Read Shackled Online

Authors: Morgan Ashbury

Tags: #Erotica, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

Shackled (18 page)

BOOK: Shackled
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Jonathan laughed. “You want to ask me if I’ve had sex with another man, or maybe this particular man. The answer is no. But only because I’m just not wired that way. Neither, by the way, is he.”

“Now I’m embarrassed.” She could feel the heat of renewed blush on her face and hated it.

“Don’t be, sweetheart. Seriously, there is absolutely no topic that is or should be taboo between us. You can ask me anything, anytime. I have confidence that, eventually, you’ll be completely comfortable discussing anything and everything with me.”

“I still feel woefully ignorant.” She wanted to know everything
. A hold-out emotion from the last twenty-five years, she still felt most at peace when she had everything laid out in front of her. She had a feeling, though, that in its negative incarnation, it was going to be one of the hardest habits for her to break.

“Knowledge doesn’t come on the wind, sweetheart. It all takes time.”

Jonathan put his arm around her and turned her toward home. “I have the urge to visit the hot tub and make mad, passionate love to you.”

“I love your urges.” All he had to do was suggest getting naked and her pussy got wet.

“Good. Because I had another urge a couple of days ago and bought you a new outfit to wear tonight.”

Something in his expression intrigued her, and she knew, without seeing it, that whatever he’d bought for her was going to help her cross yet one more boundary.

Chapter 15

“Strip for me, Beth.”

Jonathan relaxed against the side of the tub, the hot, churning water heating his flesh even as the hot, sexy woman before him heated his blood.

Watching Bethany discover her feminine powers this last week had been the most thrilling adventure of his life. He’d hoped, when he imagined the day that he finally coaxed her out of her clothes, that she would discover physical pleasure.

The woman had surpassed every one of his wildest expectations. He’d called her a voluptuary, and as each day passed, that description suited her more and more.

She sent him a coy look, and he felt his smile widen in response. Bethany may only have been wearing a simple blouse and pair of slacks, but she slipped those buttons open like a burlesque queen. Jonathan’s cock hardened.

“Maybe I should practice doing this to music so I could really turn you on.” The tone of her suggestion—pure teasing—pleased him immensely.

“Sweetheart, you turn me on any more and I’m going to come before you even get in the tub.”

“That’s all right. I bet I could make you come again.”

“I have absolutely no doubt about that.”

Beth dropped her blouse, and Jonathan couldn’t help but admire her luscious breasts. Full, with dusky rose nipples, they made his mouth water. He knew she’d been embarrassed by her mature woman’s body that first day. He thought that perhaps his ardent attention had cured her of that flaw. He loved her body and took every opportunity to let her know just that.

Then Bethany slithered out of her pants. He felt one eyebrow go up when he saw her panties, a delicate-looking bikini brief of pretty pink.

“Panties? Now you know that’s against my orders, don’t you?” He’d known, of course, that she’d packed several pairs of panties when she’d thrown her clothes into that suitcase to move in with him. He’d been eagerly waiting to catch her in them.

“Color me chagrinned. I believe you’re right, Master.”

“Smart-ass. I think I’m going to have to punish you for defying me.” And damned if the thought of that didn’t get him even hotter. Her, too, if the sound she made at the back of her throat was any indication.

“Yes, I deserve to be punished.”

“Get those off and get in here.”

Bethany slipped the briefs down her legs and kicked them aside. Taking the few steps necessary, she climbed into the tub.

Jonathan drew her to him, arranging her so that she straddled him. Then he took her mouth with his, drinking her. She tasted so good to him, her flavor exciting him, arousing him. Now that he’d tasted her, had her, he knew he’d never be able to do without her.

It seemed the height of irony that addiction to her in many ways made him her slave, in reality.

“Do you know what I want to do to you?” He feathered kisses across her face then down her throat. Bethany arched her neck for him, granting him absolute freedom to taste where he would.

“I think I have a pretty good idea. My pussy is already trying to sheath your cock. Since you’ve awakened it, my cunt has a mind of its own.”

He could feel the way her labia had opened, as if her pussy could on its own volition devour his penis.

“Mm. I know.” He loved her cunt, but there was something else he craved right then and there. He thought she just might be ready for him. He’d done his best to prepare her. And considering what he hoped the night would bring, it was time.

“I want to try something new,” he said.

Bethany stilled in his arms, and he wondered if she’d become so attuned to him that she knew exactly what he wanted.

She eased back, just enough so she could look into his eyes. “Those words always send shivers down my back, delicious shivers of anticipation.”

“I want to fuck your ass. Will you let me?”

Her nipples turned rock hard, and she did shiver. Her smile widened, and she licked her lips. Damned if his Beth wasn’t aroused just thinking about it.

“Yes. Every time you’ve put that butt plug in me, I’ve imagined having your cock there.”

Jonathan kissed her, his tongue tasting her, demanding complete submission. She opened for him, melted for him. This is what thrilled him beyond words, beyond measure. The reality of having Bethany, naked, in his arms. Of having Bethany give herself to him without hesitation or reservation.

* * * *

Bethany wrapped her arms around him and rubbed her skin against his. His flavor intoxicated her. Before Jonathan, kisses had been less than nothing. Now,
kisses lit the kindling of her desire, luring her, sating her, and making her hunger all at the same time.

