Seeking Karma (17 page)

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Authors: Melanie J. Cole

BOOK: Seeking Karma
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     I towel off even quicker
, than I showered.  I get dressed in a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt.  I didn’t take the time to wash my hair, so I pull it back into a pony tail.

     When I step out of the bathroom, Trent is leaning against the wall.  He’s wearing a pair of tan cargo shorts, and a light blue t-shirt.  He looks sexy as hell, with his hair sticking up in every direction.

     I swallow hard and walk over to him.  “Hey.”

     He gives me a lazy grin.  “Hey.  Do you want to go get some breakfast?”

     “Sure, that sounds good.  Do you mind if I invite Anna?”  I feel really shitty, for making her worry about me.

     “Invite whoever you want.”

     I knock on Anna’s door several times.  She doesn’t answer, so I open it, and peek inside.  She’s sound asleep.  I close it softly, and turn to face Trent.  “It looks like it’s just the two of us.  She’s asleep.”







“Trent!  Get the fuck up, now!”  Jude is pounding on my door.  I roll over and look at the clock.  Fuck!  It’s eight-thirty.  Unfortunately, I have to work.  I force myself out of bed.  I didn’t sleep very well, last night.  Karma wanted to have a girl’s night, with Anna and Dusty, so I had to sleep in my own bed – alone.  I always sleep better with her in my arms.

     “I’m up, Jude!”  I shout, before he can knock a hole in the door.  I swear, the guy is a pain in the ass.  I grab some jeans, a shirt, and quickly get dressed.  I don’t even bother combing my hair.  I just run my hands through it a few times.  Good enough.

     I walk out of my room and head for the kitchen.  “Where in the fuck
, do you think you’re going?”  Jude grabs my arm, roughly.  Yep, he’s pissed.  Oh well, he’ll get over it.

     I jerk my arm free, and glare at him.  “I’m going to get a cup of coffee, asshole.”

     “Well get it and let’s go.”

     This stops me in my tracks.  “Aren’t you taking your motorcycle?”

     “Hell no!”  He walks over to the door, and opens it.  It’s raining so hard, you can’t even see the parking lot.  Shit!

     This sucks!  Jude always stays late.  There’s no way in hell I’m staying past three.  “Well, if you plan on staying late, you’ll have to make other arrangements to get home.”

     “Just get your coffee, so we can go.  I don’t want to be late.”

     “You know, for someone who claims to hate work so much, you sure are eager to get there.”  I say dryly, as I make my way into the kitchen.

     I’ve not even been at the garage an hour, and I’m already miserable.  I’m leaned over a Volkswagen Passat, helping Coby replace the alternator.  Foreign cars are a bitch to work on.

     Coby drags his arm across his forehead, and stares across my shoulder at something.  “It looks like you have an admirer.”

     I look back, and see a blonde with huge tits, eye fucking me.  She isn’t even trying to be discreet about it.  I shake my head and go back to work.

     I’m loosening a bolt when I feel a hand glide across my ass.  I jerk up
, and bang my head on the hood.  “Fuck!”

     “You’re really good with your hands.”  A soft voice
, whispers into my ear.  I spin around and see the blonde.  Her eyes are roaming up and down my body.  Fuck!  She’s bold!  “I have something else you can work on, if you’re interested.”  She’s holding a business card between her fingers.

     “I’m not.”  I turn my back on her, and try to focus on the damn car.

     “Well, if you change your mind…”  She drags the corner of the card down my forearm, and slides it into my back pocket.  Fuck!  She’s persistent.  “Give me a call.”  She pinches my ass, and then I hear her heels clicking against the concrete, as she walks away.

     I glance over at Coby.  He’s gaping at me.  “What in the hell is wrong with you?  She’s hot

     I shrug my shoulders.  “She’s not my type.”  I only have one type – Karma.

     “Are you fucking kidding me?  She’s blonde with big tits!  She’s every guy’s type.”

     I wipe my hands off on a cloth.  “Well then, why don’t you give her a call.”  I pull her card out of my pocket
, and fling it at him.

     “I will.”  He picks up the card
, and slips it into his shirt pocket.

     By the time we finally finish with the Volkswagen, it’s after three.  I grab all of the tools, and put them away. 

     I didn’t want to be here a minute after three, but here I am at three-fifteen knocking on Jude’s office door.

     “Come in.” 

     I push the door open and step inside.  Jude’s typing something on the computer.  He looks up at me, and then down at his watch.  “What do you want?”

     “I’m leaving.  Can you get a ride, or do I need to come back, and pick you up?”

     “Nah, I’ll get a ride with one of the guys.  You can go on
, and stick your head up Karma’s ass.”

     “Very funny.”  I flip him off. 

      He shakes his head at me, and laughs.







     “Who is this girl?”  Dusty asks, as we turn into the parking lot at Pizza Hut.

     “Her names Sherry.  She’s in my psych class.”  I promised Sherry that I’d meet her, so that we could study for our psych test - together.  I didn’t want to come alone, so Dusty graciously volunteered.  Trent had to work, and Anna had another date with Dusty’s roommate, Cameron.

     “Thank you,
for meeting me.  I hate studying alone.”  Sherry’s standing inside the door, waiting for us.

     “No problem.”  I motion over to Dusty.  “This is my friend, Dusty.”

     “It’s nice to meet you, Dusty.”  Sherry says, flashing him a big smile.

     “It’s nice to meet you, too.”
  He says dryly.

     Sherry motions to a lady, holding a tray.  “We’re ready to be seated
, now.”

     The lady smiles at all of us, grabs menus, and leads us to a booth in the back.  “Is this okay?”

     “Yeah, this is great.  Thanks.”  Sherry sits down and slides around, making room for Dusty.  I sit down across from them.  Let the studying begin!

