Seducing the Ruthless Rogue (55 page)

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Authors: Tammy Jo Burns

Tags: #Historical Regency Romance, #Scottish Historical Romance, #Historical Spy Romance

BOOK: Seducing the Ruthless Rogue
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“You killed my father, aren’t we even?” Cassie demanded, her voice husky with unshed tears.
She and Mack had only just realized their love for one another.
Were they to lose that now?

“Even?” She laughed hysterically.
“I refuse to marry the ‘Beast of Yorkshire’ and succumb to his cruelty.
There are rumors he has killed not one, or two, but three wives.
I refuse to be the fourth.
It seems if I don’t marry him, I can have no one.
So it is really quite simple, my life is ruined, I am going to ruin yours.
Mayhap I can comfort your husband in his time of sorrow.
‘The Scottish Bastard,’ isn’t that what they call him?
Yes, I think he will do just fine.”

Anger suffused Cassie, and that was her mistake.
She attacked Whitney, who stepped aside causing Cassie to lose her balance.
She windmilled trying to right herself, but slipped over the ledge.
She twisted just in time to hook her arms on the rock that was growing more wet and slick by the moment.
Whitney bent down and tried to pry her fingers up, but Cassie held fast and refused to give up on this life.

“Let go, you bitch!” Whitney yelled.
She lifted the butt of the gun and started to bring it down on of Cassie’s hands.
Cassie knew this was her only chance and she had to act quickly.
As Whitney brought the butt of the gun down, Cassie let go of the wall with one hand and grabbed the woman’s wrist, tugging on her.
The move caught Whitney off guard enough that she went flying over Cassie.

Cassie quickly gripped the wall once more, but felt as if her arms would be ripped out of their sockets a moment later.
She looked down to see that Whitney had somehow managed to grab onto her skirt.
Cassie tried to pull herself further up on the parapet, but her strength was quickly waning.
Her arms were shaking, and her fingers had begun to cramp.
If she had only herself to hold on for, she might be able to succeed.
She felt herself slide with every little jerk from below.
She thought she heard the ripping sound of fabric, but by the time it completely gave way, it would be too late.

“I love you, Mack,” she whispered just as her hands began the slide across the width of the wall.

“I’ve got you!
Gabe, help!”

“I’ve died, haven’t I?”

“Not yet, but I just might murder you when we get home.”

“Look out, she’s got a gun!” Gabe yelled.

Cassie did the only thing she could.
She kicked back her foot into the fabric of her torn skirt, setting Whitney to swinging.
The shot went wild and she heard a satisfying rip followed by a feeling of weightlessness.
Then she was lying on her husband’s brawny chest, being squeezed until she couldn’t breathe.

“Mack, she can’t breathe.”


“She can’t breathe.
Loosen your grip, man!”

Mack did only so he could kiss her senseless as rain poured down around them.
“I love you, and if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I will strangle you.
Do you ken?
Do you realize how easily you could have died?
You are the most stubborn, foolish woman I know, but I can’t live without you.
Do you ken?!”

“Aye, I ken,” she smiled down at him wickedly, despite their audience and kissed him with all the love she had for him.

“You’re wearing a pair of my pants.”

“I thought they might come in handy.
Imagine if I weren’t wearing them,” she waved at the nonexistent part of her dress.”

“Lord, help me,” Mack said, looking heavenward.
Just then, the rain stopped and the clouds parted revealing sunlight and a beautiful double rainbow.

“What do you think that means?” Mack nodded to the rainbows arching across the sky.

“I think it means we are going to be very, very lucky for the rest of our lives.”


Eight and a half months later…

Cassie and Mack sat in the study of their home as they were want to do most evenings.
Cassie’s feet lay propped on Mack’s lap, and he rubbed her swollen feet.
She winced and shifted.

“What’s wrong,” he asked anxiously.

“Nothing,” she waved away his concern and rubbed her huge, swollen belly.
“The babe is just restless this evening.”

“Are you sure that’s all it is?”

Mingzhu says all is fine.
Besides, I have that protest to attend tomorrow afternoon.”

“How do you know you’re fine?
Do you even speak Cantonese?
And you are not attending any more of those bloody gatherings.
Not until long after the babe is here.”

“Enough, now.
Quit worrying.
Oh, I have to share something with you.”

“You’re not going.”

“A letter came today,” she said, ignoring him.
She grabbed the book she was reading and freed the paper inside.
“It’s from Sally Forsythe.
She is one of the girls I addressed at the Bathurst’s party.”

More like set down.”

“Yes, well, do you want to hear it or not?”

“I must admit, my curiosity is piqued.”

She began to read, “
Dear Mrs. McKenzie,

My name is Sally Forsythe, and we met at the party given by Lord and Lady Bathurst.
Mrs. McKenzie, I write this letter to beg for your forgiveness for my behavior.
I have allowed Meredith and Alice to lead me around for much too long.
I looked into that ‘karma’ that you mentioned that night.
I fear that both Meredith and Alice have already succumbed to its affects.
Alice has run away to Gretna Green with a fortune hunter masquerading as an Italian count and Meredith has been sent to stay with a sick aunt for the next year.

