Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4 (12 page)

BOOK: Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4
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“Calm down and get control
, you hoe!” she reprimanded herself before he gracefully slid into the driver’s seat.

“Who’s a hoe?” Sid asked
, starting the engine, his eyes pinning her to the seat.

“I didn’t say hoe
,” Lana laughed nervously, feeling heat climb up her neck. “I said…I’m hungry so…let’s go…bro.”

Sid sat staring at her for a second before laughing and putting the car in gear. Lana turned her head
, looking out the window and making a disgusted face at her reflection; she was screwed in more ways than one. “Bro?” she silently cursed at her reflection.


Sid sat and watched Lana put away two double sliders with cheese, onion chips, a large coffee and was now draining a diet Pepsi. He was impressed. “Feel better?” he asked, watching her luscious lips wrap around the straw of her drink, wishing her lips were wrapped around a certain part of his anatomy.

“Mhmmm.” She tossed her napkin and sat back. “Told you I was starved. You sure you don’t want anything?”

Glancing around, he shook his head. For a Friday night at midnight, he wasn’t surprised that the only customers in White Castle were people going to get their drink on or had already had their drink on. He had picked the booth in a corner with his back to the wall so he could keep an eye on everyone. “I prefer food, but thanks.”

Lana waved her hand over her empty cartons. “What’s this?”

“I have no idea.” Sid made a disgusted face.

Lana rolled her eyes.
“Well, if it doesn’t come in a bag or box, I’m screwed.”

“You can’t cook?” Sid’s eyes narrowed
as if that was the sin of all sins.

“Nope, but I can whip up a mean mac and cheese
,” Lana smiled. “Now, my mom can cook like a goddess.”

“So how is it you were undercover, but using your real name
and identity? Lana is your real name, isn’t it?” Sid leaned back, stretching his legs out the best he could under the table.

Lana took another sip of her diet
Pepsi. “I was supposed to be Linda Lovelace, but Susan messed up saying my real name, and like you, she didn’t give me time to disguise myself.”

“Pretty dangerous mistake when undercover
,” Sid pointed out.

“Oh, like
using the name VC Warrior was playing it safe?” Lana cocked an eyebrow.

“I like to live dangerously
,” Sid grinned. “So how did a beautiful woman like you become a cop?”

“Just like the men. I put my time in, studied hard and went through training.” Lana frowned
, indicating she didn’t like the question.

“So calling you beautiful didn’t lessen the harshness of that question
, did it?” Sid was pleasantly surprised. Most times when he used the words like ‘beautiful’, the women were putty in his hands. This was a new experience for him, and he liked it very much. The only women who didn’t fall for his bullshit were his brothers’ mates, and now this woman sitting across from him, looking sexy as hell, who had a gun strapped to her leg and knew how to use it. Shit he was getting hard thinking about it.

“No, it didn’t.” Lana relaxed
, looking sleepy and totally clueless of his thoughts. “It’s a typical question from chauvinistic pigs.”

Touché.” Sid’s eyebrow cocked a notch.

“Very.” Lana imitated him
by cocking her own eyebrow.

fair enough.” Sid laughed, wanting to know more about this woman who didn’t seem to fall at his feet wanting to worship him. One would think he would be turned off by that, but the easy conquests who threw themselves at him daily were getting old, and funny thing was, he just now realized that. “So what made you want to become a cop?”

A small smile lit
her face. “My father is a retired Sheriff.” Her eyes met his. “For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with what he did. I would beg him to take me for rides in his police car, mercilessly ask him questions about his day and the bad guys he put away. I was a constant visitor at the station. I drove my poor dad crazy, along with all the other cops in his division when I could corner them.”

I bet he’s very proud of you.” Sid said as he watched the emotions dance in her eyes.

, he really didn’t want me to become a cop, but he knew all along that’s what was going to happen.” Lana straightened up and rolled her shoulders, which made her breasts jiggle, and she was totally unaware, which was another unexpected turn on. She wasn’t trying to be sexy.

