SevenSensuousDays (15 page)

Read SevenSensuousDays Online

Authors: Tina Donahue

BOOK: SevenSensuousDays
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“Now you’re in for it,” Logan said.

He was closer than Tessa had realized, their bodies just
about touching. Turning to him, she leaned against the tree, unmindful of the
rough bark. “Why’s that?” she murmured.

Logan studied her mouth in the pearly light. He eased
closer, his knees skimming hers. “Molly has trouble making up her mind. I’ve
known her to sniff trees for hours before she lets loose.”

Tessa smiled, liking his rumbling voice, the scent of beer
on his breath, his big hairy body. “Hours, huh?”

“That’s right.”

Moonlight skimmed the ends of his disheveled hair. How
dangerous and hot he looked. Tessa could scarcely breathe. “Any idea what we
should do while we wait?”


His mouth had already been against hers as he answered,
their lips brushing. “You taste good,” he murmured.

He tasted far better. “Yeah?”


He said no more, nor did Tessa. She worked her fingers
through his hair, cupping the back of his head, keeping him to her as they

Around their legs the pups played, yipping at each other or
her and Logan. Tessa didn’t know. Her gentle moans betrayed her pleasure, the
wonder of his tongue dancing with hers, the true intimacy of this kiss. At this
moment, it wasn’t about simple lust but being close, a temporary end to

Tessa sensed Logan knew it too even if he was reluctant to
admit it.

She eased her mouth from his, wanting to check his
expression, see what he was thinking.

He never gave her the chance, kissing her throat, suckling
her nipples, then pressing his face to her neck as he held her tightly.

“You okay?” she whispered. Not the wisest question, but she
had to know.

His embrace loosened a bit, then became firm once more. “No.
We need to go to bed. Wait. Not the bed, the pool.” His voice got even huskier.
“We never fooled around in it or the Jacuzzi. We should.”

“Yes,” she murmured, her cheek to his, knowing they both
wanted and needed far more than that.

Chapter Eleven


Time used to move so slowly for Logan, he’d often thought no
day would ever end. Now those same minutes and hours seemed to evaporate. Just
as he was getting used to a new morning, it was already night, those previous
moments with Tessa gone.

Late Wednesday afternoon, he put one of the bedroom’s
overstuffed chairs and the matching ottoman in front of the master bath’s
mirrored walls, then sat Tessa between his legs, her back to him. The room
still smelled of their late shower, his pine-scented soap, Tessa’s aloe shampoo
and her heavenly perfume. As usual, it was all she wore except for her body
jewelry. She was as natural as a woman could be…except for her waxed cunt.

Logan had a perfect view of it once she’d put her feet on
the ottoman, her legs parted brazenly with his command. Deliberately, he’d
placed the furniture beneath one of the room’s many overhead lights, the
illumination pouring down on them, revealing everything. The puffiness of her
vaginal lips, the faint gleam of moisture already on her slit.

Slipping his hand to her inner thigh, he rested his fingers
there, holding her leg open and her to him. No way would he let her get away
from this, because he knew she didn’t want to.

God, that was so nice.

He ran his free hand over her belly, pausing a moment to
lift her dainty jewelry on his middle finger. Smiling at it and the pleased sounds
she made, Logan continued to her pussy. His fingertips glanced over her cleft,
and then concentrated on her clit. One stroke. Two. Three.

Tessa kept straightening against him, her body pushed into
his, their weight causing the chair’s leather to squeak.

Logan rested his chin on her shoulder and whispered, “Watch.”

It was a moment before she lowered her face. With hooded
eyes she regarded him in the mirror, her expression not one of simple lust as
he’d expected, but unguarded longing.

The way a woman looks at a man when she truly wants him.
When she no longer notices any flaws, only possibilities. A future. Promise.

All that had been stolen from him.

The room began to spin, Logan’s heart racing out of control.
He told himself to look away, act nonchalant, just get on with it.

He couldn’t.

As though it had a mind of its own, his hand caressed her
closer, his embrace telling Tessa that to him she was special, precious,


He wasn’t going to need anyone ever again, only to risk
losing them to whatever else life had planned for him. His days of hoping for
the best were long gone, taken away with Samantha and Connor. Two little kids
who deserved so much better than what they got.

Reining in his emotions, he spoke as firmly as he could
despite the hurt and turmoil in his heart, “Don’t watch me. Focus on you. Watch
yourself as I do when you come.”

She held his gaze. “I’d rather concentrate on you.”

Logan fought a growl and a smile. He settled on a sigh.

“Okay, okay,” Tessa capitulated. “We’ll do it your way, like

Yeah, right. Earlier, he’d tried to lead her to the pool for
a leisurely skinny dip, after which he’d planned on them making more bubbles in
the Jacuzzi as they crawled all over each other.

