Shattered (21 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lee

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #New Adult

BOOK: Shattered
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“Okay.” I dropped my head, along with any and all anxiety I was feeling.  I felt my heart melt as everything he’d said sunk in.  “You want me to be your girl?”  I batted my lashes at him.

“I’ve wanted it since the first time I saw you.”

I was done.  I might as well have run back to my house, gathered every belonging I owned and moved it in with Jesse, because my heart was here, with him.

He tucked my hair behind my ear and his hand cupped my face, “How was that for a first kiss?”  He smiled.

In my crazed state, I’d forgotten about his therapeutic technique.  I’d also forgotten about my lip.  I expected it to be throbbing, but instead I still felt he tingle of his lips on mine.

“Pretty good,” I leaned toward him with a playful grin, “how about another?”

He examined my lip with is eyes, “Sorry princess, that one was for emergencies only.  You still need to heal up a bit,” he laughed before getting up to help me unpack my bag and settle in to his room.  For an undetermined amount of time.

Chapter 18


Two days had passed since Alyssa moved in.  I knew she didn’t like it when I said that, but I knew there was no way I was letting her out of here, which meant, she was moved in.  Things were progressing a little slower than I would have liked, thanks to her deficient healing abilities.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved spending each day and night together and waking up with her in my arms every morning was amazing, but if I didn’t get my lips on that girl’s tantalizing mouth I might have to commit myself.

“What are you going to do today?” I asked her as we lay curled together in bed.  The sunlight and sounds of morning came through the window.

“I’ve got a couple of ideas.”  She rolled over in my arms and placed her lips to my neck.  She lightly nipped my skin before sliding her nose up my chin.

“I guess that means your lip is feeling better?” I tightened my arms around her.

“Yep.”  She lowered her head and continued peppering my neck with kisses. God, it felt good.  I glanced over her head and saw the alarm clock.  As much as I wanted to spend the whole day in bed with her I had to go to work.  I’d already missed three days and I was pretty sure if I didn’t get back her dad was going to find another employee.

Her hands started to run up and down my chest.  I lowered my hand from her waist to the back of her thigh, pulling her even closer to me.  She pulled her lips from me and looked up at my face.  The morning glow that she had coupled with her just-woke-up tousled hair was intoxicating. I knew if I didn’t get out that bed at that moment, there was no way I was leaving. I placed my lips on her forehead.

“As amazing as this feels and as sexy as you look right now.” I placed another kiss on her forehead. “I’ve got to go to work.”

“You don’t have to go,” she groaned as I got up out of the bed. “I know the boss,” she smiled as she let her head drop back against the pillow, her hair falling wildly, “I could probably call in a favor.”

“As tempting as that is,” I pulled a clean shirt from the dresser and threw it over my head, “I’ve already missed three days.  I have to go.  Besides,” I smirked, “how else am I gonna pay to take you out on a real date tonight?”

She quickly sat up with a beaming smile, “A real date?”

We’d spent the past few days holed up in my apartment.  Neither of us wanted to leave the peaceful existence we’d created with each other.  Other than Hap and January, we hadn’t had any visitors.  I was surprised that Kelly hadn’t stopped by yet.  I was glad that she was respecting our privacy.  The gash on Alyssa’s lip appeared to be finally healed, but the idea of having to explain what happened to everyone in town was not something either of us wanted to deal with.  Not to mention, Alyssa was avoiding an accidental run in with her mother and trying to keep me from running my fist into Collin’s face.

“Yes,” I finished pulling on my jeans and leaned over on the bed, placing my face inches from hers, “a real date.  Plus, we’ll get a chance to test out those lips.  Make sure you’re all healed up.”

“Want a taste now?” She closed the distance between us and flicked her tongue over the edge of her lips.  As tempting as it was, I smiled as I stood back up.

“Tonight,” I said with a wink as I backed out of the room.  She grabbed a pillow from behind her and tossed it at me as I made my way out the door.  “See ya tonight!”  I laughed as I headed in for a long day of work.


