Shift (4 page)

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Authors: Raine Thomas

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Shift
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Ini-herit’s silver eyes flashed, indicating he had received a thought from his fellow elders. “They have something important to discuss,” he said. He looked at Clara Kate and added, “They have asked you to come.”

“Okay,” she replied with a nod.

It must be difficult for her cousin to be around Ini-herit, Sophia thought, in light of what obviously sat unresolved between them. Yet, true to C.K.’s personality, she pushed aside her own feelings to focus on the bigger picture.

“I’m sure it’s just a check-in,” Tiege said. He watched Ariana with concern.

Sophia realized that Ariana, someone she had come to consider a good friend over the past six weeks, was worried that the elders would demand that she take them to recover the remaining two pieces of the Elder Scroll. One of the rare full Estilorians with a second power, Ariana could find anything. Because of this, she was the only Estilorian on the plane who could identify the location of the Elder Scroll pieces. Such an endeavor would require her leaving the area of protection, something Sophia knew her friend was not prepared to do.

“They wish to speak with all of you, as well,” Ini-herit said, his gaze sweeping over Ariana, Tiege, Tate, Zachariah, Quincy and Sophia.

Sophia’s eyes widened. She exchanged glances with her cousins, taking care to avoid Quincy’s gaze. They all started toward Uncle Gabriel and Aunt Amber’s home while their younger cousins and siblings broke away from their group to return home.

Why would they possibly need me?
Sophia wondered as they walked. She could understand Clara Kate being invited to the table as the eldest Kynzesti. And if the elders had, indeed, come to discuss retrieving the two remaining pieces of the Elder Scroll, it also made sense that they wanted Ariana there. The rest of them, however, didn’t seem necessary for such a meeting.

Aunt Amber’s paired Lekwuesti, Blue, stood inside the front door of the castle where her aunt and uncle made their home. Her aunts, as well as her mother, had invited their paired Lekwuesti to come to the mainland to live with them in their homes if they wanted to, rather than remain at Central. Each of the Lekwuesti had gratefully agreed to do so.

“Please feel free to change before meeting with everyone on the back terrace,” Blue said as they entered. “I placed dry clothing for each of you in the guest rooms.”

“Thanks, Blue,” Tate said with a wink. “I hope you picked something appropriate for me.”

The large Lekwuesti grinned. “I know you, don’t I?” Then his smile faded. “I suspect they’d like y’all out there sooner than later, so go on up now.”

Sophia trailed after Tate and Clara Kate to the rooms upstairs. C.K. walked with purposeful strides to her bedroom while Tate and Sophia went to the room beside hers. They shared it whenever they stayed the night.

“What do you suppose this is all about?” Tate asked as she closed the door and began disrobing.

“I have no idea,” Sophia said. She walked over to the bed she usually used and found a russet-colored sundress waiting for her, complete with undergarments. “I can’t imagine why they’d need to meet with all of us.”

“It’s weird. I’m kind of nervous, actually.”

Sophia nodded in agreement. Tate hung her damp swimsuit over the footboard of her bed and used her towel to finish drying off. Sophia did the same. She didn’t have any qualms about her nakedness around her cousin, though she couldn’t deny the flash of envy she experienced over her larger cousin’s much curvier build…especially when she reached for her own two-cup-sizes-smaller bra.

Sighing, she finished dressing and joined Tate in exiting the room. Her cousin had also been provided a sundress, Sophia realized. Unlike hers, however, Tate’s shimmering, full-skirted sundress stopped above her knees, revealing the amazing legs she had inherited from her mother.

When they stepped out into the hallway, Sophia noticed that Zachariah glanced over from where he leaned against the wall and focused immediately on Tate’s legs. His gaze lingered for a long moment and then moved up…slowly. His expression was hard to read, but Sophia thought he looked irritated.

“The Lekwuesti picked that for you to wear?” he asked.

“Yes,” Tate said, sticking out one of her legs and displaying the red strappy sandal that coordinated perfectly with the dress. “Do you like it?”

“I do not,” he said in a tight voice. “We need to discuss your wardrobe choices.”

“Again? Look, Sparky, we need to go and meet with the elders—”

He moved away from the wall and took Tate’s elbow. “They can wait a minute longer.”

