Set In Flames (Morningstars Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Set In Flames (Morningstars Book 1)
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He had no idea for how long he was counting the cracks in the wall and the seconds ticked by, but a knock on his door made him freeze. Maybe it was Maya, having figured that… Figured what? If she’d go anywhere it wouldn’t be here, back to him.

Opening, he was surprised to find Colbin there. Covered in thick clothes he reminded him of a snowman. A fucking big snowman.

“I didn’t think you’d handle being alone very well. And it’s entirely my fault. Everything,” Colbin explained, his voice muffled through the scarf he had wrapped around his head.

Jaden looked down on himself, sporting a naked chest and low-riding sweatpants. Hell, he hadn’t even bothered with socks after showering.

“I think I saw more than that of you already,” Colbin exclaimed, pushing past him into the cool shades of the house.

He started to unwrap while Jaden just watched him. He didn’t really have any idea at what to say because it wasn’t Colbin’s fault at all. Colbin never had tried to shove it down her throat that she was unwanted. Neither had his leader tried to take other women just to forget his own.

“You have anything to eat around? My guess is you didn’t so far and you really need to build up stamina. Those will be long nights coming up. We’ll all go out and try to find her. Lex will be reading every damn thought in this city,” Colbin explained when Jaden still didn’t feel like saying anything at all.

It was weird seeing Colbin walk around his kitchen, preparing to cook dinner. Jaden wasn’t even sure Colbin
how to cook.

“It might kill Lex,” Jaden finally opted to say. As much as he wanted his Origin back just so he could make it all right with her, he couldn’t imagine losing a brother-in-arms instead. And most times when they were out, Lex shielded his head from the onslaught of thoughts simply because otherwise it would all but blow his brain up. They had seen that once, when Lex’s defenses had been down, and it had taken a lot of music and Kleenex to stop the nosebleed and give the vampire a chance to heal.

“It sure could, but I wanna see you try to stop him from it. I don’t know, but I have a feeling he feels guilty most of all. He knew what was going on and he never told her. He knew she was suffering and yet he… I don’t know.”

“Why are you here, Colbin?” Jaden finally asked, not being able to figure it out. Except for his precious Queen being gone there was no reason to come by, and even that wasn’t reason enough. He never had bothered again to talk to Jaden about her other than reminding him that she would be leaving as soon as she was turned.

“A whole group of warriors at the base is almost literally crawling up the walls because they cannot go out and find her. It is my fault she is gone and…”

“No,” Jaden interrupted and then started walking up and down. “It’s mine. I should have listened to all those people telling me that I would indeed fall in love with her. Hell, Colbin, you knew it was going to happen. You knew I wouldn’t be able to reduce her to the bond and I guess I did, too. I have seen you and Lara over the last centuries. I should have known, but I chose to ignore it. I figured the further I push her away, the less it’ll hurt. She was ready to be locked up for me! She didn’t stay because she thought it was best for the race, or because she trusted you all so much. She trusted me. I don’t know how I deserved that but she did and I didn’t want her to.”

He shook his head, making his knuckles pop. “I didn’t want her to feel anything for me because she would be hurting the moment she’d find out that we wouldn’t be together. She wanted to belong somewhere and I couldn’t handle the thought of breaking her that bad whenever she’d realize it wasn’t with me. Plus, I was scared of what I was feeling for her. How can a tiny person occupy your every thought? And I really mean every thought. I can’t think of anything else, no matter where we are!”

Colbin wasn’t looking at him anymore, heating a pan to cook some… Jaden hadn’t even realized that he had steaks in his fridge. Kaden must’ve made sure it was full. His leader was making steak for him, and by the looks of it, some rosemary potatoes as well.

“I thought the group would break apart if they all had contact with her,” Colbin started to say, but Jaden just snorted. He hated the thought of the other warriors getting to know his Origin simply because she might have felt more kinship with any of them than she had ever felt with him. “Yeah, I can guess what your reasons would have been to keep her away.”

Jaden turned, surprised to find his leader chuckling. That hadn’t happened in a very long time.

“You do have a sense of humor?” he asked, trying hard to not sound astounded.

Colbin just nodded, and then he got serious again. “As it is though, I am most likely the only one who doesn’t know anything about her. I never really talked to her besides telling her to get back into her room. And I wasn’t ever with her. I never stopped to consider how terrible she must have been feeling all alone in that room. She was supposed to be our Queen and instead of making her feel like we wanted her, I made her feel as if she was a necessity. And in the process I really alienated you. I am not sure even Kaden recognizes you any longer. I mean, Jaden, you’ve never been the clown of the group, but I swear, you are broodier and moodier than ever. Even
all could see that you fell hard and fast for her,” he explained and Jaden just watched him. But then again, what could he really say?

“We will get her back,” he finally announced and Colbin gave him a weak smile.

“I sure hope you are right because anything less isn’t acceptable,” Colbin agreed and Jaden took a deep breath, finally sitting down at the kitchen counter, reaching for the plate that Colbin now held out for him.

“I know you think that I am the shit in our world, being the Morningstar leader of the warriors, but I am not. Not in a long shot. I report to a group called the Circle of Seven. It’s funny, considering they are actually fifteen,” Colbin said and Jaden paused with his fork towards his mouth.

