Sexy Love

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Authors: Michelle Leyland

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #love, #action, #sex, #boygirl

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What were you
doing flirting with Starlet last night?” my older brother Carl asks
me, still not looking happy about what happened at the

You know me,”
I smile. I’m a total flirt so it’s nothing unusual.

I met the new
girl Starlet for the first time last night, and as soon as I laid
eyes on her I knew I had to have her. She’s gorgeous. I love her
long, naturally blonde hair with the light blue streaks in it; her
beautiful green eyes and that sexy figure that’s slim but curvy in
the right places.

After a night
of flirting and dancing, I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about
her. I wanted to kiss her so bad when she was doing her amazing
dancing against me, but unfortunately Carl pulled me away with work
emergency as an excuse. I think he let me take the work on purpose
to get me away from her.

What’s the
problem?” I ask. “I’m single and I’m guessing she is

She’s here for
training,” he reminds me, “not to get off with you.”

So you’re
saying I’m not allowed to be with her? Just ‘cause we’ll be working

I’d rather you
didn’t. I don’t want you distracting her, and you have to stay
focused on your work.”

So it’s not in
the rules that I can’t?” I smirk.

Carl sighs,
“no, there isn’t really a rule against it,” he admits. “It’s just
better to be avoided. You’re supposed to act professionally when
you’re at work. Just concentrate on your job, okay?”

Okay,” I lie,
knowing there’s no way he’s keeping me from Starlet.


I go for lunch
with my best friend Mick later and we walk over to the cafeteria,
talking about last night.

So how did it
go with that new chick, Romeo?”

I smile. He
always uses that nickname for me since I’m great at flirting and
I’ve hardly been single since turning thirteen.

She’s amazin’.
Definitely a ten,” I answer.

A ten is the
highest score on how hot a girl is, but I’ve got a feeling there’s
way more to Starlet than just good looks. I guess I’ll have to wait
and find out once we get to know each other better.

We had a great
time dancing together,” I say and my skin tingles just thinking of
dancing with her, “but my bro totally ruined it all by pulling me
away on some emergency call.”

Man, that
sucks. Couldn’t someone else have gone instead?”

I think he did
it on purpose. He’s not happy with me
his trainees, so he wants
me to stay out of the picture.”

So you’re
saying he doesn’t want us to get involved with any girls

Yeah, even
though he admitted there are no rules against it.”

Maybe he’s
jealous?” he suggests. “I mean, he hasn’t had a girlfriend yet,

Yeah, but
don’t tell anyone about that. He gets way too

Maybe he
doesn’t like seeing you always getting off with girls. He might
even like that new girl. I saw him getting her a drink before you
went off flirting with her.”

I feel shocked
finding this out, “Really?”


Do you mean
her a
as in hitting on her? Or just brought
her a drink being polite?”

He thinks about
it, “I dunno. It was hard to tell.”

Whoa, that
would be so weird if he did fancy her,” I say, thinking how much
I’d hate if that happened. “I mean, he’s my
! Imagine if Starlet became my
girlfriend and he still fancied her!”

Yeah, that
would be awkward. Plus he’d totally hate you for stealing her after
making a move.”

I don’t think
he does fancy her,” I say, thinking it over. “If Carl likes a girl
he usually goes red and can’t talk. Besides, he’s too strict on
work to get involved with one of his employees.”

I suppose
you’re right. It would be even worse to get involved with someone
if you’re their boss.”

You know Carl
is way too busy to think about girls.”

So I guess
you’re not going to back off?” Mick knows my rebel side too

No way,” I
agree, grinning. “He can’t stop me having a love life. I’ll just
have to keep it on the down low from him. I’m gonna send her
flowers with my number on the tag, asking for a date.”

Cool. You’re
always better than me with all that romantic stuff. I hope she

I think she
will. We hit it off last night and I can’t stop thinking about

He grins, “she
must be special.”

She’s a
dancer,” I tell him excitedly. “Did you see how hot her dance moves

No, I was too
busy talking with the other guys. Nice choice though.”

Totally. You
know what they say about dancers, right?”

I guess you
do?” he asks, knowing I’m the master at guy rules.

Dancers are
always great in bed,” I say to him quietly.

He smirks,
“does she have any dancer friends she could set me up

I could ask
her,” I reply, feeling a little guilty. “I kinda owe you anyway.
I’m sorry I ditched you last night. I shouldn’t have cut off our
hang out just to go and flirt with her.”

It’s cool, I
understand,” he says, not bothered at all. “I’m used to you
flirting with girls, remember? Plus you’re okay if I do it when
we’re out, so I don’t mind.”

We reach the
cafeteria and start to select our food. “So do you think I should
ask her to go to the cinema or out for a meal?”

