Set In Sparks (Morningstars Book 2) (24 page)

BOOK: Set In Sparks (Morningstars Book 2)
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“Yes, I do. You should tell them what you came to tell them. How you’ll mate their daughter and then bring her here just so she sees that –”

“How about for once you let me be the hero? Can I at least save my own damn Origin if you’re already saving our fucking race?” he snapped, not caring that maybe this could destroy the very fragile flower that was the relationship between him and Maya.

To his surprise, his sister smiled. “Then get to it. Stop standing there like they intimidate you when they don’t. You are pissed at them, Ryder, remember? They literally brought tears from heaven.”

It was a more than fitting description of Cany’s emotions causing rain like that and she was right. He didn’t impress them, probably never would be able to, but still he was just standing there, wondering how best to say what he wanted to say.

“You’ll never see your grandchild because I won’t ever allow Cany to come back here. She wanted nothing more than being loved by her family, but you didn’t have the decency to love her. Hell, you didn’t deserve someone as amazing as her!” He tried hard to keep his voice low, but he could feel it vibrating with anger that built his volume.

Clarice actually stood, glaring at him. “She is a monster. She won’t tell you her secret, but this storm? The one that tore apart whole families? That was her fault!”

Ryder laughed maliciously. Oh, wasn’t that just priceless? “Your daughter found out that you actually planned on her dying. You simply ignored the fact that she is an Origin. Mating her with the wrong guy never would have worked and you know it. He probably did too, but was there a deal? Prestige to be gained when he acted like he seriously cared about her only to be late for changing her. Is that what this was about? A tragic hero? A poor family and the guy that was supposed to be their son-in-law?” He trailed off, breathing hard. It suddenly was crystal clear that this had exactly been the plan. The only reason why things hadn’t come that way was the females leaning back in the two-seater, staring at her nails as if she was bored. Maya had saved his life by saving Cany’s.

He owed her absolutely everything.

“Maya,” he gasped and she looked up, her purple eyes going soft.

“Ryder,” she gave back as if they were playing some game.

“She would‘ve never allowed me to touch her if you hadn’t told her that she was an Origin. She wanted to keep herself for that douche on the sake of parents that hate her. “He shook his head in disbelief.

“No, she came here, telling us how proud we should be because she was still pure.
! Our daughter had been tainted by the fates before she ever was born. I don’t know what crime we committed to gain a girl like that as punishment,” Clarice snapped, the hatred in her voice almost too much for Ryder to bear.

“She asked us to be okay with her choice. A warrior. You, of all people, the guy who barely knows how to treat the higher class of the Morningstar race. We couldn’t ever agree to that, but then again, she didn’t expect us to. She knew we wouldn’t agree,” Cany’s father added.

“The true punishment is that you’ll never see all the things your daughter will be. You won’t see her as a mother, the Queen’s courtier, as a mate, or a listener. You won’t ever realize what a truly great female came from a family that is so rotten to the core. Our father loved Maya unconditionally even when he knew what she was going to be. He never once thought she could be a monster and that where by definition of our race, she was one. I’d prefer a thousand Hellraise to you two, because at least Hellraise have some kind of code. They stick to what they love – blood. You don’t even have that decency. Sis, are you ready? I think I need to get back to my Origin and prove to her how much she means to me. Afterwards, I’m going to try and think of a way how I can ever pay you back for making her realize that she belongs with me. How can I ever thank you?”

Maya stood, grinning.

“Just love her exactly the way she deserves. Now, if you are done here…?” She pointed at the door and Ryder took a deep breath. His anger had evaporated the moment he realized that Cany had given it all up because of him. She might have returned to her parents to find out the truth, but Cany no longer had any reservations about whom she wanted to be with, and that was him. She was his and his only and it was time they made it official.

In the door, Maya paused and turned back to the two that now looked rather disheveled despite not having done a thing.

“Just one last thing. You are not welcome in my house unless you want to do right by your daughter. Any other reason for you to show up and I will have my mates escort you out,” she threatened in a low voice and Ryder wasn’t sure he ever wanted to cross his sister again.

