Set In Flames (Morningstars Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Set In Flames (Morningstars Book 1)
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“But… I don’t think… I mean…” Matt obviously never had heard the rumors everyone else had heard. The rest of the group though scattered, some cursing, others just staring at them in utter disbelief. Colbin was the first one to react violently, hitting the wall until his knuckles cracked.

“She’s good natured. If she would’ve stayed where she was, she would have been safe. That guy would have never killed all of the people there,” Colbin remarked and Jaden closed his eyes. It was exactly what he had thought. Problem was…

“Maya couldn’t have known that. She had basic knowledge of vampires at best. No wonder she has no idea about any other paranormal creatures or…” He shook his head. Was that guy even paranormal? Or was he just a fucker who had gotten exceptionally lucky with the human gene pool?

“Jaden, she couldn’t have handled one person dying because of her. Hell, she couldn’t even stand the thought of
for her! How do you expect her to live with the knowledge of saving her life on the costs of a hundred people?” Lex wanted to know and Jaden knew he was right.

“What we can do though…” Colbin started to say.

“You can tell me what exactly that guy is. He can’t be vampire if he took her during the day and I don’t think she would have gone with just any man,” Matt snapped, seemingly feeling out of the loop.

“Maya’s mother works with a magician. It would explain almost everything,” Devon explained, voicing what everyone else was guessing already. Jaden couldn’t keep himself from grinning as Matt’s jaw almost hit the floor.

“Stop fucking with me,” the youngest of them snapped.

“Promise, you’d be the last in the group I’d fuck,” Devon teased, causing a round of laughter before he sobered again. “If she has a guy like that at her hands, she could have him alter her appearance long enough so neither Maya nor her father had realized what she was. I always wondered how someone like Tymon could no’ have noticed his Origin being a freaking monster. It explains also how she can so easily control almost every person she wants. All minds are easy to deceive if unprepared. What I doona understand is how he can still be alive and look that young. Maya’s mother must be what? Over four centuries old?” the Scotsman went on and looked up at Colbin.

“I have no idea. I met a magician once. I know there aren’t many left, and if there are, they hide very well. Usually they stick to themselves simply because their powers could be used… And no magician is immune to torture, pain or killing,” their leader explained and Jaden walked along the walls until Kaden took his arm, making him stop. Obviously he was agitating all the others as well.

“Safe to say that we won’t find her on the street. I’d even go as far as saying that she wasn’t killed yet,” he announced, needing someone to agree with him. He wanted to know that there was hope; that he hadn’t lost his only chance at Maya. He was mad at himself for not having turned her so far. He’d feel it all, knowing exactly what he was looking for. Plus, killing her would have been a lot harder because she would be stronger. And his blood in her would make it possible for him to track her. She should have been his and it was time he started listening to his heart, doing what felt right.

That was, if he ever got her back.

“I don’t think Destra would have sent a wizard to her if she simply wanted her dead. Obviously they were tracking her though. I wonder how. It’s clear why she hadn’t been found here. The boundaries wouldn’t allow that, but before that… How had Maya eluded her then? Can he only track her in certain situations?” Ryder wanted to know, but Jaden didn’t care about all of that. He just needed to get her back, no matter where she was or what it would take.

“Maybe, just maybe we’ll capture that bastard for you and then you can do whatever suits you with him, but how about we focus on finding her for now?” Jaden wanted to know and Matt nodded at him, trying to get him to come over.

He was holding a cell, and even though they all had one and Jaden even knew how to download games on it, that was about his full extent of technical knowledge. Matt though hid a dork inside that handsome body. Sometimes. Other times he couldn’t be bothered to touch a computer or game console for anything on this planet.

“I might be able to find cameras. I know they watch all the public places…” He mumbled some other stuff, a lot of technical bullshit about pages and walls and whatever, but then he threw up his hands.

“I need a real screen and a keyboard. I can get the footage for you, but it might take a while. Haven’t been snooping in months,” he said apologetically and Colbin patted his back

“Whatever you can find will help,” the blond leader encouraged him. Hunting Outcasts or Hellraise didn’t demand any technical knowledge or help. They simply followed the trail of blood and violence, but with Destra and this new development Jaden feared that they soon would need a lot more surveillance on their own grounds.

“So, let’s say we can identify him, what then?” Red asked and Jaden turned to Colbin, waiting for an answer.

Colbin gave them a smile and Jaden just knew that he liked being back as a part of the team.

