Seducing the Ruthless Rogue (52 page)

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Authors: Tammy Jo Burns

Tags: #Historical Regency Romance, #Scottish Historical Romance, #Historical Spy Romance

BOOK: Seducing the Ruthless Rogue
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One more letter was addressed to her.
A box wrapped in string was attached to it.
She opened the envelope, pulled out the letter, and read it.
A chill raced through her body.

I’m finished playing games.
If you want to keep your husband alive, meet me at the Tower tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock.
Should you not be there, I will assume that you do not care what happens to him.
Don’t worry, I know what you look like and will find you.
Enjoy your present.

Cassie slowly opened the box lid, and peeked inside.
A dead rat lay within, its beady eyes sightlessly staring.
She swallowed convulsively and slammed the lid back into place.
Cassie jumped out of her seat, grabbed the envelope, and raced to the door.


“Yes, ma’am?”

“This letter?
When did it come?”

“With the others ma’am, right before I brought them to you.”

“It did not come separately?
It was attached to the box.”

“I am mistaken, Mrs. McKenzie.
It was the oddest thing.
When I opened the door to receive the post, this letter was laying on the stoop and it was tied up with string, just as you said.”

“Why didn’t you bring it then?”

“As I said, the regular post arrived and then as I shut the door I heard a crash from the kitchens.
I put down the mail to see what had happened.
Then one of the maids had a question for me.
Cook then needed to speak to me.
By the time I remembered the post, I had forgotten about that one item being tied up like a Christmas goose until just now.”

“Thank you, Chilton.”

“Is there anything that you need assistance with?”

“No, that will be all.”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. McKenzie.
I should have brought that right away and told you about it.”

“Chilton, don’t apologize.
These things happen.”

Cassie went back to the desk and sat down.
She thrummed her fingernails along the desktop, and worried her lower lip.
Nine o’clock at the Tower.
What did this person have in mind?
And why did they all of a sudden decide to change their focus to her?
Better yet, how was she going to slip out of the house without her shadows?

“Cassie darlin’, I’m home!”

Chapter 28

She stuffed the envelope, letter, and box in a drawer and closed it just as Mack entered the study.
Cassie moved quickly across the room and launched herself at him.
She could feel his chest rumble against hers as he laughed.
She relished the feel of him in her arms.

“It’s good to see you, too,” he chuckled, kissing her neck.
His slight beard from days of not shaving tickled and she reacted as such.
“Ticklish are ye?”
He repeated the kiss on the other side.

“I’ve missed you,” Cassie said, capturing his face in her hands and brushing a tender kiss against his lips.

“I really think you have.”

“I have, Mack.”
She rested her forehead against his, her feet still dangled slightly off the floor.

“Ach, I’ve missed your smell and your silver hair.
That laugh.
Those eyes.”

“It sounds as if you missed all the parts of me.”
She wriggled so that he loosened his grip on her, and she once again found herself standing on her own two feet.
His arms, clasped loosely about her waist, still held her close.
She rested her arms along his and held his firm biceps.

“I’ve missed you.
How are you feeling?”


“No lingering effects from the migraine?”

“No, which is typical.
I simply can’t function for a few days and then I’m better.”

Then what do you say we take our reunion upstairs?”

Cassie looked at him and saw that he looked wary as to what her response might be.
It had been at least five days since her migraine and several more before that since they last shared a bed.
She raised her right hand to caress his cheek.
The one she had used to inflict the wound months ago upon him while seeking the maps that would save her father’s life.
Since then the cut healed completely, leaving no discernible mark behind.
And despite her father’s murder, she could not say that it had all been for naught, for it had firmly landed her on Mack’s lap.


“You go on up to our room.
I’ll meet you up there momentarily.”

“Our room?”

“You know, the one with the larger bed,” she said huskily.

He dropped a kiss on her lips and stiffly walked out of the room.

Cassie followed him and stood admiring his retreating form for a few moments before seeking out Chilton.
She gave him several instructions before climbing the stairs herself.
She entered the bedroom to see Mack fighting with his cravat.
Cassie crossed the room.
“Allow me.”
She began working with the knot.
“Footmen will be up shortly with your bath.”

“You’ve been sleeping in here.”



“A wife usually sleeps in her husband’s bed, does she not?”

“Yes, but—”

“Mack, I agree that we have a lot to say to one another, but it can’t all be said between now and the arrival of your bath water.
And I for one do not want to be interrupted once we start.”

“You are a wise woman, wife.”

