SevenSensuousDays (10 page)

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Authors: Tina Donahue

BOOK: SevenSensuousDays
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“Yes. It’s—” An indecent moan interrupted whatever she’d
intended to say.

Logan licked her nipple again, savoring its smooth texture,
then drew the small nub into his mouth and suckled gently. Air rasped through
Tessa’s teeth. She tried her best to lift her torso to get closer to him.
However, her bound hands and the weight of the grocery bag stopped her.

With her breast cupped in his hand, he sucked her nipple
harder, sensing she’d like that.

The noises she made said she did. They were amazing,
bringing Logan a measure of joy he needed. She smelled of the suntan lotion
that he’d purchased for her arrival…a delicate mixture of fragrant orange
blossoms and coconut. Her own musk also scented her, proving she was a female
ready for mounting.

Not just yet…soon.

Suddenly, Logan needed to drag out the pleasure of having
her here. They only had the rest of today and the coming week before he had to
slip back into harsh reality. Work that helped somewhat, but no longer brought
real satisfaction. Quiet nights with too much time to think. To wonder what he
could have done differently.

The past pressed in on him again, and he shoved it away as
forcefully as he could so he could enjoy Tessa.

Her torso quivered with the kisses he trailed down it,
pausing at her jewelry, touching the gems to check how heavy they were. A pen
would have weighed more. Satisfied that they caused her no discomfort, he
scooted lower and settled himself between her legs.

Tessa lifted her head, turning it this way and that, trying
to see him beneath the edge of the napkin, unable to do so. As best she could,
given that she still wore her sandals, she rubbed the side of her big toe
against his jeans, no doubt wanting them and his tee off.

He had no intention of complying at the moment. He intended
to delight her, giving Tessa something to remember before she saw him as he
really was, fucking imperfect, a failure despite how much the world thought he

None of it was what he wanted.

Right now…this…helped to ease a bit of his lingering sorrow,
allowing him to forget the last awful years, even if it was for only a moment.

Incapable of waiting any longer, he lowered his head and
settled his mouth on Tessa’s wondrous cunt.

Chapter Seven


It was all she could do not to cry out, moaning so loud she’d
frighten away the insects. One buzzed persistently near her face until the
breeze shooed it away. Logan licked her folds, coming close though not quite
tonguing her clit.

Tessa willed him to concentrate on it.

He didn’t.

She gritted her teeth and kept trying to see beneath the
napkin, but could not. Nor could she free her hands no matter how many times
she twisted her wrists.

She was trapped, nude, fully available to Logan. For him to
do with whatever he willed, taking his time, making her freaking wait for

Aw come on. Do it, please. Lick my clit.

He still didn’t.

Just as she was about to protest, he slid his hands down the
insides of her thighs, pushing them even farther apart, wanting her opened,
bared to him.

Tessa’s heart caught. She lifted her chin, pointing it at
the sky. A bird chirped. Another answered. She caught a distant rumble, the
sound a faraway plane makes and imagined it flying overhead, the passengers
hugging the windows, wanting to see her blindfolded, fettered, stripped of
clothing and freedom. Used by a man.

Oh my god, this was so freaking nice. Logan’s lips were
silky, his tongue wet and hot as he probed her opening and made lazy circles
around her clit. Nearly as good as lapping it. Tessa snatched in a much-needed
breath and surrendered completely, no longer trying to see and direct him, or
to have use of her hands so she could pull him on top of her. She wanted this
maddening foreplay. She ached for him. The real Logan.

A man who’d built an empire with his obvious smarts and
skill, but also enjoyed zombies and kick-ass heroines. A guy who’d lost so
much, more than most people could have endured, and was slowly coming back.

Tessa knew he enjoyed being with her and not only for the
sex. He’d come alive while they’d been talking, his eagerness palpable,
downright boyish.

Thank god, he was no boy. The sounds he made belonged to a
man in his prime, uninhibited, joyous. She moaned in answer, focused on the tip
of his tongue again sweeping the length of her cleft, his fingers stroking her
belly. He kept toying with her body jewelry, obviously fascinated by it. Her
muscles trembled at his touch.

She gasped as he finally flicked his tongue on her rigid
little clit—once, twice, again and again—concentrating on the hard rise of
flesh, fastening his mouth on it.

Aw damn.
Each sweep of his tongue increased the
friction until it grew unbearable. Tessa tried to curl her toes, but her
sandals stopped her. She fisted her fingers, digging her nails into her palms.
No way could she move more than that. Not with her wrists tied and held by the
grocery bag, Logan’s body pressed into her right leg, and the way he’d wrapped
his arm around her left. Held captive, she had to endure. Pressure built deep
within her pussy, a dull needy sensation—an itch she couldn’t quite
scratch—making her even wetter, juicy with her growing need.

