Seeking Karma (6 page)

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Authors: Melanie J. Cole

BOOK: Seeking Karma
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     I smile at him, and kiss him on his forehead.  God, I really did miss him.  This feels so good, having him back in my life.  “I’d sit on the floor for you any day.”  I assure him.

     Anna and I scoot down onto the floor, next to Trent and Jude.  “You know, you can crash with me any day.”  Jude says, wrapping his arm around Anna.

     “Yeah, I’m good.”  She says throwing his arm off.  Trent and I both laugh.  It’s always fun watching Anna put guys in their place.  She’s just so damn good at it

     Trent stretches his legs out in front of him.  “Has Aaron tried to call you?” 
He asks softly, so I’m the only one that hears him.  Holy hell!  I feel like I’ve just been sucker punched.  I was having a really good time.  Why did he have to go and bring up Aaron?

     I sha
ke my head.  “Nope, and I hope he never does.”  I push up onto my feet.  “I’m tired.  I’m going to bed.”  Thanks to Trent, I’ll probably have nightmares all night.  This is just great.

     “Hold on a second.”  Trent reaches out for me
, but I instinctively step out of his reach.  My reflexes are pretty sharp, thanks to my relationship with Aaron. 

His hand falls down to the floor, and he pushes up so he’s standing in front of me.  I don’t why, but my heart is pounding in my ears. 

He holds his hands out in front of him.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to upset you.” 

His eyes search mine, and I have to wonder what he’s thinking.

“I never should have brought it up.  I’ll never say his name again.  Please don’t go.” 

His tone is pleading, and the look of regret on his face, drains my anger.  I have got to stop letting Aaron Jones, control me.  Just the mere mention of his name makes me miserable.  I have got to let it go, or I’m never going to be able to move on.

     I relax my shoulders and nod my head. 

     “I’m sorry.  I just don’t like talking about him.”

     “Then we won’t.”  He says deadpan.  “Do you want to go for a walk
, with me?”

     I shake my head.  “No.  I really am tired.”  And scared to be alone with any guy – other than Dusty.  I’d trust Dusty with my life.

The look Trent gave him earlier is still nagging at me.  I mean, what was that all about?  I thought he and Dusty had been getting along pretty well.

Trent bites down on his bottom lip.  “Please, I won’t touch you.  I promise.” 

     My hands are shaking at the mere thought of being alone with him.  “I can’t.  Maybe, some other time.”

     He nods his head solemnly.  “Okay, I’ll take what I can get.”

     “I’m going to bed.”  He doesn’t try to stop me this time.  I’m so mad at myself.  I should have just
gone for a walk with him.







it to hell!  I fucked up, royally!.  She was just beginning to relax, and I had to open my mouth, and mention that fucking bastard.  Seriously?  What the fuck is wrong with me?  Why couldn’t I just leave it alone?  I blame the alcohol. 

She’d looked so scared when I reached for her.  The last thing I want is for her to be scared of me.  I’d never hurt her - ever.  Now, it looks like I’m going to have to start over with her. 

I need a new game plan.  I drag my hand down my jaw, trying to figure out how to approach her.  I need to figure out a way to make her remember me.  I don’t want to tell her our history.  I want her to remember me on her own.  Shit!  This sucks!  I’ve spent the past eight years thinking of her, and she doesn’t remember me, at all.

     I go to the kitchen to find something to eat.  Fuck, there’s nothing in the refrigerator, except mass amounts of beer.  Sure, I like the stuff, but this is a bit much, even for me.  “What the hell, Jude?  Are you an alcoholic?”

     Jude scratches himself, and looks at me.  “What in the fuck are you talking about?  It’s too damn early to play twenty questions.”

     I shake my head at him.  I’
m starving. I went straight to bed when I got home last night and I didn’t even bother eating anything.  I’d been too frustrated, with the way I’d left things with Karma.  Maybe, I could talk her into going to breakfast with me.  It’s going to take some major convincing on my part.  I need something that she can’t refuse. 

I glance over at Jude.  He has his head down on the table.

“Hey Jude, do you think I can borrow your motorcycle?”  It’s a long shot, but it’s all I’ve got.

    “That’s not going to happen,” he moans into the table. 

was pretty trashed last night.  It was freaking hilarious!.  He kept trying to put the moves on Anna, and she kept shooting him down. 

     “If you let me
, I’ll bring you back some breakfast.” 

     That gets Jude’s

is head snaps up, and stares at me.  “I want bacon, eggs, biscuits and gravy, and an orange juice.  Can you handle that?”

     Yep, I’ve got him.  “I’ll get you whatever you want.  I just need your keys.”

     Jude pushes away from the table. 

“Fine, but you’re paying.”

     “I’d planned on it.”

     I take the keys, and head out the door.

     I knock on
Karma’s door, and drum my fingers on the doorframe.  Hell, I’m nervous.  I really hope I can convince her to come with me.  I need to show her that she can trust me. 

     The door swings open
, and Anna looks up at me.  “Hey Trent.” She looks around me.  “Jude isn’t with you, is he?”

     I shake my head.  “Nope, it’s just me.  Is Karma around?  I want to ask her something.”

     “Shew, thank God.  He annoyed the piss out of me last night.  That guy cannot take a hint.”  Anna steps to the side.  “Come on in.  I’ll go get Karma.”

     “Thanks,” I step inside and close the door.
  I stare around at the few boxes that we actually brought in, and smile.  I’ll have to help them finish, unloading the car, when we get back.  If we even go, that is.