“I know.”
She winked at him.
She continued playing valet for him.
When he was down to only his breeches a knock sounded on the door, and she crossed to open it.
“Come in.” She stepped back to allow a footman to enter.
He carried a large tray with food and drinks.
“Place it on that table please.” Cassie pointed to a small, circular table that could be used for many things, including intimate meals.

“Chilton asked me to tell you the bath is ready, sir.”

“Thank you,” Mack replied.
The man bowed and left the room.
Mack looked at Cassie and said, “I know I should feel guilty about having these people to do my bidding, but I just can’t seem to manage it.”

“I have been having the same difficulty.
It’s much nicer than sponging off in tepid water.”

Come keep me company.”
He linked his fingers with hers and pulled her across the room.

Mack shucked his pants and Cassie bit her lip as she studied her husband.
How could any one man be so bloody perfect?
Did he have any idea how much she loved him?
Her heart felt as if it would burst with love for him.
She would do whatever she must to save his life.
Besides, England needed him so much more than she did.
Cassie quickly dashed the tears she felt threatening to fall and slipped her dress over her head as he stepped into the hot water.
Not planning on going anywhere, she had refused to put on stockings, so she stood before him in only her shift.

“Ahhh,” he said as he leaned back in the hot water.

“You’re so handsome,” she whispered.

His eyes opened as he gave her a wicked wink, but widened when he saw her standing before him in the sheer fabric.

“I thought I would help you soap.
You have places that are difficult to reach, don’t you?
Perhaps you would like me to rub the knots out of your muscles?” she innocently asked.
Before her eyes she watched his body come to life.
“I don’t think that will be difficult to take care of,” she suggested naughtily, nodding towards his manhood.
She watched his knuckles turn white as he gripped the sides of the bath.
Cassie eyed the cloth and the soap.
She took both and dipped them in the water near his feet then lathered the cloth and replaced the soap in its dish.
“Foot, please.”
She waited until his foot was in her hand.
“Have you saved all of England once again?”

“Wha…what?” he stuttered.

“Did you save all of England?”

“Oh, aye.”

Cassie continued soaping and massaging his foot, calf, and knee.
“Other leg.”
She began to show the same care to the other one.
“You were gone for three days.”


“I appreciate the notes that you sent.
It kept me from worrying so much.”

“It was…ah…”


“Um, oh, yes.
They were supposed to keep you from worrying at all.”

“A wife can’t help but worry over her husband.
Well, at least this one does.
Do you want to talk about it?
I promise I will never reveal your secrets to anyone, but I just thought, it must be difficult knowing all that you do and not having anyone to share it with.
Other arm.”

“Aye, it is a lonely life.”
Did I just say that
? he thought.
Never before had he admitted how alone he sometimes felt, never being able to trust anyone.
But he loved this woman who was ministering to his physical well-being.
It was time to trust her with his emotional and mental states as well.
“We infiltrated a spy ring.
The largest yet.
They were good.
There was quite a bit we had to fix.”

“But it is done?
Lean forward.”
She knelt beside the bath.

At least for now.”

“Mack, do you have dreams?” she asked and brushed a kiss on first one shoulder blade then the other before pushing him backwards.

“At night?”

Do you want to be Director of the War Office your entire life?”

“I used to think not, but now I don’t know.
I’ve toyed with the the idea of trying to become a member of parliament, perhaps even prime minister.
I want to affect changes, not be the one ordered to make changes I don’t believe in.
For example, this bloody war with the Americans.
I can’t really blame them for wanting to fight.
It is like you said, we are ruining their economy and capturing their men and making them fight for our cause.
At the same time, I see why it has to be done.”

“No one said war was easy.
If I might be honest, I think you would become tired of politics.
You don’t strike me as a man willing to do anything for a vote to be cast in your favor.”

“Aye, you have a point.”

Cassie added more lather to the cloth then soaped his chest.
She watched as the bubbles clung to the hairs on his chest.
She relished his reaction when the cloth swept over his nipples.

“I’ve thought of starting a business,” he croaked.


Businesses need protection as do the men heading these businesses.
That is basically what I do now.
I work at keeping people safe.”

“Mack, I think that is an excellent idea.
And you would be much safer,” she leaned over and kissed him.
The cloth and her hand swept below the water line.

“Cassie, what are you doing?”

“I’m seducing my ruthless rogue,” she whispered against his lips.
Her cloth covered hand followed the narrowing trail of hair until it led her to the proof of his desire for her.
He groaned and kissed her voraciously as, with the cloth still between her hand and his velvety length, she drug it ever so gently until she reached the tip.
She captured the groan that escaped him into her mouth.
Cassie repeated the caress of her hand and his hips jerked upwards in reaction.

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