Seducing Simon (14 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Christian, #Romance Contemporary, #Best Friends

BOOK: Seducing Simon
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His eyes widened. “Let me get Simon and Matt. We need to get you to the hospital.”

She caught his arm as he turned. “No.”

“Why not?” he demanded.

“Shhh,” she hissed. “I don’t want to make a big scene. I don’t want to ruin Matt and Stephanie’s moment, and Simon is busy talking to Starla.

Can you just take me home? Simon can get a ride with either Starla or Matt.”


Maya Banks

“I’m taking you to the hospital,” he said stubbornly.

She gritted her teeth. “First I want to go home so I can call my OB. It may be nothing. I’ve read that spotting is common with pregnant women.

I just want to be safe.”

“Then come on,” he said, taking her arm and leading her toward the truck.

They climbed into the truck and A.J. backed up and roared off. “I don’t like this,” he said. “I should be taking you to the hospital.”

“And maybe you will. I just want to see what my doctor has to say. I just didn’t want to make a big to do in front of everyone back there.”

“Was it the fall?” he demanded.

“I don’t know,” she said honestly. “I don’t know anything at all.” As if sensing how close she was to losing what semblance of control she had, he reached across and squeezed her hand tightly. “It’ll be okay, Toni.” But she could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

When they got home, A.J. ushered her in. “Sit down on the couch. I’ll bring you the phone.”

She sat down in the corner of the couch and curled her feet underneath her. Her hand smoothed over her stomach, feeling the bulge.

Tears stung her eyelids, and she blinked rapidly to keep them at bay.

She couldn’t lose her baby. She’d never even told Simon it was his.

A.J. sat down beside her and handed her the phone. He placed his hand on her back and rubbed up and down in an effort to comfort her as she punched in the number for her doctor.

After leaving a message with his answering service, she hung up and looked helplessly over at A.J. “I can’t lose this baby, A.J.”

“I know, sweetheart,” he said enfolding her in his arms. He rocked her back and forth rubbing up and down her back. “Are you sure you don’t want me to just take you in to the ER and get you checked out?”


Seducing Simon

She shook her head. “I’ll see what the doctor says first.” The sound of the kitchen door opening had Toni wiping her eyes frantically. She looked over to see Simon standing by the bar staring at her and A.J.

“What the hell is going on?” he demanded. “Toni, why are you crying?”

Simon took in Toni’s tear-stained face and fear seized him. What was wrong? Why had she and A.J. left the barbeque? The phone ringing interrupted his question, and Toni quickly snatched up the receiver.

A.J. stood up and walked over as Toni murmured in low tones to whoever it was on the phone. He strained to hear, but A.J. spoke up in a whisper. “She started spotting.”

Simon caught his breath. “Why didn’t you take her to the hospital?”

“I tried,” A.J. said shaking his head. “She wanted to come here and call her doc first.”

Simon ran a hand through his hair and blew out his breath in irritation. “Why didn’t one of you tell me? I looked up and you were driving off.”

“She didn’t want to ruin Matt and Stephanie’s moment.”

“That doesn’t explain why you didn’t come get me,” he gritted out.

“You were busy talking to Starla,” A.J. pointed out. “Toni didn’t want to make a scene so she asked me to take her home.” Anger and fear built within him as he watched Toni anxiously talk on the phone. Her fear reached out to him. He could practically feel it from here. Why hadn’t she told him? Were they getting so far apart? What in the world was happening to them?

When she put the phone down, he immediately went to her side.

“What did he say?” he demanded.

She looked questioningly up at A.J.


Maya Banks

“I told him,” A.J. explained.

“Why didn’t
tell me?” Simon asked.

“I didn’t want to worry you,” she said softly.

“Too late. Now what did the doctor tell you. Do we need to take you to the hospital?”

She looked up at him, her brown eyes filled with uncertainty. “He said to lie down and take it easy. If I continue to spot or if I start having contractions, he wants me to go into the hospital. But otherwise, he wants me on bed rest for the rest of the day.”

“Is there something I can do?” he asked helplessly.

