Sharing the Sheets (16 page)

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Authors: Natalie Weber

BOOK: Sharing the Sheets
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I stared at the pictures Tony left on the counter. After all we talked about why wouldn't he tell me this? Was it true? I couldn't believe it, but these pictures before me told me an entirely different story. A picture speaks a thousand words as they say.
Should I call him? No, warning him would be a mistake. I need to see his face, which will tell me if he's lying.
I looked at my phone. The light was blinking alerting me that I had a new message. When I picked it up, the screen read 3 Missed Calls, 3 New Voicemails, all from Amanda. Did she not understand when I told her I never wanted to speak to her again? I threw my phone on the sofa secretly hoping it would miss and break into pieces somehow. I heard the front door open.
“Regina,” Mark's voice called out.
I heard two sets of footsteps on the marble tiled floor.
Who the hell?
“Why in the world would you bring this whore into our house?”
“Regina, there's no need—” Amanda tried to plead her reasoning to be in my house.
“There's no need for what? For a whore such as yourself to be in my house? Or, is this where you both tell me you're going to walk away together? Tell me Mark,” I shouted.
“Regina, please. I knew her being here would upset you, but there's something she wants to tell both of us. Let's just hear her out and then she can leave without another word to us. Please.” He walked toward me reaching for my hand.
“What could she possibly have to say to the both of us? She's a sneaky-ass, low-down, dirty bitch! You fell for her bullshit. She's just here to admire her work, you stupid fuck!” I snapped at him.
“Are you just going to call me names and think it's okay? If anyone of us is a dirty, sneaky bitch, it would be you!” Amanda opened her pathetic mouth.
She stepped closer. My hands weren't quick enough to gather the pictures on the counter. She snatched one and laughed.
“Oh, so you're aware that I wasn't the only one, huh?”
“What the . . .” Mark snatched the picture out of her hand. “What . . . Who . . . How . . .” He bowed his head as if he was caught and ashamed that his darkness came into the light.
“Oh, so it's true?” I threw all the pictures at him.
“This is not what it looks like, Regina. I promise you on everything I love.” Tears came to his eyes.
“Oh, Mark, tears isn't going to get you out of this one!” By the sound of Amanda's laughter, she knew more than I did.
“Of course you would be enjoying this!” I looked to Amanda. “There's nothing more you would want than for me and Mark not to be together.”
She laughed.
This was far from funny.
“Shut the fuck up, Amanda!” Mark surprised me with his defiance. “This is enough! There was nothing between us, nor will there ever be, especially after all this shit. I only tolerated you because of Regina and now since there's nothing between you two I'm cutting any ties you thought you had with me. You should leave. Whatever you needed to say can go to the grave with you because I don't give a fuck!”
Mark wasn't holding back with his tongue lashing, but it still didn't get him out of his wrong. I still believed Amanda knew more about those pictures.
“Oh stop it, Mark, you can't grow balls overnight! Regina, maybe you should ask Mark how he got himself in that predicament or maybe you should ask him who was at his office this afternoon. Mark, shall you share?” She boldly took a seat at the kitchen counter before picking up a photo off the floor.
My eyes burned into Mark waiting for his response. Was that woman at his office?
“First, don't you dare imply that those pictures were anything! Second, who was at my office is no concern of yours. Regina knows all about her.”
“Mark, if those pictures aren't anything then why wouldn't you let Regina in on it? Regina, if you believe him you're better than me. I don't know for the life of me why I was so jealous of this relationship.” She threw her hands in the air as if to say she didn't care.
“You wanted it on one occasion, isn't that why you told me about all the shit Regina was doing behind my back?” he shot back.
Shit, I didn't want anything to be turned on to me!
“Did she tell you everything about her infidelities? Or did she just tell you what you wanted to hear? Regina, did you let him know about the sex parties or the guy you were seeing for a year?”
“Why are you here?” I shouted.
“Amanda, you should leave before I call the cops,” Mark spat at her.
“You're just a conniving little bitch aren't you? You want to destroy all what I have, don't you? Are you that jealous still? Should we get a restraining order against you to keep you out our lives? Are you that disappointed your ploy to break us apart didn't work?”
“Out your lives? Oh no, I will never be out your lives. It's the very reason why I'm here. I don't care that Mark will stay with you even if she's been fucking every Tom, Dick, and Harry. I don't care if he doesn't declare all his illustrious affairs. You guys are perfect for each other.”
“What the hell is she talking about, Mark?” I demanded.
“Oh, I bet the woman in the picture could tell you all about it. I'll let you in on something: the woman in the picture probably did set up your husband. I can't say for sure, but you may want to ask your lover, Tony.”
Was she really doing this to me?
“Tony? What does he have to do with these?” I snatched the picture out her hand.
“Who's Tony?” Mark asked confused.
I avoided his question and looked to Amanda for her response.
“Oh, I guess I will have to share this information since Regina feels the need to ignore your question. Tony was one of the men she's been fucking, except their connection has been on for a year maybe even longer. You see, I've been put in a situation where I had to look into a few things.”
“You know nothing of what you're saying or that woman in the picture. Just leave, Amanda, you can't play tricks on us anymore!” Mark stood before her pointing to the door.
“Mark, I'm sure you didn't know Tony was fucking Regina in your very own bed.”
“What! Amanda, if you don't get the fuck out my house I swear my hands will make you leave!” I had to threaten her.
“Regina, is she saying the truth? Tell me, were you fucking other men in our bed?”
“She was sharing the sheets all right with all who would. Regina, why lie now? Don't both of you have everything out on the table?”
She was pushing for something and it wasn't just a breakup between me and Mark. Amanda was out to destroy everything I had.
“Mark, why would you believe anything that comes out of her mouth right now? She has been denied her desperate chance to have you. Her entire dream has just turned to shit. Please, Mark, have some sense.” I hoped my words took heed.