Nox came in, feeding Maya some food that actually scared more than fed her, but she figured if she wanted to keep her strength up she needed to eat. At least what little they gave her. Even though it wasn’t much, it was at least something.

She felt exhausted and tired. For some reason she kept having visions about Jaden, and every new one was more horrible than the one before.

"You sure could use some sun," Nox said, touching her pale cheek. She moved away from his touch, already having noticed that he had an unusual interest in her. It scared her even more than the fact that she could no longer decide what was real and what wasn't.

"Eat up. I don't want you to lose any of your pretty curves," he said and then left, pulling the heavy door closed. Darkness almost fully embraced her and yet, a tiny slice of light still fell into the room. Maya stared, moving close enough to the door so she could listen. Maybe that was a trick to lure her outside and torture her with the feeling of freedom.

She was waiting for voices, but there was nothing. Out in the hallway she only heard retreating steps and she knew that those she only heard because her body was in vampire mode again.

She forced herself to wait a little longer, then she opened the door; glad that it was well oiled. Destra was too scared Tymon could hear anything if the hinges were rusty.

Her heart raced because she couldn't believe how lucky she had been that Nox had assumed she'd never get away, otherwise he'd have blindfolded her while leading her here.

She had a hard time recalling how to get out of the house, but after only two wrong turns she slipped out into the sunlight, knowing that at least her mother and her vampire minions wouldn't be able to follow.

Turning towards the house to take a good look so she could lead the warriors back, she saw Nox standing on an uncovered window on the upper floor. He winked at her and then turned away, obviously talking to someone.

Maya's heart sank. It hadn't been a lucky break. He simply had wanted to help her out. She shook her head, steeling herself before leaving the House of Horrors behind her.

She was tempted to go back to the base, but then decided for the twins' home. They would be able to tell her what punishment she would have to expect from Colbin once she was back.

She walked, not being worried about Nox. He'd find her no matter what, so even if she were running, she could never outrun him. Additionally, she enjoyed the sunshine way too much on her skin and her vampire strength gave her enough endurance to walk the ten miles to Jaden's house.

Pausing on his porch she was glad that the sun threw shadows on the door, allowing for Jaden to open it if he wanted to.

She knocked, waiting while she could hear her blood rush in her ears. She wanted nothing more than to see him, having him tell her that despite everything he was happy to have her near him again.

"What?" came the question from a smoky female voice.
Just a conquest of Kaden’s
, Maya told herself after a woman had opened the door.

"I'm here for Jaden," she explained and the woman, half dressed as Maya noticed, looked her up and down. After a long moment she turned slightly.

"Jaden, it's a chick for you. You have a sister or cousin or something?" the trashy woman called up the stairs and just a few seconds later Jaden came down, breaking Maya's heart by closing his pants and being otherwise naked.

"Oh, Maya, I didn't think I'd see you any time soon again," he said casually and Maya swallowed before she literally jumped at him, trying to seriously hurt him. Only when she reached his skin to claw at him, she felt her nails tear as stone met soft human skin.

Her fingers came away bloody and she fell to her knees, screaming until her voice was hoarse. She couldn't decide which mind tricks she hated more: those in which Jaden loved her or those in which he didn't. Either way, they were pure torture.

Chapter Seven


Jaden ran a hand through his hair. He was getting sick and tired of not finding any hint at all. They had a picture of the guy now, the one who had taken Maya out of the train station and even though he was handsome, Jaden didn't believe in the fact that he was anything the people in the station had claimed him to be.

His Origin had looked nothing short of terrified once the dude had taken her hand and for that alone Jaden wanted to crush that guy’s body. He wanted to break every single bone in that human shell, not fearing the consequences. She was his and he intended to make that more than clear once he got her back.

Three days she was gone already and every day, every hour the chances got smaller that they'd find her alive. Would he even realize that she was dead? Most likely not.

They were in the base's game room. Red and Devon tried their hands at pool, but no one was really focused. Lex and Colbin were the last ones to arrive and as much as Jaden hated relying on others, Lex was their best shot. No one else could come close to finding out anything about that guy.

"Tell me you found her," Colbin said the moment they entered and Jaden's hope sank. Another night that had been a total bust.

"We beat up a lot of those scum bags she keeps for her lower jobs. Seems it's gotten quiet around her. Destra hasna asked for any humans since Maya was taken. At least that's what they are all saying. It's like they celebrate no’ having to see that bitch," Devon explained, smashing a billiard cue with his fist. They were all on edge and as much as Jaden loved them for it, sometimes he wasn't sure Matt and Lex remembered that she was his Origin.