She shook her head and started to rise. He caught her hand, feeling her tremble. “Want me to get you a pillow and blanket so you can lay down right here?”

She smiled and he felt something within him start to melt. “I’d like that. Thanks.”

He went to the closet and pulled out two pillows and a blanket then returned to the couch. He plumped the pillows and set them on the end then he patted it, gesturing for her to lie down. As she settled on the couch, he pulled the blanket up over her. He let his hand drift to her cheek to smooth the tendrils of hair from her face. Her skin felt velvety soft under his fingertips and he resisted the temptation to touch her lips.

He yanked his hand away and mentally shook himself. “Get some rest, sweetheart.”

Turning away, he met A.J.’s gaze and motioned him into the kitchen.

“Can you take Steve’s truck back to the barbeque and get him to run you back home? He let me borrow it to run home, and I thought I’d just get you to follow me back in mine, but I don’t want to leave Toni alone.”

“Yeah sure,” A.J. said, reaching for the keys.


Seducing Simon

Toni watched from the couch as Simon turned and walked over to her once more. She smiled tentatively up at him as he knelt by the couch.

“How you doing? Any cramping?” he asked.

“You’ve been reading my pregnancy book again,” she said with a laugh. But she found it endearing he had devoted so much time to reading about something that affected her.

She reached a hand up and placed it on his chest. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“For what?” he asked, confusion clouding his eyes.

“For caring about me,” she said softly.

Not taking the time to ponder whether this was the appropriate moment, she smoothed her hand up over his shoulder and over the back of his neck. Pulling him down at the same time she raised her lips, she pressed her mouth to his.

He stiffened in surprise, but she moved her lips softly over his, seeking, almost pleading with him to respond. His mouth opened, and he took control of the kiss. His hand slid up to her neck holding her against him as his tongue darted forth.

She moaned softly, twining her fingers in his hair pulling him even closer. Heaven had nothing on Simon. His kiss was possessive, strong, everything she’d dreamed about since their first night together. Only now he knew what he was doing.

A giddy thrill shot through her body as the kiss went on, his hot breath on her face only fanning the out of control flames.

Then he jerked away leaving her struggling to catch her breath. His eyes were bright with…regret? Shock? He rocked back on his heels and ran a hand through his hair, then swore.

This wasn’t the reaction she’d envisioned.


Maya Banks

She struggled to sit up, wrapping her arms around her chest in a protective measure. Then she waited with dread for him to speak.

“Jesus, Toni. I’m sorry. Christ, are you okay?” She nodded, too numb to speak. He was apologizing. Humiliation edged every bit of the euphoria that had swept over her just seconds ago.

Slow heat spread up her neck and over her cheeks. “I’m fine,” she finally murmured.

Not saying anything further, she rose, wrapping her dignity around her like a tattered blanket then walked through the kitchen toward her room.

“Toni, wait,” he called.

Ignoring his plea, she quietly closed the door behind her and locked it. If she didn’t get out of there soon, she was going to lose all semblance of self control.

The tears came before she got to her bed. She knew it was a long shot, but hope springs eternal. Or it did. Now she was going to have to face the music. She was pregnant and alone. Simon didn’t see her as anything more than a kid sister. The sooner she came to terms with that the sooner she could get on with her future. Single motherhood.

Her doorknob jiggled then a soft knock sounded. “Toni? Toni, open the door please. We need to talk. God, I’m sorry. I had no right to do that.”

She buried her head further into her pillow and shut out the sound of his pleading. After a few minutes, she could hear him walk away.

She rolled onto her side and gripped the pillow against her chest.

What the hell was she going to do? She couldn’t face him now. Once again, she’d screwed up royally. And this time she’d probably ruined their friendship as well.


Seducing Simon

In a few months, she’d be moving out. That much was known. But what to do in the meantime? She had to start thinking of her future in terms that didn’t include Simon. As painful as it was, it was time to face the cold hard facts.

She didn’t have a college degree. She was pregnant. She wasn’t married. Three things working against her.

