Shattered (3 page)

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Authors: Alexia Foxx

BOOK: Shattered
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She paused when she marked the last clean patch of skin
, just below his navel.  In the reprieve Nathan looked down at the thin red lines that streaked him and to the unwelcome erection that bulged in his pants.  It seemed impossible and he stared at it in disbelief, yet the more he focused on the heat radiating from his front the more he felt the burning between his legs.

He was conflicted, again, as mind and body did war in the span of two seconds.  But Robin settled hi
s inner monolog with one hard lash across his chest.

Nathan’s attention shot up
and he pushed out the breath he held between his teeth.  He wanted to yell at her, to tell her she wasn’t to hit him until he was ready, and he realized just in time how utterly stupid that thought was.  He caught her expression as the shock faded.

Robin’s amusement
with his resolve had faded at some point.  She was frowning down at him now.

Before he could comprehend
that look she let loose a second strike.  He watched the arch of her arm and the last second pull back of her wrist, watched the tip of the whip cut through the air and collide with his skin, and then nothing.  For the longest second of his life he felt nothing.  The pain that followed, that ripped across his chest like a line of hot iron shattered all his prior resolutions in an instant.  He let out all of his breath in a single scream.

He gasped f
or air as stinging aftershocks resonated out from the center of his chest.  Yet as they swept over his body he found himself clinging to the subtle sensation beneath the pain, internalizing it and drinking it in, until in its wake he found relief.  Nathan closed his eyes and let it all wash over him.

Robin had him in tears by the time she
exhausted herself.  But she never hit as hard as she had on the blow that broke through his tenacity.  She was paced and methodical.  After that he shouted out on each strike, but each scream trailed into a moan.  Nathan hung limp against his ropes, tears and sweat dripping down his face, a painfully needy erection between his legs.

Robin was sweating too. 
She stopped and dropped the whip to the floor and she stood over him now as though deciding some course of action.  But Nathan wasn’t in a place to notice or to care.  He was exhausted, tired, he was lost.  He was aroused.

Only when she knelt in front of him and tugged free the drawstring around his waist did Nathan summon the energy to
look up.  He couldn’t read her though; her eyes were as dull as before.

Robin pushed his pants down to
the floor and they gathered up around his knees.  “You weren’t supposed to enjoy this, prince,” she whispered.  She traced over the thin blood-red lines across his torso.  She watched his eyes as he shuddered and flinched, listened as that sting drew out a needy whimper.

Nathan tried to
offer up an apology but the effort of it was too great.  He couldn’t work his mind enough to form the words and he mumbled out something unintelligent instead.  He gave up, his chin went back down to his chest, his forehead to her shoulder.  He was exhausted and dangled by a thread above unconsciousness, and only his arousal kept him from it.

Robin’s fingers trailed down his chest and over his stomach, following the pathway laid out by his hair as it turned coarse. 
Nathan trembled beneath her touch and breathed into her neck.

She followed that line
down to the base of his erection and, further still, traced along the top of his shaft until she touched the end of him.  Her hand smeared a line of wetness there.  “You’ve been leaking into your pants the entire time, haven’t you?”

Nathan no
dded against her shoulder.

“Please,” he whispered again. 
There was no humiliation that could touch him here, nor reason or sense.  He was consumed by need – the need to rest, to drink, to eat, and to cum.

bin grabbed him at his base and moved her gloved hand up and down his shaft.  The motion was rough, awkward, fast, and it hurt as much as it pleasured.  But he was so aroused, so erect, that it still had the desired effect.  Within a minute he was crying out, shooting the culmination of an hour of arousal, pain, and need all across her thigh.

She seemed surprised, though she must have known how that would end.  Only seeing it now confirmed the entire strange thing
– that the whip aroused him.  Robin uncoiled her fingers from around his shaft.  When she stood Nathan’s eyes followed her up, and when she looked down at her leg he followed her gaze.

“Clean it.”

Energy he didn’t know he had surged up at her command.  Nathan strained against the rope, leaning forward just enough to lick at her leg.  He lapped up most of himself there, tasting too the sweat from her skin.  Just beyond, within the confines of her short dress, was the unmistakable musky smell of her own arousal.

What he was unable to reach Robin wiped up with one sweep of her hand, bringing it to his mouth where
he could suck it from her covered finger.  He set himself to that diligently, scraping it clean with his teeth, without biting, tasting the salty rawhide, that mixture of her sweat and his cum and beneath those the metallic remnants of his blood.  He strained forward and groaned when she pulled her hand away.

touched him lightly beneath the chin.  The clammy warmth of leather sat against his skin and he wished it was her skin instead.  “I’m too tired to have you returned to your cage tonight prince.  If you can be silent you can spend the night here.  Can you be silent?”

Nathan nodded.  He was too tired for words
, but if she had asked for the opposite he would’ve found the strength.  He would have recited the lineage of his family back a hundred generations, if he knew it all, or every bedtime story he’d ever heard, or anything at all, anything to stay out of that box.  Silence was the easiest thing she could have asked of him.

As though she noticed his attention slipping she tilted his head up a little higher.  He blinked back his exhaustion and
tried to focus on her strange grey eyes.

You’ll keep your attention to the floor if I’m not standing directly before you.”  Robin tapped the stone with the tip of her boot and Nathan tried to look past her hand to the sound.  “Right here and nowhere else, do you understand?”

Nathan nodded again Robin withdrew her hand.  As she walked away his head slumped to his chest, too weary to keep it up.