He considers
it, “Well, I guess the cinema would be good for a first date. I
always get so nervous going for meals. You have to think of what to
talk about and keep the conversation going. I bet you’ll be
snogging her on the back row at the cinema.”

Maybe,” I grin
at the thought of kissing her.

I hope it goes
well. I’ll keep quiet about it with Carl too. If he asks where you
are I’ll cover for you.”

Thanks, dude,”
I say. “You’re the best.”

I feel someone
staring over at me and look across the room. My heart leaps when I
see its Starlet, the girl I met last night; but her gaze drops away
from me before I look over.

She’s sat
eating lunch with another girl and looks so beautiful I could stand
here and stare all day. She suddenly looks up again, meets my gaze
and blushes a little. I smile over at her, feeling a lot of
chemistry between us.

Mick realises
who I’m looking at and grins.

I’ll just be a
sec,” I tell him quickly and go over to their table.

y Star,” I greet her, feeling really
happy and nervous at the same time.

Hi,” she
replies a little shyly, but looks thrilled to see me

So I guess y’
took my advice?” I say, trying to pick up a conversation. “My bro
says you’re setting up a dance show. I think it’s awesome you’re
raising money for the kids at the sanctuary.”

I don’t
mention that I only overheard him talking about it with someone
when Mick and I passed his office earlier. He probably won’t talk
to me about her again, hoping I forget about her.

Yeah,” she
answers. “I just thought it would be pretty cool to help out

Well I’ll
definitely come and see you perform,” I promise, knowing that
there’s no way I’d miss seeing her dance again. “I bet you’ll be

Thanks,” she

I’m suddenly
distracted by Mick making fake kissy noises at us in the
background, teasing me about Starlet. I feel self-conscious and
decide I’d better leave before he embarrasses Starlet in front of
her new friend.

I’m not sure
what to say. I was planning on asking her for her number and if she
wants to go on a date, but seeing her has totally frozen my

Instead I give
her a quick smile and return back to Mick.

Dude, that
was so uncool,” I tell him, feeling annoyed that he messed things
up for me.

I’m just
playing,” he grins. “So did you get her number?”

I suddenly
realise that I haven’t and want to kick myself. What the hell is
happening to me? I’m usually so confident with girls and have it
all together. How could I forget when I planned it all out in my
head before I went over?

I shake my
head in answer to his question, feeling pissed off with

But you know
which flat she lives in, right?” he asks unsurely.

I sigh,
realising I don’t, “No.”

Then how can
you send flowers to her later?” he asks, puzzled that I haven’t
organised it enough.

I dunno. I
was gonna find out from someone…” I say. “I was planning on asking
her but then it just totally went out of my mind.”

He laughs,
“you really must be crazy about this girl to get like

Yeah,” I
agree. “I’ll find out somehow. It’s more of a challenge this




Later on I go
out to buy a bouquet of pink roses from the nearest flower shop and
scribble my message onto the card attached:



Hope you like
the flowers. Do you still wanna meet up sometime? I didn’t get a
chance to get your number so I’ve left mine at the back of the

From Rickie


I write out my
number at the back, double checking to make sure I’ve got every
digit right, then set out on finding where she lives.

Carl will know
which flat she has but I know he’ll probably refuse to tell me,
just so I don’t go over and ‘distract’ her. I try asking other
people I work with, having to describe what she looks like because
people don’t recognise the name ‘Starlet’ or ‘Star’. A few people
don’t recognise my description. The rest have seen her around but
don’t know her yet, since she’s still brand new, and have no idea
which flat she’s in.

I almost give
up when I spot a girl with short purple dyed hair and blue eyes. I
recognise her vaguely from when I talked to Starlet at lunch today,
so I approach her.

Hey, sorry to
bother you,” I say and she looks surprised that I’ve come over to
talk. “You know the girl you were hanging out with earlier?

Yeah, what
about her?” she asks, sussing out immediately I have a thing for
her friend.

I need to
know which flat she lives in. Do you know which number it

I hold my
breath, waiting for her to answer and hoping she knows or I’ll be

She notices
the flowers I’m holding and smiles, “It’s number twenty

I feel so
relieved. Finally I can deliver the flowers.

Thanks,” I
say with a big smile. “I really appreciate it.”

I quickly take
the stairs and go along the corridor until I reach the door marked
twenty six. My heart is beating fast and I wonder whether she’ll be
in or not.

I knock on the
door just in case, thinking how great it would be to see her again.
I wait for a while but there’s no answer and I feel a little
disappointed. I leave the flowers next to her door and walk away
with a smile, wondering how she’ll react when she arrives back and
sees them waiting for her.


I’m attached to
my mobile for the rest of the day, waiting for a text message from
Starlet. I check my screen for the hundredth time when Carl comes
into the flat.

I really need
your help with something,” he says.

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