Sharing the Sheets (10 page)

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Authors: Natalie Weber

BOOK: Sharing the Sheets
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“Good evening, Ms. Sutton, Ms. Regina Clay is on her way up.”
“Thanks, Simon.” Regina was the last person I expected. What the hell was she doing at my door?
I heard the knock at the door, walked over, and opened it. “Hello, Regina.” By her expression, she wasn't here to mend a friendship.
“What the hell did you tell Mark?” She had fire in her eyes.
“Do you want something to drink?” I turned my back and walked toward the kitchen to put some water on those flames she was shooting at me while I figured out a plan. Telling her the truth might ruin everything. She was the only female I didn't feel the need to control and the game I played with Mark challenged me; getting him just one more time would do the trick and then I would have him forever if he wanted it or not.
I finally heard the door shut and her footsteps behind me. “Amanda, I asked you a question. I didn't come here to drink,” she demanded.
“First, don't think you can walk into my house and be loose at the mouth. That shit will get your ass slapped real fast.” My strong Brooklyn roots surfaced.
Her eyes widened and her shoulders relaxed. “I'm asking you again.” Her voice was much calmer. “What did you say to Mark?”
“I told Mark exactly what he needs to hear.” I looked to her left ring finger. “Wait hold on, did he not ask you to marry him?”
She was surprised. “How did you know that?”
“Because after I told his ass off about you staying at a hotel he finally got it through his thick skull that it was the right thing to do,” I lied.
“Did you talk to him after my conversation with you this morning?”
“How could I? I was at court all day.” I pulled out a bottle from the wine rack. “Now, do you want a drink?”
She started to laugh and cry all at once. “I . . . I . . . I . . . thought you told him everything. I thought I was going to lose him.”
I opened the cabinet and retrieved two glasses to pour the wine into. “I wouldn't tell him. I'm taking it to the grave, that's what friends do for each other.”
“Yeah, you're right. I owe you an apology, I'm sorry. I didn't want to be judged. Everyone thinks I have such a perfect life and how Mark is Mr. Wonderful, but a woman's needs are a strong, impulsive, erratic ball of electricity fighting to be released.”
She lifted her glass as I poured the wine. “I get it. There are certain things you must do to keep what you have.”
“Sure I'm crazy for doing it, but it makes us better. It makes me better.”
I nodded my head and gulped my full glass of wine down. If she thought I actually cared then I should have received a nomination from the Academy. I continued my act with the “you're not wrong” and “you have every right” spiel to get her comfortable. She sang like a sweet little bird, spilling all her sexual endeavors. I continued to fill her glass as she went on about everything. She told me about Mark wanting her to pay for the entire wedding because she wanted it not him. I told her she shouldn't sacrifice the only event in her life that's meaningful. Why shouldn't she have the wedding of her dreams? I would want it, regardless of how I had to get it. I convinced her since she couldn't give him the one thing Mark really wanted she should go all out for the only thing she wanted.
“Hey, Regina, how come you don't adopt? I bet if you agree to that he'll change his mind about the wedding.”
“Mandie, I don't want to have a baby. I'm not ruining my body. Do you see some of these women out here after kids? Their stomachs are never back to normal and if they are that means they live in the gym. I don't do muggy, sweaty balls and ass recirculated air.”
“If your ass was fat and losing your breath after a flight of stairs you wouldn't say that, trust me.” I didn't know that she was so shallow. She went on and on about how kids are so much trouble and take away so much time from your life. Regina was selfish and didn't know how to hide her true feelings after a few drinks. I heard her mumbling, but it wasn't clear. Her voice kept going in and out. I looked to her on the sofa and she was fast asleep.
My first thought was to call Mark, but I thought it would be better if I sent him a picture instead. Actual proof was better. I didn't want him to think I was lying to him. He already thought I was. I stood up and removed the empty bottles of wine from the coffee table to the kitchen. I walked to my bedroom and heard my phone ringing. I looked at the screen and it was an unknown number.
“Hello, Ms. Sutton, I hope I wasn't disturbing you.” The female voice was soothing to my ears.
“Who's speaking?” I asked very curious for the answer.