“Circle of seven that consists of fifteen?” he asked, a little surprised and Colbin nodded.

“Seems our whole race has a sense of humor. Back in the days when our race first came to be, they had one chosen representative from every continent there is. Over the centuries they figured that you needed a male and a female there so both genders would be represented equally well. With fourteen people though you cannot ensure any decisions. So over the period of twenty-five years one more chosen joins the ranks. They switch continents so it all is still fair. Right now South Africa has that fifteenth seat. Anyways, the reason I now told you about that group is…” Colbin took a moment, breathing slowly in and then out. “I was more scared about coming here to face you than I am of telling that Circle of Seven that I lost the Queen. And believe me, they will have my ass for that,” Colbin finished and Jaden stared at him.

“Am I that impressive?” he wanted to know and Colbin sighed.

“Facing a warrior that lost his Origin, or is about to lose her, is scary because that bond sets powers free no one could ever imagine. I worried you would suddenly be able to spit fire. That sure would have been inconvenient,” Colbin teased and Jaden gave him a thankful smile, digging back into the food.

They didn’t speak much after that. Jaden though couldn’t help but be glad that for the remainder of the day he wouldn’t have to be alone.

Destra stood in the shadows, watching how Nox led her daughter down the stairs towards the cellar. She had a soundproof cell there, one that would be perfect for what she had planned for her daughter.

She just had intended to step forward when Nox pressed their guest against the wall, holding her in place with his body. She struggled against him, her hands pushing against his chest in a feeble attempt to get away from him.

Destra knew only too well that Nox could make her immobile if he wanted to. She appreciated that power, even though now he seemed to enjoy the struggle.

“You sure are something to see and taste,” her faithful magician whispered quietly, but Destra’s hearing picked it up instantly. “I wish I could get more of you, a lot more. I’d love to see if you enjoy blood as much as your mother does… But then again, you wouldn’t heal as well, would you?” he went on, touching Maya’s cheeks and then her lips in a gesture that was too gentle for the Nox Destra knew. “Good that you’ll die in no time because I don’t know how long I could keep my hands off of you,” he then finished, grabbing Maya’s hair to tilt her head back, forcing a kiss on her lips that sure would leave them swollen.

He cursed suddenly, stepping back. Even from where Destra was hiding she could see that he had gotten hard.

“You have spunk, girl,” he spat, wiping blood from his mouth. She must have bit him and Destra knew that nothing turned him on more than violence.

Nox shoved her into the room designated to be hers and then he leaned against the closed door, a satisfied smile playing over his lips.

“Well, you sure seem to enjoy that girl,” Destra said, walking over to him. She had to give it to him: he didn’t flinch or appear caught.

“She’s her mother’s daughter, so of course I’m not able to resist her. Everything about your free spirit and violent tendencies draws me in. Maya has a free spirit, too, but she’s submissive by nature. I am sure we could both have fun with her,” he whispered, drawing Destra in his arms.

She was sick and twisted, and she had her fair share of experiences in the group department, but sharing a man with her daughter was the last thing she wanted.

“You are not supposed to want her, Nox. I wanted to kill her, but now I figure it might be nicer if we torture her some. You know, mental torture. The smell of her blood might be too potent for both Tymon and me. He’d realize she’s in the house and that’s something we don’t want, right?” she wanted to know, fluttering her lashes at him.

“You wanted to kill her. I think that would be the best way,” he replied and she went up on her tiptoes, kissing him long and hard. It made her mad that she could still taste her daughter on his tongue.

“She wanted to take first my husband and then my lover from me. Death would be too kind for her,” Destra replied and he took a deep breath, obviously trying to calm himself down. Good move, she thought. Her little bitch of a daughter always seemed to go after what was rightfully Destra’s.

“Whatever suits you,” he finally said, cupping her face in his hands. “You are my mistress. I do what you say. Everything you say.”

She felt calmer at that, stepping back.

“Will you be able to make her see her worst fears? Make her live them?” she wanted to know, waiting while Nox contemplated that. His eyes, having been stormy grey just a few moments ago, now were black, making her feel as if she looked into a void. That was the color she loved most on him because it meant that he’d live out his cruelty to the fullest.

“I cannot see into her thoughts, or tell you what her fears will be. But I can basically make her head react like it would in a nightmare. One of those that makes you wake up sweating and screaming,” he suggested and she liked that idea a lot. “If you then feed her only the smallest amounts of food, her body will weaken and she’ll wish she had died instead of merely surviving.”

Destra gave Nox an evil grin. He truly was the best thing that had ever happened to her. “Can you start right now? Will it need your concentration?” she wanted to know and he shook his head, explaining to her that it was an easy spell that he’d have to redo regularly, which would still give him a few hours reprieve. “Too bad we won’t be able to see what she sees, but I am sure that her screams will be enough fun for us. We could make love while she cries her heart out,” she suggested and he pulled her in again, instantly cupping her breast in his hand.

“You, Mistress, are the darkest of the dark,” he grinned, then he bit her lip until he drew blood, letting her know that he definitely was ready for something kinky.


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