Second Chances (7 page)

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Authors: Clare Atling

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Second Chances
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Chapter 17

Callie tried to stretch out, but something heavy was pressed
against her. She wasn’t quite awake yet, but knew something was preventing her
from moving. Suddenly it all came back to her as she lashed out against her
restraints and screamed, pushing as hard as she could to get free. The dark,
rank dungeon where Marcus had her played in her mind as her eyes flew open. When
she saw Logan, she thought she must have died and was free from Marcus. She
must have been in heaven, as she was wrapped in Logan's arms and he was holding
her against him like he would never let her go. How long had she wished for

‘Shhh, baby,’ he said soothingly. ‘It’s okay, you’re safe. I’ve
got you... You’re home.’ Logan's soft voice flooded through her as she wrapped
her arms around him so tightly that she didn’t want it to be a dream.
don’t let me wake up back there. Please
. She willed her thoughts to make it
true. ‘Baby, I’m so sorry…’ He sounded so real.

‘Logan?’ her voice was rough and her throat hurt. She opened
her eyes and took a deep breath. His scent filled her lungs and she squeezed
tighter, willing it not to be a dream.

‘Careful, baby. I need to breathe,’ he laughed. It was like
music to her ears.

‘Am I dead?’ She didn’t want to know the truth; she just
wanted this to be heaven and stay in his arms forever.

‘No, baby, you’re not dead. We came for you and you’re home
now.’ He loosened her arms so he could look at her. ‘Open your eyes, baby. Look
at me. I’m here with you. You’re safe, I promise.’

That word sent a jolt of alarm through her system. He had promised
her before it would all be okay and then he had let her go. She struggled to
get free of him. The instant she pushed he had let his arms become loose, so
she could scramble to the other side of the bed and sit up.

‘What happened?’ she asked. ‘Why am I at your house?’ She
was confused about being in his bed. He had watched her being taken by Colt,
whom she now knew was her brother. She snorted at that thought, remembering
vaguely the last time she had seen him; he’d looked just as shocked as she was
to find out they were siblings. ‘Where is Colt?’

‘I don’t know,’ replied Logan. ‘That prick was lucky I
didn’t kill him when I saw him carrying you across the gardens. He handed you
over and warned me to run. As soon as you are up for it, Seth wants to talk to
you about what happened. I told them you’ll speak when you were ready to. Baby,
I was so frightened.’ He moved to come towards her, but she held her hand up to
stop him.

‘Where’s Sarah? I want to see her. I can’t be here right
now. Please…’ She looked down at her hands, which were shaking. When she looked
up again at Logan, she saw the flash of pain cross his eyes. ‘I want to see
Sarah.’ Her voice was quiet, but right now she needed the comfort of the one
person she knew loved her for who she was.

‘Okay,’ replied Logan. ‘I’ll call her now. You stay here and
I’ll make sure she comes straight over.’

Logan was upset, but she didn’t care. He had let her go
without a fight and she knew, at that moment, he would never be hers. Fresh
tears ran down her face as she sobbed into her hands, then she felt Logan’s
warm embrace all around her, his sweet scent wrapping around her body.

‘Shhh, please don’t cry, baby. You’re safe and I’m never
letting you go again. Ever.’ She shook her head and looked straight into his

‘You didn’t fight for me. You just let him take me.’ His
shock was clearly written across his face.

‘I couldn’t let him hurt you, baby. He had you by the throat
and I knew he could kill you in a second. I couldn’t watch you be killed in
front of me. I would have died right there…’ His big hands cupped her cheeks as
his thumbs wiped away her tears. ‘I knew then you were my mate and I couldn’t
ever let you go, but Sarah used her alpha power to prevent me from charging him.
I’ll never forgive myself for letting you go, but I promise to spend all my
years making it up to you.’ He kissed her so sweetly on the mouth, but she was
too shocked by his words to kiss him back. He wanted her? He didn’t want her to
be gone from his life?

‘I thought it would make your life easier if I was gone,’
she said. ‘You wouldn’t have to see me again.’ Logan’s eyes glowed amber and he
growled low in his throat.

