Sharing the Sheets (19 page)

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Authors: Natalie Weber

BOOK: Sharing the Sheets
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After Mark and Regina made their everlasting commitment to each other on a secluded beach in Mexico, Regina officially adopted little Mark. It was everything she wanted, from her wedding to the unconditional love Mark proclaimed.
It didn't take long for Regina to fall into motherhood; somehow it came to her with Mema there to help. Regina never wanted to deny Mark the one thing in life he most desired. She didn't have to fight within herself to stay true to Mark or her promise before God. Regina didn't want anything or anyone to come between Mark and her again. It was her mission to be the best mother for little Mark and the best wife to Mark.
Amanda made no effort to see or ask about little Mark, which made her intentions clear. A few days after the first hearing her lawyer contacted them about her future role in her son's life: she wanted nothing to do with him. It was sad that she thought using her son to force a man permanently into her life would somehow work.
Diana received her extorted money from Amanda and left the job and city she loved hoping for a new start. She realized her past mistakes and thought she'd better start making amends before karma showed its ugly head without sympathy. She moved halfway across the world to put the much-needed distance from her past and unwanted acquaintances.
Tony realized his worth to Amanda and Regina: simply nothing, but satisfaction in the bedroom. After his second run-in with Amanda, he didn't want anything to do with her. She tried her very best to offer him tons of money for his affection, but he wouldn't have it. He understood with a woman like that there was no room for others whether they paid him or not. She had no self-worth if every time they met his hands had to leave her bruised. He wanted nothing to do with that and didn't want her capable of pinning any false accusations on him. Tony eventually went back to his career and the only skill he had to make money. The lonely housewives and unwanted uglies of the city kept him busy.
In the end Regina got what she wanted: a marriage with unconditional love and adornment without expectations. Now all she had to do was uphold her newfound devotion to her husband and her son.
Coming soon
Girls From da Hood 11
a novella by
Natalie Weber
I need it. I want it. Why shouldn't I have it? I shouldn't be here. I just want a little. Who will it hurt?
My mind and body floated away. There was nothing I could do to save myself from myself. I grabbed the lightly tinted small blue bag out of his hand and rushed into the house they happily provided for me to shelter my behavior away from spying eyes. But I knew better. I felt the eyes of many burning through the back of my head. I wasn't deterred from doing me.
I entered the house rushing toward one of the back rooms. My arms, legs, neck began to itch as it normally would when I needed to get back on track without getting sick. There were no doors on any of the rooms in the house. The stench alone would run any normal person in the opposite direction. I was far from normal—now. I hunkered down in the far corner from the entrance of the room. There wasn't much light. Quickly I pulled out my works and started to assemble my fix.
Once my needle was filled with the toxic fluid I stabbed my vein willingly. Happy to feel the pain and euphoria at the same time. My eyes closed slowly allowing the powerful drug to take a hold of my body. I felt nothing but peace, happiness, love and most of all—if not the best part—there was no noise. No one screaming at me to stop. No one banging on the door to gain entry to stop me. It was just me. It was all me.
I must have dozed off because a strong kick to the face shook me out of my nod. There was nothing I could do. I covered my bleeding face and braced myself for another blow.
“Yo, what the fuck you doin'? Leave that junky-bitch alone. Let's get this money and bounce. Let's go!” a familiar voice said.
I didn't dare to look or even remove my hands from my face. I played my role to stay alive. It was obvious now that these fools were robbing the joint. I wanted to open my eyes to see where my works went immediately after the ‘kick a bitch in the head' moment.
I only heard an eerie laughter, almost as if he enjoyed it. I didn't move, not even a grimace spilled from my mouth.
In the next moment I heard feet shuffling out of the room. Slowly I opened my eyes, still using my hands as a barrier just in case the joke was on me again. My eyes darted around the floor in front of me and thank goodness I spotted my works. I listened carefully before making my move.
I still heard voices so I figured they were just in the adjacent hallway. Suddenly the voices got louder. Instinctively my body tucked into a fetal position against the wall.
“You bitch-ass! You tryin'a to hold out? You must be gettin' paid a whole lot of fuckin' money to risk yo' life. I'm just gonna ask one more time. Where the fuck is the safe?”
“That's all . . . you got everything. We was s'pose to get restocked today. The money was picked up this mor'in' . . .”
I heard a big thump hit the floor. It made me jump.
Damn, niggas sing like birds when they life on the line. No loyalty to no one only themselves.
My thoughts were just that—thoughts. I knew if I was in the same position my ass would be singing like a humming bird. I wanted to get the fuck up out of there, though. They sure as hell sobered my ass up quickly.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
I cursed in my head.
“A'ight, when they comin'?”
There was silence for a brief moment.
“It's four now . . . they s'pose to be here now.”
Suddenly there was a loud bang. It sounded like a shot gun—the kind that leaves a soccer ball-sized hole in your chest.
Automatically I shot up and grabbed my works off the floor and hurried to an open closet. Of course there was no door on it, but it was better than being an open target. At least I was somewhat hidden if anyone looked into the room.
Within seconds there was a flurry of gun shots that rang out. I almost soiled my pants because of fear.
I can't die like this. Anything but this . . . God, please . . .
Praying, pleading, begging to be rescued from this nightmare was all I could do. I closed my eyes and prayed it would be over quickly.
The Beginning
“Thank you for flying with JetSuite, it's been a pleasure.”
I was a bit groggy from whatever Sterling gave me to calm my nerves to put me out for most of the flight. I've never been on a plane before so I was a little more than nervous. I looked out the window and saw that we already landed.