"We didn't forget that, Jaden, but we are her friends. At least most of us are," Lex replied to his thoughts and Jaden turned to him. How long had he left his thoughts unguarded? Not that there was much besides Maya in there, but still...

"We all know what you feel for her, and we all guessed what you did the night the two of you fought," Lex snapped and Jaden closed his eyes. Fighting now wouldn't get them anywhere, but there were long daylight hours ahead. They needed a new plan, and fast.

“Let’s stick to Lex reading everything and everyone he can. We will find someone who met Destra at some spot that is remarkable, something that will hint us in the right direction,” Red mumbled, but Jaden knew that it was hopeless. They all wanted the impossible, but their chances had been the highest the night Maya had gone missing.

“I wouldn’t stop even if you ordered me to,” Lex protested and Jaden looked at his friend, wondering why there was a question about that. Only then did he notice that Lex was pale and obviously in need of blood.

“She wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself in the process. How bad does the nose bleeding get?” Jaden wanted to know and Lex looked away, just shaking his head. ‘Pretty bad’ was Jaden’s guess.

“You need to stop for some hours tomorrow night and drink. We can’t handle any weak links and you exhausting yourself like that would be a weak link. What would we do if we actually have to break into some house to get her out? We don’t know how many people Destra has there,” Kaden explained and almost everyone nodded in agreement. Everyone but Lex.

“This is partly my fault. I knew you were going to hurt her and…” Jaden had Lex pinned against the wall, wondering what made them the worst enemies when it came to her.

“Easy. I know what an amazing and sweet person she is despite everything. If someone knows any reasons as to why Maya should be loved, it’s me. Too bad that she isn’t mine to have… And even worse, she never ever thinks about anyone but you. Even during those moments when she wishes someone else could be her mate, she instantly returns to wishing you’d simply love her,” Lex explained, but the malice Jaden had expected to hear in his voice was fully absent. “Yes,” Lex agreed, looking at him sharply. “I am not mad at you because I actually know what you have in your heart. How could I feel anything but pity for you?”

Jaden let him go then. Pity was probably worse than anger because it meant that Lex had no real hope left that Maya was still alive.

“We can’t give up,” Jaden whispered, not caring if anyone thought him a wussy for being soft, for hoping.

“We won’t, Jaden, until we have one answer… Or the other,” Kaden promised, touching his shoulder. “How about you go and rest? You’ve been the only one I didn’t see go to bed. She won’t come back quicker if you put yourself through insomnia. Why don’t you go and stay in her bed?” his twin went on and Jaden closed his eyes.

He had knelt next to that bed every day since she was gone, wondering, hoping to have inspiration hit him. And suddenly it did.

“Upper Helpston! That’s where I met her. Maybe she was trying to hide in a part of town that would be too obvious to be searched for her,” he exclaimed, excitement coloring his voice. “Destra and your father seem to be people that are regarded as upper class in our vampire circles. Doesn’t he work for the Morningstars?” he then wanted to know, turning to Ryder.

“Yes, he used to work for the Morningstar Police. He wasn’t directly an officer, but he used to file information, pick the important cases. He was some sort of spokesman for them. I guess the finer parts of town really could be where they live,” Ryder agreed and Jaden took a deep breath. It was as if he could reach out and almost grab Maya. He had a feeling they were

“We should go and see him at work, Ryder. Maybe not you, but some of us,” Matt suggested and Jaden wondered why they hadn’t thought of that sooner. It would have saved them a lot of time.

Ryder though instantly toned down their happiness about the new idea.

“My father loves Destra like nothing else. You don’t know if maybe he is in it with her. I mean, just think about it, how could Destra possibly keep something like hunting her daughter from her mate?” Ryder wondered out loud and Jaden just shook his head. He refused to believe that any father could do something like that to his daughter. Of course, he also neglected to see that
shouldn’t do that to their kids, either.

“She can actually do that. Despite the fact that she has enough minions, Ryder’s father got promoted in recent years. He’s now head spokesman and whenever the Morningstar Police have to leave the city, he’s going with them. In fact, he’s gone right now. I am so sorry, Jaden, but he doesn’t have a home address listed,” Matt explained, obviously having been busy with his cellphone again.

“They don’t list any MSP-related info anywhere in case some hacker uses it to get revenge. They are too scared for the families,” Colbin told them and as much as Jaden hated that this made sense, he knew it was a smart move.

