Shackled (19 page)

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Authors: Morgan Ashbury

Tags: #Erotica, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

BOOK: Shackled
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“No. It…it was incredible. Like nothing before.”

“Just imagine,” Jonathan nuzzled her ear and kissed her neck, “what it would be like with a cock inside your cunt as I fuck your ass.”

“I’ll overdose on pleasure.” The possibility that she might made her smile rather than worry. Jonathan’s quiet laughter warmed her heart.

“You’ll find, my love, your capacity for pleasure will only increase over time.”

“My God, I might turn into a nymphomaniac,” she said, not entirely kidding.

“Possible, sweet. But you’d be

When Jonathan straightened, she stayed bent over the tub, unsure if she had the strength to move. Moments later, her master scooped her up and held her on his lap. She curled into him and yawned.

“Well, as long as I’m yours, then I won’t worry about it.”

* * * *

A little while later, after a nap followed by a shower, Bethany followed Jonathan out of the master bathroom and into the bedroom. She blinked when she saw the array of sexy undergarments he laid out on the bed. Hanging on a padded hanger at the front of the closet was the most beautiful black dress she’d ever seen. Silk, it had three buttons down the front and a skirt that looked full, despite the thigh-high slit.

“Have you ever worn a bustier?”

“Never.” The styling of the fancy undergarment reminded her of a corset, except it seemed too short to be one.

Jonathan must have read the consternation on her face. “It will be my pleasure to dress you, then.”

The black and red bustier fit, but just. He helped her into a garter belt then watched as she slid on the ultra sheer silk stockings. They felt like heaven.

Jonathan nodded when she had them fastened. He then held out a thong.

“I thought you said no panties.” She closed her eyes, because he still hadn’t gotten around to “punishing” her for having worn them earlier.

“These aren’t really panties.” He held them for her to see, and she blinked at the small plastic something in the crotch. “Here, step into them.”

He knelt in front of her and adjusted the plastic piece to sit just at the top of her slit, close to her clit.

“If they aren’t panties, what are they?”

Jonathan stood up and grinned. Then he walked over to the dresser and picked up what appeared to be a small black box. He made a great show of pressing a button.

Bethany jumped when a slight vibration caressed her slit and her clit. “Oh, my God! What did you just do?”

“It’s called a remote vibrator. All I have to do is press this button and—” He left off the rest of his sentence because he pressed it again, and again that tingling vibration teased her cunt.

Bethany couldn’t help it. She closed her eyes and moaned. Despite the phenomenal orgasm she’d had earlier, her libido woke up and looked around for cock.

“I also want you to wear this.” He held out what appeared to be a small leather necklace. No, not a necklace, she realized.
A collar
. “It proclaims to the world that you’re mine.”

Bethany felt her eyes mist and didn’t care. She said nothing, just stepped closer to him and turned around and held still while he fastened it. “Thank you.” She touched it and marveled that this symbol of ownership made her feel cherished.

“Now for the dress.” He held it for her so she could slip the garment on. She looked in the mirror, pleased with her appearance, knowing the killer lingerie she had on underneath it would keep her stimulated all night. Quite literally.

“Oh, and sweetheart? Your job tonight is not to react when I press the button—that is, unless you’re ordered otherwise.”

Something about his smile made her ask, “What?”

“These are simple devices, not very complicated. And you might not be the only sub there tonight wearing one.”

It took her a moment to process that tidbit. “You mean that someone else’s master might press a button and…”


“Oh, God.” The prospect of being in a room filled with button-pushing he-men made her shiver. By the end of the night, she might very well be in line for another punishment, for disobeying her master’s direct orders.

Chapter 16

Bethany had never been to any kind of a club at night, and certainly not this one. She had no idea what to expect, both in atmosphere or in details. Would people be running around naked? Would they be having sex out in the open? She had not a clue.

“Nervous, darling?” Jonathan handed his keys to the valet parking attendant then turned and put his hand on Bethany’s back. Just that small touch helped to soothe her.

“I’m feeling a combination of nervous and excited. I’ve only read about fetish clubs. I’ve never actually been to one.”

Jonathan bent down and kissed her lightly. “You know you’ll be safe with me, don’t you?”

“Of course. I have no concerns in that regard. I know you’ll protect me.” Bethany took the opportunity, since his face was so close, to give him a kiss of her own.

“You’re damn right I will. Well, there’s only one way to do this, my love. And that’s to just do it.”

As they stepped up to the door, it opened. Jonathan held the portal, a perfect gentleman, allowing her to precede him.

“Good evening, Master Jonathan.”

The deep male voice startled Bethany but not nearly as much as the sight of the man who owned it did. Tall, bulging ebony muscles, sporting a perfectly bald head, the man positively exuded power. Dressed in leather pants and a tight-fitting tank top, he carried himself as if he were dressed like Jonathan, in a suit and tie.

“Good evening, Philip. Is it a good crowd tonight?”

“It is, sir. Master Jordan asked to be informed when you arrived, and the other gentleman you were expecting is here.”

Bethany realized that Philip hadn’t even looked at her.
Of course, I’m a sub, and I’m wearing Jonathan’s collar
. She supposed she’d best get used to being ignored. In a way, the prospect that she might be by and large ignored went one more step toward putting her at ease.

