Sharing the Sheets (7 page)

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Authors: Natalie Weber

BOOK: Sharing the Sheets
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“I'm expecting someone else so I'll just have coffee for now, thank you,” I said to the waitress. Norma's was one of my favorite breakfast hot spots. My frequency made me known to the wait staff; when I walk in I am guided to my favorite table, soon after my coffee will greet me and, depending on what day of the week it is, my order is already put in. It always felt good to be recognized and respected; it, also, didn't hurt that I had a shitload of money.
I opened my Hermès Cavalier tote and pulled out the manila folder with Mark's contract. I glanced at my watch; it was a little past eight. Lateness irritated me; there should be no reason for it if you left on time.
If he's not here in ten minutes this contract
“Good morning, Vanessa, sorry—” he interrupted my thought.
“Lateness can be prevented, please be on time.” I hated to be a bitch, but starting off on an excuse seemed like a bad omen to me.
“Hmm, absolutely. Should we skip the pleasantries and get straight to the contract?”
He gave me the eye as he sat across me.
The waitress was right on his heels ready to take his order. “Good morning, sir, welcome to Norma's. Can I get you anything while you look over the menu?” She placed a laminated menu in front of him.
“Yes, please, a cup of coffee would be nice, thank you.”
“You have a ten-day extension in here under your original percentage, that's not going to work. We'll be happy to grant the extension because of the time lapse of getting the building ready, but you have to lower your percentage. Another worrisome paragraph would be the bonus you so implied that you should receive if the contract was fulfilled.”
“Ten-day extension under the same percentage you pay your Realtors. The bonus is strictly up to the seller, but it lets you know what I consider a bonus. In the same paragraph it also states the bonus is only implied if the contract is fulfilled in ten days less than the said time limit.”
“I see, as the seller I decide whether you deserve a bonus or not. By the looks of it your bonus is only appreciated one way: cash. Honestly, I find that odd.”
“I don't see that as odd. There's nothing illegal about it. What problem do you have with it?” He sipped at his coffee and looked over the menu.
I knew there was nothing illegal about it, but I wanted to read his reaction: very calm and bounced it quickly to me making me feel a sort of way for implying it. “No problem, just odd. Most bonuses are usually cars, trips, expensive items, you know something you would feel guilty buying yourself.”
He laughed.
“What's so funny?”
“I guess I never looked at it that way. Maybe I should reword that part, what do you think?” He waved the waitress over.
I was getting a little annoyed by his old school business tricks. “Mark, let's just get this clear now because I don't want to bump heads later on. Stop with the tricks. I probably took the same business classes as you if not better. I too feel deceived or, worse, lied to. I like to lay it all out on the table.”
The waitress arrived smiling looking to Mark. “Can I take your order?”
“Please, ladies first.” He gestured pointing to me.
“Your usual, correct?”
I nodded my reply. “Mm-hmm, thanks.”
“Usual, huh? What would that be?” He looked to me.
“Today is . . . Wednesday right? I think today is pancakes with one egg scrambled on the side and bacon.”
“Okay, I'll have her usual too. Thanks.”
I reached into my tote for a pen. Before I could sign on the dotted line his soft hand leaped to stop me. “Don't you want this signed?”
“Of course I do, but I would like to enjoy my breakfast first. Once that ink hits the paper I have to go to work. I would like to enjoy my meal because for the next few weeks I'm sure my meals will be thin to none. Don't you agree? Oh, damn there I go. I can't help myself. I have to throw it back.” His eyebrows shifted.
I smiled at his honesty. I didn't know if he was flirting or just bullshitting to make me feel good. “So you're married right?”
“Umm, no and yes.” He took a sip of his coffee. “We've been together long enough to be recognized by the state as married but, no, we have not undergone the big event where we profess our love to each while strangers, family, and friends get drunk and have hookups in the bathroom or the bridal suite.”
I almost spewed coffee all over the table from my explosion of laughter. “Yes, yes, I've been to some of those. Shit, I've seen it all. The bride getting her last hurrah in the staircase near her suite, the groom banging the bride's best friend in the bathroom ten minutes before the bride was set to walk down the aisle. Oh and I will never forget the mother of the bride welcoming her son-in-law into the family by blowing him in the DJ booth, now that was classic.”
“Damn, sounds like you've been to fun weddings. The most I saw at a wedding was the girlfriend trying to keep her presence on the hush while she watched her man, the groom, have his big day. It was funny because she kept moving from seat to seat.”