‘Never, ever, think I wanted you to be taken and cut up by
that sick fucker, just so you wouldn’t be in my life,’ he replied. ‘I may be a
mean bastard sometimes, but never would I wish that on anyone. That time in the
motel… I was... confused. I didn’t want a mate and the mate I wanted didn’t
look like you in my mind’s eye…’ Callie, feeling the rejection, instantly made
as if to get up. ‘Don’t pull away,’ said Logan quickly. ‘I didn’t mean it like
that. I had a vision of me with some stick-thin blonde, but I realised they
didn’t hold a thing to you. Your curves against me drove me insane. God, you
feel so good in my arms, like you belong. I’m sorry I was a prick to you, baby.
I’m so god damn sorry.’

A lump rose in her throat as he leant closer to her for
another kiss. She was beyond confused now but, for some reason, he made her
body hot, like fire was running through her veins.

‘Please mean it, Logan,’ she said. ‘I don’t think I could
survive another rejection from you. Please…’ she whispered against his mouth. This
time she kissed him back. When she felt his tongue trace her lips, she opened
to him, and she could do nothing but obey her need for him. He gently lowered
her to the bed as his body covered hers. Every firm line of his body covered
her soft curves as he pressed against her more firmly. He kissed her so
passionately that, when he broke away to look into her eyes, she gulped in a
much-needed breath of air.

‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,’ said Logan. ‘You
need your rest. I’ll go and call Sarah for you.’ He went to pull back, but she
grabbed his thick, strong shoulders.

‘Please, Logan, don’t leave me. I need you so much. Make me
forget what happened. I prayed for you to rescue me. Please…’ She knew she was
begging to be loved, but she didn’t care. She needed him to show he had meant
every single one. ‘I can’t remember much, but I know Marcus killed my parents. It
turns out they weren’t even my parents. Marcus and his wife were, but he killed
her, too. Guess that makes Colt my brother.’ Fresh tears were falling now. ‘Please,
make me forget everything. I just want you. Please.’

‘Oh god, Callie,’ he replied breathlessly. ‘I love you so

‘Then show me…’

Then he was on her. Her heart was knocking out of her chest
as she kissed him back. She knew he was holding back, trying to give her the
gentleness he thought she needed. But she didn’t want gentle Logan – she wanted
the passionate Logan who had to have her, like at the motel. ‘Show me, Logan. Give
me everything you have. Make me feel like you need me, want me.’

Logan looked into her eyes. ‘I do want you, baby, but I
don’t want to hurt you. You’ve been through enough. I think we should slow down.
Call Sarah and the healer and see if you’re okay first…’ He ran his finger down
her bruised cheek.

‘I’m more than okay,’ she replied. ‘I have my mate in my
arms, almost naked on top of me. It’s everything I ever wanted. Seth and Sarah
can wait for a few more minutes. I’ve waited for this moment my whole life.’
That made him smile. The kind of smile that would have made her panties melt
right off her, had she been wearing any.

‘Oh, baby, it’ll take more than a few minutes. You’re really
sure this is what you want?’ He needed to be sure, and she understood that.

‘I’m okay,’ she replied. ‘I’m sure, when it all kicks in,
I’ll fall apart again. But right now this is all I’ve ever wanted. Are
sure? I mean, yesterday at the motel, you said...’

‘Forget what I said,’ replied Logan. ‘I was a prick and
everyone – and I mean everyone – has hauled my arse over the coals for the way
I treated you.’ He kissed the side of her mouth again, working his way down her
neck. ‘I’ve never been so sure. When I thought you were gone, I knew then I
wouldn’t ever live without you. Although, I warn you, I am the jealous,
possessive type…’ That made her smile.

‘Boyfriend! Jeeze, what are you – twelve?’ she laughed. ‘Well,
don’t worry, it’s not like any of your friends are going to want me.’ She
blushed at her own comment.

‘Don’t say that. Ever. You’re more beautiful to me than any
shallow, vapid stick I was with before. You’re my mate. I know I made you feel
shitty about yourself, but I was lashing out at my own insecurities about
finding a mate, okay?’

When she nodded and he caught her smiling, he continued to
kiss down her neck. His desire for her was evident in every kiss he placed
against her skin. His hands roamed against her body as they moved down to her
thighs. His mouth found its way back to her lips as his tongue swept inside
hers again. She could feel his hand moving up her back to cup her arse beneath
the shirt, grabbing handfuls as he squeezed her globes.
Good job he has big
, she laughed to herself.