Please, Mrs. McKenzie, I beg your and Director McKenzie’s forgiveness.
My family has spent all of the money we have left on my Season in hopes of me finding a good match and saving the family from financial ruin.
I have four sisters, all younger than me, that I must think of.
I sat with each of them and told them the importance of speaking kindly about people and never believing gossip and rumors.
We deserved everything you said that night.
We were naught but twittery chits with nothing more to think of than what ribbon best complimented our dress.
It was only after that incident, when my mother found out, that I discovered the true hopelessness of my family’s situation.

My family does not know I am writing this letter.
They now believe that all is a lost cause, and we will shortly be in the poorhouse.
I have a glimmer of hope, Mrs. McKenzie, for I believe that you are a truly generous woman, otherwise our punishment might have been much harsher.
Thank you for showing me that there is more than my small world.
I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well.


Sally Forsythe

“And what did you do?”

“I wrote her back and told her all was forgiven.
I even suggested I could introduce her to Mr. Preston.”

“You didn’t!”

“Why not?
He’s the youngest son of a marquess and has a bright future ahead of him.”

“I can’t believe you, Cassie.”

“I heard from Abby Thompson as well.
I’m afraid she has not fared so well.”


“She had the babe.
Unfortunately, it was stillborn.
She has been suffering from melancholy.
It seems the old woman she is a companion for has been quite a help to her through all this.
Her health has improved and she acts almost as a doting grandmother to Jemma.
She has also helped Abby through her difficult time and loss.
She also said she didn’t know how long they would be staying there, as the woman’s grandson is rumored to be returning.”
She caught Mack’s thoughtful, worried look.
“The babe and I will be fine.
Abby was malnourished for so long.
And remember, Mingzhu is now part of our household.”
She reached over and took his hand squeezing it.
“Mikala stopped by,” she said, changing the subject.
“She said that rumor has it that Penelope Presley is headed to Yorkshire.”

Ever since her sister had tried to kill Cassie, the Presley family had been watched very carefully.

“Poor girl.
Perhaps it won’t be as bad as she believes.”
“Let’s go to bed.
I find I’m tired.”

“It’s early yet, not even eight.”

“I know.” She grinned wickedly, holding her hand out to her husband.


Cassie woke that night needing to make use of the water closet.
Her body felt sluggish.
“Mack, help me up.”


“I need to use the water closet.”
Mack got up and came around to help her up.
Halfway across the floor she felt a gush and turned back to look at Mack.
He was already nodding off, sitting on the side of the bed, waiting for her return.
“Mack, I think you need to get Mingzhu.”


“If I’m not mistaken, the babe is coming.”


Six hours later

“Mack, I cannot and will not do it.”

“Do what?” Mack asked, stopping his pacing in the study.

“I cannot stay in that room a moment longer.
Do you know what that woman is doing to your wife?
She’s driving needles into her!
And Cassie is just letting her.
It is inhumane, and I will not watch it happen a moment longer.”

“But someone has to be with her.”

“I’m not going,” Gabe said.

He heard his name yelled from up above and knew he had to go.
He took the stairs two at a time, and entered the room to see his wife straining to push their child into the world.
Thin needles did indeed dot her skin in places.

“Cassie darlin’, how do you feel?”

“I’ve been better,” she laughed huskily.
“I know Mikala couldn’t take it anymore, but the needles help the pain.”

“Whatever you need, sweetheart.”

“Oh,” she moaned.

“Another one?”
She nodded.
Mack was unsure what to do, so he perched behind her and helped her sit while she pushed.
Mingzhu stood at the end of the bed shaking her head and jabbering.
“What is she saying?”

“She wants me to move to the chair.
Says the baby will come easier.
Mack, I’m so tired.”

“Then we move you to the chair.
You’ve been at this for hours.
How long have you been pushing?”

“I don’t know,” she shook her head.

“Then we put our faith in Mingzhu.”
He helped her out of the bed and halfway to the chair another contraction overtook her.
“Don’t push here.”

“I can’t help it,” she growled, holding onto him.
“Ah!” she groaned.

“What’s wrong?” he asked fearfully.

“I feel like all my insides fell.”
Mingzhu bent down and started clapping.
“She sees the top of the head.”

“Do you want to stay where you are?”

“I can’t, too tired.”
He helped her to moved to the birthing chair that had a gaping whole in the seat.
“Mack, I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

He stood behind her and let her brace herself against him as she continued the arduous task of bringing their child into the world.
Less than ten minutes later, the baby slipped into the hands of the old Cantonese woman with just a whimper.
She bundled the babe and passed it over to Cassie.
Cassie pulled back the blanket and studied her son with her husband looking over her shoulder.

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