“It's not necessary to know now, but let me jog your memory. It cost you twenty Gs to keep me quiet. I personally think letting you acquire what you have was more beneficial to me. I'm ready now to negotiate a more permanent deal.”
My mind went numb. Who the fuck was this? What the hell was she talking about? “First I don't negotiate deals with unknown callers.” I pushed
on the screen. Did she not know who I was? Then to play silly games with me over the phone after midnight, I was pissed.
If I find out that one of those motherfuckers from the office did this as some kind of hazing shit, I'm going to kill them!
My message alert chimed from my phone. I looked down and swiped the screen.
Message Downloading
. I waited for the picture to download.
Pink lace stained underwear appeared on the screen with the caption,
Aren't you missing this?
I stared at the picture then another appeared to be downloading. What kind of sick initiation shit was this? A round, plump, bruised ass showed on the screen.
Unknown Caller
popped up. “Listen, if this is some kind of prank, it's going to be real awful for whoever put you up to this. I know those assholes don't have the balls to do it themselves. I hope you didn't do this for free.” I waited for who I thought was some young intern to fess up.
“No prank. This is very real. What would happen to your partnership if your little sick secret gets out?”
I hurried to my bedroom door to peek out at Regina on the sofa; she was still sleeping. I started to pace the bedroom floor racking my brain for clues. Who the hell was this?
“I'm that one ‘i' you forgot to dot. Meet me at the closest Dunkin' Donuts spot before court on Monday.” The phone went dead.
Monday? Today is Friday; that gives me more than enough time to find out whose life I have to destroy.
This bitch didn't know who the hell I was or who I had at my fingertips. It only took one phone call to my investigator to send me everything on my prankster. I had her entire life in my inbox in less than an hour. When I scrolled through the various attachments I stopped at her DMV photo. I stared and stared nothing came to mind. I clicked on the Facebook link in the e-mail. When I saw her profile picture, then it was clear as day.
Shit! Shit! Shit! How could I be so forgetful? This will sure cause my ass problems if this isn't taken care of quickly and quietly.
It had been two weeks since I'd seen Regina. She was on her shit again, not picking up my calls, ignoring all my direct messages, rejecting my e-mails. What the fuck was her problem?
Oh, let me guess, her man must finally be acting like he gives two shits!
I had to get to her. I woke up early one morning and went for a jog. I found myself across the street from Regina's condo watching everyone who exited and entered. After an hour I saw Regina. Her hair was different, short and blond. I started to approach her. The hood of my light windbreaker was over my head covering my face a little. I got closer as she walked away from the front of the building.
I didn't want to scare her. I whispered her name so she would turn around. “Regina.” She stopped abruptly, but didn't turn around. I whispered her name again. I saw her shoulders move up and down slowly taking in big breaths.
“What are you doing, Tony?” She still didn't turn to see my face.
I walked to the front of her to look into her eyes. “Regina, can you stop playing the games?” She nudged me to the side, but I held my ground.
“Keep walking, Tony. I'm done. I'll be married in six months. There is no more us or future. Your services aren't necessary anymore. Didn't you get the message when I didn't show up to any of those parties or return any one of your unheard voicemails?”
“Regina, when are you going to be honest with yourself? You've told me before that you were in love with me. What happened? Mark will never make you happy. He doesn't understand your needs. I do.” I stepped closer putting my face less than two inches from hers. I smelled her minty breath hoping she would give me a sign. Just when I was about to taste her lips she turned her face and stepped back.
“Tony, what don't you understand? I don't want this to continue. Stop calling me. Don't seek me out. Move on. There's no promises or hopes with me. What don't you get?” She folded her hands across her chest.
I saw the seriousness in her eyes. I was hurt. The need to have her in my life surpassed her rejection. I gently touched her face and kissed her forehead. “I'll let him have you for a little while, but I promise you that you'll never marry him.” She didn't push me away so I knew there was still a chance.
“Tony, you were paid for what we had, a lot I might add. Now, you need to move on to your next sugar momma because I'm no longer sweet. I can make things very difficult for you. I don't think you want that, do you?”
Her brows shifted showing her disdain in me at the moment. There was something I had to do. “Did you know that Mark attended those parties?” Her eyes darted side to side, confused.