Logan dipped his fingers into her moisture, then dragged
them to her anus.

Tessa moaned at him circling the tight ring, exploring it.
The same as his mouth on her nub. Tirelessly, he worked the most sensitive
parts of her until Tessa thought she might burst. The pulse points in her
temples and throat pounded too hard. She couldn’t pull in any air. Perspiration
dampened her neck. Her body wanted the freaking orgasm more than anything else,
yet her mind resisted, needing to prolong the exquisite misery of denying

She dug her shoes into the afghan. She wiggled her hips,
wanting to get closer to Logan’s mouth, his amazing tongue, while also trying
to pull away.

He wouldn’t allow her retreat. He clamped his free hand on
her hip, pushing it down, demanding that she obey. She was his property now,
having agreed to this and whatever else he’d planned. More bondage, expected
submission, punishment, the weight of his palm striking her ass…the lick of a

So many horny images flitted through Tessa’s mind, the
climax whisked through her. Quick and relentless. She cried out in joy, her
pussy pulsing. After choking on a swallow, she coughed forcibly.

Logan slowed his licks, then stopped, reluctance in his
actions. “You all right?”

She coughed once more and fought for more air. “Yeah. I’m—”

No need to finish, he was already back at it, not stopping
for another word, suckling her with stunning resolve. Wanting her to come


Tessa gripped the bag’s handle, needing something to hang
onto, to tug and twist. Through clenched teeth she moaned, guttural, wanton sounds.
This was too freaking much, too—

She shattered for the second time, her thoughts and
willpower scattering. As powerful as her first orgasm had been, this one was
monumental. Debilitating. Leaving her lethargic and weak.

Her legs bowed outward. Tessa simply didn’t have the
strength to keep them upright. At last, Logan stopped licking and stroking her.
She sensed him lifting his head, studying her expression. No doubt her features
were slack with contentment, while his were smug. His pride puffed up because
he’d proven himself.

Tessa knew Logan was no fool, deceived by fabricated
passion. The kind Felicity might have delivered to boost a man’s ego while
avoiding true intimacy. Tessa’s body told Logan everything he needed to know.

She was so wet, the heated breeze felt positively cool as it
glanced over her cunt. Lightly, Logan ran his fingers over her damp folds,
proof of his male power over her. She sighed in thanks as he touched his mouth
to hers, delivering a taste of herself on his lips. A bit salty, perfumed with
her musk.

His flavor and scent were far better. What she craved.
Wrapping her legs around his lean hips, Tessa held him as close as she could
and kissed him with dizzying passion, keeping nothing back.

For minutes, they necked like teens, noisy and artless, each
of them straining to get nearer. They might have continued for minutes more if
not for the need to breathe. Logan settled his face against Tessa’s neck, his
pleasant sighs tickling her skin. Smiling, she murmured, “Untie me.”

“No. Why?”

“I want to touch you.”

He had her free faster than Tessa would have believed
possible. She tugged off the blindfold, tossing it aside.

“That goes back on later,” he warned.

“Whatever you want.”

He grinned.

Tessa ran her fingertips over his smile, delighted to see
him so happy. When she reached the corner of his mouth, he turned and suckled
her forefinger inside.

She chuckled, “Want to eat that now?”

He swirled his tongue around her digit before releasing it,
then lifted his face. His hair skimmed his forehead, loose and mussed, just as
it probably looked when he crawled out of bed. His eyes glittered with
exuberance and mischief. “Not enough calories,” he said, answering her
question. “I need to keep up my strength.”

That he did. “Then I better feed you.”

“In a sec.”

He held her for several minutes, a telling caress. Tessa
offered comfort they both needed, holding him in a protective embrace,
demanding nothing. Content, for the moment, to give.

When—or rather if—he decided to open up fully, as one person
to another…as friends…she’d listen. She wouldn’t ask or pry, not about the
important stuff.

Suddenly, he stirred, as though he’d had enough of these tender
moments, or was worried that he’d already opened his heart too much, and she
might actually slip inside.

Rolling off her, he pushed to a sitting position. “Here.” He
wrapped his fingers around her arm to help her up.

“No, let me.” She took his hand before he could pull the bag
closer. “I want to serve you.” She unfolded his fingers and pressed her mouth
to his palm.

A pleasured hmmm escaped his throat. “Okay.”

He sounded as enthralled as Tessa had each time she’d said
the same to him. Beaming, she handed Logan their beers, then sat facing him,
legs crossed, cunt exposed as she pulled off a piece of her sandwich.

Not noticing, he watched her body jewelry swaying back and

“Open up.” She drew the edge of the bread against his
scrumptious lips.

Obviously distracted, he bit and chewed, his attention
riveted to her nipples. Tessa leaned in to him and licked a dab of Dijon from
the side of his mouth. He stopped chewing and breathing.

