Wicked Desires

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Authors: Jezebel Jorge

Tags: #spirits, #witches, #spells, #samhain, #pro wrestling, #absinthe, #jezebel jorge, #ring dreams

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Wicked Desires


A collection of Ring Dreams


by Jezebel Jorge

© 2012 Jezebel Jorge

Published by Jezebel Jorge at

Discover other titles by Jezebel Jorge




Cover Art by Jezebel Jorge

All images were purchased from



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This is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places and incidents either are the product of the
author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance
to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events,
or locales is entirely coincidental.



These stories are dedicated
to my awesome spirit guide Odessa.

Table of Contents



Stealing My


An Excerpt from


A Message from


About the





What’s a witch to do?

Samhain– the most sacred,
yet for Dinera DeFliehr, the most festive day of the year. As usual
her husband of too many years to count was on the road, most likely
spending his night screwing his twenty-year-old trollop.

The day she arrived in America as a
fifteen-year-old bride Dinera placed a fidelity spell on him that
had been impenetrable, at least until two years ago. The night he
met the only witch powerful enough to counteract her

Dinera sat in front of her vanity
mirror naked, raking a brush through her long naturally auburn
tresses. Despite looking damn good for thirty-four, his Odessa
surpassed her European beauty.

It was as if William had
stepped into a time machine to find a taller, lither version of
what Dinera had once been. Longer hair, a more vibrant sheen of
crimson, hanging all the way down to the curve of her tight little
ass. Green cat eyes the color of polished emeralds. The trollop had
firmer perkier breasts and six extra inches of height, giving her
legs that just wouldn’t quit.

Dinera had curves and dazzling blue
eyes the color of an iceberg melting in blistering sunshine. The
very first words William spoke to her had been to compliment her
eyes. Something about fearing that he could drown in their amazing
depths of shimmering blue.

He had been quite the
charmer back then and he’d been right to fear her power. Dinera was
a DeFliehr witch from one of France’s most infamous families. Her
mother had also married young, to a Romanian Prince. This union
intermingled their royal and pagan bloodlines to make Dinera a
witch of immense power.

If there had of been such a
thing as American royalty, William Fletcher’s family would have
ruled over The Crescent City. Yet, regardless of who they married,
a DeFliehr witch never took the sir name of her husband.

His family’s First Street mansion, now
that was another story. She’d taken control of that house the
instant he’d carried her over the threshold. He’d been
pussy-whipped since he’d taken her virginity on their wedding

At least until the trollop came

Dinera had never been averse to
sharing, but not with someone who could match her spell for spell,
and even best her on occasion. She cast William out of her bed the
moment she realized Odessa had stolen his heart, right along with
his dick.

It would be a very cold day in hell
before he would be able to get her out of this house. That wouldn’t
be happening until the day her ashes were returned to

Here it was, the day to
honor the dead, and the only dead thing she had to honor in this
country was the death of their martial vows. There wouldn’t be a
divorce. His heart might belong to another, but he would be legally
bound to her until his body was laid in the Fletcher crypt at the
St. Charles Cemetery.

The only thing Dinera had given up on
was William impregnating her with a girl child to carry on the
DeFliehr name. All those loads of wasted sperm and all he’d given
her was a son. She had given birth at seventeen and at the sight of
the baby’s penis she’d turned him over to a nanny. Charles had
grown into a teenage monster of a child. With no father around to
teach him how to be a man, she doubted she would ever even get a
granddaughter out of William’s less than attractive

Dinera stepped into a pair of white
lace panties, selected a black bustier from her dressing room and
called for her maid to fasten the many delicate pearl clasps
running up the front. Normally she might have been aroused by the
way Justine carefully squeezed her breasts into the rich silk
fabric, pushing them up to make the most of her

Justine stood a good five feet eleven
in her uniform stilettos accessorized by fishnet stockings. Dinera
always made the raven haired beauty wear a skirt so short it barely
covered her butt cheeks. The twenty-something girl had mainly been
hired as eye candy. She had less attractive servants to take care
of the harder household chores.

With the bustier laced, Justine ran
her hands over Dinera’s breasts as she admired her own image in the
mirror. The white panties played up the pearls that would draw all
eyes to the curve of Dinera’s breasts.

Shall I pleasure you?”
Justine asked.

Dinera’s mind raced back to the many
times she had watched Justine take William’s cock in her mouth,
sucking him until his body ached for release. After learning about
Odessa, Dinera had refused to put her mouth on his penis or his

While Justine sucked his
cock, Dinera would lift her skirt and smack the girl's ass until
Justine's pale backside displayed a pretty pink handprint. The dark
side of her soul wanted the blows to cause Justine to slip up and
take a bite out of William’s cock. Her body had other ideas because
she couldn’t wait for Justine to take William right to the edge.
Right to where his cock ached to be consumed my Dinera’s already
wet pussy.