“Stop it okay? Your lies aren't going to work. He doesn't even know about that life. He wouldn't even associate with anything like that. I'm not stupid, Tony.”
“Okay, you would like to think so, but he has been there enjoying the pleasures you once sought after. I think he would love to go with you, don't you? You guys can discover amazing things together. Maybe I will let him know how much you would enjoy it.” Hopefully my threat would make her realize the mistake that lay ahead.
“Are you threatening me? Do you actually think he would believe you? You're nobody. Your degrees fell short after high school. Do you think your lies will work?”
“My education has nothing to do with anything and I resent you for saying that. As you know my pockets are deep enough for you and many others.”
“Of course, I paid you enough over the past year. Or maybe that's it: you're losing your biggest hitter. Is that it, Tony, you're upset about losing your potential earnings? How much will it cost me for you to leave me alone?”
I laughed. Regina was never aware of how much I was worth. I was sure she would be surprised to know my unclaimed father was one of the biggest builders in New York.
“Really? I love how you make everything about money. Trust me I have enough money to make you happy. Make me understand how is it that one month you're ready to fuck me anywhere, anytime then the next you're ready to stick me back into the closet. I think you like that game. Like I've told you before, I need you in my life. I can't just turn it off. If the problem is my career, then I'll let it all go, for you.”
She laughed in my face. “If that's what you want to call it. Tony, we are done. Period. The end. There is no more. Show up again at my home and I'll file a restraining order against you.”
“And how will you explain that to your future husband?” She wasn't serious. She didn't want her secret out.
“This is not a threat or request. Now please lose my number and forget you ever met me.”
She walked off staining me with hurt and an open wound. My heart was sinking. How could she do this to me? I loved her. Regina had to know Mark wasn't who she really wanted. I needed to get Regina out of my head and I knew the perfect person: Diana. She was the only person who could distract me from Regina. If I allowed it, Diana would have my heart.
My palms were sweaty, turning the corner to Dunkin' Donuts.
Maybe I should just turn around. Maybe I should just forget about this.
My thoughts were distracting my purpose. I had to pull it together. I shook it off before entering the coffee shop. I went directly to the counter and placed my order. I tried not to look around searching for someone. I was sure she was there already although I was thirty minutes early.
I casually walked to the pickup counter and faced the morning crowd, probing their faces for Amanda. I glanced to the guy behind the counter rushing around putting sandwiches in bags and making lattes. When I turned back to the sitting patrons my eyes locked on Amanda sitting by herself in the far corner. She had on all black, shades on, and her hair was pulled back into a tight, smooth bun. I grabbed my latte and headed over to her table.
“Good morning, Amanda.”
She immediately removed her sunglasses. “Wow, you cut your hair. It looks good, Diana.”
My knees almost buckled and the latte nearly made it onto her lap. How the hell did she know my name? I was sure she never knew my name. When I used those sex apps I always used a fake name. I clenched the chair tight, hoping I heard her wrong.
“Surprised? Don't be, it's obvious to me now that you have no clue as to who I was. Please take a seat.” Her voice was calm with no hint of anger or hostility.
I didn't think this through. I'm fucked!
I felt my eyes darting back and forth to the door waiting for my feet to comply with my brain. Amanda put her briefcase on the table and popped it open. Did she have a fucking file on me? Damn, she was good.
“Maybe . . .” I started to backpedal on my earlier intimidations. “Amanda, I don't—”
“Oh, but you did, Ms. Wells, so now put on your big girl panties and follow through. Would you like me to go first?” She pulled out a manila folder and smiled as if this was a case she was prepping for.
I felt my sweat building in my armpits and above my lips. I sipped at my hot latte shocked at how thick the folder was.
Damn, does she have my entire life in there? It could very well be a ploy to scare me. Stick to your guns. Stay in your game. You are in control. It's her career in jeopardy,
I repeated in my head, before opening my mouth. “Ms. Sutton, I hope that file isn't all about me. It looks like you went through a lot to get that. Two slices of cucumber does wonders for dark circles around your eyes.” I smirked eager for my insult to piss her off.