They got as far as the sunroom that faced the pool. With her
hand dipping into the furrow between his butt cheeks, Tessa had coaxed him down
to the Berber carpeting. They never made it out of the house.

But she was going to obey his every command now?

Dutifully, and with what looked to be reluctance, Tessa
studied her reflection, her attention slipping quickly from her finger-combed
hair, to her face, to her cunt—so beautifully exhibited—and then back to him.

No matter how many times Logan warned her to do what he
wanted and Tessa acquiesced verbally, she continued to study him while he
played with her nub. The tiny kernel was as rigid as could be, her cunt
slippery with her desire, her petals fleshy, prepared to hug a man’s cock.


But first, her pleasure. He observed Tessa’s growing arousal,
the way her nipples peaked and her skin grew even moister. When he chanced a
look at her face, she was still regarding him, her lips parted, her expression
rapturous, as though he’d touched more than her body—he’d stroked her soul, or
she’d seen a glimpse of his and liked what was inside.

Logan’s hand stalled on her clit.

Tessa didn’t break their connection as he expected, nor did
she try to explain away her behavior or hide it. Nicole had once acted the
same, focusing only on him. However, comparing Tessa to her was crazy. Thinking
back, he now recognized Nicole’s intensity as a warning, something to fear, not
the love he’d believed it to be.

Tessa’s expression was quite different. Beneath her
searching gaze, he saw tenderness and a gentle spirit. The kind that healed a
man’s battered soul and also put it at risk once again. Nothing lasted forever.
Even when people led normal, uneventful lives, committed to their union all the
way to the end, they still parted. One leaving the other behind.

Sad crap he didn’t want to think about any longer. Not when
there was pleasure to be had.

He concentrated on her body, rather than her expression and
brought Tessa to climax, fascinated at how her vulva deepened in color and her
breasts jiggled with her unruly breaths. At last, she closed her eyes and
collapsed against him, alternately panting and swallowing.

She needed to rest, but Logan couldn’t allow it. There was
too much he wanted them to do. He laid several towels on the speckled marble,
settling Tessa on them. She swung her hand to the side, then dropped it as
though her arm was too heavy to keep up.

“What are you doing?” she murmured. “The bedroom’s only a
few steps away.”

“Too far.”

“For what?”

Logan showed her, facing Tessa’s feet, truly nonchalant
about his scars. They didn’t matter to him any longer, because they’d never
bothered her. Not in the way he’d dreaded.

Unfolding his body over hers, Logan positioned his head near
Tessa’s cunt, his balls and cock above her face. Without hesitation, she spread
her legs to him, offering herself once more even as she drew his shaft into her
mouth and suckled its length. Uncivilized noises poured from them both,
intoxicating yet also comforting. She caressed his balls and dragged her
fingers through his pubic hair. He spread her cheeks as well as he could, his
forefinger exploring her anus as his tongue rasped her nub.

Before long, they indulged themselves to the extreme,
sucking, licking, grunting, and groaning, pausing only to gulp air because
their own arousal threatened to overwhelm.

Logan fought his climax as though his life depended upon it,
wanting Tessa to come first. It was only right. He was the damn master…she was
his willing slave.

Defiant as always, she outlasted him by a few seconds, for
which he threatened to punish her.

“You damn well better,” she said, then added meekly, “Please.”

Lord, lord, lord.
There just wasn’t another woman
like her.

Wednesday soon melted into Thursday. Logan awoke alone
again. After a quick search, he found Tessa in the pool. She floated on her
back. Water slid over her belly, some of it trapped in her navel.

“Afternoon,” she cooed.

He tore his attention from her cunt and hips, bobbing on the
gentle waves she’d made. “You let me sleep

“You were tired. Fifty-five year old men get that way, but
it’s okay. I understand.”

He growled and laughed, then dove in, chasing her across the
length of the pool, catching her easily. With his body and superior strength,
he backed her into the smooth wall at the swallow end.

“What are you doing?” she murmured.

He’d already cupped her ass in both hands, using the water’s
buoyancy to pull Tessa up and into him. Answering her, he said, “Taking
advantage of the short time I have left. Tomorrow you’ll have me pushing

She ran her tapered nail down his stubbled cheek. “Ninety-three,”
she corrected. “When one gets old, they lose track of time. But I under—”

She didn’t finish. Couldn’t. His mouth was over hers, his
tongue probing deep. She purred and moaned as he plunged his cock into her cunt
and they made love, just as he’d wanted, in the comforting water.

Before they collapsed into bed that night, he set his alarm
for four a.m.

He woke at one the following afternoon. His shoulders
bunched. He yelled, “Tessa!”

“In here,” she called from the bath.

