Set In Sparks (Morningstars Book 2) (26 page)

BOOK: Set In Sparks (Morningstars Book 2)
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“Realize what?” she wondered and he pushed his hands into his trouser pockets pulling his shoulders up until they almost covered his ears.

“In their eyes I'm half a male. And then, I'm additionally an Origin. If they find that out, I could be a female as well.”

“Being what you are doesn't make you anything less worthy. In my eyes there are only two kinds of people: those with honor and those without. We'll get them there, and trust me, I plan on having you a lot more around since I think you're going to waste away in that stupid station. Human liaison or not, I think you should be a warrior,” she commented and surprised claimed his features.

“What?” He didn't believe one word she had said. It was clear in his eyes and in the way his shoulders went rigid. He honestly thought she was lying to him.

“All in due time, but that's the plan. Did you ever think about your change? I mean, we have no idea how long you still have, right?”

Tristan just shrugged at that and Maya reached out to touch his arm. As it was, he didn't really fit in anywhere. Sadly, she had to agree that the boys wouldn't go easy on him if he was to be around more. It wasn't him being an Origin though. It was merely the fact that he had come only to ask her to walk into danger twice now.

“So, the wolves -” she stared.

“Tell me you'll get the Origin out there. You aren't like the rest,” It was as if his statement had lost heat in the middle. Maya couldn't shake the feeling that 'the rest' were specific people.

No matter how little the guys would like it, she already knew she couldn't leave the girl there. “Of course I will,” she agreed and he caught her off-guard, hugging her tight.

“Bye, my Queen.” He left after bowing and she waved, then turned back to the mansion, exhaling. Jaden and Kaden wouldn't like that much, but there was no changing that. They couldn't barge in with a whole army without disrupting whatever truce was between vampires and werewolves. This was a delicate matter and she feared that the twins didn't exactly have the patience for i

Cany stared at Ryder, not sure if she should laugh or cry. Ryder looked devastated and if the story he had told her was anything to go by, that meeting surely had been a disaster.

“I'm sorry Maya ruined your plan?” she carefully offered, not sure if that was he wanted to hear, leaving it more as a question than a statement.

“I think she actually just came to make sure I'd be telling your parents exactly what I think of them. I wasn't very good at it. Hell, Cany, I wanted to come back with them and have them crying and tell you that they love you and everything be perfectly fine. I wanted to go there and tell them how amazing you were until they'd realize it, too. There's no one more loyal than you and... I messed up. They hate you. They hate Maya. And they hate me. They'll never accept our mating,” he said in a rushed whisper and Cany's heart was ready to burst with love for the siblings. Ryder had fought a lost battle and Cany couldn't help but think that Maya was there to prevent the worst from happening once Ryder realized exactly what he was up against.

“Your sister wasn't there to ruin this for you,” she explained gently, wishing she could thank Maya, yet needing to soothe Ryder's hurt heart first. “She was there so my parents would focus their hate on her, not you. She wanted you to still be better than her. She has heard enough about me and my parents to know how they are. She took the fall for your family.”

Ryder's emerald eyes, shining with regret, never left her face. “It is true that they probably hate her more than they hate me,” he admitted and Cany saw his lips curl into a smile.

“Thank you for trying, but you shouldn't have gone there.” She walked closer, running her hand up his chest until it came to his collar and touched skin. Their glow calmed her instantly and the burning on her back eased her soul.

“I thought that if I can get rid of my anger at them it would be safe mating you. I can't risk us creating an explosive reaction,” he told her, lowering his gaze another time. Cany could hardly believe that this was the overly confident warrior she had come to know the first time she had walked to the doors downstairs. Now he looked hopeless, hating himself for not having found the key to her happiness when he didn't yet understand that all she needed was him.

“I think you’ve been safe mating me all the time. There’s nothing more calming in my life than you! Maya tried and failed, no one else could have, but you came in and … it’s us, Ryder. There’s no else who could ever do to me what you do to me just by being in one room with me. I love being around you. I love seeing your smile. I love every little thing about how you make me feel. I’ve never felt special before. Excluded, yes, feared, even more so, but special? No. So you could’ve stayed next to me in bed and enjoy your hours instead of beating yourself up for something you cannot change anyway,” she remarked, smiling up at him.