Sid groaned low in his throat. I
t wouldn’t look good on either of them if he pulled her across the table so he could latch onto one of those nipples begging to be touched with his mouth. He was pretty sure White Castle would frown on that, and Sloan would have a major meltdown. Sid cleared his throat, forcing his eyes up to hers. “So are you going to tell me about what happened to your neck that night?”

Lana nodded. “Not here though
,” she replied, glancing at the table diagonal to them. Five guys and two girls were crammed together. The guys were staring at her and making crude comments.

Sid glared at them.
“Excuse me.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Lana tried to stop him.

Sid ignored her as he stood and headed to their table. Stopping, he stared down at them. It didn’t matter that he had been looking at Lana the same way these little dickheads were, but it was different when he did it. She was his. Shocked at his thoughts, he didn’t say anything; he simply glared at them.

“What’s up
, man?” One brave idiot trying to look cool asked, the smell of beer hovering over their table.

My foot up your bony ass…” Sid replied, slamming both hands on the table and leaning in the guy’s face. “if you don’t stop remarking about the lady I’m with.” Just to make it clear he wasn’t fucking around, Sid sneered at them showing his sharp fangs.

The table
, as one, leaned away from him, crushing each other. “Hey, man, we don’t want no trouble.”

, man…” Sid mocked with a glare, “good choice. Now, why don’t you sober up before you find yourself in more trouble than you can handle.”

, he made his way back to Lana, who was getting up, making sure she flashed the gun beneath her dress. With a wicked grin, she shimmied the dress down. They all stared at her with wide eyes.

“Good thing he got to you first.
Night boys,” She warned. With a wink at their table, she passed Sid, who was holding open the door for her. “Oh, and make sure you don’t drive out of this lot unless you have a sober driver. I just texted my good friend, Officer Beckman. I’d get some coffee if I were you.”

Sid waited until they were out in the parking lot before he started laughing. “That was great.”

“I think you scared them back to puberty,” Lana snorted. “They about peed themselves when you showed your fangs.”

“Did you really text someone?” Sid shook his head as he opened the car door.

“Sure did.” She waited until he slid into the driver seat. “I’m sure they’re not old enough to be drinking, and I sure don’t want to hear about a bunch of kids being killed because I did nothing. It’s my job.”

Which you do well,” Sid nodded as he pulled out of the parking lot.

Lana looked at him shocked. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Sid glanced over at her. “So start talking, Officer Fitzpatrick.”

Lana sighed
, taking off her shoes. “It’s kind of a long story and I’m wiped out, so how about the next time we work?”

, that’s going to be at nine tomorrow morning, so be ready to talk, because I’m not letting this go,” Sid warned, pulling up to a small one-story white house with dark blue shutters.

“I’m not trying to get out of telling you. Just the night that it happened
, we were not working together, and you know…” Lana grabbed her shoes then looked out the window. “Hey, I didn’t tell you where I lived. How did you know where I lived?”

Googled you,” Sid smirked, getting out of the car and walking around to open hers up.

You did not,” Lana laughed when he opened her door. “Guess being a Warrior gives you special privileges to information.”

,” he replied, following her up the walkway to her front porch.

“I didn’t get to learn much about you tonight.” Lana frowned as
she stopped at the door.

“Not much to tell
,” Sid shrugged, looking uncomfortable. He didn’t talk about himself, ever.

“Oh, I don’t believe that for one second. There’s a story or two I’m sure you can share
, and
I will
be getting it out of you,” Lana laughed. Reaching up under her dress, she opened a small pouch on her gun strap, pulling out a key.

“I’m sorry. I know I’m supposed to be you
r boss, but that is fucking hot,” Sid growled, his eyes heated.

Lana stared at him for a second before her shaking hand finally got her door opened
. “Yeah, well it’s uncomfortable as hell, I’ll tell you that. If the strap doesn’t fit right, it feels like it’s sliding down. I hate wearing dresses, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do.” She stood inside her open door. “Thanks for standing up for me with those guys at White Castle. Sometimes, it’s nice to have someone stand up for you.”

“Not a problem
,” Sid smiled down at her. “Just because you’re a badass cop doesn’t mean a man can’t be a gentleman when the need arises.”

