Authors: Maya Banks
Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Christian, #Romance Contemporary, #Best Friends
Seducing Simon
She elbowed him in the gut, eliciting an “oof” as he moved away from her. “Well you did a bang up job,” she said, glowering at him.
“She’s going to go stay with her mom in Houston so she can be close to the hospital where she’ll undergo treatment,” he said as he pulled Toni back to him.
“Well, I wished her gone often enough, but this isn’t the way I envisioned her going,” she said softly.
“I know.”
With effort, Toni slipped from Simon’s embrace. “Where are the guys anyway?”
“They got called in,” he said with a grin.
“And you didn’t?” she asked in surprise.
“Well…” he drawled out the word, making it two syllables. “I did, but I said I had something important planned.”
“Such as?” she asked raising her eyebrows.
“An evening with you,” he murmured.
She moved closer to him again, raising her lips to his. “I like the way you think.”
He swatted her on the butt. “Go get changed so we can go get something to eat.”
She grinned at him and headed for her bathroom.
Thirty minutes later, they drove into Beaumont and went into a restaurant just off the interstate. They talked casually over the meal, but Toni felt his eyes on her the entire time. Delicious chills spread down her back as his gaze caressed her. Had she been successful? Did he want her as badly as she wanted him?
She had to tell him about the baby soon. She wouldn’t wait until the last minute. She wanted him to get used to the idea before she gave
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Face it, Toni. You want the fairy tale delivery complete with proud
papa coaching you through the contractions
It wasn’t bad as fantasies go and she desperately wanted the three of them to be a family. But first, she wanted to make damn sure Simon wanted her separate from any obligation he had to their child.
She blinked as Simon paid the check then held out a hand to help her up. He tucked her fingers into his and led her out to the truck.
“What now?” she asked, surprised at how breathless she sounded.
“We can do whatever you want, but I thought an evening with the house to ourselves might be great. We could rent some movies or watch some TV. I give a mean foot massage,” he said, winking at her.
“Sounds heavenly,” she murmured. But she was fixated on home and alone. She gulped nervously and slid into the truck. She remembered all too well what happened the last time they were home alone.
They drove home in silence. As they walked into the darkened house, Simon flipped on the kitchen light, leaving the living room still in the shadows. “Go have a seat. I’ll fix us something to drink.” She trudged over to the couch, her feet the weight of led. Anticipation bubbled and swelled in her stomach. She was terrified.
Simon set a glass of juice on the coffee table in front of her then settled down next to her. Silence loomed over them like a heavy fog. She sipped at the juice then suddenly found it taken from her grasp.
She looked over at Simon in surprise as he removed the glass and returned it to the table. “Toni…” He paused for a long moment. “I think it best if I’m up front and very honest with you about what I’m feeling right now. I don’t want you to think I’m sneaking up on you or something.” Her puzzlement growing, she gave him a blank stare, wondering at his hesitancy. But what she saw in his eyes gave her the most pause.
Desire. Warm and liquid. Burning brightly in the emerald depths.
Seducing Simon
She sucked in her breath feeling curiously lightheaded. He had only looked at her like that one time before and tonight there was no way he could confuse her with Starla.
“More than anything,” he began softly. “I want to make love to you, Toni. I’ve thought of little else in the last few weeks. You’ve haunted my dreams, and I’ve gone crazy wondering what it would be like to touch you, love you.”
Her heart pounded wildly and her chest tightened almost unbearably.
Only in her wildest dreams had he said such words. She didn’t trust herself to speak so she did the only thing she could manage. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him with all the need, desire and longing she had felt for so long.
He groaned deep in his throat and tore his lips away. “Are you sure?” he asked hoarsely.
“I’m very sure,” she said softly.
He pulled her to him, tangling his hands in her hair as he took possession of her lips once more. Gently, he curled his arm underneath her legs and stood up, sweeping her into his arms. Never taking his lips from hers, he walked into her bedroom and kicked the door shut with his foot.