“Sounds like a stalker, honestly. So when will you make it official?” I hoped for a small opening. I wanted to jump on him after smelling his scent. Mark was dressed to impress; capable of sweeping any woman off her feet by looks only.
“Umm . . . umm, I don't know. Let's get through this contract then ask me that question.” He stumbled a bit so my door wasn't fully opened, but it was unlocked and cracked.
“That's fair.” The server appeared with our food and placed it in front of us.
“This looks great, thank you,” Mark said.
We sat and ate over light conversation. After we finished I signed the contract and handed it over. “Well, it's official, we're hitched.” I knew those words would affect him either in a good way or a bad one, but I loved to push people's buttons.
“I guess that means I will cover breakfast,” he said with a smile.
There was still a hint of him flirting, but how far would he go? “I'm happy you know what's expected. Now, let's see if the honeymoon can live up to it.”
“Okay, e-mail me the details and I'll have a messenger pick up the keys this afternoon before three with a copy of the contract for you.”
I took my tablet out of my tote and swiped the screen. “I just sent it. You should get the alert shortly.”
His phone whistled. “Yep, just got it so please forgive me, but I have to get going to earn that bonus. A VIP trip to Paris sounds good, but I like to fly chartered.”
“VIP includes a hostess, are you willing to allow that?”
“Only if it's you.” He dropped a few twenty-dollar bills onto the table then scooped up the contract and was headed out the door.
Yes, yes, yes. I have to have him at least just once.
“Hey, Diana, how's it going?”
“I'm good, Tony. I was just about to call you on confirming your friend on the next invite. You know we have to confirm. Since when do you bring clients to parties?”
Diana was the hostess at the masquerade party I took Regina to. Regina strong-armed me to put her on the guest list for a membership and since I was doing Diana secretly she wanted to know who exactly Regina was. Diana didn't know she was sex with one option: new business opportunity.
“Yeah, something like that. Listen when you send her the invite to the next event, I want you to blind CC someone. Will you do that for me?”
“What's in it for me?”
“Let's just say your next two nights will be filled so don't make any plans.”
Got her,
I thought.
“Text me the e-mail address. I'll see you tonight at six. Don't be late because I don't want anyone else cutting into my time.”
“Have you thought about what I asked you? I think we could make a lot of money and we could get some of my clients in front of the camera with a mask, that way their identities are secured. You can't tell me you wouldn't have fun.”
“You know I can't purr without you, so you'll have to show me how. We can talk about it later.”
“You know what happens when you talk like that. You might just see me for lunch.” I grabbed my crotch calming myself.
“Send me the e-mail.” The phone went dead.
There was something about Diana that drove me crazy; her sex was like no other. Her touch was always gentle and precise. Sometimes I thought she had the same career I did, but I was way off. She worked as a paralegal for a prestigious law firm in the city; her hosting parties only started a year ago. I've been a member since 2006 so I've seen many hostesses since.
Her flawless almond skin glowed naturally. Diana's piercing hazel eyes were captivating and would cause any man to empty his pockets willingly just to engage her even for a brief moment. Her body was toned, waxed to perfection, and she had her own hair; there wasn't anything extra she needed. Our first face-to-face encounter was a complete surprise and could have changed her life into something awful if I outed her.
It was two o'clock when tapping at my door awoke me.
Who the fuck is this?
I opened the door and God had finally granted my wish. I rubbed my eyes to make sure it wasn't a dream. She was tall, standing in a short black trench coat with high stiletto boots on. Her garter straps were showing. Half her face was hidden by the mask covering her eyes; her bright matted red lips were tantalizing. My lips slowly moved into words: “Can I help you? Do I know you?”
She stepped forward unleashing her tied trench coat open.
. . .
. . .
” I was stuck.
“Let me show you.” She gently guided me backward as she pushed the door behind her. My mini me extended to greet her happily.
This can't be real,
was the only thought I had at the time. I had no clue who she was, and none of my clients knew where I lived.
She threw her trench to the floor showing her black lace lingerie exposing her perfectly sized breasts. “I've never done this before, but I've been watching you. I'm the kind of woman who goes after what she wants and I just have to have you.”
“Where do you know me from?”
“I'll tell you after. Now let me get what I came here for.”
She kissed my lips, then moved to the nape of my neck. Her hot breath and warm, wet kisses brought chills to my body. She took both my hands and placed them on her breasts easing me back to the sofa.
“Have a seat,” she whispered in my ear.
She climbed on top of me and inserted my manhood into her moist flesh. It felt like a perfect fit. Her movements were expert.