You want to come in?” Lana had stood silent before she asked.

“Yes.” Sid stared at her
, taking a step closer to her, but stopped. “But I’m not going to.”

“Yeah, I guess we both know what will happen if you do”
Lana shrugged as if indifferent, but a sad loneliness that was hard to hide shadowed her eyes.

“Oh, there’s no guessing about it
, lovely Lana.” Sid leaned close. “It will happen, just not tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow at nine. I’ll text you the address to the warehouse where I’ll be. Lock your door. Sweet dreams.” He stared at her for a second longer before giving her a sexy smile and wink, leaving Lana at the door panting.

Chapter 12

Jill ran laps
, her iPod blaring. She knew Slade had come in, but she didn’t make eye contact. She wanted to get her workout going before Sid and the cop Lana came in this morning. Sid had texted her about doing another profile pic. She also knew the blood bimbos were due in early, so she needed to get her ‘suck it up’ mode going. Something just told her that this day was going to suck like no other.

Passing the window
where she had her phone sitting, she glanced to see if she had a missed call or text. Adam hadn’t answered any of her calls or texts, the jerk. She’d officially decided she was going to kill him, or at least beat the shit out of his sorry ass. Thank God, Tessa was going to be okay. Regardless, Jared was pissed and stressed to the max. She needed to get to him before Jared or any of the other Warriors did.

She had lost count of how many laps she had run, but sweat poured off her. Slowing down
, she picked up a towel, and wiped her face before grabbing her water.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder
, her phone flew out of her hand. Juggling it before it fell to the floor, she grabbed it finally and turned. “What?” she yelled, and quickly frowned when Steve pointed to her ears. Looking around everyone was staring at her. Pulling her earphones out of her ears, she looked at Steve. “What?” she asked again, but this time in a normal voice.

Rolling his eyes at her
, he glanced around. “I talked to Adam.”

“When?” Jill cringed when she
spoke too loudly, once again drawing attention to them.

“A few minutes
ago, okay.” Steve continued as low as possible, “He’s okay. He’s worried about Tessa, but I told him she was going to be fine. He said he knows everyone thinks he’s going rogue, but he’s not. He’s on to something and needs our help.”

“Why the hell didn’t he call me?” Jill hissed. “I called him all damn night.”

“I don’t know, but he’s going to be calling you at noon today so try to be alone.” Steve took a drink of water. “He’s going to try to do a three-way call.”

Jill nodded
, glancing at the clock. She had four hours to get done what she needed to get done before then. Glancing toward the back, she saw the blood bimbos walk in, and, of course, they headed toward Slade who stood talking to Sloan. They were having a meeting after they fed. It was Alice and someone Jill had never seen before.

Alice waved a finger at Steve, which put a goofy grin on his face.

“Oh, please,” Jill snorted.

“What? She’s nice and looks damn good.” Steve waved back.

“And you’re a douche.” Jill nudged him.

He nudged her back. “And you’re jealous.”

“Of that?” Jill didn’t even look toward Alice. “She’s a bitch, and you just like her because she has big boobs and will drop her pants for anybody.”

“So, what’s wrong with that?” Steve grinned.

Jill tried her best to ignore when Slade and Alice walked by heading toward the back. Jill squeezed her bottle of water a little too hard causing the water to spray out.

Steve laughed. “You are so jealous of Alice
. Just admit it.”

Fire shot out of her eyes as she glared at Steve. Without
a thought, she dropped down, kicking his leg out from under him, pounced on him, grabbed his arm and got him in an arm bar. Jill tightened the arm bar, making a funny noise come out of Steve’s mouth. “You better tap before I break it.”

Steve slapped
on her leg, tapping out. Jill let go and rolled to her feet, grabbing the water and her phone she dropped when taking him down. “Damn, Jill.” Steve rubbed his arm glaring at her when she sat down on the mat. When she wrinkled her nose at him, he smiled. “I don’t care how many arm bars you get me in; you’re still jealous.”