“The Queen’s mate doesn’t live with her,” George stated as if he reminded Maya of a protocol she had forgotten.

Another time Maya smiled. She really enjoyed this little power battle. “Seems you didn’t get the memo. My
stay with me. I’m not exactly your regular Queen and that little pimping and pruning act the higher classes of the Morningstars have going on? That’s something I’m going to try and abolish. Women need to make their own decisions.”

“Mates,” Clarice just repeated, sinking down on the sofa next to her as if the world was finally going down.

“Yes, twins. And they are both mine. Guess fate figured I need a stronger army if I want to change traditions, so I got them both. And now, good morrow,” she said, actually bowing to Cany’s parents.

Outside of the mansion Ryder paused by her side and they both took the view in. He realized that no one else was there. “Alone, Maya? Again?” he snapped and she turned to him, hugging herself after pulling pins from her hair and letting it spill over her shoulders.

“Weren’t you the one accusing me of taking stupid risks for a family I wish I had when, in truth, I already had one?” she wanted to know and Ryder stared at her. “Kaden told me about the talk you and the twins had before they came to me yesterday. It wasn’t a hard guess where you’d go to get rid of your anger.”

“You ruined everything. I wanted to be all –”

“You were, Ryder. You don’t understand that your intention of making this right for her was all she’d ever need,” Maya said softly, touching his arm.

“Those boys of yours talk too much,” he finally decided to mumble and Maya actually laughed, turning away from him to enjoy the light breeze that surrounded them.

“You can’t allow another disaster like this to happen again. Whatever you need to do, you and Cany need to control this power of hers. When I met Destra and the magician, she had control over it for a second. She said she wanted fog and it was there. Destra was surprised and it allowed us to get away, but…” She trailed off and Ryder pulled her against his side, squeezing her shoulder.

“You weren’t meant to kill her,” he whispered and she looked up at him, her purple eyes heavy with regret.

“I should’ve. It’s twice now that Jaden and I let Destra and Nox walk. If we had done it right, they wouldn’t be roaming this earth any longer.” She almost sobbed.

“You’re not meant to kill people, Maya,” Ryder announced with as much conviction as he left. Maya was supposed to spread love in the street and nothing else. She looked at him for a long moment and then she grinned. Seemed as if in the end, brother and sister finally had something they agreed on agai

Nox stared at the wall, wondering where he should go from where he was. Everything had gone wrong. Nothing had worked nearly the way he planned it and now even Destra knew that he wasn’t on her side anymore. Why he was back at her house, he couldn’t say. He wasn’t exactly afraid of her, but Maya’s father had been right – Destra didn’t deal well with being betrayed.

Right now, she was on the phone. It was an old one, still having a chord and numbers you actually had to push. She definitely had made her way back into the vampire society without any troubles. Nox wondered how she ever managed to appear at least sane enough for people not to recognize who she truly was, yet he knew the charm she possessed, after all, her own mate had never noticed.

“I’m listening,” she just said and he sat down in the doorframe, watching her. She stood with the back to him, her clothes bloody. He didn’t need a vampire nose to recognize the metallic stench of it.

“Yes, Ryder and Maya both are my children, and yes, they aren’t very fond of me, but isn’t your daughter on the Queen’s court?” Destra was listening intently and Nox absolutely didn’t like the happy smile that started to spread on her face. If only she would say more or if he could have super hearing, then he’d know what was going on.

“I don’t think there’ll be any difficulty finding enough people to take a stand against her, after all, what does she know of the vampire society? Nothing. She didn’t live with us long enough and that stupid couple that took her in without knowing who she was always tried to shield her from all things vampire. She went to a normal school until she started turning. She doesn’t know a thing.”

Nox absolutely doubted that, but he decided to stay quiet. Plus, he knew that Maya had found out about the world of vampires after her mother had started hunting her, not before she turned. In fact, once she was close to the change, Maya had already been with her mate and away from her mother.

“Perfect time and place. What better way could there be to break a Queen than showing her people how truly weak she is at her own party?” Destra cackled and then slowly turned as if she was dancing to a song only she heard. Her eyes landed on Nox and she froze.

