Shadows Amongst Light (The Spy Who Loves Me) (33 page)

BOOK: Shadows Amongst Light (The Spy Who Loves Me)
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At those words and the confirmation that they represented I started to cry. I couldn’t control my tears. Davis’s words said aloud what I believed I knew already in my heart.

“Cameron, don’t. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Davis was standing closer to me when I looked up again. Too close. But I still couldn’t read what was in those eyes.

“Tell me what you mean by that?”

“You don’t trust me anymore,” he said instead. “Why is that? Who has poisoned your mind to me? Was it Noah? Was it Adam?”

“I never trusted you Davis. And what do you know about Adam?”

Suddenly Davis grew tired of the game we were playing with each other.

“Cameron, I’m not here to argue with you. I came to take you away from here. We have to leave here immediately.”             

“Why is that?” I said taking in every little detail of him. In the five years since I’d seen him last, Davis looked thinner than I remembered. But only slightly older. Those fine lines around his eyes were more pronounced. But he was every bit as attractive as the man I’d come close to giving into all those years ago. And every bit as dangerous.

“I would never hurt you or the boy.”

“I don’t want you to talk about my son.”

“No? Why? Does it remind you of Noah? He should have been mine you know? I wished that he were. Noah doesn’t deserve all that he has. He doesn’t appreciate you.”

“How do you know my husband?”

Davis laughed and moved away from me--away from the questions in my eyes.

“I told you. I know everything about you. He’s a beautiful boy, Cameron. You’ve done a good job raising him.”

“We’ve done a good job. Noah and I. He’s our son.”

“Yes, there’s no doubt of that, is there?” I didn’t miss the sarcasm in Davis’s voice as he reminded me of Noah’s doubts.

“What are you here for, Davis. There’s nothing for you here.”

“You. There’s you. And believe it or not I do care about you. I always have.” When I wasn’t moved by his words Davis sighed and told me again, “You and the boy have to leave and you have to do it soon.”

“Why? What am I running from?”

“I can’t say.”

“Yes, you can? Who? From the mole? The Organization mole? You know who it is don’t you, Davis?” I was only guessing when I said that--hoping to get him to reveal something to me. But Davis wasn’t caught off guard as I’d hoped. He merely laughed at me and came closer. I couldn’t keep from taking an involuntary step back.

“No, Cameron. I’m not going to tell you who the mole. And no matter what you think I’m certainly not a danger to you and your son. But someone is. Someone means to harm you and Ben to get what they want. And they will stop at nothing.”

“It’s not, Noah. Noah would never hurt us that way.”

“You’re looking in the wrong places again. It’s not Noah. At least not the way you mean, although he will hurt you. But he isn’t after your life. I was sent here by Noah to get you out of here before its too late.”

“What are you talking about? Noah sent you? How do you know Noah, Davis? Tell me!”

“Cameron, we’re on the same side. That’s how I know your husband. We are on the same side.”

At those devastating words I feared the worse. That the man I thought I knew better than myself sometimes, the one that I’d told so many secrets to was the one who had betrayed me and my country.

“We have to get you and Ben out of here as soon as possible.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you, Davis.”

“Cameron, this is what Noah wanted.”

“What do you mean what Noah wanted? Where’s Noah? What have you done to him?”

“Cameron, for God’s sake, listen to me. Noah isn’t coming. He can’t...”

I reached for the gun then, taking Davis by surprise. I knew that he wasn’t so sure I wouldn’t use it on him. I saw it all there in his eyes.

“Now, I’ll ask you again Davis. Tell me what you know about Noah.”

For a long moment, we faced each other across my tiny office space. The flat toneless sound of my voice letting him know that I was deadly serious.

And then Davis started to laugh.

“You won’t shoot me, Cameron. You may want to pretend that what you felt for me meant nothing now, but I know different. I still remember the time we spent together.”

I crossed the room to where he stood, pointing the gun mere inches from his face.

“Whatever you think was happening between us Davis, wasn’t. And whatever you think you know about me has changed as well. When it comes to protecting my family, I wouldn’t think twice.”

I saw a dozen different emotions cross his face at that moment. But he believed me.

“Noah sent me here to help you. That’s all that I can tell you so don’t bother asking anything else. I’ve already said more than I should. Now, would you put that thing away?” Davis sounded as confident as ever, but his eyes never left the gun in my hand until I lowered it to my side.

“Look Cameron, if I wanted you dead or if I wanted information from you don’t you think that I would have killed you or tried to get it from you all those years ago? That’s not the case. Think about it.”

I watched him closely with resentment knowing full well that Davis wasn’t going to tell me anything else. But he was right. Davis wasn’t my enemy. At least not as far as betraying me.