She had no idea what made it so easy to give herself over to a guy she hadn’t spoken to much, but who had been there whether she wanted it or not. Maybe it was the simple thing that fate decided they belong together, but trusting Ryder came as easy to her as breathing. She was a raised Morningstar, had the vampire hearing and speed, yet like all Morningstar children, no matter – vampire or not – she had never needed blood to survive. She couldn’t wait to try that and more with him. After all, he’d be her first. At everything.

“Cany,” he just breathed, then she was gathered up in his arms and brought over to the bed. Her back hit the mattress and she couldn’t help but laugh as his eyes got dark, anticipation making her breath come short. “Are you ready to be turned?” he wanted to know and she nodded. She couldn’t be more ready if she had been born ready.

In the back of her mind, she realized that it was the middle of the night and maybe, just maybe there were things going on downstairs that needed to be taken care off. When she said as much to Ryder, he just shook his head, telling her that only she needed taking care off.

It was only when Ryder crawled up to her that she started to tremble, apprehension setting in. She knew he had been with woman before. Hell, the way the other warriors talked about him he was aiming not only for a lot of woman, but mainly the married, taken kind. She would absolutely disappoint him. Terror seized her as he leaned in to kiss her. It wasn’t their first kiss and while she knew it wouldn’t be their last kiss either, Cany held her breath.

What if she did something wrong?

Obviously she must’ve stiffened under his hands because he pulled back, arching a dark brow while glowering at her. “Tell me in five words or less what’s wrong or I’ll bite you to get in touch with your feelings,” he threatened and she swallowed.

“WhatifIdosomethingwrong?” she rushed out, not caring that those were probably more words than he had given her.

Sighing, he lowered his head to her stomach, kissing the flat plain of her sensitive flesh through the cotton of her top. She could still feel his breath warm her skin. It made her tingle in all the right places.

“You can’t, Cany,” he promised and she actually hated that he had understood exactly what she had said. Color heated her cheeks and she closed her eyes tight, hoping that if she didn’t see him, he wouldn’t see her. It was childish, but she couldn’t help it. Her arms were locked on her sides, stiff as she pressed herself into the mattress, waiting for what he’d do.

She felt her shirt moving, cool air hitting her overheated skin, then warm lips pressed against her stomach, leaving a warm trail as they went higher and higher until her bra and her shirt couldn’t go anywhere but over her head. He didn’t even think about that, with ease pushing his arm under her body to lift her enough until her shoulders weren’t touching the bed anymore, then her upper body was bare. Instead of lowering her back into position though, the wet tongue encircled Cany’s nipple, making a strangled moan escape her lips. He worried the little bud until she trembled with a whole new reason. Somehow she was glad he hadn’t tried to talk to her about why she worried, or how much experience he had. She should have just talked to Maya. After all, the Queen now kind of had gone to the next level. She didn’t only need to satisfy one man, but two already. If she didn’t know what best to do, who would?

Thoughts of her Queen vanished the moment Ryder changed the side and then played both nipples, one with his talented mouth and one with his finger, teasing and twisting until her panties were soaked. He seemed cool as a cucumber and still; Cany couldn’t bring herself to really worry about it.

“Should I…?” she started, but Ryder instantly shook his head.

“Unless you’ll offer now to get undressed, then no, you shouldn’t anything,” he mumbled, his voice having gone husky with longing. Cany dared to open her eyes and peered down at him, seeing a bulk in his jeans. Maybe he wasn’t
cool after all.

“Not what I wanted to say,” she admitted and Ryder moved so his hoodie was brushing against her sensitive peaks while he leaned in and kissed her deeply. It was a sensual kiss, slow and patient. He swept his tongue inside her mouth, tasting her and humming as if he liked what flooded his tongue.

