was a school teacher for God’s sake. I’m the cop. I’m the one who faces danger all the time.” Lana’s tear
-filled eyes looked up at him, searching for answers. “What made me ask her to do what she hated? Why did I ask her to take the risk?”

“Life is a risk
, Lana.” Sid’s eyes didn’t waver. “And being a school teacher is a risk with all the school shootings. You never would have knowingly put your sister in harm’s way.”

“No, I wouldn’t
,” Lana replied, stepping away from him and wiping her eyes. “But I did, and it’s one thing I don’t know if I can live with.”

Don’t even talk like that,” Sid raised her face to his, anger forming each word. “You have a family who has your back and loves you very much. They would be devastated if something happened to you.”

Lana nodded
, and then shook her head. Dammit, she was losing it. Pouring her heart out to Sid was unexpected, but it felt so right. “I know and I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not going to off myself. Shit, I would never…” she cursed once again, wiping her tears away with quick swipes. “I’m not usually this bad. I’m so sorry for falling apart like this, and thank you for the shoulder.” She leaned up and kissed his cheek, a habit that she was becoming familiarly oddly comfortable with.

Sid’s eyes drank her in as he leaned down
, placing a light kiss on her lips. “Never thank me, Lana.” Sid pulled away opening the door. “I’m here for whatever you need.”

Lana practically melted into the seat. If he only knew what his words meant to her. She had been alone for so long
. Even with her family, she had been so lonely. Taking a deep breath, she slowly let it out. Glancing up at the hospital, she knew in her heart that Caroline would want her to go on with life, and she was really trying. God, she was trying. Sid slid in, started the car, and backed out without a word. From the corner of her eye, she watched him and wondered if this man could help her find herself again. She was just as lost as Caroline; the only difference was Lana was hiding the fact behind fake smiles.

The ride was silent, but Sid had reached over
, taking her hand with a firm grip. It only took ten minutes to get back to the compound. Lana didn’t ask any questions. She didn’t want to go home and fall into the depression that plagued her every time she left her sister.

As if by habit
, Lana waited for Sid to open her door. Without words, they walked into the compound hand in hand, she taking comfort from his touch. Lana noticed the entryway was almost completely reconstructed, except for a paint job. Sid led her into the kitchen where they were met with Damon and Nicole in a deep embrace.

“What part of Sid’s
Kitchen Law did you two not understand?” Sid growled, letting go of Lana’s hand to take off his jacket, tossing it in a chair.

Damon growled back, but let go of his wife. “You have the wors
t timing, brother.”

“No, you have the worst case of being whipped by your woman
that I’ve ever seen.” Sid slid past him, pointing to the small poster board of his kitchen laws he had actually made up. “Read it, learn it, and by God, do it! This is a kitchen for Christ’s sake.”

Nicole shook her head
, arms crossed and smiling when Sid came to her, kissing her on the cheek. “Sid, as many women as you’ve had, I’m sure you’ve done it in many a kitchen.” Nicole turned, seeing Lana, and grimaced. “Ah, sorry.”

“Oh, no. Don’t be
,” Lana grinned, watching Sid squirm.

“See.” He pointed a
large wooden spoon at Nicole. “I try to bring a respectable lady here and you go and say things like that. I am ashamed of you.”

Lana snorted
, “Seriously, don’t worry about it. He’s just my boss and I’ve already met one of his lovely ladies.” Lana’s grin widened when Sid shook his head at her. “Sidilicious seems to be well-known at the hospital, especially by redheaded nurses with big breasts.”

, shit!” Sid glared at Lana with narrowed eyes. “Really?”

Lana nodded
, pursing her lips. “Really.”

“Sidilicious?” Nicole sputtered. “Oh man
, tell me you’re not lying.” Nicole eyed Lana and threw back her head laughing when Lana crossed her heart.

“Control your woman
,” Sid growled at Damon, who just looked at Sid in disgusted shock.

Sidilicious?” Damon glanced at him sideways. “Tell me it’s not true, my brother.”

“Hey! Hey! Can I help it
if the ladies like to nickname me?” Sid threw his arms out wide.

Sidilicious, Rachel Ray? What’s next, G-strings and pedicures?” Damon held his hand up, shaking his head.

Nicole lift
ed her hand toward Damon for a high five. “I can’t breathe,” Nicole wheezed. She watched Sid as he opened doors to every cupboard in the kitchen before slamming them shut. “What in the hell are you looking for?” she asked with a hiccup and giggle.

“My manhood
,” Sid frowned, slamming another draw door closed. “Now, get the fuck out of my kitchen.”

Damon and Nicole grinned like fools as they made their way to the door
. Nicole stopped and glanced back at Sid then to Lana. “I’m Nicole.” She patted Lana on the shoulder. “I’m sure I’ll talk to you very soon, Lana.”

