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Authors: Samantha Cayto

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Arousing Memories

Samantha Cayto


Agent Haley Walker is waging the
battle of her life. She’s wielding her body as a seductive weapon to arouse
memories buried in the mind of her lover, Noah Turner. If she fails, people
will die. Her former lover and mentor, Severin Blake, teases her with his
presence and adds fuel to her fire.

Severin played the dominating alpha
male with Haley, and lost her. A bisexual man, he turned to Noah for solace.
Haley’s proximity and plan strain his body and his patience. He stokes the
flames with Noah while resisting the temptation of the woman he still loves.

A traumatized Noah is mentally
lost. He doesn’t remember the two people showering him with attention and
pleasure, although his body recognizes the dual arousal of soft woman and hard
man. If only his mind could catch up.


Ellora’s Cave Publishing




Arousing Memories


ISBN 9781419936425


Arousing Memories Copyright © 2011 Samantha Cayto


Edited by Helen Woodall

Cover design by Syneca

Photography: vgstudio/


Electronic book publication September 2011


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Arousing Memories

Samantha Cayto



To Allie Standifer. You reach a certain age in life and
think you are done making fabulous friends and then someone like Allie comes
along. She is wicked and wonderful and knows how to show a New England girl a
good time!


Chapter One


He watched the woman’s mouth descend over the head of his
cock and engulf it in one long swallow, wet lips gliding over his taut flesh. A
low moan emanated from somewhere deep within him. It sounded so distant, so
unreal, yet the intense pleasure shooting up from his embedded cock felt very
real. The dark curtain of the woman’s hair cascaded over his stomach and
thighs. The silky strands tickled his hot body. Hot, so hot, everywhere. His
body burned.

A soft tongue laved the underside of his hard shaft. It
licked him all the way up to the top, pulling another groan from him before his
erection slipped out of the woman’s wet warmth. A groan of protest rang in his
ears. Her lips and teeth grated the head of his cock, teasing him. He was in no
mood to play, however. He needed her touch and the release it would bring so he
arched his body to meet those taunting lips. He tried to move his hands as
well, to press the woman’s head more firmly to him. He wanted to push his cock
back where it belonged inside the tight throat that could milk the cum from
him. He couldn’t do it and wanted to howl his frustration. His arms were too
heavy, the effort too hard. And yet he felt it again, those lips on his shaft,
sucking and licking and tugging hard on his tortured flesh. The climax built
from the glorious mouth’s unrelenting pull. He pumped his hips to speed the
end. At least he tried, but his body wouldn’t move as he demanded. Everything
was too damn hot and still not hot enough to make him come.

“Noah.” The voice was gentle and female. He knew it belonged
to the woman whose mouth was still wrapped around his cock and sucking him to
no end. How was it possible? And why couldn’t he come? His body heaved in

“Noah!” The voice was sharper now, commanding. He always
obeyed that voice. What did she want him to do?

Something cool pressed against his burning forehead. “It’s
all right. You’re going to be fine. Just rest, Noah.”

Noah? He knew that name, didn’t he? The thought slipped away
as he tried to do as ordered. He tried to relax, but that mouth wouldn’t stop
its assault on his cock. He needed the release. He begged for it.
Make me
come, please!

* * * * *

Haley sat on the side of the bed and watched helplessly as
Noah moaned and writhed in jerky motions. His fever was still high and his
discomfort clear. Not only did he moan and grimace, but the long ridge of his
obvious erection tented the sheet that covered him. Severin Blake, her former
lover and mentor and current rat-bastard, had confessed to her once that having
a fever made him as horny as hell. She supposed it must be common to men.
Normally the sight of this young man in such a state would have made her wet
and willing in an instant. Now though, it merely added to her frustration and

She had trained Noah and sent him out into the field. She’d
been his backup and had arrived too late to save him and his partner from the
torture. Not her fault, she knew. Strike that, her head knew. Her heart said
differently which was why she had barely left his side in the last two days.
Jill Markowitz was dead. There was nothing to be done for the woman except ship
what was left of her back to her family for burial. Noah, on the other hand,
lived. Battered, bloody and fighting infection, yet alive and in need of her to
sit vigil if nothing else.