“I need to get back to you. Something came up.” She hung up without even waiting for an answer and Nox got back to his feet, at least wanting to be on eye-level with her for whatever came to happen.

For a few minutes they just looked at each other, each trying to assess the other one, then Destra straightened her back and crossed her arms in front of her breasts, holding her head high.

“I don’t think the alliance you and I had stands any longer. You betrayed me like the weak little rat you are. I shouldn’t be surprised, after all, when I was the most powerful female in town you were drawn to me. Now she’s trying to take that position from me, but we both know that she’s too nice to do what needs to be done. Me, on the other hand, I know what needs to be done and it seems I no longer need you and, thanks to my precious children, I no longer need to keep my secret, either. They told someone about what I am. I guess your services won’t be needed anymore.”

Nox only nodded. He wasn’t sure if this meant that he could walk away and be free or if he needed to look over his shoulder every step of the way. What he did realize though was that Destra no longer would be his best chance to get into Maya’s good graces. There was no denying though that he could still try and win Maya by standing by her side.

“Are you that desperate for her attention? I can see defeat on your face and I know it’s not because you and I no longer are an item,” Destra purred, reaching out to touch his skin. He didn’t mind that she might have been able to sense his feelings, but her empathy powers vanished as quickly as her sanity did sometimes.

“So much regret in one little wizard. She won’t ever feel for you what you hope she’ll feel,” she taunted and Nox finally had enough.

He knew that turning his back towards her was a stupid idea, but he just didn't care. She would regret an attack on him and she knew it.

“Walk away, Nox, and know that one day she’ll die. Her precious blood will be spilled on the ground and if I can swing it, you’ll watch – you, her stupid mates, and everyone that she thinks loves her. They will all watch and see how I beat my amazing and oh-so-great daughter.” She laughed like a maniac and Nox shivered. He had no doubt that Destra could see exactly that scene in front of her inner eye.

“I’ll keep you from it, even if it’s the last thing I ever do,” he promised and then left. He couldn’t believe that he was one of the bad guys and yet somehow hoping he’d find redemption. After all, he still had Tymon and that had to count for something, right? It was all the hope he could hold onto for the moment. Hurrying down the dark sidewalk, he decided to regroup and maybe hatch a new plan with that silent shadow in his house. At least Nox hoped the father of the Queen would stay silent or Nox would have to kill him and
would put a serious dent in his plans.

Kaden felt anxious knowing Maya was out alone, but to his utter surprise it was calming to know exactly what she felt. And even though she was royally pissed as only a Queen could be, there still was utter bliss under the anger. It didn’t matter to her where she was, it was if she knew that the twins were hers and never would go anywhere again. It made him insanely happy, too.

His plain white tee didn’t hide the tattoo on the base of his neck well, but he didn’t mind. He didn’t even care that everyone could see Jaden had the same.

After the hectic the last two nights had been filled with, people seemed to be a lot more organized and even the refugees helped out. It eased the warriors’ minds because less strangers needed to be brought back and the little group that was still there – about half of the fifty from the first night – felt much better. It was a blessing.

Cia came in with Estell and Kaden sighed.

“You finally mated her, I hear,” Cia instantly started and Kaden rested his hands on the table in front of him, hanging his head. He was sick and tired of having to justify his decisions, especially since he knew that all the warriors had been either by his side or Jaden’s to make sure that the twins were okay with this whole thing.

“Stop being a bitch, Cia. I know you want only what’s best for me, but honestly, just leave me alone if you can’t do anything but criticize me. Maya is my world and I’m no longer going to tell people why this is exactly right. Maya belongs to my twin and I and nothing can change that, okay? I wish people would start accepting that. And I wish you would stop treating her like the pariah. She didn’t pick any of that and she especially didn’t decide to take me away from you. If anything, I know she wishes that you and I were meant for each other and she’d only belong to Jaden.”

Kaden’s heart got heavy at the thought of not loving Maya, of not belonging to her. It was so bad, he needed to grit his teeth against the pain and put that thought to rest. He hadn’t forgotten the words she had said concerning that and even though it was because she thought he deserved someone for him alone, he didn’t want anyone else. If he had the choice now, he’d still pick her and the weird triangle.