I look up and take her in.  Fuck me!  She’s wearing a pair of pajama shorts, and a tank top with no bra!  I can easily see her nipples against the fabric, and my pants tighten.  Holy fuck!  She’s sexy as hell!

     I’ve lost all motor skills, and my tongue feels like it’s three times its normal size.  I’m just waiting for it to roll out of my mouth, and hit the floor, like some fucking kid’s cartoon.

Her brows crease as she takes me in, and she quickly folds her arms across her chest, blocking my view.

Say something, Trent!  Now!
  I suck in a breath and run my hand through my hair a couple of times.  I’m a fucking idiot. 

“I was wondering if you’d like to go get some breakfast.”  There, I asked.  Finally!

     She swallows hard, and quickly averts her eyes around the room.  “Um, thanks for asking, but I’ve got to finish unpacking.  It’s going to take all day.”

     Oh no, I’m not letting her off that easy.  “Well, if you’re going to be working that hard, you probably need a good breakfast.  You know, get your strength built up.  Besides, I’ll get Jude when we get back, and we’ll help you.”

     “Ah hell!  Not Jude!”  Anna screeches from the kitchen.  I knew she was listening to us.

     “What do you say?”  I dangle Jude’s key in front of her.  “I have Jude’s motorcycle.” 

Her luscious lips part and her eyes zone in on the key.  Yeah, I have her.  There’s something about motorcycles that girls can’t resist.  Thank you, Jude!  I have to resist the urge to fist bump the air.

     She takes a deep breath, and damn me, I can’t stop gawking at her breasts.  So sue me.  They’re perfect!  Jude was right, they’re definitely the nicest set
, I’ve ever seen.  She chews on her bottom lip, for what feels like an eternity.  If my jeans get any tighter, I’m pretty sure I’m going to bust out of them.

     “Okay,” she finally says.  “Just let me go change.”

Damn it!  I hope she doesn’t put a bra on.

     I’m pretty sure I just died and went to heaven.  The mere thought of having her chest pressed against my back, while her arms are wrapped around me
is ecstatic.  I feel like singing show tunes!. 















     I think I may be losing my sanity.  I’m definitely drifting away from
my well thought out plan.  Stay away from all guys, at least for a while.  So, why am I climbing on the back of a freaking motorcycle?  I don’t have a clue.  Well, actually I do.  Trent just looked so damn good in his tight jeans, and black t-shirt.  He’s not usually the type I go for.  He’s definitely a bad boy.  Hell, he’s got me wrapped around him on a Harley, for Christ’s sake.  He even has tattoos, which are pretty sexy.  But I can’t let myself get involved with him.  It’s too soon!  I can’t trust any guy, not after the way Aaron treated me.

     “Hold on tight.”  Trent tells me
, gripping my hands beneath his.  “I don’t want you to fall off.”

I bite down on the inside of my jaw, to keep from jerking away from him.  Sure, being on a motorcycle, holding onto a hot guy, is exciting, but I’m terrified too.  My heart is pounding, as I lean my cheek against his back.  God, he smells good, and I can feel his tight muscles through his shirt. 

He revs it up a couple of times, and now we’re moving.  I’ve never been on a motorcycle before.  All of the air rushing around us is exhilarating.  I feel like I’m flying.

     “Is this too fast?”  Trent practically yells.

     I lean up so my mouth is next to his ear.  “No, I like it.”

     He bops his head up and down.  “How about this?”

     He picks up the speed, and I actually giggle.

     By the time we reach the diner, I’m holding
onto him so tightly, I’m not sure I’ll be able to let go.

“So, you like motorcycles, huh?”

He gives me a big cocky grin.  I hadn’t noticed before, but he’s really good looking.  His eyes are a bright green, with small flecks of gold here and there, and his hair is almost black.  It’s a really good mix.

     I nod my head.  “Yeah, that was fun.”

     He takes my hand and helps me off the bike.  “Well, I’ll have to borrow it again.  You look beautiful when you smile.  I’d like to see it more often.” 

     I have to drop my head, so he doesn’t see me blush.  He keeps his distance as we make our way inside, and I really appreciate it.  I’m pretty sure he’s figured out tha
t Aaron abused me.  Hell, he saw it firsthand, that night at the bonfire.  It bothers me a little that he knows, but it’s not like I can do anything about it.

ve you ever been here before?” he asks, as we slide into a booth.

     I shake my head.  “No.
I’ve heard about it, though.”

     “You should get the BLT.  They’re the best.” 

     I know Trent’s just being nice, but Aaron controlled me for so long.  He told me what I could and couldn’t wear, who I could hang out with.  Screw that! 

“I think I’m going to order the pancakes.”

Okay, so maybe I would prefer the BLT, but I feel like he’s trying to control the situation.  I’m not going to let anyone control me - ever again.  I don’t care how hot they are.

     He grins at me.  “Order whatever you want.  It’s on me.”

     I shake my head.  “Thanks, but I’ll pay for my own.” 

I know, I sound like a complete bitch, but - I can’t help it.  I don’t want to come across as some little weakling.  I want him to know up front, that I can take care of myself.  I don’t need to depend on anyone.  I’ve been there, and done that.  This is the new me.

     He chuckles softly.  “
I get it.  You’re Miss Independent.”

     That’s right, Ms. Independent.  I like the sound of that.  I give him a big grin.  “Thank you.”

     He grabs the salt shaker and spins it around.  His expression is suddenly really serious.

“No, thank you, for having breakfast with me.”

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