“Thanks for the suggestion. Now let me offer one to you.” She flipped through the pages in the folder and stopped at my mug shot when I was seventeen years old. “You really changed your life around since then, but you still have a wild side don't you?” She turned the page to another picture.
“Where did you get this?” I grabbed the picture to closely examine it. She wasn't supposed to have this. How the hell did she get this?
“I don't think it matters where I got it. Do you know our firm's HR policy? I'm sure you don't, most just sign it. If a partner or the head of your department suspects drug use, you will be subjected to urinate in a cup and sent home until your results are in. Most higher-ups don't care about this because the many who do are fully functional like yourself.”
I was steaming and ready to throw my coffee in her face. Instead, I uncovered the lid of my latte and poured it over the paperwork she had in front of me. “Fuck your pictures and all this you got from sealed cases.” I stood up and walked away.
Fuck her! Where did she get that picture from?
When I posed for the second picture she showed me, my state of mind was damaged. I thought it was the only thing I could do to make extra cash. It was just pictures. I was assured that the pictures would not be produced or developed in any shape or form. I was embarrassed, ashamed that someone else saw me in that position. It's not a good look if your extortionist was caught with her pants down in the worst way.
I decided on calling out sick for the day and headed back home. Oh shit, what was I going to do now? When I got home I cried my eyes out over the humiliation and disgrace I just endured. That one picture of me crumbled every hard bone in my body. How was I going to turn this around on her? She was at the top already and I wasn't nearing her inner circle any time soon.
Two days passed since my encounter with Amanda and I still had not gone into work. I was scared she would magically appear on my floor ready to divulge any- and everything about my past. I knew all my cases were sealed but the question was, how did she get her hands on them? What judge did she know? Cases that old you had to physically sign for with a judge's consent because it was not computerized. I had to find out who signed for them.
I sat in my bed with my laptop open staring at a blank screen. My front door buzzed.
Oh, damn I forgot!
I reluctantly got out of bed and headed to the intercom pad close to the front door. “Who is it?”
“Can you let me in?”
It was Tony. He could be a blessing in disguise. “Yeah, okay.” I buzzed him in and cracked the front door. I rushed back to my bedroom, grabbed the tissue box, and emptied it onto the floor. I heard the front door close and footsteps walking toward my room.
“Hey, Diana, are you sick?” He sounded concerned.
I blew my nose with one of the tissues on my bed and threw it to the floor. “Are you going to take care of me?”
“Only if you want me to.”
I smiled.
“I tried calling you, but you didn't answer.” He took a seat on my bed. “We never finished our conversation about my proposal to you. I'm ready to go. I have another place to set up all the necessary camera feeds. I figured using your house was out of the question. It's easy money, but without you it won't last. Have you put any thought to it?”
I totally forgot about his little plan to exploit my position as hostess to the elite. It was a good idea, but my ass was on the line if anyone figured out I was stealing their private info to entice them into a new outlet for their desires. I looked to him with tears in my eyes. His brows rose confused. “Tony, I may not be able to help you as much as I would like. I did something stupid, real stupid.”
“What did you do? Come here.” He wrapped his strong arms around me. “Tell me, what did you do?”
“I was greedy, Tony. I thought if I had more money to put into this, you would see how serious I was. I didn't want to be just the person to help you. I wanted to be a partner and take in just as much money as you.”
“Forget that, just tell me what you did so I can help you fix it.”
I closed my eyes, knowing that he wouldn't be able to set his plans into motion without my help. My unlimited access to exclusive clients was immense compared to his depleting client list. I found out from the other hostesses, who he tried poaching, that they were too scared and loyal to conduct anything with him, business or pleasure.
I saw my future with Tony, although sex was the only quality he saw in me. If the sex only happened once he would not be a thought in my mind. After months of passion it becomes emotional whether you want it or not. There were times where it was just that: sex. Then there were more times where sex wasn't the priority. We laughed about the wild and crazy shit his clients made him do, we talked about anything; there was something there, I felt it.
Spilling everything about my meeting with Amanda and what I wanted out of it soothed me. I didn't hold my past back from him. I told him about my mother and all the things I did to keep her with me. I hoped my sorry tale of half-truths and misleading information would make him feel for me.
“It's okay, Diana. I think I have the perfect plan.”

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