She had a great job considering her lack of a degree, but it wasn’t enough to foot the bill for the upcoming days. So what could she do about it? There wasn’t time to devote to going back to school. She needed the additional income now, not later.

She heard the door slam and tensed, waiting to see if anyone would come to her door. Would Simon tell Matt and A.J. what happened?

Surely not. But the thought made her nauseous.

How could she face any of them? And what a complete cluster fuck she had made of her life. It would be a miracle if she managed to have a normal child.

She needed to figure out where to get a job. She could work a few nights a week and maybe weekends until the baby came. The extra money would come in handy when she had to pay for her own place and daycare for the baby.

She had some money in savings. Money she’d received when her parents died. But now it had to be reserved for her child’s future.

Who was she kidding? She was getting a job because it would keep her away from Simon. Yeah, she was a coward. And she
need the money. She had things to buy. Baby furniture. A crib and cute little clothes. And while she was at it, she had to figure out what to do about the little matter of the baby’s father.


Maya Banks

Simon sat at the bar staring out the kitchen window. Toni had refused to open her door, and he was feeling more miserable by the minute. Having his testicles forcibly removed with a rusty knife was too good for him at the moment.

What kind of clod was he to have taken advantage of Toni at her weakest moment? She’d been spotting. She was scared to death to lose her baby, and all he could think about was how good she tasted, how smooth her skin felt beneath his touch, and how he wanted nothing more than to make love to her all night long.

He looked up as Matt and A.J. drove up, cringing at the thought of telling them what he had done. Then again, he wasn’t stupid. Better to keep his mouth shut.

Matt walked in, worry evident in his eyes. “Where’s Toni?” Simon gestured toward the bedroom. “She went to bed,” he muttered.

“Was she doing okay?” Matt persisted.

“Yeah, I think so. She talked to her doc and he didn’t sound too concerned. Just wanted her to take it easy.”

“It’s good she went to bed,” A.J. said. “I’m sure bonehead falling on her today had a lot to do with the spotting.” Simon scowled at the mention of Mike. “He doesn’t watch out for her like he should.”

“I have to agree with you there,” Matt said, nodding his head slowly.

“I don’t know what she sees in him to be honest. I’m tempted to have a talk with her.”

“Maybe so. You’re her brother after all,” A.J. spoke up. “Maybe you can talk some sense into her.”


Seducing Simon

“I think she’s having a hard time right now,” Matt said regretfully. “I feel to blame. I’m not sure it was the right time to talk about marriage with Steph.”

Simon remained silent, not agreeing or disagreeing with that sentiment. In truth, he did agree that the timing was rotten. He had no doubt Toni was dealing with a lot. Adapting to her pregnancy not to mention moving out of the house she’d called home since she was child.

He wanted to be angry with Matt, but he couldn’t begrudge him his happiness.

“I’m heading to bed,” he announced, unable to stand it any longer.

The kiss was haunting him. He had replayed it over and over in his head until it became one continuous stream.

He said goodnight and went straight to the bathroom. He needed a shower. A very cold shower.


Maya Banks

Chapter Fourteen

After a sleepless night, Toni got up and showered. She had gotten up several times during the night, checking to see if she was still spotting.

To her relief, there had been no evidence of blood and she’d experienced no cramping.

The guys were late sleepers, and if she was lucky, she’d be able to get out of the house without getting a lecture on staying in bed or encountering Simon.

A flush crawled over her face at the idea of looking Simon in the eye.

His apology was too fresh on her mind, and the look of horror in his face when she’d kissed him was enough to make her want to keep her distance for a while.

She tiptoed out of her room, relieved to see the kitchen empty. She froze when she saw Simon asleep on the couch. Had he waited up for her? Acting quickly, she scribbled a note and left it out on the bar so they guys wouldn’t worry. She poured a glass of juice to take with her and headed back out to her Jeep.

The first order of business was to find a part time job. She had a few ideas and would check them out before she got desperate enough to go flip burgers. Lonnie Bristow, the head of Emergency Medical Services dispatch had offered her a job before when she’d filled in one summer.

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