Jill reached over
, grabbing a punching mitt, and threw it, slamming him in the back of the head. When he turned to glare at her rubbing his head, she simply smiled, put her earphones in and then laid back. She didn’t want to watch Slade walk from the back with a satisfied look on his face, so she just lay there jamming, letting her mind try to figure out what Adam was up to. Glancing at her watch again, she noticed a shadow falling over her.

Sloan stood over her
, his mouth moving. Taking her earphones out again, she turned her iPod down. “What?”

“I hate those fucking things because I always have to repeat myself
,” Sloan growled. “Get back there and feed so we can get this meeting going.”

Jill stood
, glancing around, and was surprised to see Slade already out talking to Damon and Sid. Hell, did she fall asleep? Glancing at the clock, she frowned because only about ten minutes or so had passed since Slade went in the back with the bimbo.

, Jill tossed her stuff off the mat and then headed toward the back. Steve was just walking out as Jill was walking in; he wore a disappointed frown. “Ah, what happened, Stevie? Didn’t get your after-meal blow job?” Jill teased as they passed.

“Shut up
,” Steve glared, and then pouted. “And no, as a matter of fact, I didn’t.”

Jill laughed when Steve grinned at her. “Poor thing, but at least you’re safe from some horrible disease for a while.”

“You’re so damn mean,” Steve accused. “My whole day has been ruined. Where’s the sympathy?”

Rolling her eyes
, she walked into the back, spotting Alice and the other woman leaning against the counter. Figuring she would try a new approach and be nice to Alice, Jill plastered on a nice smile. “Hi Alice.” Then she nodded to the other woman.

“That her?” The tall woman with curly blonde hair eyed Jill up and down.

“Yes, that’s her.” Alice pushed away from the counter, walking toward Jill. “Disgusting isn’t it? I personally think all half-breeds need to be exterminated.”

Jill stood still as Alice walked around her. She kept repeating to herself ‘keep
your cool’. If things went bad with this, Sloan would kick her ass to the curb. She’d been warned.

Alice laughed. “Although Steve could be my little slave
, so he does have some purpose for a half-breed. All I have to do is give his cock a little attention and he’s all mine. And I can’t forget Adam, who is hung like a horse and gets a hard-on every time he feeds, but will only let me blow him. His love for his little human is sweet, and he doesn’t want to cheat on her by fucking me, but he is always anxious to stick that big cock in my mouth.” Alice stopped in front of Jill, staring into her mismatched eyes. “Men are funny, aren’t they, breed? Thinking sticking it in one hole over the other isn’t cheating.”

“You’re disgusting
,” Jill didn’t blink, just stood staring.

The only indication that Alice heard her was the flare of anger in her eyes. “So then that leaves you.” Alice tapped a finger to her red painted lips. “And honestly
, you have no use whatsoever to anybody. Just a waste of space.”

“What is your problem?” Jill asked, still in control, but
she felt it slipping, fast.

“My problem
, you stupid little freak of nature, is you and those other bitches coming in here thinking you’re better than me.” Alice, who was, in truth, very beautiful, turned ugly in the blink of an eye. Jealously and rage turned her beauty into something so ugly it was hideous. “I have been taking care of these Warriors for a hundred years. I’ve been used for my blood and fucked by every one of them, but what do I have to show for it? Nothing. Except watching no-good, low-life bitches come in here stealing them away from me…from us.”

“Being a blood donor is a choice
,” Jill reminded her. “You aren’t forced to do it, and if you decide to stop, you are taken care of by the Council for your years of service. I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy for the choices you’ve made. Being a blood donor was your choice, as is being a Warrior whore.”

“Oh, no she didn’t.” The blonde chick took a step forward, but stopped when Alice held up her hand.

“Listen, and listen good, you half-breed piece of shit.” Alice leaned in close to her face. “You may think I’m a whore, but when those Warriors out there need a shoulder, I’m here for them and they talk.”

Jill again repeated to herself to stay cool, but with Alice in her space
, she was finding it really hard to keep calm. She had space issues, and this bitch was too close.

“And do you know what they say?”
Alice’s eyes opened wide as if she was ready to tell a secret. “As a matter of fact, after giving your fellow half-breed Steve a good cock sucking, he told me a few secrets.”