While Dinera rode William, Justine sat
quietly in a corner masturbating and enjoying the show. After his
release, William would lie back amidst the pillows and watch
Justine pleasure Dinera, lapping up all his semen and making her
scream with pleasure.

William’s cock was nice enough, she
supposed. Not that she had a lot to compare it to since he was the
only man she’d ever been with. She might have been a virgin in
terms of male penetration on her wedding night, but she had enjoyed
the pleasures of a female numerous times since that first curious
experiment with a girlfriend on a weekend sleepover. Since that
night she had always preferred a woman’s touch over that of her

Would you like me to
pleasure you?” Justine repeated, already down on her knees ready to
service her mistress.

As she should be, considering how well
paid Justine was as a companion for hire.

Not now, my lovely one.”
Despite her kind words, Dinera roughly pulled Justine up by her
ponytail for a brutal kiss. “I have business to attend to this

Dinera slid into a silk skirt and
turned for Justine to fasten the zipper. Then she sat back down for
her servant to lace her black calf length soft suede

With that task completed, Justine
asked, “Shall I call the car for you?”

No, I’ll take the street
car to the French Quarter.”

While Justine went into the closet to
fetch her cape and purse, Dinera opened her jewelry box to retrieve
her favorite necklace, a family heirloom. A pentacle pendent
encrusted with rubies. She slipped the silver chain around her
neck, and smiled with self-approval as the pendant fell just above
the cleft of her corseted breasts.

The cape completed her ensemble with
the rich blue velvet perfectly matched to her eyes lined with a
shade of kohl that made them even more spectacular than

Will you be needed my
services later this evening?” Justine asked, not daring to look
Dinera in those mystical blue eyes.

You are excused to go
visit with your gentleman friend until I call for Jerome to bring
the car for me.”

Dinera was well aware of
Justine’s coupling with her young black driver. The girl had no
idea that the large mirror directly in front of her bed was
actually a one-sided window to a locked room on the other side of
the wall.

There had been many a lonely night
when Dinera had pleasuring herself while watching Jerome fuck
Justin until the couple collapsed in sated bliss. She liked it best
when he did her from behind. That position provided a most
enjoyable view of Jerome’s long thick black cock slamming into
Justine’s deliciously wet pussy.

Those vivid memories sent a surge of
heat between Dinera’s legs. Maybe she would have to reconsider
calling Justin to her bed later that evening.

Until then, it would have
to be business before pleasure.

2 ~


Nice costume, lady,” a
deviant teenager said.

Dinera simply smiled and accepted the
compliment. Her outfit was no costume. She dressed like this every
day of the year.

Maybe taking the St.
Charles streetcar in the midst of the evening commute hadn’t been
such a good idea. Except that she enjoyed the stares of both the
men and women that perused her body with heat in their eyes. She
almost felt sorry for these nine-to-five commoners making their
daily trudge home from work.

It wasn’t as if being William
Fletcher’s wife wasn’t a job. That house had been in a horrible
state of disarray when she had first taken over the place. His
money might have paid for the prime First Street property, but it
was her inheritance that turned that old house back into a mansion
worthy of being occupied by a DeFliehr witch.

The evening had begun its descent from
dusk to darkness when Dinera got off the streetcar at the last stop
in the French Quarter. Despite the rapidly fading light, she bought
a bouquet of roses from a street vendor and fearlessly entered the
St. Louis Cemetery.

Little things like muggers and street
thugs meant nothing to a witch of her power. She strolled through
the cemetery until she reached the ornately decorated Fletcher
family crypt. Dinera placed the roses in a silver vase attached on
outside wall.

She lit a white candle pulled for the
folds of her cape and unlocked the door with a key dangling from a
silver chain with another one of her pentacle amulets.

The heavy door creaked open
and she stepped inside, scattering the wilted roses from her
previous visit. Placing the candle on the floor, she knelt beside
it to thank William’s parents, grandparents and great-grandparents
for her New Orleans home. Although she had never personally met a
single Fletcher enshrined in this crypt, she considered this people
to be her only family on this side of the Atlantic

As much as she loved her
adopted home in New Orleans, on nights like this she ached to be
back in her native Romania or her father’s French homeland. She
knew her mother would be in Transylvania tonight sitting beside the
grave of her father. DeFliehr witches were always cremated so there
would be no ancestral graves of the omen kinfolk.

After paying her proper respects,
Dinera left the candle to burn itself out in the crypt and
carefully locked the door behind her. She looked up at the angel
atop the crypt and wondered what William might be doing at that
very moment with his beloved Odessa.

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