“Don't move, just enjoy the ride,” she cooed into my ear.
I thought her tight, warm heaven couldn't get any better until she spun around revealing her impeccable round ass. I watched as she guided herself up and down my stiffness. I grabbed ahold of her ass cheeks and started to slam her down onto my pelvis. Her movements became faster and harder. Her moans became louder and more arousing to me.
“Yes, give it to me. Make me squirt all over you.”
“Oh shit, you squirt?” My strokes halted for a second. I never had a woman who squirted and I didn't want to miss one drop. I flipped her onto the sofa to face me, spread her legs open, and dove into her like a jackhammer. I dug into her with no care and by her screams she enjoyed it.
“Play with it,” she moaned.
I rubbed her clit as I stroked in and out of her flesh. By her groans I knew she was close to her climax.
“Yeah, I'm almost there. Rub it faster. Fuck me harder.”
Three more strokes and she exploded all over. White, sticky cum shot straight out of her causing my mini me to drown willingly in it. I kept rubbing her clit and she just kept overflowing with juices. I finally hit my max and shot directly onto her breasts. Her body was shaking and so was I. I felt like I just came for the first time. Even I was shaking like a bitch.
It took me a few minutes to catch my breath, but I finally got the words out: “Now, who are you?”
I will never forget that night. She had been the only woman to make me shake. She made me promise to have an open mind before she revealed herself to me. She was the hostess of the exclusive parties I attended to acquire my clients. I didn't like that she just showed up at my apartment, but her actions gave her a pass. The next day I contacted the board of the building to enlighten them that their security was lax. The doorman was fired the following day. My home was my safety against anything. That was one detail I held to myself. Not even Regina knew where I lived and I loved her.
Diana provided that ultimate realm of satisfaction. It didn't hurt that she was very easy to please. After our first encounter worked out well for her, she didn't lose her job and I kept her on a weekly rotation free of charge. When the fifth week rolled in I wanted a little more and made her more useful than a weekly release of my toes curling up.
I pitched my wants as I bent her over. With every stroke I pumped into her my manipulation was effortless; having my cake with an option was definitely a plus in my book. As she granted me access to certain clients' private information for the past six months my client list became elite and provided a whole lot of money. With all the cash I had lying around I had to formulate a plan to open a business and Diana gave me the straightforwardness to do so.
I walked through the doors of Diana's workplace dressed in a sweat suit and a fitted hat. I pulled my cap down to shade my appearance along with a messenger's bag strapped to me. I pulled out a small padded envelope and walked to a familiar face.
“Hey, Stan, how are things?”
“You know, still got those bills.” He eyed the envelope.
“I know how those are. Can you sign?” I offered an unfolded paper for him to scribble what floor the cameras were off.
. R
306, was scribbled on the paper. He used his eyes to signal to use the service staircase.
Meet me. Third fl. Rm 306. No panties
I sent the text to Diana, rapidly climbing to the third floor. When I reached the third floor, I was ready for the high I got every time I was with Diana. I opened the service entrance to the third floor cautiously. I stood there to listen for a minute; then I heard the elevator chime open.
I stepped forward and watched Diana step out the elevator with her panties in hand. Immediately, I grabbed her and searched for room 306.
“Damn, what's the rush? We have an hour,” she said.
“I know, and I want the full hour,” I quickly replied locating the vacant room.
In my rush to open the door and get my fix on I didn't notice the completely naked ladies serving each other with their tongues on the makeshift bed of drop cloths splattered with paint.
“Oh my God. What . . .” Diana shouted.
I turned to the couple trying to divert my eyes from their scattering naked bodies.
“Ummm, this area is off-limits,” one of the women said quickly trying to put her clothes back on.
“Listen we are all adults here. Yes, it's quite embarrassing to be caught in this situation. But we can all agree that our unexpected intrusion will never be spoken of. I just ask since we all are adults and I think you may like my suggestion so we can all be satisfied.”
“Oh no, asshole, you're not about to watch me get off while you get off on all of us. No, thanks.” She zipped her pants and with one swift movement pulled her shirt over her head. She stuffed her bra and panties into her bag. The other woman cowered in shame as she passed by Diana and me.
When the door closed Diana busted out in laugher. “Damn you, you don't care do you? You are out to satisfy yourself at all times, huh?”
“Come on, you would have squirted harder if you watched them too. Stop it. Now let's get to business.” I wasted no time and pulled my erect penis out to get my fix.

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