He stumbled inside ready to raise hell for her having let
him sleep, but didn’t when he saw what she’d laid out on the counter. “What’s

“You need a shave,” she breathed, her face to his neck. “You’re
beginning to look like a bum.”

He put her hand on his cock and murmured, “I thought I
looked pretty damn good, considering my advanced age. You turned off my alarm.

She stepped back. “I got tired of it blaring. It was hurting
my ears.”

And he’d slept through it? God, maybe he was getting old.

“Move your hand,” she said.

He looked down, surprised he was still pressing hers against
his rod. He released her.

Tessa took another step back and crossed her arms beneath
her breasts. With her head cocked to one side, she regarded his male equipment.

“Something wrong?” Logan asked, only because he knew there
wasn’t. Not with that part of him.

“You may need a trim there too,” she said, pointing at his
groin. “I’ll manscape you.”

“Man what?”

Tessa explained.

Logan wasn’t certain if she was yanking his chain about men
getting their privates trimmed, like a goddamn hedge.

He laughed. “You’re serious?”

She nodded and moved closer, like she was ready to take a
pair of scissors to him.

He sobered quickly. “No fucking way. Not this man.”

“I agree.” Sagged against him, Tessa ran her fingers through
his thick pubic curls. “You’re fine there. Here too.” She tugged at the tuft in
his left pit. “But a shave wouldn’t kill you.”

It might, given how beat he was from taking her repeatedly. “Are
my chin and cheeks scratching you?” He eased away so he could see if his
bristles had irritated her boobs, cunt or face.

“Only a little,” she said.

Damn. All of those spots on her were slightly reddened,
harmed without him even realizing it or noticing until now. “Sorry.”

“Hey, hey, hey.” She cupped his cheek in her palm. “No real
harm done.”

Well, not any longer that was for damn sure. “Hang tight. I’ll
be done in a sec.”

Tessa stopped him before he could turn on the faucet. “I’ll
do it.” She scrambled on the bath’s marble countertop, her legs parted,
welcoming him inside.

Logan moved as close as the counter allowed, the chilled
surface pressed against the root of his shaft.

Smiling, Tessa turned on the water, testing it until she
liked its temperature. She wet his cheeks, chin, upper lip, and throat with
such a gentle touch Logan’s knees just about buckled. After lathering his face
with more care than he ever had, she warned him not to move.

“Don’t want to nick you,” she cautioned, showing him his

“I’ll consider myself warned.”

But hardly obedient. As Tessa scraped off the whiskers on
his right cheek, Logan played with her left nipple. When he decided to stroke
her clit too, she jerked her hand. Shaving cream sprayed on his face and pec.

“Guess I shouldn’t do that, huh?” he asked.

Tessa tap, tap, tapped the razor against her chin, spraying
both of them with foam.

He was a relatively good boy after that, not complaining at
all when she slapped his hands away from her various body parts. Despite how he
continued to misbehave, she did a great job on his face.

As he ran his hand over his baby-smooth cheeks and chin, she
tugged the ends of his hair. “You need a trim badly.”

“Later.” He took the razor from her, dropped it in the sink
and carried her piggyback style to bed.

That was yesterday…Friday. Now it was Saturday afternoon,
her last full day here. She’d be going home tomorrow.

Logan slumped farther into his office chair, rooms away from
Tessa who still slumbered in their bed. Or rather, the one in the master bedroom
that belonged to him, not them. For once, he’d awakened before she had, not
even needing the alarm. Throughout the night, he’d kept jerking awake, too
agitated to sleep deeply, afraid he’d come to just as she was leaving on

He rubbed his mouth and ordered himself to forget about his
turbulent emotions and do some work. These last days away from it had put him
seriously behind. Once he got started on his projects again, he hoped to become
so involved that the world around him would cease to exist. He wouldn’t brood
over Tessa leaving, never seeing her again, because he couldn’t.

This was all about fun, nothing—

A sound in the hall interrupted his thoughts. He looked over
just as Tessa reached the doorway. She stopped scratching the side of her boob
in favor of smoothing back her bed-messy hair.

Logan pressed his feet into the floor, needing that to keep
him from going to her. She looked too fucking adorable. Too damn real and

“Hungry?” she asked.

It took all of his will not to stare at her nipples or
cleft. He noticed she didn’t hold back in the least as she studied his chest
and cock, since he hadn’t bothered to get dressed either. “I had a bagel
earlier. You go ahead.”

She padded into his office, turning briefly as Molly and
Jack ran inside, making a beeline for her, not their master. The guy who fed,
watered, and spoiled them rotten.

Bent at the waist, with her luscious ass facing him, Tessa
scratched each pup behind the ears. She turned to him, a clump of her hair
falling over her face. Tessa pushed it back. “Have they been fed?”

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