Seducing Simon (22 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Christian, #Romance Contemporary, #Best Friends

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“I hope she wasn’t too upset,” Simon said. Her tear-filled eyes were more than he could bear.

A.J. rolled his eyes. “Let’s see. The guy she loves is carried out of a burning building and rushed to a hospital. No. I don’t think she was too upset.” He paused and looked intently back at Simon. Simon realized then that A.J. had been just as worried.

“I’m okay, man. I swear it.”

“You took a few years off my life when I had to go back in after you,” A.J. admitted. “All I could think about was what if I couldn’t get you and Matt out. I sure as hell wasn’t going to leave you in there.”

“Thanks, A.J.” Simon reached out and grasped A.J.’s arm. A.J.

hesitated then he wrapped his beefy arms around Simon, nearly squeezing the breath out of him. “You’d do the same for me,” he said gruffly.

“Damn straight,” Simon said with a nod. He frowned. “Maybe you should go look for Toni. She didn’t look too good when she left.”

“Don’t mess this up, Simon,” A.J. said quietly. “You know how she feels now. Don’t wait too long to do something about it.”


Seducing Simon

Chapter Twenty-One

She loved him. It was only beginning to sink in on him. The enormity of what she had said. He remembered all too clearly her earnest declaration, her heart in her eyes. It had humbled in a way nothing else ever had.

Simon sat back on the couch, watching Toni and A.J. haphazardly decorate the Christmas tree. Since he and Matt had been released two days ago, Toni had all but moved back in to fuss over them. He liked having her back around. He’d missed her even though he had spent so much time at her new place. And in her bed.

She loved him. He marveled at how such a sentiment made him feel.

Starla had professed love for him, but it hadn’t made him
like this.

He watched her every movement, how her shirt snuck up over her gently rounded abdomen when she reached to put an ornament high on the tree. A fierce wave of possessiveness stole over him with lightning speed.

She was his. Or was she? She loved him, but what about the father of her baby? Months after her shocking announcement, she remained as tight-lipped as ever about the father’s identity. Had he hurt her that bad?

Or had she screwed up that bad?

His mind swirled with questions. Questions he needed answers to if he and Toni were going to have a future. He grinned as she swatted A.J.

and scolded him for putting the angel on crooked. Yes, they had to have


Maya Banks

a future. He couldn’t imagine one—his future—without her. She’d become as integral to him as breathing. He loved her.

His chest tightened. God, yes, he loved her. Hadn’t he always? He frowned. Thinking back, there wasn’t a time he hadn’t felt deeply for her.

Even when he dated other women, he’d always imagined he wanted someone like Toni. And when Starla betrayed him, all he could think was that Toni would never have let him down like that.

Was he ready to put it all on the line again like he’d almost done with Starla? The answer was a resounding yes. Toni was very different than Starla. Toni loved him. Toni was the kind of girl every guy dreamed of having.

A slow smile worked the corners of his mouth upward. Soon his jaw ached from the wide smile he wore. Yeah, she was his future. He loved her, and he’d love her child. Their child. His mind went to work, pondering when the best time would be to put into action his plan.

Toni glanced over at Simon to see his face split into a silly grin. She paused hanging ornaments and arched her brow. “Are we that amusing?” she asked.

His face grew serious. “You’re gorgeous. I love watching you.” She flushed, feeling heat creep over her skin. He’d never been very demonstrative in front of Matt and A.J., though both knew a great deal about their relationship, including keeping quiet about the number of nights Simon spent at Toni’s house.

A.J. rolled his eyes. “Could you two cut it out? I just ate.”

“Why don’t you get back to hanging ornaments?” she said, scowling at him. “A woman can never hear she’s gorgeous too many times.

Especially when said woman is as big as a house.” She looked ruefully down at her full belly.


Seducing Simon

“Come here,” Simon said crooking his finger at her. His eyes were dark, his expression almost angry.

She walked over to where he sat on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table. He caught her around the waist and pulled her down to him. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured. “Belly and all.” He brushed his lips across hers, nibbling at the corners of her mouth.

She sighed, allowing herself to get lost in his kiss. It was easy to forget everything in his arms. Revel in the fact he was home and okay.

