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Authors: Raine Thomas

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Book Two of the Firstborn Trilogy



Raine Thomas


Published by Iambe Books




Copyright 2012 Raine Thomas.


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Nimbi Design



Table of Contents

Title Page



Part I:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Part II:

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Part III:

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44


This book is dedicated with deepest thanks to Melissa and Melody, two of the most amazing Estilorian fans out there. You've both inspired me more than you'll ever know!

Author’s Note


A warm welcome to those readers who are new to the Estilorians! Please note that the Firstborn trilogy serves as a follow-up to the Daughters of Saraqael trilogy. For an overview intended to bring new readers up to speed or refresh the memories of those who have already enjoyed the Daughters of Saraqael trilogy, please read the following Glossary. Happy reading!



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Estilorians (Things You Need to Know)


Daughters of Saraqael
– Amber, Olivia, and Skye, triplets born to the Corgloresti, Saraqael, and their human mother, Kate, as a result of a ritual outlined in a powerful scroll. They’re the first and only half-human Estilorians, which allows them to carry children…something full Estilorian females can’t do. Amber is avowed to the Gloresti elder, Gabriel; Olivia is avowed to the Gloresti, James, and Skye is avowed to the Gloresti, Caleb.

– A being that physically resembles a human, appearing no older than 40 human years old (most look like humans in their late teens or early twenties). Estilorians can fly, and have specific powers based on their class. They can live forever without aging if they’re not mortally wounded. Their eyes, wings and markings—if they have any—are always the same color, and identify their class.

Estilorian Plane
– About two millennia ago, the nine Estilorian elders created a separate plane of existence to remove themselves from humanity, making their kind the objects of human myths and legends. All Estilorians live on this plane, and humans cannot travel to it. Estilorian society hasn’t evolved like human society, and doesn’t have such modern inventions as electricity, vehicles or modern weaponry.


Estilorian Classes (Alphabetically)



Soul Harvesters
– Identified by their silver eyes, wings and markings, these Estilorians travel between the planes of existence to facilitate the transfer of dying human souls to the Estilorian plane via The Embrace…the only method full Estilorians have to reproduce.


Lords of Wisdom
– These Estilorians, identified by their black eyes, wings and markings, maintain the highest levels of authority among their kind. In human terms, they would be considered judges or beings in similar positions of authority.


– Gloresti bond with Corgloresti who are on the human plane to protect the Corgloresti. Gloresti are highly trained to defend and are identified by midnight blue eyes, wings and markings. Aside from the Corgloresti, the Gloresti is the only class that can travel to the human plane, but only in emergencies.


– Having half-human mothers, the Kynzesti are identified by deep blue-green eyes, wings and markings. Unlike other classes, they are only created through biological childbirth. The youngest of all Estilorian classes, the extent of their powers and abilities is largely unknown.

Lekwuesti –
Hospitality Ambassadors
– The Lekwuesti are identified by lavender eyes, wings and markings. Their primary focus is assisting their fellow Estilorians. They form exclusive pairings with other Estilorians to provide them items of “creature comfort,” such as food, clothing, accessories, furniture, etc. All other Estilorians rely heavily on this class.

Mercesti –
The Dark Ones
– Once lauded for their skills in strategy and innovation, this class is identified by red eyes, wings and markings. The nature of the Mercesti changed dramatically when Grolkinei assumed power by killing the class elder, Volarius, out of hatred and rage. Estilorians now convert into Mercesti if they kill or intend to kill another Estilorian for any reason other than defense. Because they are formed largely of beings that used to belong to other Estilorian classes, some Mercesti maintain remnants of their former skills and abilities.


– Identified by dark green eyes, wings and markings, the Orculesti function as advisors regarding humankind. They work with paired Corgloresti and Gloresti to provide a mental connection between them when they are separated by the planes of existence. This class can read the thoughts of other Estilorians who aren’t strong enough or trained enough to prevent it, and use their mental powers to suppress the thoughts and abilities of others.


– The Scultresti are identified by brown eyes, wings and markings. This talented class creates all forms, including those that Corgloresti assume on the human plane when they transition there. They also create new Estilorian forms for human souls to inhabit when they are Embraced by Corgloresti, and are responsible for producing new animal and wildlife on the Estilorian plane.


Warriors/Lords of the Flame
– Identified by burnt orange eyes, wings and markings, the Waresti are dedicated to the overall protection of Estilorians from the Mercesti and other dangers. The most physically strong of all Estilorians, these warriors are markedly muscular and highly skilled with weapons and all forms of attack.


– Incredibly charismatic, the Wymzesti have deep purple eyes, wings and markings. With the ability to read body language and intuit actions based upon past behavior, this class can predict events before they happen. Like the Orculesti, this class has the ability to manipulate thoughts and decision-making of those who aren’t strong enough to resist them.


Kynzesti Family Tree


: Amber and Gabriel

(in order of birth): Clara Kate, Joshua, Zara, Corliss, Riley, Kiera


: Olivia and James

(in order of birth): Sophia, Keane, Leigh, Elle, Will, Paige


: Skye and Caleb

(in order of birth): Tate and Tiege (twins), Nicholas, Abigail and Adam (twins), Grace, Quaid, Emma


Glossary of Terms


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