Soft headed and soft hearted, Severin would say. Yet if he
weren’t on a plane right now jetting toward them as fast as he could, he would
take his turn by his friend’s side. She and Sev were both miserable with worry.
She’d heard the fear in Sev’s voice over the phone when she told him about the
mission’s total clusterfuck. If the guy hadn’t caused her so much pain a year
ago, she’d be more compassionate. As it was, he would soon be in her way. She
wanted to nurse Noah back to health, be there for him when the fever finally
broke. And it would, she hoped. He needed time, was all. It’s what she told
herself. It’s what she needed to believe.

A hand job wouldn’t hurt, either
, she thought, and
was immediately appalled. She was alone with the injured man in his quarters
that had been converted into a makeshift hospital room. Still, the doctor
tending to him or any of the other members of their organization roaming around
the complex could come in at any time to see how he was doing. The last thing
she needed was to be caught with her fingers wrapped around her protégé’s cock.
It would be seen as predatory to say the least.

And yet the man was in need, no doubt about it. Two months
ago he had given her
carte blanche
access to his body. Noah would never
turn down an opportunity for sex. She was the gatekeeper in the relationship,
dictating where, when and how. What harm was there really in giving him some
relief? Maybe he would settle down with a good orgasm. Pushing aside the little
voice in her head that screamed
, Haley snuck her right
hand under the sheet and slid it over to Noah’s thigh. The moment she touched
his skin, she flinched from its heat. It was as if his whole body burned.

The doctor said the fever was to be expected given the
filthy place where the terrorists had scraped Noah’s skin open. Even a mild
infection could turn into deadly sepsis despite the antibiotics pumped into
him. Haley’s heart squeezed painfully in her chest at the thought she might
still lose Noah. She wasn’t in love with him, not as she had been with Sev, but
she cared for him deeply. They had become lovers despite her wariness of being
involved with another man and a subordinate. He was lovely, though, and
ultimately irresistible. His young body was toned and smooth and lightly
covered in hair. Even now, his temperature did nothing to diminish his skin’s
smooth tautness. She caressed him up to the ridges of his six-pack and inched
her way down.

Noah quieted a bit at the contact and it emboldened her to
continue. Her fingers crawled through the wiry pubic hairs that were the same
chestnut brown as the hair on Noah’s head. She clasped the hard cock jutting
out from them. He barked out a loud groan, but it was a familiar enough sound.
It meant he enjoyed her touch. His shaft was familiar, too. Long and thick, but
not too much so. She enjoyed how hard and heavy it lay within the circle of her
fingers. Closing her eyes, she gave herself a moment to think about the
delicious way this man’s cock could fill her pussy to perfect fullness. She let
a small hum escape her lips as she pushed the foreskin down his head as far it
would go and pulled it up again, imagining the cock sliding within her instead.
Noah’s hips thrust to meet her strokes as if he, too, pictured them fucking.
Three pumps did the trick. His semen spurted out, hotter than his skin, coating
her fingers and his stomach. When he was done, he lay still, quieter than he
had been.

Ignoring her own arousal, Haley removed her hand and walked
to the bathroom. She pointedly dismissed the haggard face with the brown hair
and brown eyes peering back at her in the mirror above the sink. There’d be
time for a shower and some rest later. She ignored as well the nagging desire
to slip a sticky finger inside her panties to rub the ache away. Not the
appropriate time! Noah was all that mattered. With grim determination, Haley
washed up and wet a cloth to clean her patient. No sense in letting everyone
else know the treatment she had elected to use. Severin in particular would
ride her mercilessly if he found out. The man had a way of getting under her
skin. She wished it weren’t so, but it was useless to deny the truth.

He didn’t matter, though, and neither did she or her
feelings for her old lover or the new one. It didn’t matter that Sev and Noah
had something going on between them. They were all adults and given their job,
in need of as much relaxation as they could get. What really mattered was Noah
getting better, waking up and remembering what he had learned right before his
cover was blown. Perhaps thousands of people’s lives depended on it.

* * * * *

“Amnesia? Are you fucking kidding me? I mean really, Doc.”

Haley shot Severin Blake an irritated look. Typical of the
man, he dismissed and derided anything that didn’t fit neatly into his idea of
how the universe worked. Typical, too, of the rat-bastard he looked sexily
rumpled from his overnight flight. Sure, his black hair was sticking up in
various directions, a five o’clock shadow darkened his square jaw and he
undoubtedly smelled a bit sweaty. He could still walk in front of a camera and
photograph well enough to a sell a million copies of some magazine. The guy
always looked good, and she knew from experience his musk was better than any
cologne he could ever buy. It was particularly galling how he could look so fuckable
sitting at a conference table at eight in morning while she looked the way
someone who had stayed up all night should look, like utter crap. Her hair was
tangled, her makeup long worn off and as for her smell? Not a scent you’d try
to spritz on someone as they walked through a department store, that was for
sure. To hide her discomfort, Haley opened her mouth to admonish her ex-lover,
but the agency head beat her to it.