But now she was faced with reality. She had to tell him the truth, and she had to do it now. As soon as she got the opportunity and not a minute later.

He pulled her onto his lap and held her against his chest. She smiled and cuddled further into his embrace. “I guess I get to finish this monstrosity by myself,” A.J. grumbled.

“You’re a doll, A.J.,” she said, grinning at him.

“Yeah, yeah. A regular Cabbage Patch.”

“I need to check on Matt,” she said, reluctantly pulling away from Simon. “He’s been asleep for awhile, and I want to make sure he doesn’t need more pain medication.”

“He’s fine,” Simon said, pulling her back into his arms. “I like you just where you’re at.”

“What do you say we have dinner at my place tomorrow night?” she asked lightly. Her stomach turned viciously. She’d use the opportunity to tell him her awful secret. She wiped her hands on her jeans, wanting to rid herself of the clammy feeling.

“I think that’s the best idea you’ve had all day,” he said softly. “I think there’s a few things we need to talk about.” Her heart sped up. What did he mean? He couldn’t possibly know.

Stop. Of course he couldn’t know. But he would tomorrow night because


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she wasn’t going to put it off another day. She only prayed when he found out the truth he wouldn’t hate her.

Simon got up early the next morning, a sense of purpose marking his movements. He still ached a bit from the accident, but he’d been damn lucky he hadn’t been laid up for a long time. Or worse, been unable to return to work. Even Matt would be returning to the job in a few days.

“Where’s the fire?” A.J. asked, as Simon hurriedly ate a bowl of cereal. He sauntered in and sat next to Simon at the bar.

“Bad joke,” Simon said sourly.

A.J. laughed. “I guess so. So what’s up? Aren’t you supposed to be resting?”

Simon took a deep breath. “I need to go shopping for a ring. I plan to ask Toni to marry me tonight.”

A.J.’s face split into a wide grin. “Hot damn. It’s about time.” He grinned crookedly. “Now let’s hope she says yes.” A.J. looked at him like he’d started singing opera or something. “No way she’ll say no. That girl has it bad for you.” Simon smiled. “Yeah well, I have it just as bad for her. I love her,” he added.

“That’s great, man. Congratulations. Looks like both you and Matt will be taking the leap.”

Simon searched A.J.’s face for any sign of animosity. “So how do you feel about that?”


Seducing Simon

A.J. looked surprised for a moment. “I’m thrilled. Especially for you and Toni. She’s a great girl. I was ready to kick your ass if you didn’t get a clue real soon.”

“Yeah, well, I can’t believe it took me this long to realize it,” he said ruefully.

“What are you going to do about…uh, you know, the baby?” A.J.


“Tell me something, A.J. And level with me. Has she ever told you who the father is?”

“No, she hasn’t. I’ve asked her enough times, but the subject has been off limits.”

Simon drew in his breath. He hoped it wasn’t a case of Toni being in love with the asshole who got her pregnant. For all he knew she could have told the jerk she was pregnant, and he could have blown her off. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished it was my baby she was carrying,” he said quietly. “It would certainly make things easier. And if I’m honest, I’m jealous as hell at the idea of another guy being with her.”

“I can understand that,” A.J. replied empathetically. “Does it bother you a lot that she’s pregnant with someone else’s baby? I mean will it affect how you feel about the baby?”

“It doesn’t matter to me, but we’re going to have to talk about it,” he said. “I need to know this guy isn’t going to be turning up in a few months.”

“Well good luck, dude. And congratulations. I don’t imagine she’ll turn you down.” He winked at Simon and got up. “I’m gonna go check in on Matt. Let me know how it goes.”

“Thanks, A.J.”

Simon collected his keys and headed for his truck. He had a lot to do before going over to Toni’s tonight.


Maya Banks

At six, Simon pulled into Toni’s driveway and parked his truck. He felt for the ring in his pocket before getting out and heading to her front door.

When she opened it, he pulled her into his arms, loving the way she felt, the way she fit so perfectly under his chin. He tilted her head up and kissed her delectable full lips. She tasted sensational. He could spend the rest of the evening sampling her mouth.