Cany was so distracted by his kissing that it took a moment for her to realize that he was making room for himself between her legs, gently moving his hips against her core. Hot flushes came over her and she moaned into his kiss.

“Right?” he asked, sounding breathless. He was always beautiful, but now, up close, she was sure there had never been a more handsome male out there.

He kissed his way down her neck and she raised her arms above her head, trying to find something to hold onto as he tasted every part of her skin while in the process peeling off jeans and underwear in one movement. His warmth left her body, only to be back a second later. This time skin on skin though. Leaning in, he molded his lips to hers, moving them slowly, tentatively, while letting his hand go between their bodies. It was obvious what Ryder’s destination would be once he found her wet and ready, she noticed the first lines of tension and a trembling in his shoulders. Resting his forehead against hers, his hand just cupping her mound, he exhaled slowly.

“I thought we could take this slow, Cany, but you are so wet, and I’ve been wanting this so bad…” She felt him shake his head and didn’t give her head to catch up with the decision of her heart while she moved. Her lips skimmed his cheek, passing his ear.

“Don’t make me wait any longer,” she whispered and then struck his shoulder, making it exceptionally clear what she wanted.

He groaned her name, wrapping a big hand around his dick and aligning himself with her while she couldn’t believe how heady his blood was on her taste buds. She couldn’t remember ever having had something so breathtaking in her mouth. Sucking harder, she felt how he pushed against her opening before carefully impaling himself in her.

“Slow down, Hurricane,” he pleaded in a strangled voice, the restrain almost being her undoing. He did this
for her
. He took it slow
for her
. Ryder was shaking with pent up need and he was still trying to do right by her. She could feel it all: his need, his hope, his happiness and his longing. She would never get enough of that feeling.

Moving her hips to meet him half way, she moaned against his skin. She was ready to come apart and all he did was stall. Urging his lips to her shoulder, he obviously finally understood, because the moment his teeth were buried in her shoulder, he started to move. He held her tight, as close as he possibly could, and she could him feel everywhere. Ryder was within her, around her, engulfed in her. She was his and he was hers, and right there that moment, they were one.

Maya stared out of the window, having sought refuge in her office. Dawn was coming, but she knew that sleep was still long off. She was churning this wolf-thing over, wondering what best to do. She needed to go. If she remembered the diaries correctly, there was a Morningstar settlement somewhere around the wolf-colony she thought they talked about.

“Hey beautiful,” Jaden said, coming in. The twins were anxious and angry and she knew why. They didn’t want her to go and they knew she wouldn’t take either of them with her. Problem was, while she didn’t want to go alone, she wasn’t exactly sure whom to take.

To her relief Jaden’s anger calmed once he was pressed against her. She took his hand that he had wrapped around her stomach from behind and brought it to her lips to kiss the palm. She took a moment to find some calm and peace, listening to his even breathing and his heart beat against her back. It was steady, another sign that he wasn’t exactly angry at her.

“How can you expect us to just sit back?” he wanted to know and she turned in his arms, kissing him long and deep. She was glad that she had changed into jeans and a top which left her shoulder free. Jaden loved those tops and proved it again when he leaned in and pressed his lips to her skin. He waited for her answer and she knew she had to give him one.

“I’m the Queen. And if I’m nothing else, I’m responsible for my Origins. I cannot let anyone suffer knowingly. I couldn’t sleep another peaceful day if I just let that info slip by and you know why I can’t take you,” she mumbled softly. He hadn’t moved his lips from her shoulder, just making an agreeing noise.

“Hot-headed and stubborn?” he then suggested, making her regret the loss of his lips on her body.

“Exactly. Kaden and you are too involved in this. I have no illusion that this could get out of hand, but two mated males could easily make this escalate. If they don’t want us there, we need diplomacy, not dicks and fists.”

He smirked, but then sobered again. “Take Kaden. He’s a diplomatic,” Jaden tried to reason, but Maya just arched a brow. “Fine, where you are concerned he might be a lot more like me than he likes,” he grinned sheepishly and she shook her head, leaning her head against his chest. He combed his fingers through her hair, caging her in his arms with the motion.

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