That was the slowest eight hours of my life.  I finished the tedious job of organizing the tractor parts for Paul, the entire time feeling the cold stare of Mary Boyd from the front porch.  I contemplated going up and giving her a piece of my mind, but decided against that when I thought about making things worse for Alyssa.  After I finished that job, I was grateful when her dad asked me to go mow the roadsides of his fields.  At least that way I was far away from her mother.  I spent the entire time imagining how amazing tonight was going to be.  Finally being able to kiss her was all I could think about.  

I was just about finished mowing when I heard the loud roar of an exhaust system coming from behind me.  I knew who it was even before he flew past me flinging rocks in my direction from the close approach on the side of the road he used as he neared me.  He didn’t stop or slow down.  He didn’t have to.  Even without words I knew what he was doing.  He’d already laid his hands on the one person that I would do anything for and now he’d just threatened me.  Shit was going to get very real for Collin Smolder.  Very soon.

I tried to shake off the rage I was feeling as I pulled the tractor back into the barn.

“Hey Jess,” I heard Paul Boyd’s smooth deep voice call out. “How’s Alyssa?”

“She’s alright.” I could tell by the genuine concern in his eyes that he wasn’t going to kick my ass for letting his daughter shack up with me, as January so eloquently put it.  “I wish I knew how to make things right between her and her mom.”

“You and me both,” he smiled.  “I want you to know that I had no idea what happened between you and Mary.  I didn’t know that she told you to leave.  You’ve always been a good friend to Alyssa and everything you two kids went through was tough.  Kids your age shouldn’t have to bury their friends.”

My eyes glazed over a bit when he mentioned Garrett.  It wasn’t fair that Alyssa and I had lost him.  If I learned one thing from that it was that life is too short and you need to make the most of the time you have.  I watched as Alyssa’s dad made his way toward the exit.

“Paul,” I called out, “I want you to know that I really care about Alyssa.  I’m going to make sure that she is happy.”  I played down the “I’m crazy in love with that girl,” statement I really wanted to make.  I didn’t want her dad to get the wrong idea about my reasons for wanting her to stay with me.

“I know you do, son.”  With a polite smile and nod, he was gone.  It’d been a while since anyone had called me son and I’m not gonna lie… it felt nice.


I got back to the apartment a little after five.  As soon as I walked through the door, I knew she was up to something.  There was an amazing smell coming from the kitchen.  Lasagna maybe?  She’d set the table for two and lit candles around the apartment.

“Hey,” she said as she sauntered into the room in a light blue dress.  Her bare feet skipped across the room until she was standing right in front of me.

“I thought I was taking you out tonight?”  I said as I placed my hands on her slender hips.

“Well, I’ve got other plans.” The devilish look in her eyes was very intriguing.

“What exactly do you have in mind?”  I played along.

“For starters, there’s this.”  Her lips were on mine and the heat that zinged through my body, causing me to wrap my arms around her and pull her tightly to my body, was unexplainable.  She slowly ran her tongue over my bottom lip before drawing it between her teeth.  Her mouth opened just enough to let me reciprocate.  It was more than just a real first kiss, it was the beginning of something incredible.  We explored each other’s mouths, pushing and prodding our tongues together as if we needed nothing more than to completely devour one another.  She tasted like bubble gum, peppermints and Heaven, all rolled into one.  The need to breathe was the only reason we stopped.  I lowered her back to the ground.

“If that’s just for starters, I can’t wait to see what’s next.”  I fought back an ear to ear grin and tried to play it cool with a seductive smile.

“You have no idea,” she leaned in and whispered.  “Now go take a shower.”  She smacked me on the butt and went over to the kitchen to finish preparing our meal.  I watched her for a second before rushing off to the shower.  I had a feeling this night was going to be even better than I imagined.

Chapter 19



I fumbled the lasagna out of the oven and carefully placed it on the counter.  I was trying to hide my nervousness.  Kissing Jesse, really kissing Jesse, had been everything I’d thought it would be and more.  The fluttering in my stomach hadn’t stopped and we weren’t even in the same room.  I rested my hands on the counter top and took in a deep breath.  I was fully aware of what would happen tonight if we stayed in.  Even though I had zero experience when it came to sex, I was ready to let Jesse be my first.  Maybe even my last.  I smiled at the thought.  I tried to remain calm and ward off any anxiety.  I reminded myself that I didn’t have much experience kissing either, but the goofy grin that Jesse tried to fight back after the last kiss proved that I was at least doing that right.