Lily’s room was tucked away in the corner of their compound, far from the things that took place here.  Robin wouldn’t have it any other way.

was there, as she’d been since they arrived, seated in a high back chair pushed up against the far wall.  Her room was tiny, and between that and the narrow bed most of the space was accounted for.

’s eyes flickered up, brown-green irises flashing through her auburn bangs, to acknowledge Robin and silently beseech a moment more to finish.  Then her attention went down again, to her lap and the long sheet of black cloth hung across her legs.  On one side it was blank, but the other was alive with embroidered color.  Starbursts of red and gold, flowers blue and pink, ribbons, chains.  Robin couldn’t fathom the dexterity it must take to do something so intricate, to make something so beautiful.

“Is it night already?”
Lily asked, and her hands stilled in her lap.

“It is. Have you eaten?”

Lily nodded and lifted the fabric carefully from her lap, cradling it as she stood.  She laid it over the bed and when she turned back to Robin again it was with a soft smile.  “I’m afraid I’m not use to the lack of day and night down here yet,” she said, almost apologetically.

She crossed the room and reached for Robin’s hands, but the latter pulled them away before she could take hold.

“Don’t,” Robin said, a little too harshly, and Lily’s face reflected new hesitation.  “I was working,” she explained.  “There’s still blood on them.”

Lily smiled again.
  She went up on her toes and kissed Robin upon the cheek, hands to her upper arms, and when she came back down her hands slid to the top of Robin’s gloves.

I don’t mind,” Lily whispered, and her lips trailed from Robin’s cheek to her mouth.  The kiss she planted there was soft, smooth.  She pulled away and their eyes met.  “Robin, you’re shaking.”

I know.”  She’d been trembling since she left Nathan.  Her thoughts were a fog and she couldn’t organize them, couldn’t make sense of what happened.  The sight of him writhing under her whip left her so aroused she couldn’t think straight.  Her legs had brought her here automatically, like they knew this was the only place to find relief.

turned her wrists up to expose the lacing that ran up the underside of her arm.  Lily’s delicate fingers danced over the crisscrossed ribbon.  The light touches to her forearm sent chills down her back and she shut her eyes, not wanting to see if it was duty or desire that compelled Lily to this.

What started as a thought soon escaped
Robin’s lips in a whisper.  “I need you tonight.”

hands were already on the ribbon at her side, the long strip that tied shut the tight dress she wore.  She leaned in as she pulled the knots free and kissed at the base of Robin’s neck, caressing the soft spot just above her collarbone with her lips.  “I know.  I can smell it on you.  He must be very good looking to have you so worked up.”

Robin wanted to explain that
that wasn’t it, but the thought evaporated before she could shape it into words.  Her dress fell to the ground, just as her gloves had, and the chill in the air nipped at her skin.  Heat radiated out from her center and her whole body was flush.  It made the air feel that much cooler by comparison.  Even Lily’s hands felt cold as they ran up her side and over her breasts.  Her nipples were so rigid they were nearly painful, but everything about Lily was soft, and her palms gliding across them sent little jolts of pleasure up her legs and into her sex.

Lily’s hands didn’t linger long in one spot.  They roamed
south again, from Robin’s breasts and over her stomach to the valley of her waist, down further, over her hips, her ass.  Lily crouched before her and slid her fingers down the back of her thighs.  Robin giggled and squirmed as the other girl’s fingers traveled over the back of her knees and Lily kissed her on the leg with a smile.

What little space remained beyond the furniture was swallowed up by their bodies.  Robin
felt the wall at her back and she let it support her as Lily worked herself between her legs.  She kissed at the mound of hair there as she ran her hand up and over it.  Fingers brushed over her clit and the strength of the wall was no longer enough to keep her standing.

“Let’s go back to my room,” Robin said, in a moan, a hot breath forced out by Lily’s thumb as it slid through the wetness between her legs.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t ask,” she replied, but it didn’t still her hand.  She continued to toy with Robin and by the wicked grin on her face it seemed she derived more than a little pleasure in watching her struggle to stand.  “I miss sleeping in your bed.”

Robin’s hands went into
Lily’s hair and stayed there as she crouched in front of her.  It was always so soft, she wished she could spread her fingers and run them through it.  The girl’s messy braid was already well beyond destroyed.  Robin kissed her, tasted the sweetness on her tongue, held her close and cherished it.

Lily’s hand
found its way between Robin’s legs again and she swallowed up the little moans Robin let out.  Her fingers slid past her outer lips and moved without resistance inside of her.  “I don’t know that I’ve ever felt you this wet,” she said and she removed her hand and licked her fingers.

That was the limit of what Robin could take.  She needed
this, more thoroughly than she had needed anything, ever before.  She pulled Lily up with her and nearly pushed her out the door before realizing she still stood naked.  She was so horny she almost didn’t care.

t Lily read the thought in her pause and grabbed one of Robin’s nightgowns off the back of her chair.  The smooth silk gliding over her skin turned her legs to water and the walk back was agonizing in its incessant tease.



The unmistakable click, click of boots forced Nathan from fitful delirium.  For the briefest second he forgot where he was, but when he tugged his arms and met resistance it all came back.  He suppressed a groan and the impulse to look up.  But he didn’t need sight to know there was a second person with Robin now.  He could hear the padded footsteps, similar to those belonging to the group of specters that had cared for him.

The second set stopped
in the doorway and let out a soft, girly gasp.  Clearly she didn’t expect to see anyone else here – especially not a naked, beaten, bound man in the center of the room.

on, Lily.”  Robin’s voice cut across the room and made the muscles in Nathan’s back tense.

I didn’t think he was still here...,” a mousy little voice protested.  Nathan wanted to look up but he knew Robin’s eyes were on him as well.

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