“Get out!” Sid growled
, pointing toward the door with his spoon.

Lana frowned
, feeling terrible for teasing Sid. He looked so upset, and she really didn’t mean to do that. Getting up, she walked over to him, his back turned toward her.

“Sid, I’m sorry.” Lana started to apologize.

“Are they gone?” Sid asked without turning around.

glanced behind her to make sure. “Yeah.” Before she knew what was going on, Sid grabbed her, pulling her in front of him. His lips found hers in a long opened-mouthed kiss that had her body on fire in one fast flash. One large arm was around her lower back, the other her upper back as his hand tangled in her hair, cupping her scalp. When she thought she was going to pass out, he lifted his mouth a fraction from her lips; his eyes remained closed as he breathed her in.

“That will teach you to tease me.” His eyes opened slowly
, burning into hers. His voice was teasing, but his eyes were telling a whole different story.

Lana’s lips tilted in a small smile, her eyes searching his handsome face. If teasing him got her this
, then she would come up with new ones by the minute. “Rachael Ray? Really?”

His lips smashed down on hers as his hands cupped her ass
, bringing her up his body. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck, loving the feeling of being smashed against his hard body. His strength radiated off him in waves and she relished the feeling. She rubbed against his hardness making him moan.

“Think I found your manhood
,” she grinned against his lips.

“Honey, it was never lost.” His growl against her ear sent shivers in places she didn’t know she could shiver.

He worked his way to her neck, eating her alive. His fangs dragged across her skin, sending her over the edge.

, sorry…” A male voice echoed in the room. “I, ah…”

,” Sid hissed, his body going rigid.

You have got to be kidding me!” Jared actually walked closer, seeing Lana peek over his shoulder. “Hey, Lana.”

Lana gave Jared a finger wave over Sid’s shoulder, then looked up at Sid
, who was staring down at her. “Cover your eyes and don’t look, no matter what you hear.”

“Why?” Lana asked concerned at his seriousness.

“Because there is about to be a lot of blood.” Sid walked a few steps, setting her on the counter. “Jared, get the fuck out of here.” Sid adjusted himself before turning around.

“This is fucking classic.”
Jared leaned against the counter, his arms crossed.

, guys.” Tessa walked in and with one glance at Sid’s tense face, she frowned. “What’s going on?”

Sid took three steps
, kissing Tessa on the forehead, his eyes still glaring at Jared. “How you feeling, Tess?”

,” Tessa replied, still looking between Jared and Sid. “Did I interrupt something?”

“No, I did
,” Jared’s grin widened.

, honey, if you like Jared’s face that way, you best get your man out of here,” Sid warned sweetly to Tessa, but still glared at Jared.

Jared casually pushed away from the counter
, walking to the poster board with the kitchen law. “Read it, learn it, and by God, do it! This is a kitchen for Christ’s sake.” Jared’s voice mocked Sid’s word by word.

“Yeah, the difference is, dickhead, it’s my kitchen.” Sid dove for Jared
, knocking him to the ground.

Lana jumped off the counter, but Tessa stopped her
from getting close. “They’re fine.” Tessa grinned, shaking her head. “I’m Tessa, by the way.”

“Lana.” Lana nodded at her, but quickly turned her attention back to Sid and Jared.

“I’m impressed.” Tessa looked her up and down. “Sid never brings his women here.”

Lana’s glanced at her. “Really?”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Tessa bit her lip. “I shouldn’t have said that. I mean…”

“It’s okay
,” Lana smiled seeing that Tessa was truly shocked. “I know he’s a….”

“Man whore?” Tessa supplied for her.

“Guess that’s one way to put it.” Lana moved her head back and forth, watching as Sid helped Jared up, then punched him in the stomach.

“And that doesn’t bother you?” Tessa’s smile faded a little showing that she was truly impressed.

“At the moment, no.” Lana laughed when Tessa’s mouth dropped open. “I have a past also. We all do. I’m not going to hate a man because he kissed me in the kitchen after he’s been with countless women.”

She suddenly felt a little sorry for Sid. Since she
had known him, everyone gave him shit. Not that he didn’t give it back, but sometimes enough was enough. She saw the frown he gave Jared when Jared made a comment and knew it was another dig. This time Sid just turned away, holding his hand to her. Instead of taking his hand, she took two quick steps, jumping into the same position they had been found, kissing him hard.

“What happens if I break your Kitchen Law?”
she grinned against his lips.

He turned
, totally ignoring the open-mouthed gapes of Tessa and Jared as he headed toward the door. “You’re about to find out.”

Lana grinned
, kissing the side of his neck, and gave Jared and Tessa a finger wave.

Loud laughter followed them out of the kitchen.

BOOK: Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4
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