They disappeared into the available bedroom just as Clara Kate stepped out of hers. Her navy blue sundress was tailored more like Sophia’s. The thin straps displayed her cousin’s impeccably toned shoulders and biceps in a very flattering way. Her dark brown hair framed her face and fell around her shoulders in such beautiful, natural waves that they could have been painted with a brush. Sophia smoothed her stick-straight hair and tried to stop comparing herself to every other female around her, but it was surprisingly difficult.

And when Quincy rounded the corner and caught her eye, then looked away after only a brief glance, she knew why.

“Where are Tate and Zachariah?” he asked. “Tiege and Ariana are already downstairs.”

“They’re—” C.K. began.

“Here,” Zachariah interrupted, opening the bedroom door. He strode out, followed by Tate. His face was an expressionless mask.

Sophia fell into step beside Tate as the males and Clara Kate took the lead. Her younger cousin grinned like a simpleton. She attempted to tuck some of her seriously out-of-control curls behind her ear without much success. If possible, her hair seemed even more mussed than it had a few minutes ago.

“Why do you endure Zachariah’s lectures about your wardrobe?” Sophia asked her in a low voice, no longer able to stop herself. “Any time you wear something he finds objectionable, he gets all over you about it.”

“Oh, yes,” she agreed. “He sure does.”

Even more perplexed, Sophia pressed, “Why don’t you tell him to leave you alone?” That was what Tate normally told anyone who criticized her unique fashion sense.

“Why would I want to do that?” Tate asked.

Before Sophia could pursue the baffling conversation, they reached the outdoor terrace. The double wood-and-glass doors leading out to the terrace both stood open, so they walked out and headed toward the seats around the veranda. The seating was arranged in a circular formation to promote conversation. Tables between some of the chairs contained glasses of colorful juice.

As the sun lowered and a breeze kicked up off the neighboring sea, the temperature cooled considerably. Fortunately, the Lekwuesti elder,
Sebastian, had the ability to generate a form of energy to surround the terrace that kept it from getting too cold.

“That will be all, Blue, thank you,” Sebastian said as they took their seats.

Sophia watched Blue bow and close the doors as he stepped out. She selected a chair beside her father, who was seated beside her mother. It was a large, cushioned seat, so she tucked her legs up beneath her. Quincy sat beside her. She hated that her pulse thrummed over his nearness, especially when her attention should have been on more important things.

“How are you feeling, Olivia?” he asked, leaning forward to see around Sophia.

Of course he sat where he did so he could keep a close eye on her mother, Sophia thought, grinding her back teeth in frustration.

“Like a beached whale, quite frankly,” her mother replied. Her father reached over and took her hand, giving it a squeeze.

Quincy smiled, the expression causing Sophia’s heart to race yet again. She cursed herself and deliberately ignored him. Looking around, she realized the only one who hadn’t taken a seat was Zachariah. He stood a couple of feet behind Tate’s seat, leaning against the railing encircling the terrace. No one told him to sit, knowing he wouldn’t.

At last, Jabari spoke. “We have some news that we felt best to impart upon all of you at once,” the Elphresti elder said. “In light of what occurred a few weeks ago, it seemed only right to include all of you in this and all future discussions related to the Elder Scroll.”

Sophia sat straighter. So this
about the Elder Scroll. She noticed Ariana stiffen. Tiege started to reach for her, then stopped himself, appearing uncertain.

This time, it was the Waresti elder,
Uriel, who spoke. “We have discovered that the Mercesti leader, Kanika, is alive.”

Silence followed the announcement. Sophia felt her lips part over the unexpected news. They had been told that Kanika died at the hands of Eirik and Deimos, two of the Mercesti males who had captured Ariana and Tate. She survived the attack?

“That can’t be.”

Everyone looked at Ariana. Her words barely qualified as a whisper, but they all heard her. Sophia noticed Quincy tense as he gave Ariana a careful study. When Sophia also looked at her friend, she realized how pale she had become. Her lavender eyes moved across the terrace but didn’t seem to focus on anyone or anything. Her breathing was erratic. The pulse in her neck indicated an accelerated heart rate.

