Read Shackled Online

Authors: Morgan Ashbury

Tags: #Erotica, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

Shackled (22 page)

BOOK: Shackled
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“Christ, you weren’t kidding. She does have a great mouth.” Peter’s voice sounded ragged, and he began to move his hips.

Bethany moaned, her plea obvious.

“Okay, sweet. Come for us,” Peter said.

Bethany’s moan, muted by cock, thrilled Jonathan and obviously thrilled Peter if that man’s growl was any indication. Jonathan closed his eyes and thrust up hard into Beth, holding himself deep as his climax erupted. Stream after stream shot out of his body into the condom. The ecstasy pounded hard and deep, taking over his entire body, blotting out the world so there was just him, and the amazing woman on him, clenching her inner muscles around his cock.

Eventually, the sound of harsh breathing reached him, and he realized all three of them fought to recover.

“God in heaven,” Peter said. “I haven’t lost control like that since I was a teenager.” Then, “I didn’t hurt you, did I, Bethany?”

“No, of course not.” She leaned her head on Jonathan’s shoulder.

“No sleeping for you,” Jonathan said to her. “We aren’t finished with you yet.”

“Don’t want to sleep. Just catching my breath.”

“Here.” Peter stepped out of the car, took a moment to fasten his pants then reached for Beth. “After that amazing gift, the least I can do is carry you inside.”

Jonathan laughed. “Good idea. That way we can keep her naked.”

* * * *

Bethany couldn’t say she’d ever been carried naked out of doors before. Fortunately, the autumn night had turned mild, and the distance from car to house was not very far.

Jonathan moved ahead and unlocked the door. Clearly, Peter was familiar with Jonathan’s house, even in the dark, for he easily navigated his way to the stairs and carried her up to the master bedroom.

He set her on her feet then cupped her face. “Thank you.”

She’d liked the taste of his kiss in the club, and she’d liked the taste of his cock. She never would have imagined that men would taste different, one from the other. But apparently they did, because these two men’s flavors each appealed to her.

“You’re welcome.” And how ridiculous was it for her cheeks to heat with embarrassment?

Jonathan came into the room, walked right over to her, and kissed her. Then he used his thumb to trace her lips. “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

“It’s been a very interesting night,” she said. “I’m learning things about myself I never could have guessed at.”

“I know I gave you two safe words to say, but this is outside of that. We don’t have to do anything more together, the three of us, if you don’t want to. Of course, we both hope you will. It’s up to you.”

Bethany looped her arms around Jonathan’s neck. She cast a smiling glance to Peter before turning back to Jonathan. “I seem to recall the promise of double penetration.” Oh, now her cheeks felt as if they were on fire. “I have to admit, maybe one or two times in my life, I’ve had dreams that were just that wild. I would never cheat. You know that about me. But if you’re offering, then I’m saying yes.”

“I told you I liked the kink,” Jonathan said. “This is something I really like, and I really want you to like.”

“There is just one thing, though,” Bethany said. She unwound her arms from Jonathan’s neck then stepped back.

“And that would be?” Peter’s rich timbre skittered her flesh.

“You’re both alarmingly overdressed for this party.”

The two men smiled at each other. “Easily remedied,” Jonathan said.

They made short work of stripping. Bethany felt her mouth water as they revealed their bodies to her.

Clothing could hide well-honed muscles and corded abs. She’d imagined Peter to be as powerfully built as Jonathan, and now she saw she’d been right.

She’d be hard pressed to say which cock was larger. Both organs stood erect, thick and proud, and for the next little while at least,
both were all hers

Jonathan gathered her in. His kiss, soft and tender, melted her heart and stirred her blood. It ended far too soon. He turned her so that her back brushed his front and ran his hands up and down her arms.

Peter stepped closer. “Now you’re overdressed.”

She still had on the garter, stockings, and shoes. Peter hunkered down in front of her, his mouth tantalizingly close to her cunt as he lifted first one foot, then the other, to remove her shoes.

The hose came next, and the sensation of his hands on her legs as he swept the silk stockings from her body fed the flames of her passion. Finally, he removed the garter, tossed it onto the floor behind him, and, in the blink of an eye, set his mouth on her pussy.

“Oh, God.” Bethany’s knees buckled. Between them, the two men held her up, forcing a pleasure on her that made her heart pound and her blood race.

“Christ, it turns me on to watch him eat you,” Jonathan said.

Bethany shivered, the fervency in his tone adding to the arousal that spiraled higher and higher inside her.

“More.” She shook as passion climbed and climbed with no summit in sight. “Please, please, please.”

Jonathan turned her head toward him, his kiss deep and wet, his tongue demanding as he plundered, in and out.

Peter’s tongue also penetrated her body, in and out of her pussy. When he sucked her clit into his mouth and inserted two fingers into her, she came.

“Oh, yes!” Bethany pulled her lips away from Jonathan as she surrendered to the orgasm that ran through her, a hot, wet flood of rapture that made her entire body quiver. She pressed her slit closer to Peter’s mouth and arched her neck so she could take Jonathan’s lips again. With total submission, she took what they gave her and gave everything in return.

“I love the way you give over like that.” Jonathan released her as Peter worked his way up her body. When that man stood before her, she wrapped her arms around him and tasted herself on his lips.

“I didn’t know I could.” She broke the kiss. “I never knew I could feel these things or that they even existed.”