I saw her reaching into her bag. She pulled out a folder and placed it on the counter. I was tired of her hidden agendas.
“What's that, Amanda? Something you dug up or made up to give you an edge? Or let me guess some more pictures?” I taunted her.
She stood up as if her stance was something to fear. “Oh no, Regina, this is my permanent pass to contact your man whenever I feel fit. Consider yourself served.” She waited for the look on our faces.
I wished she would die five times over after trying her almighty best to destroy my life. Mark rushed to the folder she neatly left on the counter. I was infuriated with him for bringing her into our home. How could he not see her real motives? All she wanted to do was hurt me because she couldn't have Mark. The shock was apparent on Mark's face.
“What is it, Mark, another one of her lies?”
He said nothing. His face was blank. His hands trembled as he picked up the folder.
“Mark?” I looked to Amanda's smug grin on her face. “What the fuck is that, Amanda?”
“I have a son.”
My mouth dropped opened and I took the folder out his hand. There was a birth certificate, a picture of a toddler, and a court order for a DNA test along with a family court hearing date scheduled in two days.
This couldn't be. This couldn't possibly be true.
I looked to Mark and by his tears this was the start of an unwanted lifetime sentence we were both facing.
“Mark could this be true?” I hated to ask the question.
“Of course it's true, Regina.”
I couldn't hold back any longer. My open hand hit her face with power.
“Regina.” Mark jumped between us. “Regina, you're better than that, don't stoop to her level.” He grabbed my hand.
His eyes showed the shame of it all. There were more truths to our relationship than what I was led to believe. I could only blame him for this ambush. There was a decision to be made: should I stay or should I go? Could I be the woman I intended to be for him?
“You are absolutely right, Mark. Stooping to her low level only shows her true character. I love you and we will get through this together.” I turned to Amanda. “You, on the other hand, have some fucking nerve to play these games.”
“Oh, it's no game, Regina, trust me.” She rubbed the right side of her face.
“Fine, if he is proven to be the father then by all means he will be there for his son. I'm not vindictive like you to keep him away from some of the most precious moments of his son's life. He will be there and we will both see you in court. Now, it's time for you to leave.”
“Oh, I'm going to make sure he's there whether he wants it or not.”
Her smirk was getting on my very last nerve. I clenched my fist, but didn't swing at her. I counted in my mind to ten.
“Amanda, you need to leave before I have to call the cops to remove you. You've done all you had to here,” I calmly remarked.
“Please call the cops so I can report your assault on me. You forgot your actions and words will be held against you.”
“Amanda, please go!”
After a quick stare down she finally left us to deal with the reality we faced. Mark slammed the door behind her.
I walked over to the counter and picked up the folder. “Could this be a forgery? She is a lawyer. She could get her hands on these documents at any time. I don't see a raised seal of any kind.”
“I don't know, Regina. I don't know.” He took a seat with a pitiful look of defeat on his face.
“What's the matter with you? Stop this. Listen, we can call our lawyer right now to authenticate all this. Don't look like a lost puppy. If this is some trickery she's pulling, then we'll take action to the fullest extent of the law. I'm sure the district attorney would like to know how she came up with these documents.”
I wanted nothing more than to believe this was all some elaborate scheme of hers that went too far, but remembering her smug grin made me think it was true. There was nothing I could do to make it all go away. Instead, I decided coming totally clean about Tony would make this situation much easier somehow.
“Mark, let's sit down, forget about all this for the moment. I will call the lawyer and we will find out if this is for real.” I walked over to the sofa.
“Regina, I don't know what to say. My emotions right now are many,” he said walking over to me.
“Come on, Mark, we have to talk this out. First, yes, it is true about Tony. I was seeing him off and on for over a year. I stopped seeing him completely a few months back. I want to marry you and grow old with you. Someone like that can only satisfy me one way. He has no substance, no ambition, he's not capable of being a true man. When I realized he was not able to provide me the comfort or security that you've shown me for the past eight years I ended it for good.”
“So you were going to leave me?”
I had to be honest not only to him, but myself. “Yes, at one point. A lot has changed now, and I'm willing to work out all our issues including winning back your trust. I love you, Mark, and I refuse to allow Amanda or anyone to tear us apart.”
“I can't understand why you would bring someone else into our bed. That's our place, our sanctuary, our—”
It brought tears to my eyes, thinking back on how much disrespect I displayed all for my pleasure. “I know, Mark, it makes me sick just thinking about it.”
“I built this place all for you, Regina. Now I can't even imagine where else you and whoever must've done in this house.”
“We can sell it. Buy an actual house with a backyard. We can leave right now. Let's go. I'll pack . . . No, I won't pack anything. Let's just start all over. Back to where we were, when we looked into each other's eyes all we would see was our love.”
“So I'm supposed to forget all of this? Forgive you so easily? Would you?”
“Mark, I can't force you to forgive me, and I can't say I don't want you to forget. Shit, I want to forget! But if you still want me in your life, I won't deny you. Please, Mark, I love you.”
“I need some time to think. I'm going to a hotel.” He got up and walked to the door.
I understood this was enough to drive any good man away, but I had faith we would work through all of this. “Okay, Mark, I want to stop you, but I won't. I understand, just know my love for you is undeniable. Please call me if you want.” I kissed him on the cheek good-bye before he walked out the door.
I hesitantly closed the door, leaning back with tears flowing from my eyes. Was this it? I couldn't blame him if he wanted to leave me for good. What I did was disrespectful to the fullest and could only blame myself. My strength was slowly leaving my body. There was only one thing I could do. I shook off my weakness and walked over to the sofa and picked up the folder Mark had held in his hand.

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