“I love you.” The freedom of those words, the freedom of accepting this man as her master and her lover, was a miracle she still couldn’t comprehend. “Take what you want. Give me everything.”

“Sweetheart.” His kiss turned ravenous, and Bethany wallowed in it. He did such wonderfully wicked things to her with his tongue, and as her passion grew, her hips began to undulate against him, her pussy caressing his cock with a hot, wet embrace.

His hands, when they stroked down her sides, trembled. Bethany was humbled that she could make such a virile man shake with need.

He eased her back, then onto her feet. “Turn around, grab the edge of the tub, and bend over. Put your knee on the bench if that helps.”

She moved instantly to obey him, equal parts eager and nervous. Whenever he played with her anus, she’d become unbelievably turned on. Her reaction to his touch and explorations made her hunger for whatever else he had in store for her.

“Cold, baby.”

Bethany gasped, for the hot water of the spa had indeed heated her, making the lubricant he used feel icy cold. She shivered, and as he smoothed the gel up and down over her anus, she moaned in pure delight. It felt so good she couldn’t stop herself from pushing her ass against his finger.

He pressed that finger inward and began to move it in and out of her, the rhythm steady. Bethany closed her eyes and moved against that single digit fucking her ass. It felt intoxicatingly sinful, almost as if her clit was being tickled from the inside.

Jonathan was bent over her, his heat enveloping her at the same time he placed kisses across her shoulder and against the shell of her ear. “Another,” he whispered. When he brought his finger out of her this time, a second joined it, and the in-and-out thrusting became just a bit faster and rougher.

“Oh, God,
” Bethany let go of her thoughts and just allowed herself to drown in the sensations of eroticism he gave her. Tiny whimpers emerged from her throat as she moved against him, her body hungry for more pleasure, and then still more.

The sounds he made hung on the periphery of her awareness, a grasp, a tear of foil, and a slide of latex over engorged male flesh.

“I’ll be careful, baby, but it’s going to hurt. I’ll stop if you tell me to.”

Jonathan’s fingers came out of her, and the moment of anticipation loomed silent and large. He stroked her anus, adding more lube to what he’d already given her. Then she felt his hands on the cheeks of her ass, spreading them. Her heart thudded painfully in those few seconds as the reality of her total submission, her total vulnerability, penetrated.

The soft brush of something slick, hot, and a hell of a lot bigger than either his fingers or the butt plug sent a sizzling thrill all the way through her.

“Take me, woman. Service me.”

The hot, whispered words bathed her ear as he leaned into her and began to push his cock against her anus.

“Oh, God.”
The burn of flesh stretching to admit flesh spread heat through her body, and her pussy began to convulse and weep as her arousal grew.

“Want me to stop, sweetheart?”

“No…more. Oh, God, please, I have to have more.” Her words emerged as a plea as she pushed her ass against him, as she begged for more of him.

“Easy. I’m not going to rush this.”

His slow invasion turned into a delicious torture as the intensity of the burn morphed into a sharp, biting pain that did nothing to diminish her passion. She closed her eyes as she fought to bring those tingling and thrilling sensations closer, as she chased them.

She felt the head of his cock slip into her, and she gasped because it felt so different from anything she’d ever experienced.

“Hang on, baby. I just need to…oh, yes.”

He slid all the way into her. His balls slapped gently against her cunt, another new sensation that fed her excitement.

“Oh, Jonathan, that feels so…so…”

“Yeah, fucking right it does.” He pulled out slightly then slid back in again. And again, and again.

The sound that emerged from Bethany’s throat defied logic, the meaning feral and basic. As Jonathan continued his steady plundering of her ass, she began to move in counterpoint, the thrill so deep, so
, she could do nothing but respond by meeting his demand stroke by deep stroke.

. Hang on.”

She hadn’t needed the warning. She could have sworn she felt the tethers of his control snap. He began to thrust in her, hard and fast and deep, and the thrill, the pleasure, soared to another plane. Bethany found she couldn’t move against him, and so she leaned forward even more, her hips and thighs relaxing as she surrendered to his mastery of her. The burning, the pain, gave way to a raw ecstasy so huge she didn’t know if she could contain it. This ignited her passion on so many levels she felt overwhelmed.

“Oh, God,
.” His sharp hiss of pleasure fed her need to give, to service him in whichever way he demanded of her. He pounded into her, and each thrust felt as if it pummeled her cunt from the inside out.

And then he reached around and stroked her clit.

“Oh!” Bethany gasped as the earthquake began, an orgasm so powerful it defied control, defied everything, as if it became alive with a will of its own, and its will was to consume her completely. On and on, wave after wave of pleasure so intense washed over her she could only cling and scream, the sound high and thin and rapturous.

“Beth!” Jonathan plunged deep and held himself within her. He wrapped his arms around her, and she felt the spasms of his cock as he came, as he filled the condom with his hot seed.

Bethany clung to the tub and fought for breath as the climax ebbed. Her skin prickled, gooseflesh that pebbled her entire body. An aftershock whipped through her, and in its wake, her hearing returned. The bubbling of the water, the harsh breathing in her ear, all this told her she was indeed alive.

She doubted, however, she would ever be the same again.

“I didn’t hurt you?” Jonathan’s voice, anxious, sounded close to her ear.

He still held her, still bent over her, and his cock, his wonderful, pleasure-giving cock was still inside her.

BOOK: Shackled
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