“There’s more.” Peter lifted her and carried her to the bed. “I’ve wanted my cock in you for a very long time.” He laid her on the bed, stretched out next to her. “Jonathan and I have often been drawn to the same woman. I think we must have been brothers in another life.”

“He’s right,” Jonathan said, stretching out on the other side of her. “Now we’re both going to have you at the same time.”

It felt like a ballet, the way their hands caressed her, smoothed and cupped, pinched and dipped and delved. They took turns kissing her, and Bethany drowned in the flavor of these two hot studs. Her mind could barely cope with the knowledge that she turned them on. She, who’d been called frigid and uninspiring by a husband of nearly a quarter of a century, had these two younger men hot and hard.

She’d already had three orgasms tonight, three! Bethany opened her mouth and sucked Jonathan’s tongue into her mouth while Peter opened her legs, and inserted his fingers into her pussy.

“You’re so wet,” he said.

She could feel that wetness and marveled anew at her body’s voracious appetite. She eased back from Jonathan’s lips and turned to look at Peter. “Fuck me.”

“I think for this to work, you need to fuck me,” Peter said.

She laughed, because his smile so appealed to her. Jonathan gave her a condom. She wasted no time getting on her knees. She leaned over Peter’s body and made quick work of sheathing his hot, hard penis.

His hands fastened on her waist as she straddled him. She only needed to move slightly and then, yes, his cock slid into her dripping cunt.

“That feels so good.” She raised herself up then lowered onto him again, taking a rhythm, a steady beat she hoped would please him.

“Mm, yes, you do feel good around my cock.” Peter moved his hips, thrusting up into her. The sensation of his cock moving in her sent tingles all through her.

The bed dipped as Jonathan got onto his side then onto his knees. He put a hand on her back, caressing up and down, then moved it to her ass.

“Our first time, I don’t think any of us are going to last,” he said. “I find I can’t wait, either.”

He moved behind her and ran his fingers up and down the crack of her ass. They left her for a moment then returned, covered with lube.

The cold, silky feel of the gel increased the eroticism, the arousal that kept growing, changing, flowing like a river alive with sensation. He inserted his finger, moving it in and out, swirling it, and Bethany moaned.

Then she felt the heat of Jonathan close to her, and the nudge of his latex-covered cock pressing against her anus.

Bethany stilled as he pushed into her. Peter lifted her hands from his chest and eased her down on him, so that her head rested there. His hands banded around her, keeping her in place.

“The first time’s the hardest, sweetheart,” he said.

“Tell me to stop and I will.” It sounded as if Jonathan gritted his teeth as he said that.

“Don’t stop.” Bethany could barely speak. She felt a burning pain, yes, but something more, something so sexy she just wanted more. Peter’s cock pulsed inside her, and she gave him an answering squeeze. At the same time, she tried to relax her legs, raise her ass, and give Jonathan all she had.

“Oh God, oh God.” She wanted more. This sensation of stretching, of being filled, grabbed her arousal and yanked it to the stars, held it tight, tingling and quivering at the very precipice of that fabulous free fall.

“There are those words again.” Jonathan grabbed her hips and pushed just a bit more, and sank all the way into her.

“Oh, yeah,” Peter said.

“Fucking wonderful,” Jonathan said.

Bethany could say nothing. She could only twitch her hips, an almost instinctive reaction to the double penetration, her recently awakened libido wanting to fuck both these men at the same time.

“Hold still, baby. It’s so damn good. I need a moment to get control…” Jonathan’s words sputtered.

Bethany couldn’t hold still. She needed to move, to give, to take, to fuck. She growled, the sound feral and wild, as she moved down and forward, up and back. Both men cursed. So she did it again. And then again.

Jonathan began to thrust into her ass, his strokes far from controlled, with Peter giving a counter thrust equally fierce, and Bethany’s orgasm exploded.

Her groan of pleasure sounded raw and ferocious, soon joined by masculine sounds of pleasure that thrilled her to the core of her soul. Then all strength left her body, and she collapsed on Peter, held by both men as they thrust and thrust and thrust and then held themselves deep.

She felt their hot sperm against the latex, and her orgasm peaked again.

Chapter 19

The scent of coffee awakened him.

Beside him, Bethany slept soundly. Jonathan smiled. The sight of her in his bed gave him a deep feeling of contentment. He eased out gently and tucked the blankets around her. He wondered if she realized how deeply and well she slept since moving in, or that the circles he’d seen under her eyes just over a week before had already vanished.

He loved her, and he was keeping her. His gaze tracked to the other side of the bed. Memory of the night before washed over him. He needed coffee and conversation.

Jonathan spotted Peter on the back deck, clad only in jeans, mug of coffee in his hand, gaze fixed on the forest. He grabbed a cup of joe for himself then opened the door to the deck and joined his friend.

Peter didn’t look up right away, so Jonathan just sat next to him, said nothing, and waited.

“I had a feeling it was going to be different,” the other man said quietly. “When the three of us got together last week, and we sat and chatted through dinner, knowing what you had in mind. I think I knew then if she said yes, she would get to me like no other woman ever has.”

“Yeah. I felt that way, too, then,” Jonathan said. “The question is, what are we going to do about it?”

“It’s your call,” Peter said. He took a drink from his coffee. “For all that I need to exercise control over my life, I understand I have no real control here and now. Call it karma.” Peter shook his head, his laugh one of self-mockery. “You’ve known the lady longer, and you’re all the way in love with her. I’m only halfway there. If you want to call last night an experiment and nothing more, I’ll bow out.”

BOOK: Shackled
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