But he was dangerous to me. I’d come close to falling in love with him once. I wasn’t sure I was strong enough to resist again.

“Was it you, Davis? Were you the one watching me the other day?”

“What are you talking about Cameron? Someone was watching you? When?”

“I thought it was you? The other day, out on the range across from the house. There was someone watching Ben and I. I thought that it was just a hiker at first but here you are? Do you really expect me to believe that it wasn’t you watching us Davis? What kind of idiot do you take me for anyway? That was two days ago. And now you show up here, out of the blue after five years? Tell me the truth, Davis!  If your reasons for being here are as stellar as you’d like me to believe, why didn’t you just show yourself? You knew I would be worried?”

“Cameron, it wasn’t me. I’m telling you the truth. I just hope we’re not too late. Clearly someone knows about you and Noah’s connection to The Organization. Someone who wants to use you for their own gain. Cameron, don’t you see? You’re not safe here anymore. You or the boy. Noah knew that. He must have known someone would come looking for you both. Let me help you Cameron? I’m only here to help.”

“Oh really? Well I’m sorry Davis, but I don’t trust you or Noah or anyone else connected to The Organization anymore. So you tell me why should I listen to you, Davis?

“If not for your own safety, then think about the boy?”

“Leave my son out of this Davis. He’s nothing to you.”

I caught Davis’s eyes go to the small picture of Ben that hung on the wall.

“He looks just like his father, doesn’t he? Until this moment, I was hoping...I guess I was hoping that he would not.              “Why, were you thinking you could just slip right in to the role of father in his eyes? You can forget that Davis. Ben adores his father.” I said walking past him to the kitchen. Not quite trusting what Davis was telling me enough to put the gun down.

“Cameron, you know that’s not the case. It’s just that Noah never said a word about the child until he asked me to come to you.”

Davis came a little too close to the truth and it must have shown in my face.

“He’s not sure the child is his? Noah believes the boy might be mine. But you’ve told him that there wasn’t anything between us, haven’t you?”

I could not answer that, but Davis took my silence all the answer he needed.

“Of course I told him. I’m not talking to you about my son or about Noah, Davis so just drop it.”

I poured my fifth cup of coffee and forced myself to ask him if he wanted any.

Davis poured the coffee into the cup I handed to him and leaned against the counter watching me.

“So Noah believes there was something...physical between us?”

“Yes...even though I‘ve told him the truth. He didn’t believe me.”

“So why doesn’t he believe Ben is his son? It is obvious. The boy’s a spitting image of Noah.”

“Yes. You never answered my question, Davis. How do you know Noah? As far as I was aware of, you two are on opposite sides of the game. Now you tell me that is not the case. How do you know my husband?”

I saw Davis’s reaction to my reference to Noah. He hated knowing I still loved Noah.

“He was your husband when I was here with you before. That’s didn’t change anything that we felt for each other, did it?”

“I thought he was dead, Davis.”

“No... You didn’t. You knew in your heart that he was alive. You believed he’d left you. In fact, he had. If you hadn’t gotten in touch with him, he would never have come back to you. You would have been left all alone to raise the boy.”

“How did you know about that?” I asked more frightened than I’d ever been before.

“I told you I know everything. Everything about you. About Noah. About your son.”

“Noah told you?” I whispered not really asking the question. I think I knew what the answer was.

“No, Cameron. You’re wrong, it wasn’t Noah,” Davis said, his eyes trying to relay a message to me. I hate to admit it took me a little while to catch his meaning. Then I understood.

I’d thought through the years that this house represented security for us. That I was far removed from my past here in my tiny little mountain community but I’d been wrong. Noah and I had believed The Organization had simply forgotten about us, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Organization never let’s go.

I walked past him out the door to the side of the house and waited for Davis to follow me.

“The house is bugged? Are you telling me that someone has been listening in to every single private moment of our lives here?”

“Yes,” Davis answered so slowly that I had a feeling there was much more that he would have liked to say.

“The Organization. Adam--right? It’s The Organization, isn’t it?” At s silence I snapped. “Answer me Davis!”

“It’s not as simple as all that and before you ask, no I can’t tell you anymore. I’ve said too much as it is. You just have to trust me.”

My mind raced through the possibilities coming back to the one connection I could think of. My brother. The man that I’d kept in touch only on a few separate occasions, all without Noah’s knowledge. The one that I’d read all those terrible things about. The one who was responsible for my parents losing their lives.

I didn’t realize that Davis had moved closer to me, until he touched my face, his earnest eyes searching mine.

“Cameron, I’d never hurt you. You’ve got to believe that. But I need you to trust me.” To that I could only laugh.

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