“And I repeat
. You’re disgusting.” Jill took a step back knowing she had to get her space back. “Stay out of my space, Alice. I’m here to feed, not listen to your pitiful life of blowing my fellow Warriors,” Jill warned.

Alice ignored her
, stepping closer. “One secret is how you are panting after our new doctor.” Alice watched closely for any reaction. “Well, we had a talk, me and the sexy doctor.”

A film of rage
travelled over Jill’s vision; she fought it back, clamping her mouth shut.

“He feels bad for you. He’s such a nice man.” Alice gave her a look of pity. “But he’s embarrassed about how you are always staring at him.”

Jill crossed her arms to keep from strangling the redheaded bitch. She could keep control. She had the power to do that, and dammit, she was going to.

“After he pulled out of me and we lay together, he thanked me for being a woman who didn’t play little girl games.” Alice smiled as if
enjoying the memory. “He also asked as a favor to him to feed you, so he didn’t have to again.”

Hurt slammed into Jill hearing those last words. The film of rage slammed across her eyes. “Fuck it
!” Jill growled, punching out at Alice, who moved just in time.

Oh, did I make you mad?” Alice mocked, her laughter echoing around the room.

a speed that surprised Alice, Jill tackled her with such force they both went through the wall. They rolled out onto the mat area. Jill landed on top of Alice, pounding her head into the floor while holding onto her red hair. Alice got a punch in, sending Jill off her. Jill rolled, but before she could make it to Alice, she was picked up and carried away like a sack of potatoes.

She felt a jolt then she was crashing to the ground, rolling to her back ready for an attack
. She saw Alice on Damon’s back trying to get to her, and Sid trying to pry Alice off Damon’s back.

“How dare you!” Alice screamed, her red hair sticking out with her makeup smeared making her look like something out of a horror movie. Her fangs snapped at Jill. “You’re nothing! Do you hear me
, half-breed? You are nothing!”

Jill went for her, but Slade gripped her around the waist. “Stop!” He jerked her a little to get her attention.

“Get off me!” Jill fought him with everything she had, but he was too strong.

Sid had finally got Alice off Damon and was holding her.

Sloan looked at the hole in the wall then at Jill. “Get to my office now!”

“I want her out of here
,” Alice threatened as she tried to get to Jill again. “I mean it. I won’t service anyone else here if she is not thrown out.”

“Good!” Jill shouted. “Maybe they can get someone clean in here
, so the guys don’t have to worry about their dicks falling off, you nasty bitch.”

“I swear to God
, I’m going to kill you.” Alice hissed, flaying her arms and legs, trying to get loose from Sid.

“Can we just let them go at it and get it over with?” Sid asked, avoiding an elbow heading toward his face. “I haven’t seen a good chick fight in a while.”

Sloan lost it. He picked up a stool, throwing it against the wall next to the large hole. “I said shut the fuck up!” He pointed to Jill. “Go! Now!”

With one last glare at Alice, Jill pulled loose from Slade. When he went to follow her
, Jill turned and pushed him back. “Stay away from me!”

, you are done here.” Sloan had turned his attention to Alice and her friend who stood wide-eyed.

“What?” Alice screeched
, making each Warrior grimaced. “Are you fucking serious?”

“I’m more than serious
,” Sloan growled. “I’ve had more than enough reports on you, but because you have been with us so long, I’ve made exceptions on your behalf, but not anymore. You are released from your duties, and I will make recommendations against you being taken on by other Warrior Departments.”

Alice smoothed her hair down then straightened her clothes. “You
regret this,” she warned Sloan.

“I doubt that.”
Sloan didn’t take the bait. He just stepped aside. “Get out.”

Jill headed out and down the side of the warehouse. She didn’t have a damn car
, so she was going to have to walk to the compound, which probably was best. Give her time to cool her temper off a little. The bitch’s words kept replaying in her head and she didn’t want to believe it. She didn’t want to believe Slade would talk about her to that bitch, but it seemed he had, and that broke her heart.

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