At the bed, he laid her on the covers and stood staring down at her, his eyes blazing with need. She swallowed as he pulled his shirt over his head, his muscles rippling with the effort.
She couldn’t tear her eyes from him, his large arms, his broad chest with just a hint of hair in the hollow of his breast plate. She followed the line of hair down to his navel, resenting the waistband of his pants for preventing her gaze from dropping lower.
As if sensing her chagrin, he unbuttoned his pants and slowly unzipped them. Her breath caught in her throat as he slid his jeans
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down his legs. Her eyes yanked back up to meet his, and she shivered under his intense stare. There was not a single part of her that felt untouched by his penetrating gaze.
Finally, he hooked his thumbs in his underwear and pulled them down. She stared unabashedly at his erection. If she had any doubt before that he wanted her, it was now hastily removed.
The bed dipped as he slid his naked body over her fully clothed one.
His skin felt warm, rugged, and decidedly masculine under her hands as she stroked her fingers up his back and over his shoulders.
“I want this to be perfect,” he rasped, kissing her lips, her chin, her nose, her neck.
He slid a hand under her shirt, seeking the clasp of her bra. Soon it fell loose and he smoothed his fingers over the swell of her breast, seeking the taut nipple. She moaned as he thumbed the stiff peak.
Sparks of pleasure radiated over her body in lightning speed.
He shifted over her, settling his weight on one elbow. With his free hand, he shoved impatiently at her shirt, pushing it over her head then pulling it free, bearing her breasts to his avid gaze.
Her nipples tightened unbearably as his mouth hovered temptingly over one. “Please,” she whispered.
“Please what?” he murmured, blowing hot air over the tip.
She groaned. “Taste it,” she pleaded.
He sucked the nipple between his teeth and laved his tongue over it.
She arched spasmodically, unable to control the liquid heat that snaked through her body.
Not releasing her nipple, he reached down to shove at her pants, working them over her hips. Soon she wore only her thin panties. “You are so damn beautiful.” He looked down at her as if memorizing every nuance of her body.
Seducing Simon
Then he bent and pressed a kiss to the swell of her stomach, molding it with his hands. Tears sprang to her eyes as he lavished attention on her body. How perfect this was. Nothing could make the moment any better.
Gently, his hand worked into her underwear, shoving it down and out of the way. He parted her legs, giving him easier access to the soft curls between her thighs. “I’m going to make love to you all night. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it,” he whispered as he pressed his lips to hers again.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, trapping him against her.
Her body squirmed, restless, hot, aching, needing. She wanted what only he could give her.
She felt flushed, sexy, alive. Like she was the only woman in the world. The only woman he would ever want. It was a heady feeling. She was lost in the electric sensations of his lovemaking.
As he moved over her, covering her with his body and nudging her legs apart with his thigh, she arched into him once again. She gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into the thick muscles as he slowly entered her. His eyes were fastened to hers, locking them together as he moved into her, making them one.
Tears glistened on her eyelashes and she tried to blink them away.
He kissed them away instead as he came to a stop within her.
It was even better than before. He was making love to her. Not anyone else. He saw only her.
She locked her legs around his hips, seeking to seat him further inside her. He moaned a delicious, desperate sound. A man valiantly trying to maintain control over his raging need. She smiled, a temptress confident in her ability to drive him mad.
She began to move restlessly against him, spurring him to more action. He growled possessively and kissed her savagely, moving forward
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with deep, soul wrenching thrusts. But his touch was gentle, his hands touching her almost reverently as if afraid she’d shatter into a million pieces. And she felt dangerously close to doing just that.
Her release built slowly, then faster, higher and more powerful until she feared she could take no more. Then suddenly as she heard him call out her name—
her name
—she burst into flames, the explosion within her violent. She clutched desperately at him, wanting to anchor herself to him amidst the storm.