“So she doesn’t love you as much as you love her?” Cia wondered and Kaden thought that she had totally misunderstood.

“She loves him so much she wished she wouldn’t have put that burden on him. Are you okay, Kaden?” Jaden stood next to them and Kaden looked at the worried expression of his twin. It took a second before he realized that nothing was left of Maya’s happy bliss.

“What’s wrong?” Kaden asked back, alert, and Jaden cocked his head.

“She reacted to you and I’d rather not have you a crying mess whenever she returns,” Jaden snickered and Kaden wanted to punch him.

“Thanks for the concern, brother. I’m emotional and a lot softer than you are, but not
emotional,” he laughed, the knot in his stomach easing.

The front door swung open and Maya came in, looking around in panic. The moment she spotted him, her small feet carried her over and into his arms. He hugged her tight, needing the reminder that she was indeed his and belonged to him eternally.

Once Maya pulled back, she had tears in her eyes. “What happened?” she asked, brushing some dark blond strands out of his face. “I thought you died. There was so much pain and hopelessness…” She shook her head, trailing off. Jaden actually stepped in closer, almost squeezing her between the twins. Kaden framed her face, kissing her long and hard to reassure her, then he let go so Jaden could hold her tight. It was funny that only then did Maya’s tension start to unravel.

“I thought about being without you,” he finally admitted.

“It was my fault,” Cia injected, but Maya didn’t even look at the raven beauty.

“Why would you think about something like that?” she asked instead, completely ignoring Cia. Kaden hated the tension between them and still didn't know what to do about it.

“Because I asked if you loved him less than he loves you. Don't act as if I'm not there,” Cia fussed and Kaden saw Jaden's grip around Maya's hips getting tighter as anger surged through their Origin.

Kaden watched Maya press her lips together before she stepped away from all of them, clearing her throat. People who had been milling around instantly looked at her, pausing wherever they stood. “I'm not a conventional Queen and I don't plan on being one, either. Besides the fact that I refuse to live without the guy destined to be by my side, I actually have two of those guys. It doesn't make me less devoted to your race. I'm not less kind. I'm not a whore because I refuse to pick between those two. I am with them because it's what happens to our race, to the Origins. We find our one. For me it's two. Is there anyone who has a problem with it? Anyone who wants to say something?”

She turned slowly in a circle, meeting the eyes of a lot of the people in the room. Kaden saw smiles, smirks, hidden grins, and a lot of approval. He even saw devotion shine out of a lot of faces.

“As long as we don't have to kiss those hairy faces?” a guy finally called and a laugh spread through the room.

“It's your decision and as long as you don't neglect your duties, you could sleep with all of the warriors,” a woman decided and Maya grinned, winking at the woman.

“You know, I am more than happy with the two that belong to me. You are free to take your pick though,” she invited and then waved a hand towards the warriors spread throughout the room. A mutter came from those she pointed at and then Maya turned back to Jaden and him. Her face was shining with love and no matter who would be doubting them, as long as Maya had this look on her face, they'd be fine.

“So, since that is solved, is there anything else you wanna say, Queen?” another guy called and Maya just shook her head, finally turning to the woman she had embarrassed.

“Cia, your mother told me you don't feel well because you kinda feel as if you lost your way since you don't know where you belong exactly, and I wanted to offer you to stay, but I fear that you won't get over yourself to help around here. I will no longer tolerate you hitting on Kaden and even less will I tolerate you making him feel another time like you just did. You claim to love Kaden, but if you'd do, you wouldn't hurt him the way you just did. I guess you can be lucky that you didn't feel what he felt just a few minutes ago. For your sake, I hope you won't ever have to feel the pain that just came to me through the bond.” Kaden saw her shiver at the thought, hugging herself. “If it makes you feel better, I would give my life for both of them. I'll do whatever is in my power to make sure they'll never once lack love or the knowledge of me being devoted to them,” she promised, her voice going soft.

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