“That smells great,” he said as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He pressed his lips to my neck.  I could feel the heat pool inside of me, causing my knees to wobble.

“You smell pretty great too.” I turned in his arms and nuzzled my nose in the crook of his neck, taking in the fresh scent of soap mixed with his already intoxicating smell.  He was so cute when he was all cleaned up, not that he didn’t look amazing in his work clothes covered with dirt and sweat.  That was pretty hot.  But tonight, his low slung khaki shorts and untucked button down dress shirt had my heart racing.

“That lip seems to have healed nicely,” he smirked as I looked up at him.

“I think so.”

“I better take another look at it.” The sly smile that crossed his lip before he pushed them to mine caused my breath to hitch.  I let him lead this time.  He urged me to open my mouth for him and I was happy to comply.  His tongue skillfully danced across mine and then back to my lips.  I felt one of his arms release from my waist and heard the lasagna dish slide down the counter.  With both hands on my waist he picked me up, sitting me on the counter.  His hands slid down to my thighs, inching them apart making room for him to stand.  My arms went to his shoulder and I tangled my hands in his damp hair, pulling him closer to me.  His position allowed him to gently press into me and ignite my already inflamed core.  A moan erupted from deep in his chest as I wrapped my legs around his back.

“I thought dinner was ready,” he said between kisses.

I lowered my fingers to the buttons of his shirt and undid the first one. “We can eat later.”

He didn’t respond with words, instead he hoisted me up with his hands on my behind.  I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me into the bedroom.  I smiled the entire way with his lips never leaving my neck.  He gently lowered me to the bed as my fingers continued working on his shirt.  Before I could get to the last one he raised up and yanked it over his head.

“Are you sure about this?” he hesitated.  His hands still lingered on my waist as I stared up at him.  His bare chest begged to have my lips on it.

“I’m sure,” I went up on my knees and ran my hands down his firm chest before placing my lips on his collarbone.

“We don’t have to do this.  I mean, I don’t want to rush you,” he added as I started to undo his belt.  I smiled as I let my hand brush below his waistband and graze his excited flesh.  I watched as his eyes closed and lips pursed, “Mmmm…”  When I freed my hand, I turned my back to him while pulling my hair to one side.

“I’m sure,” I said over my shoulder, “now, undo this zipper.”  The temptress I’d become in the bedroom was a new role for me.  On the inside, I was jumping up and down over what I was doing to him.  It was an incredible feeling to have someone want you so much.

His lips moved to my shoulder and his slid the zipper down revealing my bare back.  Not wearing a bra with this dress was definitely paying off for me as he trailed his kisses down my back with the zipper.  He moved his hands to the small straps that were the only thing left holding the dress in place.  First, he removed the left strap, while nibbling on the right side of my neck and then switched to do the same thing on the other side.  The dress fell around me.  I leaned forward and crawled out of it on my way up to the top of the bed.  Jesse eyes never left my body. His hands soon followed as he stepped out of his shorts and joined me on the bed.

“You are so beautiful,” he mumbled between soft kisses.  I always thought the first time I was naked in front of a man I would feel self-conscious, but I didn’t.  I was completely calm.  When I felt the smooth skin of his strong hands touch my breasts a sigh escaped my lips.  A subsequent moan followed when he lowered his head and let his mouth linger where his hands had just been.  I worked to free both of us from our last stitches of clothing, needing to be as close to him as possible, as he continued to navigate my body with his skilled fingertips and mouth.  After reaching into the nightstand drawer to retrieve the only thing that would stand between us, he centered himself between my thighs.

“Are you sure?” he asked again.  I smiled at his thoughtfulness and pulled his lips to mine to appease his qualms.  He slowly lowered himself into me, careful not to force our connection.  As the initial burning sensation subsided, we found a perfect rhythm. Pushing into one another until we surpassed any imaginable expectation of what that night would be.  I’d always heard that your first time was awkward, but being with Jesse felt right.  It felt perfect.  My mind was completely clear and I knew I was right where I was supposed to be.

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