     By the time we’re finished studying, I’m completely
exhausted.  It’s after four.

   Sherry walks over and knocks on my window.  I quickly roll it down.  “What’s up?”

     “I almost forgot.  T
here’s a new club opening up downtown, this weekend.  I’m going with a bunch of my friends, and was wondering if you guys would like to go.  It would be a great way to blow off some steam, after our big test.  What do you say?  Do you guys want to come?”

     I shrug my shoulders.  “I don’t know.  Let me think about it.”
  Clubs aren’t my thing.  Actually, I’ve never been to one.

     She bops her head up and down
, eagerly.  “Okay, just let me know.”

     “I will.”

           “Wow, that girl is intense.”  Dusty says, as we pull out of the parking lot.  “Does she ever shut up?”

     I smack his hand.  “Be nice.  She’s actually pretty sweet.”

     “I’m sure she is, if you can get past her annoying personality.”  He rolls his eyes, and shakes his head.  “So, are you going to go to the club with her?”  He cocks his brow, and looks over at me.  “They can get pretty crazy.”

     “I don’t know.  But if I do, you’re coming with us.”

     “Only if you’re buying the drinks.  Because, I’ll have to be drunk to put up with that girl.”  He shakes his head, as he pulls out onto the highway.

     “Fine, if we go, I’ll buy the drinks.”
  He’s such a diva.

     Trent is sitting on our steps, when Dusty drops me off.  “Hey you.”  I wrap my arms around his neck
, and give him a small kiss.

     “Hey yourself, B
eautiful.”  He wraps his arms around my waist, and pulls me flush against him.

     “How was work?”  I take his hand
, and pull him inside.

     “The usual, how was studying?”

     “Boring, I missed you.”

     He cocks his brow at me.  “You did?”

     I nod my head.  “Yep, sure did.  Did you miss me?”

     “I always miss you, Karma.  You’re all I ever think about.”
  His eyes have that intense smoldering look, as he licks his lips.

     “Yeah r
ight,” I slap his arm playfully - trying to hide the way he can make my insides quiver - with just a look.

     “Do you want me to show you what I was thinking about?”  He grabs my hips
, and begins moving us towards my bedroom.  He kicks the door shut with his foot, pushes me onto the bed, and straddles me. 

“I was thinking about licking you from here,” he touches my forehead with his index finger.  He begins dragging his finger painstakingly slowly, down the center of my face, down my chest, and stopping at my center, “to here.”

     My breath hitches
, as he begins rubbing me though my jeans.  Even through the thick fabric, the sensation is mind boggling.  I arch my back off of the bed, as he trails hot kisses up and down the side of my neck.  God, the way he feels – the way he makes me feel- I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get enough of him.

     I turn my head so that his mouth covers mine.  Our hands are roaming over each other, as our tongues tangle.  Finally, I feel him pull away. 

     “I want you, now!”  He begins unbuttoning my jeans, as I do the same to him.  We frantically undress one another, letting our eyes trail over the other’s body.  It’s super hot!

     Within seconds he’s inside of me.  He’s not being as gentle with me
, as he was our first time, but I like it!  The way he’s taking control of my body - it’s hot!  We’re rocking against each other, and my headboard is banging against the wall.  We both find our release together, clinging onto one another.

     I sigh, and rest my head against his chest.  I fall to sleep, listening to the sound of his heart









     I hadn’t planned on going to sleep, but I’d been completely exhausted.  When Karma snuggled against me, I started combing my fingers through her long, silky hair, and I was out like a light.

     When I open my eyes, I’m greeted with her large gray eyes.  She has her head propped up on her hand, and she’s watching me.

     I’ve watched Karma sleep, plenty of times.  I love how peaceful she looks, but knowing she was watching me
- it’s a little unnerving.  Ah, what the hell?  If she wants to watch me sleep, then she can.

    I reach out and slide the back of my hand down her cheek.  “What time is it?”

     She looks over at the clock.  “It’s seven thirty.”

     Whoa, I’ve been asleep for two hours.  “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

     She shrugs her shoulders, and leans back against the wall.  “I was enjoying watching you sleep.”  She drags the sheet up, so that she’s covering herself.

     Screw that!  I grab hold of the sheet
- and in one swift movement - I drag it down, so that I can see her.  “These are way too perfect to be hidden.”  I groan, as I suck one of her nipples into my mouth.  She arches her back, and let’s out the sexiest little moan, I’ve ever heard.  It spurs me on.  I glide my tongue over and repeat the process with her other nipple.

     “Fuck Karma!  I can’t get enough of you.  You drive me crazy.”  I trail my lips up her body
, and claim her mouth.  God, the way she tastes.  She had to of been made especially for me.

     I pull her down onto the bed, and roll over, so that she’s on top.  “I want to see you, while I’m inside of you.”

     She reaches over the edge of the bed, and pulls a condom out of my jeans pocket.  My breath hisses between my teeth, as I watch her slowly roll it over me.  It’s sexy as hell!

     She leans over me and whispers in my ear.  “Whatever you want, Trent.”  She sucks my earlobe into her mouth, and I feel like I’m going to explode.  I push my hips up, as she presses hers down.  Once I’m completely buried in her heat, I still, and watch her.  Her head is tipped back
, and her eyes are closed, as she begins rocking her hips forward and backwards - grinding herself against me.

     “Open your eyes, Karma.  I want to see you.”  I twist a strand of her hair around my index finger. 

     She opens her gray eyes, and bites down on her bottom lip.  “Trent…”  Her voice is breathy, and it takes everything in me not to lose it, right now.  I don’t want to rush with her.  I want to take my time, and enjoy every square inch of her.

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