Jonathan turned to her, and she looked up at him, wondering if he was going to introduce her to the intriguing black man.

“Darling, give Philip your dress.”

Bethany nearly sputtered in protest. Her eyes did widen, and her gaze locked with Jonathan’s. She read the look, the authority of command mixed with patient waiting.

She didn’t let herself think. Her fingers went to the buttons of her dress, slipped them free of their moorings. The silky garment slid from her shoulders when she shrugged. She kept her gaze on Jonathan’s when she handed the dress to Philip.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noted the man didn’t even blink at seeing her in her sexy lingerie. He simply hung her dress in the closet.

The quick look she got of that small area told her she wasn’t the only person to leave her clothes at the door.

Jonathan reached out and stroked her shoulder then brushed a light touch across the top of her breasts. “Good girl,” he murmured.

“The other master said he would meet you in the main bar, sir.”

“Thank you, Philip.”

Jonathan rested his hot hand on Bethany’s bottom, and the heat of him seared her. It took her a moment to realize that Philip seemed to have taken great pains not to say the name of “the other master.”
Curiouser and curiouser

Another door opened, this one at the end of the short corridor in front of them. Music, loud, heavy, came pulsing toward them. And then they were inside the club proper, and Bethany felt the beat of the music, the shock of the muted lighting, and the heat of undisguised, lust-filled stares directed her way.

Not all of those lustful leers were from men.

There were enough other people of both sexes dressed in costumes, or rather, barely dressed at all, that soon Bethany no longer felt as if she stood out. She noticed some women sent lusting glances Jonathan’s way as well. Amazingly, he had eyes for no one but her.

“Let’s go find your other master, shall we?”

She understood the subtle instruction. They were in a scene, and the rules must be followed. A shiver of excitement skittered through her body. How involved would these scenes get? And who was this other master?

Jonathan took her hand, brought it to his lips. “While here, you’re only to speak if spoken to.” Then he led her into the thick of things. As the crowd ebbed and flowed, she could see the bar, all dark wood and shiny chrome, in the center of the room against one wall. Two men were stationed behind it, serving drinks. Men and women stood around, chatting, drinking. Some swayed to the music while still others headed to the dance floor.

As they approached the bar, one man, dressed in a dark suit, turned and looked directly at them. He was tall, at least as tall as Jonathan, and could have given Philip competition in the buff department. His midnight-black hair held a trace of silver at the temples. He nodded to Jonathan then ran his gaze down her body.

Bethany didn’t know what to think when she realized it was Peter Hamilton looking at her as if he was going to fuck her.
Oh, my God.
She felt the tingle of arousal begin to swirl through her.

Short but powerful, the device she wore against her slit buzzed to life. Bethany caught her breath, just barely suppressing the gasp.

“Peter, how are you tonight?” Jonathan held out his hand in greeting.

“Not as well as I’m going to be, obviously,” Peter said.

“I can attest,” Jonathan said.

Bethany felt her cheeks color as the men chatted, obviously about her. Since she hadn’t been told to lower her eyes, she looked her fill but kept her gaze between the two men. She didn’t think either of them would appreciate her looking around the club, something that could be interpreted as an affectation of boredom.

She certainly wasn’t bored. Especially when Jonathan kept activating the remote vibrator.

“Why don’t we go into the lounge?” Jonathan suggested.

“Good idea. It’s quieter there, and easier to talk,” Peter said. Then, “Jordan said he’d join us shortly.”

Jonathan nodded. “No less than I expected, all things considered.” He looked at Bethany and said, “Master Jordan wants to check on you and assure himself that you’re well.”

Bethany nearly opened her mouth to ask why she wouldn’t be, but then realized that she hadn’t been asked to speak. She was rewarded with Jonathan’s smile.

The lounge was a much quieter venue than the open bar area. It was also even more softly lit, and it took Bethany’s eyes a couple of moments to adjust. When they had, she saw that more than half the tables had been claimed. She also noticed something else.

Each round table featured two chairs and two cushions, the latter on the floor to the right of each chair. As Peter led the way to the back of the lounge, Bethany noticed that at practically every table occupied, someone was sitting on the floor.

By the time they’d reached a free table in a corner at the back, she’d realized the people on the floor were subs.

Jonathan’s smile looked cheeky as hell when he pointed to the cushion between the two chairs.

Bethany folded herself down as gracefully as possible. She needed to adjust herself a little because the vibrator needed to be situated properly.

“Would you like something to drink, Beth?” Jonathan asked.

“Yes, please. Whatever you want me to have.”

Peter raised one eyebrow. “You have yourself a very attractive and very amenable sub, Jonathan.”

By the devilish twinkle in Peter’s eyes, she knew he’d spoken about her that way on purpose. Well, this
a scene. She could get into character.

“She is lovely, but not completely amenable. We’ll be going to the school room after we speak with Jordan.”

The waiter came over, and Jonathan ordered two sparkling waters with lime and a glass of white wine. Moments later, the server returned with the drinks. It surprised Beth that the wine was for her.

Jonathan held the glass for her while she sipped.

“Tell me, what did you do, Beth, to earn a punishment?” Peter took a drink from his glass of sparkling water.

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