She shivered against him, and he quickly shut the door behind him.

“Sorry,” he apologized. “Didn’t mean to keep you standing in the doorway.”

She smiled up at him, nearly taking his breath away. He longed to taste her dimples. Christ. He was obsessed with tasting all over her tonight.

“It’s cold tonight.”

He nodded and shrugged out of his coat, hanging it by the door.

“Yeah, weird huh. Weather said a real doozy of a cold front was heading through in the next few days.”

She shook her head as they walked into the living room. “Two days ago it was in the seventies.”

“Anything you want me to help you with?” he asked, as they made their way into the kitchen. He sniffed the air appreciatively. “Smells good.”

She smiled again, and his eyes roved over her glowing skin.

Pregnancy definitely agreed with her. Her skin was positively lickable. It was a tempting idea to keep her pregnant all the time once they were


Seducing Simon

married. He smiled at his arrogance. He was sure she wasn’t going to refuse.

He put his arms around her while she stirred at the stove. Quite simply he couldn’t keep his hands off her. He loved the feel of her in his arms. He’d never considered himself to be an overly possessive person, but what he felt around Toni defied reasonable explanation. He wanted to spend the rest of his life taking care of her. Loving her, laughing with her, making wicked love to her.

She turned in his arms and kissed him lightly on the lips. “You can set the table if you like. Supper will be done in a few minutes.”

“You mean you aren’t on the menu?” he murmured as he kissed his way down her neck.

She laughed, though it sounded forced. Her eyes skirted away from him briefly. “Is something wrong?” he asked.

“No, not at all,” she said brightly. “Go on and set the table. I need to take the rolls out of the oven.”

He collected two plates from the cabinet then retrieved forks and knives from the dishwasher. After he set them on the table, he poured two glasses of tea. “Here, let me,” he said, taking the heavy pot from her.

He carried it over to the table while she collected the colander to drain the pasta.

They settled down at the table and served up plates of spaghetti. He barely managed to suppress a smile at the thought of presenting the ring to her. After supper, he told himself. They could cozy up in the living room, and he’d pour out his heart to her.

As he helped her clear away the dishes, he sensed she was on edge.

“Go on in the living room. I’ll finish up in here,” he said, rubbing her shoulders.


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As he watched her go, he experienced a moment of unease. Why was she so uptight? It could be a pregnancy thing. Maybe her back hurt.

Whatever the case, he hoped his proposal provided a quick fix.

Toni escaped to the living room nearly in full-blown panic. The evening had been perfect. Just perfect. Too perfect. And now she was going to ruin it by giving Simon the shock of his life.

She paced back and forth as she waited for him to make an appearance. Her stomach was in knots, and she feared she was going to have to make a dash to the bathroom to puke. God, why had she ever gotten herself into this mess? Why hadn’t she confessed what had happened the very next morning?

She looked up in dismay when Simon walked into the living room, a gentle smile on his face. He walked up to her, his eyes glowing warmly.

She nearly melted in a puddle at his feet when he took her in his arms and kissed her lingeringly. “Supper was fantastic,” he murmured. “But now that it’s over, there’s something I want to talk to you about.” She gave a nervous laugh. “How funny because there’s something I wanted to talk to you about too.”

“Me first,” he said.

She gulped and nodded. He led her over to the couch and sat down beside her. He collected her hand in his and pressed a kiss to her upturned palm. “I love you, Toni.”

His blunt statement made her jaw drop. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. How she’d dreamed of him saying those words. And here he was, holding her gently, gazing at her in adoration and saying those three little words. And she felt like the biggest heel in the world.

“I think I’ve loved you for a very long time,” he admitted. “But it took you trying to get my notice that made me examine my feelings for you.

And then at the hospital when you told me you loved me, it made me


Seducing Simon

realize how
I was. And how stupid I’d been not to have made you mine a long time ago.”

A single tear slipped down her cheek, and he thumbed it gently out of the way. She wanted to squeeze her eyes shut, look away, anywhere but into his eyes. If someone had laid a cement block on her chest, she couldn’t feel any more weighted down. She didn’t deserve him.

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