Shattered (5 page)

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Authors: Alexia Foxx

BOOK: Shattered
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The ground vibrated at his feet as the metal grate he passed over was dragged away.  He felt the free space of the hole beneath his heels, or
imagined he did.  Despite the security of his bindings and the wooden contraption that locked in his legs, Nathan felt sure he was going to tumble backwards and fall forever.  The darkness all around him made relaxing impossible.

As though following some unspoken signal, some pre-worked plan, his faceless handlers left the room and Robin mo
ved beside him.  Each set of feet retreated from the room made him more alone with her and her twisted vengeance.  By the time the door shut behind the last Nathan was barely fighting off panic.

He flinched as
Robin’s hand came down across the curve of his upper back, though she did nothing more than ride the rise and fall of his shoulder blades with her fingertips.

“What scares you more, prince?
Is it the pain, the thought of how much I’m going to hurt you, or that you don’t know how and when it will come?”

“It’s the uncertainty
, ” he answered, without pause, and he realized the truth of it for himself as well.  He really wasn’t scared of the pain.  Not by comparison, at least.

reached up and flicked the back of the blindfold from his head.  It fell to the stone floor beneath his face, the thick strip of black interrupting the sweep of grey.  He brought his chin off his chest, his eyes up to the room, but he made it no further than the slab of stone a few feet from his face.  The top was littered with items and another iron loop, like the ones in her room.

His muscles tensed and he tugged useless
ly against his restraints the moment their purpose registered.  His position made sense now.  The things on the table were entirely too phallic to have any other use.

Don’t do this Robin, not that.  Whip me instead.  I’ll scream for you.”

Her hand came off his back and he could feel her displeasure in the speed she removed it.  “I
’ve had to warn you twice already this morning, prince.  You are throwing what little kindness I’ve given you back at me right now.  One more outburst and I will blindfold you again.”

clenched his jaw shut to stifling any further pleas.  The idea of spending the rest of the day in darkness terrified him beyond words.  Better to know than suffer uncertainty on top of pain.

right hand slid down his back and out over his exposed ass.  The tips of her fingers pressed into the crevice of his cheeks until she found the spot she had been searching for, exposed by the way he was squatting now.

pushed two fingers against his hole.  Nathan clenched tight and whimpered, but when she went no further he thought he might have succeeded in warding off her progression through strength alone.

“Have you ever been washed out here?” She asked, tapping
her fingers lightly against the barrier of muscle.

Nathan’s voice cracked as he forced out a single ‘no’
.  He swallowed down the nausea that was working its way up out of his stomach.

“Of course not,” she said with a chuckle.  “I hear its
uncomfortable, painful even.  But then that’s why you’re here, isn’t it?”

Robin r
etrieved one of the wooden plugs, one with a tube running through its center and out the back.  It was the purpose of that tube that worried him, not so much the size of the plug, for the one she selected was the smallest of the bunch.  He’d have time to worry about size later, he suspected.

Robin was clearly uninterested in any more
gentleness as she overcame his resistance with one quick push.  Nathan grunted as the object forced itself past his sphincter and nestled home inside of him.  It was only a little uncomfortable sitting there, holding him open around its thin neck, now that the larger head was inside.

Behind him
he could hear her work.  He turned his head and peered back over his shoulder as she attached the tube to an upside down jug.  Immediately he felt the warm flow of its contents filling his bowels.  The sensation was strange, almost pleasant. At first.

“Clench down on
it,” Robin instructed, but her words were unnecessary.  Unconsciously he had been doing so already, milking stimulation from it while warmth crept up his abdomen.

It didn’t take long
before the process shifted towards uncomfortable.  Soon he felt cramped and any pressure he put into the plug now served the same purpose as the fist he had clenched his hands into.  It served only to distracted, to channel that discomfort to a place he could control.

Nathan focused on whatever else he could.  He drew in and expelled deep breaths as the cramping knotted at his stomach. 
A sharp spasm radiated outward and he whimpered miserably.  It receded, became tolerable, only to resurge a moment later.

“I’m going to remove th
is now prince, but you don’t have permission to release yet.  If you do we repeat this process again, over and over, as many times as we need to.  Now keep your eyes down while your handlers clean you.”

Nathan nodded vigorously, more as an exercise of control than to convey any real meaning.  Robin pulled the plug
from him and he grunted again.  He felt a single line of sweat progress down his face, falling off at his nose.

He heard her leave and return with another.  Robin crouched near his face and
lifted his chin, until the grey of her eyes replaced that of the floor and became his whole world.  She was breaking him, they both knew it.  She waited until he suffered through one last debilitating cramp before nodding her head slightly.  The entire thing she watched in his eyes – as he released, as that final shred of his modesty crumbled away.

Nathan wasn’t capable of caring
about something as trivial as modesty now that relief swept through him.  It was so powerful he laughed, bitterly, before letting his head sag against her hand.  Someone cleaned him, like a babe, or a dog, but he was oblivious to the warm water and the cloth moving over his most private area.  Robin’s eyes held him, those dead, dull grey eyes.  They trapped him in this twisted reality where he wasn’t a person anymore.

The grate in the floor was moved back in place and water washed over the area
.  Shadows moving at the peripheral of his vision unbound his wrists from his ankles and lifted beneath his arms until he stood.  Robin stood with him.