‘We need to get this off, baby.’ He gave her no chance
before he ripped the shirt right down the middle, sending buttons flying. His
mouth was straight on her breasts, sucking her nipples hard into firm peeks. Her
fingers clung to his shoulders, desperate for something to hold on to as his
body moved over hers. Although he was still wearing his pants, she could feel
the thick, hard ridge of his erection pressing against her leg. Logan moved
between her legs and pressed himself hard against her core. She couldn’t help
but moan out load as her body rubbed against his. Callie's hands moved from his
shoulder down his back to grab his firm buttocks and, as she squeezed, he
pushed his hard cock deeper against her.

‘Take off your pants,’ she breathed in his ear. Logan
quickly obeyed and shoved them down, practically ripping them in the process. They
were now both naked and Callie could only stare at his well-toned, hard body. ‘You’re
so beautiful, Logan.’  

‘Baby, men are not beautiful. We are strong, virile,
handsome, but not beautiful.’ He smiled down at her.

‘I think you’re beautiful,’ she replied. ‘But if it helps, I
won’t call you that in front of your friends.’ She laughed, which caused her
body to vibrate under him, making him groan.

‘This isn’t going to last long,’ he said. ‘I need you too

‘Well, you did say you were virile, so maybe we should do it
fast this time and slower the next?’ she said coyly.

‘I’m never letting you out of this bed!
bed,’ he
said as he kissed her neck again.

After she gave another moan, his hands tightened around her
hips so he could raise them up to meet his. Slowly, he lined the head of his
cock and pushed gently against her, trying to enter her, but she was still so
tight. Forcing himself to go slower, he rocked against her and brought his
finger down to rub against her clit. When he looked up, he saw she was watching
where they were almost joined together.

‘Callie, look into my eyes when I slide into you. I want to
make sure I’m not hurting you, okay baby?’ The only answer he got was a breathy
moan, but she met his eyes as he had instructed. His chest filled with pride
that Callie was finally his – his little, submissive wolf. He began pushing
into her again, her pussy taking more of his thick shaft with every rock of his
hips until he was seated fully inside her. ‘I love you, Callie!’

‘I love you too, Logan,’ she replied.

He couldn’t stop the growl his wolf let out as he finally
let his body take over and moved in such a way that his pelvis ground against
her clit. He wanted this to be perfect for her and making her come first was
his priority. Her hands were back on his arse again, urging him to go faster
and deeper, but he tried to remain calm so as not to hurt her. However, his
wolf had other ideas and wanted, finally, to fuck its mate and mark her for all
to see. It was as if a switch had been flicked in his brain and he could no
longer help himself as he slammed into her.

He kept his eyes on Callie’s face the whole time, making
sure she felt no pain; but, judging by her moans and the way her fingers were
digging into him, she was good with rough.
Perfect mate,
his wolf howled
in his mind. He moved faster, making himself press against her so her nipples
were rubbing against his chest and, in turn, he felt the walls of her sex
clench around him.

‘Yes Logan, please, faster. I need to...’

‘I know what you need, baby,’ he replied. With that, he leant
over her, grabbing her head to turn it to the side, and he bit down on her
shoulder. His mate.

Callie couldn’t remember much more than the slight tingle of
pain, which sent her flying into her orgasm. Her brain wouldn’t work and, at
first, she couldn’t think above the intense pleasure Logan was giving her. She
shattered beneath him and she could faintly hear someone growling, but she
didn’t know if it was her or Logan. He continued to slam into her until she
felt him go rigid above her, and then the warmth that spread deep inside her
pussy as he came, finally collapsing on top of her.

She didn’t know if it was seconds or hours that she lay
there, with Logan breathing heavily on top of her, but she didn’t care. Her
body was still shivering from the intense pleasure he had given her. Logan must
have felt her move, as he pushed himself up on his hand so he could look at

‘I’m sorry, baby. I was rough again with you. I don’t know
what happens when I’m with you, but I feel the need to just fuck you hard.’ He
smiled and Callie knew everything was going to be fine. He wasn’t going to
freak out like he had done before – plus, he had marked her with his bite. With
that thought, Callie froze. He’d marked her with his bite! Holy fucking hell. Logan
marked her. Fuck!

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