“Mr. Blake, I’ll thank you to keep your vulgarity and your
voice down.” Phoebe McGillicutty may have had a cute name, but there was
nothing remotely cute about the woman herself. She was the original Iron Lady,
Margaret Thatcher being a cheap knockoff for all that the former Prime Minister
had come first. Ms. Mac, as she was known to her operatives, ruled the
international counterterrorism agency with ruthless efficiency and success. She
sat now at the head of the table, face grim as always, her short, gray hair
sitting on her head like a cap. She didn’t have any makeup on either, although
for her, it was normal. Even though she was middle-aged, she had flawless skin
and a natural beauty. She was also the only woman Haley knew who could make
Severin squirm like a schoolboy. He was doing so now.

“Sorry, ma’am, I’m under-slept and under-informed.” His eyes
slanted toward Haley briefly, and she could see something he rarely let her
see, worry. Damn him, he always had a way of getting straight to her heart. She
had no time to dwell on it, however, as Ms. Mac took back both their attentions.

“We’re all in the same condition, Mr. Blake. This situation
is extremely worrisome. Mr. Turner’s and Ms. Markowitz’s true identities were
discovered by the terrorists after months of a carefully planned infiltration,
and the only reason Mr. Turner is still alive is because the terrorists bolted
from their lair, leaving timed explosives to do the job. They must have known
Ms. Walker was on her way. We can’t rule out that we have a traitor among us
who is either a dedicated convert to the cause of anarchy or is simply looking
to make quick money. Either way, if true, we have a serious problem on our

Sev muttered a nasty word under his breath. Haley couldn’t
blame him. She felt the same way. If someone had betrayed Noah and Jill, she
was going to find the son of a bitch and disembowel them.

Ms. Mac ignored the breach of protocol this time and
continued. “Our most immediate concern is foiling the imminent attack. Turner’s
memory is the only way we have to determine what is going to occur in the
Boston area and when.” She turned her gaze to Dr. Camille Alvarez, who had been
giving her medical report on Noah’s condition when Sev had interrupted so
rudely. She was a quiet, competent woman and Haley was glad she was the one
caring for Noah. “Please continue your report, Doctor.”

“Yes ma’am. As I was saying, Noah is suffering from the kind
of amnesia that affects specifics about his life and the world around him while
keeping intact more basic knowledge such as motor coordination, language,
object recognition. For example, he knows he is a man, but not which man. He
doesn’t know his name, he doesn’t know my name.” Flicking her gaze toward
Haley, she added, “He doesn’t know Ms. Walker’s name.”

The last example hit Haley hard in the gut. It had been
about an hour since Noah had turned his light-green eyes toward her and, after
a moment’s hesitation, admitted he didn’t know who she was. His admission had
hurt, she couldn’t deny it. It was painful to be a stranger to this man whom
she knew so well, so intimately. Even though his lack of recognition was
completely beyond his control, it didn’t ease the pain. She hadn’t realized how
important her relationship with Noah was to her. She knew now.

“So he wouldn’t remember me, either?”

This question came quietly from Sev, and when Haley looked
at him, she could only see his profile as he addressed the question to the
doctor. Even so, she could see enough of his expression to know he was hurt by
Noah having forgotten him. And, damn the man again, he was pricking her empathy,
making her feel sorry for him. For him! When all she wanted was to not care
about this man who had wounded her pride and, hell, broken her heart when he
walked away from what they had.

“I’m afraid not,” the doctor answered.

“At what point, if ever, could we expect him to recover his
memory?” asked Ms. Mac.

The doctor grimaced. “That is the problem. I have no way to
determine if he will regain any of his memories let alone which ones. It’s not
uncommon for trauma victims to lose forever the memories of what happened in
the hours and even days before the event.”

“Which are exactly the ones we want,” Sev interjected. “We
need to know what these homegrown crazies discussed in the warehouse meeting. I
still can’t believe they have the unmitigated balls to call themselves The True
Sons of America,” he added in a mutter.

Haley interjected at this point because she had been backing
Noah in the mission, his contact at home base while he infiltrated the
organization. “We know it’s going to be an explosion, a big one.”

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