She nodded once, her
silent signal to the men behind Nathan, and a sack was brought down over his head.  They walked him forward until his thighs pressed against the side of that cold slab of stone, atop which the implements of his next torture lay.  He knew what she was going to do and he had already resigned himself to it.  His legs felt weak beneath him, like they might not support his weight once those hands fell away.

Someone pushed at
his back and bent him at his waist, until his chest was flat against the table.  The chill of the stone persisted against his naked skin and sunk further into his stomach.  His arms were stretched out over his head, parallel to the table and the floor, and his wrists were bound again, this time astride an iron loop.  His fingers coiled around the metal and he squeezed.

Robin pulled the sack from over his head once his handlers left and Nathan laughed.  The sharp sound of his chortling echoed off the stone room and faded into the walls.  It gave her pause
and she frowned at him, before her eyes left his face and swept over the objects near his head.

’s funny?”

  Your need for privacy.  Your modesty.”  Nathan’s attention followed her, as she selected a rod and moved around behind him.  “It wasn’t funny before, but it is now, now that I have none.”

“Look at your h
ands until I tell you otherwise.”

Nathan obeyed.  Robin stripped away the glove from her right
hand and draped it over the shallow of his back.  She touched again at the tight bud of his anus and worked her oiled fingers in around the opening.  The slow, circular motions soon opened him up all by itself.  He was a lot calmer now.

what you mean by that prince.”

“You don’t hurt me when others are around
,” Nathan answered.  Robin pushed two fingers into him as he spoke and he grunted before continuing on.  “It’s like you’re embarrassed to, like you’re ashamed, but shouldn’t it be I who is humiliated? Yet right now I feel free.  It’s so liberating not being alive.”

She withdrew her fingers and poured
more cold oil over his hole.  When she pushed back in they went easily and she continued to slide in and out of him.  Her movements were steady and deliberate. 

“I think you’re drunk, not free
,” Robin replied as she worked.  “I wouldn’t have filled your cup so full if I knew you had such a low tolerance for southern wine.  I don’t know why I gave you any at all.”

laughed again, more of a little giggle than anything else, and he squirmed against her hand.  The exodus of that horrendous cramping had left him a little giddy, or maybe she was right, maybe it was the wine.  Either way he was strangely unbothered by what she was doing right now.

He let out little
hums of pleasure and shut his eyes, drinking in the oddly arousing invasion.  He knew he shouldn’t provoke her by enjoying this so openly but he couldn’t help it.  When a moan escape from him he tensed up, but he just as quickly expelled that tension in another laugh.

You are an irritating drunk too,” Robin mumbled.

She withdrew her fingers and pushed the head of the
wooden rod she held into him.  The round end slid past his dark wrinkled ring of flesh and his muscles closed up around the thinner neck.  This whole rod consisted of several such orbs, seven in total, and each one was larger than the last.  The one at the end was nearly the size of her fist.

She fucked him with the sec
ond and third orb until he was groaning unabashed.  Her left hand slid beneath his body until she found his erection pressed down against the side of the stone table.  Nathan shivered as she touched him, though she did little more than cup his balls.

worked him until his ass swallowed the fifth before pulling the entire thing out.  That elicited another long moan and his empty hole grasped in air to be filled.  Without giving in to any resistance he might put up she pushed the rod, one orb after another, all the way back to the fifth.

I can’t…,” Nathan growled through his teeth.  He tried to crawl away from the thing invading him but there was nowhere for him to go.  He could do no more than claw his fingers into the stone slab beneath his hands.

Despite his protests he was still hard. 
Unconsciously he’d been humping the table when he failed to find relief from her hand.  Robin kept her palm on him but moved as he did so that, relative to him, she didn’t move at all.  She pressed the sixth orb against his sphincter but it didn’t slip in as the rest had.  He felt her withdraw the previous orb and hold it in place, so that the polished wooden bulb held him wide.  Nathan groaned as he tried to accommodate that new pressure, and the more he thought on it the harder he clenched.

“I can’t take any more.  Please Robin,” he
panted, in between moans, grunts, and more useless squirming.

You seem to think I’m doing this for you, that I have any consideration at all for you, that begging is going to get you somewhere,” Robin said in a low voice, a whispered growl between her teeth.  “You waste your energy appealing to my mercy, Prince Dorthorial.  Any that you receive here is at my discretion, it is not swayed by you.  You don’t control any of this.”

Robin let his body swallow the fifth and kept going, forcing
the rest of the rod into him in one push.  Nathan yelped suddenly on the sixth, but before he could draw in a breath she tore through his protests with the seventh and final orb.  His voiceless scream was loud in its silence and matched in pitch to the absolute quiet of the room around them.

Nathan shook
as the shock faded and the need for breath returned.  He gasped for air, gulped it down against a pain so intimate, buried so far inside him in a place no one had ever hurt him before that he was entirely oblivious to his own orgasm.  Robin felt his balls tightening, she knew he was close, and when she forced the last orb in she knew his spasms weren’t from pain alone.

His body twitched as he came and he
collapsed completely against his restraints.  His cries faded into a weak, defeated sob.

waited until Nathan’s trembling stopped before ripping the rod from his body.  Then she was still, until the last echo of that new scream dissipated into the room.

replaced her glove and took the sack from beside Nathan’s lulled head.  He shut his eyes and accepted darkness.

Somehow I knew you’d enjoy that prince,” she whispered, her voice a throaty breath near his ear.  Her words were raspy and lined with arousal.  “I don’t even need to stroke you to get you off, do I? I only have to hurt you.”

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