His lips, his hands, moved over her like feathers, his soothing words a balm to her heated skin. He caught her against him as he found his own release. They lay there, wrapped tightly around each other, neither moving, neither breaking the moment.
She closed her eyes, holding back the tears of exquisite pleasure.
Everything she had ever dreamed of. Here in her arms. Her bed. Her heart.
I love you
For a moment she thought she spoke the words aloud, but Simon remained quiet against her, his hand idly stroking her hair. “I never imagined,” he said in wonder.
She had. Oh yes, she had.
“And yet it all seemed so familiar,” he continued on, his voice catching oddly.
She stiffened beside him, her heart pounding wildly.
He kissed her again and she relaxed, giving over to the demand of his lips. “Are you all right? Was I too rough?” he asked in concern as he cupped her stomach.
She smiled and kissed him, effectively silencing him. “If I was any righter, I’d die.”
He grinned wickedly at her. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you enjoyed yourself.”
Seducing Simon
She pretended to give it considerable thought. “I may have to try it a few more times before I can give you a better opinion.” He laughed. “Minx. Before tonight’s over with, you’ll know without a doubt.”
Maya Banks
Toni hummed under her breath as she puttered around the veterinarian office. She smiled a secret smile, her giddiness nearly overtaking her.
In the weeks following the night she and Simon had made love, their relationship had been nothing short of pure magic. They were together constantly, and they’d used every opportunity available to make sweet, passionate love.
Even now she melted in remembrance of his possessive kisses. He could love her. He truly could. She believed that now. She was confidant he saw her as more than little Toni Langston. She had actually gotten him to notice her.
She patted her swollen belly and grinned idiotically. At six months pregnant, she’d gained a healthy bulge, and she delighted in it. Simon’s baby.
She frowned slightly. She had to tell him. Yeah, she’d been saying that for a long time now, but she’d have to do it soon. A flutter of uncertainty engulfed her stomach sending it into spasms of nervousness.
The right time. She’d wait for the right time.
“Mornin’, Toni,” Marnie sang out as she rounded the corner into the front reception area.
Toni crooked a brow and smiled as the older woman all but danced to the desk. “Mornin’. What’s got you so chipper this morning?”
Seducing Simon
Marnie’s eyes twinkled in delight. “Are you still thinking to move out of your house?”
“Yeah. Matt’s getting married.”
“I know of a place that’s coming open in a week, but you’ll need to act fast and put a deposit down on it.”
Toni sucked in her breath. That was a lot sooner than she’d wanted, but she’d already done some preliminary looking, and the fact was, there wasn’t a whole lot to rent in Cypress. Beaumont was looking more and more like it was the only option available to her, and she didn’t want to move that far from everyone.
“Where is it?” she asked.
Marnie smiled again. “John’s moving out of his house, and he rents it from the widow Jameson. He’ll be out at the end of this week, and she plans to run an ad early next week. If you wanted though, you could run by and look at it, and if you liked it, you could talk to Ms. Jameson about renting it.”
“Wait a minute,” Toni said suspiciously, a broad smile beginning.
“Just why is John moving out of the house he’s rented for the last ten years?”
Marnie actually blushed. “Because he’s moving in with me.”
“Marnie you old devil!” Toni exclaimed. “How long have you two had a thing going anyway?”
“Oh awhile,” she said vaguely, her blush deepening. “How about it though, you interested? I could run you by the house. John wouldn’t mind you taking a look.”
Toni blew out her breath. It was a good opportunity and only a mile or so from her current house. She’d be close to work still and close to the guys. “I’ll run by and take a look after work if that’s okay,” she finally said.
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“Sure. I’ll call John and tell him you’ll be over.”
“Thanks, Marnie. I appreciate it.”
As Toni bent back over the paperwork she was filing, she cursed under her breath. Simon was coming by after work and they were supposed to go eat. She’d just have to bring him along. His opinion might be worth having since sooner or later he’d have to look for a place to live as well. And maybe, just maybe… She wouldn’t count her chickens before they hatched.