Thank God!
Thank goodness I wasn't up for the landing, I almost crapped my pants when we took off.
“Hey you, it's time to go. We're here.”
I was so happy he chose me. Sterling had his choice of anyone including his girl of two years. They was wrong when everyone said being a side chick had no benefits. I tried to stand up but felt dizzy and plopped back down in the seat.
“You a'ight?” He sounded concerned. “Hold on, we'll wait,” he said reaching into the overhead compartment.
I sure as hell didn't want him to think I wasn't down. I forced myself to my feet and strongly held on to the back of the chair in front of me. He pulled out our matching Rawlings duffle bags and placed them in the seat. We entered the aisle behind the crowd exiting.
“Thank you, for flying JetSuite,” the stewardess said as we exited the plane.
“Thank you, the flight was great,” I said knowing I was asleep the entire flight. The stewardess gave me a fake smile and happy nod.
Now why in the world would I say that?
I looked to Sterling and by his expression on his face I knew I should've kept my mouth shut. We walked off the plane down a long narrow lighted hallway to a line flashing a green light.
“Is this Puerto Rico?” I asked quietly.
“Nah, we in D.R. It's the hottest place to be. Wait 'til you see where we stayin'!” His words made me excited.
“How are we gettin' there?” I asked feeling stupid once the question left my mouth.
He looked around. “Give me a kiss.”
I did.
“I can't believe how lucky I am. This gonna be somethin' you'll never forget, trust me.”
I smiled and hugged on Sterling's arm. I noticed two dogs at the front of the line. It didn't dawn on me that it was drug dogs until I saw Sterling's face. I hugged him tight and whispered in his ear, “We good?”
We walked slowly to the counter. Sterling handed over our passports with a smile, just then the dogs were called to another counter. The relief on Sterling's face worried me.
“Enjoy your stay,” the man said stamping our passports.
We exited the airport bombarded with people selling jewelry, food, drinks out of their makeshift cubicles. They all spoke Spanish so I didn't understand a word.
There was a driver waiting for us with Sterling's name on a sign. He was standing in front of something like a mini party bus. I was more than impressed.
“Mr. Sterling, welcome! Can I get your bags?” A tall, pale looking man greeted us.
“I got this,” Sterling clenched the straps of the bag.
“No problem, there's champagne chilling in the car,” the driver tip his chauffeur hat on and opened the door.
“Damn, you went all out for our weekend, huh?”
“Hell yeah,” he stepped onto the party bus doing his cute little happy dance like he always did when he was feeling himself.
I followed behind him stifling my excitement. I saw the floor and interior was lit up with neon lights, it even had a bar and two huge flat screen TVs, and the windows reflected no light from the outside. Once inside the smell of luxury opened my eyes wide, it was scented with the smell of money. The plush butter-soft white leather seats seduced my body into complete relaxation when I took a seat.
“Okay, Mr. Sterling, have fun we will arrive at the resort in two hours.”
“Thanks,” Sterling said tossing his bag onto one of the seats.
“Pop that champagne, baby, let's get it!” I stood up and did my twerk dance, bouncing my round plump ass just how he liked it.
“Girl, you better stop that . . .” he rubbed his crotch.
All the windows were tinted on the bus so it was easy to peer out without worrying about anyone seeing me. I lifted my leg to one of the seats and poked my ass out taunting him.
“Girl, you better get over here and give me some of that,” he said smacking me on my ass.
I giggled as he grabbed me and held me close. He kissed on my lips and my neck, I felt him rising beneath me. I started to grind on him slowly. I had to make him want me around and this trip proved it. This was the first time he'd ever included me in this part of his life; he trusted me.
“You want it, baby?” I whispered although, I knew the answer.
“You gonna give it to me right here? Right now?” he was surprised
“Why not? We are on vacation ain't we?” I reached for his belt buckle to release his nine inches. I got up soon after and pulled my underwear down quickly; the reason I wore the skirt, easy access. I climbed over him and eased my way down feeling his stiffness fully.
“Damn . . . you feel so good,” he moaned.
I started to rotate my hips speeding up my movement as his moans got louder. He managed to pull my tank top up to suck and twist on my nipples; my most loved style of foreplay.
“Yes baby . . . suck on them . . .”
Feeling his tongue circling my hard nipple made my clit throb. I loved feeling the hot air from his mouth on my skin. He pumped into me harder with each stroke. I loved feeling him inside me. He did me like no other man had. With each stroke he knew where to hit to make me moan louder and louder. Suddenly, he stopped.
“Hey, not fair,” I whined.
“Be quiet,” he said through clenched teeth.
There was something wrong. The party bus was no longer moving. I looked out the window and we were pulled over to the side of the dirt road. I fixed myself quickly and looked over to Sterling. He pointed to the bag. I got down low and crawled to where the bag was. It must have fell while we were getting it on. I waited for him to make a move.
There was a light knock at the door. “Mr. Sterling?”
Sterling reached for the bag and opened it. He pulled out two plastic 9 mm guns.
“What the fuck is going on?” I questioned in a low voice.
“I don't know, but we about to find out.” He tossed one of the guns to me.
I gave him the crazy look. “How we gonna kill anybody with these?”
“Let's find out.” He cocked the gun ready for anything.
I trusted him, but I still feared the worst.
Urban Books, LLC
97 N18th Street
Wyandanch, NY 11798
Sharing the Sheets Copyright © 2015 Natalie Weber
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6016-2686-8
First Trade Paperback Printing April 2015
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
Distributed by Kensington Publishing Corp.
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