Quincy leaned forward in his chair. Sophia’s concern mounted over his expression. “Ariana—” he began.

“It can’t be!” Ariana interrupted in a near-scream. “I’ve seen what Deimos can do. I’ve
what he can do. You don’t know. None of you know!”

She surged to her feet. Quincy hurriedly stood up, as well. Sophia soon realized why.

He was just in time to keep Ariana from hitting the ground in a dead faint.


Chapter 4


“You have kept me waiting long enough, Metis,” Eirik growled.

“I do understand your annoyance, Eirik, but the delay was unavoidable. You knew this plan would involve some patience on your part. It is not exactly straightforward.”

Eirik watched the Estilorian he knew as Metis walk past him with a hand extended. She reached for the unpredictable and savage Mercesti male, Deimos, who had traveled with Eirik in his recent search for the Elder Scroll. Deimos flashed sharp teeth as Metis ran her hand over his long, dark hair, but he wasn’t threatening her. In fact, his expression was as close to adoration as Eirik had ever seen.

He didn’t know much about their odd relationship. He had stumbled across the pair when he was hunting the Mercesti leader, Kanika, with the intent of killing her and taking her place. Their fates had been intertwined ever since.

“I am sorry to leave you out here, my sweet Deimos,” she murmured. “I promise I will send you a special treat to feast on this evening.”

“Never mind him,” Eirik snapped. He might be forced to endure the wild male’s presence as he pursued his goal of assuming the powers of an elder, but he didn’t have to like it. “I want to know your plan to draw out Ariana and the Kynzesti female who can dissolve illusions.”

The two females were the essential keys to finding what remained of the Elder Scroll. If it hadn’t been for the two of them, Eirik wouldn’t even now possess the first scroll piece. Metis knew this and had implemented a plan to get the females outside of the area of enchantment that currently protected them. Unfortunately, she had yet to reveal the specifics of her plan to him.

“Tate,” she said.


“The Kynzesti female you seek. Her name is Tate.”

He didn’t ask how she knew. She currently had access to far more information than he could ever hope to gain. Knowing this made him want to slay her with his cursed krises right where she stood. Instead, he clenched his fists and nodded.

“Good to know,” he managed to say past his clenched jaw. “And your plan?”

“Is already in action,” she said. “You will have to hold onto your patience for a while longer. As I collect more information, I will share it with you.” She gathered her cloak more closely to her body. “Now, if you will excuse me, I must return before those with me become suspicious. They believe I am resting.”

Fury lashed through him when he realized she didn’t intend to tell him anything new. “I do not appreciate being left out here awaiting your whim to visit with updates.”

“Well, we both know there is no avoiding that, now, is there?” she said with a taunting lift of her chin.

He reached out and grabbed her around her slender throat, ignoring the animalistic response it provoked from Deimos. He met her red gaze with his own, making sure she read him clearly.

“You may be in a position of leverage right now,” he said, squeezing to the point she gasped for breath. “But never doubt what will happen should you cross me.

“Bring the females to me.”


Quincy tried not to look as surprised as he felt when Sophia entered the bedroom he was using to treat Ariana. His surprise intensified when he realized she was alone.

The bedroom, which seemed spacious a moment ago, suddenly felt much too small. As Sophia stepped in and drifted closer to the bed, her beautiful eyes focused on Ariana. They were filled with concern. Her scent, which always reminded him of a fragrant, moonlit night, floated up to him. He felt his thoughts abandoning him.

Well, except the one where he wanted to grab her and kiss the frown from her spectacular mouth.

“She just had quite the shock,” she said softly, reaching down and picking up Ariana’s hand. “The poor thing. She’s so cold.”

He knew that she and Ariana had become friends over the past few weeks. The Lekwuesti female had been rather distant with others following her ordeal, but she had opened up with Sophia. Quincy figured that she perceived Sophia to be the least intimidating of everyone due to her petite size and overall unruffled demeanor. The irony of that misconception certainly wasn’t lost to him.

Words flew through his head as he tried to think of a response that didn’t involve him making a fool of himself by rambling on about his feelings for her. He was saved when Ariana’s eyelids fluttered open.

“What happened?” she mumbled, trying to sit up.

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