“How can they ever reach him if they need him?” he asked and Colbin shrugged.

“Same as we do. Someone knows the info by heart. That way you’d always know, too, who spilled it,” he said and Jaden nodded.

Long time ago, when the Morningstar Order had been much bigger, only two of the brothers knew where two others lived. Once only Ryder and Kaden had known where the twins lived, but now everyone did. Jaden knew, too, where the other boys had their private homes, even though Matt basically never used his. It had been a measure of security, but with only eight warriors left the need to hide was no longer there.

“We’ll stick to the finer parts. Don’t give up hope, Jaden. We’ll find her,” Red said, suddenly by his side. It was weird being comforted by the one he considered to be heartless. “Just promise me that once we got her back, you’ll make it up to her. She needs to be treated like a princess, or rather the Queen she is,” Red went on and Jaden rolled his eyes. He seriously was tired of people reminding him that he hadn’t treated her well.

“Tomorrow I want you to return to your place. I still hope that she can slip away. Maybe in a burst of strength she flees. Daylight is still her greatest weapon,” Colbin remarked and Jaden swallowed a few times. He had refused to stay at their house because the loneliness almost drove him crazy.

“It will be the best if you are there. Not everything will constantly remind you of her and you might get to sleep at least a little bit,” Kaden agreed and then gave him a half smile.

Finally Jaden nodded, not liking the plan, but still ready to follow his leader’s orders.

Destra loved seeing what her daughter did to herself. The screaming, the scratching, the bleeding… It was a sight to behold. Her hands were bloody, her voice was hoarse, barely hearable, and her arms were open where she had tried clawing her way out of a mountain of spiders. At least that was what Nox and Destra had gathered from the panicked whispers that her hated daughter had emitted.

What Destra didn’t like was the way Nox looked at the prisoner. There was more than pure curiosity there and Destra couldn’t help but worry that her precious magician was ready to exchange her for someone younger,
than her. After all, it would be fun to spend time with a vampire that wouldn’t go crazy or wouldn’t need constant attention.

“You really wish you could get your hands on her, don’t you?” Destra wanted to know and her blond boy toy faced her, giving her a smile. His eyes were a golden color, something Destra had never seen on him. It sure supported her guess, especially since they darkened to an oily black the moment he was focused on her.

“I had my hands on her,” he remarked, reminding her of the kiss she had witnessed. It was something she couldn’t forget, no matter how deep she let him cut her, or how hard he fucked her.

She was even sure that he had gotten rougher and more violent ever since they had the girl there. “You hate me, don’t you?” she wanted to know, reaching out to touch his cheek. He kissed her palm, letting his tongue tease the soft skin. She wanted him right then and there.

“I could never hate you, Mistress. You are the only one I want. I can’t help though but to wonder how it is to be gentle with someone, to hold her breakable body and know I couldn’t do this,” he bit down hard, drawing blood until Destra moaned, “or this,” he added, pulling her head back only to claim her mouth in a kiss that left her lips swollen while almost breaking her neck. “I couldn’t do any of that to her. She’d be afraid and not turned on like you are!” He pushed the dress up, touching the heat between her legs, slipping a finger into her to prove his words right.

She was so ready for him.

“Let’s do it here,” Destra whispered, wanting her daughter to see whom Nox belonged to. She didn’t even care that Maya was crawling away from them, deeper into the shadows. That little whore hadn’t even thought about running towards the door.

“Whatever you wish,” Nox replied, opening his pants before picking her up to take her against the wall. He was inside of her without any foreplay or pretty words and Destra loved it. She drowned her hands in his hair, holding onto him while he took her hard and merciless.

Maya started muttering next to them, then she sobbed and the more she cried, the faster Destra moved towards her orgasm until it fully consumed her.

Tears never had been in Jaden’s nature, but when he came home that night he sure wanted to shed some. Even though they had found some Outcasts, they hadn’t been able to help them. They remembered Nox from one place or the other, but he was pretty elusive. Just like his dark mistress. Some had been sure that he didn’t even live around there, but returned on a regular basis instead, whereas some others had been sure he lived at Destra’s place. All in all they had heard a lot about Nox, but nothing was helpful.

A storm was rolling in and Jaden seriously considered risking his life by being out during the day. As long as no sun was shining he’d be safe. The UV-radiation would not be enough to burn or even weaken him, but the moment the clouds would vanish he’d be in major trouble.

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