“More?” she whispered.


Wearing the same smug expression she’d sensed he’d had on
earlier, Tessa slipped bite-size pieces into his mouth. Not once did she take
her focus off him. She behaved as the perfect concubine, making him her world,
no wish or desire he had too much for her to grant.

Logan licked mustard from her thumb and groaned with
pleasure at her tonguing the base of his throat, pretending to capture crumbs
that she’d said had dropped there.

His chest pumped with his forceful breaths. “Is that all you’re
going to have, a few crumbs? Aren’t you going to eat too?”

“You bet I am.”


Tessa gave Logan another shove, pushing him onto his back.

He grabbed her wrists before she could touch him. Although
he held back considerably, his strength was still far greater than hers. “What
are you doing?”

“Let go of me and you’ll see.” Leaning over him, the ends of
her hair gliding over his chest, she purred, “I swear, it won’t be bad.”

Tessa worked one of her hands free and trailed her fingers
down his fly, the solid bulge beneath it. He couldn’t get any more erect without
experiencing some serious pain.

Carnal hunger practically oozed from him, bringing out the
male animal, his indisputable desire.

He let go of her other hand and released a strained sigh at
Tessa unbuttoning his jeans, lowering his fly.

She stared at his golden skin. No briefs or stretchy boxers
to ruin the pretty picture. No tan lines either. Given his estate’s seclusion,
he must have enjoyed his pool in the buff. Something they’d have to do before
their time together was over.

Already less than seven full days.

Not that Tessa wanted to consider it now. She was having too
much fun. Hastily, she folded back the ends of his jeans and ran her forefinger
over the edge of his thick curls, darker than his brows and the hair on his

He squirmed. Tessa bent at the waist and kissed his taut

“More,” he whispered, not even close to a command. A plea.

She tugged his jeans down. He lifted his hips, but only a
bit, which kept Tessa from pushing his garment any farther than his upper
thighs. Didn’t matter. His cock sprang free, fleshy, stiff, ruddy with passion,
the smooth head rounded, a drop of pre-cum glistening on the tiny slit.


With great care, Tessa cupped his balls, a wonderfully
heated package of masculinity, roughened with short, dark hairs, plump with

Lustful sounds gurgled from him. The heels of his hands
rested on his temples, his long fingers buried in his hair.

Wasting no time, Tessa cradled his glorious cock in her
other hand. It was perfect, silky and hot, prominent veins snaking up the beefy
column of flesh. She took a moment to smell him, treasuring his fragrance,
clean yet sinfully sensuous.

“More,” he said, forcefully this time.

She flicked her tongue up his length, tasting the faint
saltiness of his skin, noting his greedy moans. This still wasn’t enough for

Nor for her.

Tessa took him into her mouth, all the way, her throat
opened, her nose brushing his thatch of dark curls.

Logan stiffened. On each side of her, his legs tensed, his
balls plumping even more. She ran her thumbnail over them, taking care to do no

The noises he made in response were uncivilized, barely
human. Completely exciting and endearing. More than anything, Tessa wanted to
please him. To deliver such ecstasy, he’d concentrate on nothing else.

She worked him in and out of her mouth, swirling her tongue
around the most sensitive part of his crown even as she caressed his balls.

He squirmed and babbled, saying stuff she couldn’t quite
catch, interrupting it with a breathless swear. Through it all, she continued
as he had with her. Not giving an inch, propelling him toward climax.

Logan fought it for minutes. Sweat dampened the front of his
tee. His face flushed with color, reminding Tessa of a kid holding his breath.

Come on, let go, allow yourself to—

On a strangled shout, he came, his cum spurting into Tessa’s
mouth. She drank it gladly, greedily, enjoying the creamy texture and faint
saltiness that was similar to other men’s though not identical. His flavor was
unique. One she’d come to know quite well during these next days. Thrilled at
what those hours would hold, what they’d do, she allowed his cock to slip from
her mouth and looked up.

He’d draped his arm over his eyes, his fist still clenched,
his body shuddering with the aftereffects of his climax.

Two flies buzzed close, checking out what was left of his
sandwich. Tessa left it to them. She had better things to do.

“Oh holy shit,” Logan rasped. He lifted his hips from the

Tessa followed, his right ball in her mouth, its alluring
weight on her tongue. She licked and suckled as gently as she could.

Though not gentle enough for Logan. He barked, “Good god,
you’re killing me.”

Not even close. She hoped to give him seven days he couldn’t
forget…at least not right away. Tessa wondered how many times he’d done this,
or something similar, with other escorts. Dozens? Hundreds? Probably. He was a
healthy young man who required what every adult did. Sexual relief and
intimacy, even if it were only physical.

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