Second Chances (4 page)

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Authors: Clare Atling

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Second Chances
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Chapter 9

Seth replaced the receiver at his parents’ house and turned
to meet his mate’s face. Sarah was going to be mad once she heard the news.

‘It seems Callie and Logan haven’t made it to the store to pick
up the flowers,’ he began. ‘And they’re not answering their cell phones. It
doesn’t mean anything has happened…’ Seth tried to sooth his mate, but knew it
was a lost cause.

‘Callie wouldn’t just disappear this close to the wedding,
Seth,’ replied Sarah. ‘She would have at least called in. What if Logan has
dumped her somewhere?’ She could feel her pulse beating faster as her bile rose
to her throat. She couldn’t lose Callie. She just couldn’t.

‘Nothing has happened,’ replied Seth, trying to placate her.
‘Logan is a mean son of a bitch, but he would protect Callie with his life. They
probably hit car trouble and have no cell reception. Most of that route is
through dense forest, so if they had to walk to town it would take a few hours.’
He was also trying to convince himself they were okay. He knew Logan wouldn’t
just up and leave Callie.

‘Right, he is so concerned about Callie’s well-being that he
tells her she’s fat to her face,’ said Sarah angrily. ‘I swear to god, if he so
much as touches a hair on her head I will personally use my new wolfy power and
tear him a new arse hole.’ Seth walked over to his mate and felt a sense of
pride at the way she treated Callie as though she were family.

Christopher, Seth’s father, walked over to them, having
tried unsuccessfully to contact Logan on the telephone.

‘Logan is my son, Sarah,’ he said. ‘I know he has issues
with Callie being his mate, but my boys know better than to leave or hurt a
girl just because he doesn’t want to mate her. Logan is a strong wolf and he
will protect her.’ Sarah knew he was right and, in her heart, she knew this
whole family would look out for one of their own.

‘I know,’ she replied, ‘and I'm sorry, Christopher. But Callie’s
my family and I don't know what I would do if something happened to her.’ She
rose from her seat and walked to where Seth was standing. He instinctively
wrapped her in his arms. ‘Find my sister, Seth,’ she said. ‘Please.’

Seth placed a kiss on her head, hoping to sooth her. ‘I will,’
he said. ‘If it makes you feel better, I’ll send a few wolves out to drive
along the route to see if they spot them. I'm sure Logan just couldn’t resist
your plan of getting them together for the day and he is fucking her senseless
in a hotel somewhere!’

‘Either way, he is in for a verbal,’ replied Sarah, ‘as he
should have called.’ She chuckled, thinking that if she and Seth were together
in a hotel room, she wouldn’t bother to call home, either.  

Just as she was about to ask Seth to send the wolves out,
the phone rang in a loud shrill. They both watched as Christopher picked it up.



Chapter 10

Logan replaced the telephone receiver and rubbed his ear,
which was now throbbing from listening to Sarah’s ranting.

‘Damn, that girl is livid,’ he said. ‘They are going to send
Greg and two others out to pick us up. Should be three hours, tops. Brandon and
Alex are going to hunt the wood to see if they pick up any scents of the humans
that were chasing us.’   

They had arrived at the small hotel about an hour ago,
having bought some food and a change of clothes from shop on the way. He paid
with the cash he had left in his pocket and slipped the clerk an extra twenty
to tell anyone looking for them that they had moved on.

Now that they were fed, he could do with a shower and he
knew Callie wanted to get out of those dirty clothes. Shit, why did he have to
think of Callie taking her clothes off? Now he had another hard-on and all he
could smell was her sweet scent mixed with traces from the woods. He watched Callie
get off the bed to throw the remains of her burger in the bin. He noticed she
was limping.

‘Are you hurt, baby?’ He walked over and swept her up in his
arms, walking to the bathroom with her.

‘Logan, put me down!’ she laughed. ‘You can’t keep picking
me up like I'm some rag doll.’ But he didn't care what she thought, as all he
could focus on was her pain. ‘Logan, are you listening to me?’

‘Just tell me why you’re limping, Callie.’ He placed her
carefully on the bathroom counter and started to remove her shoes. What he saw
made his heart pound faster; he could feel his wolf close to the surface as an
angry growl escaped his throat. Her feet were red raw and covered in blisters
and blood. ‘Callie, baby, why didn't you tell me your feet were hurting so
much?’ He looked into her eyes, which were now awash with tears.

‘I didn't want you to think I was weak,’ she replied. ‘I’ll heal
in a few days, anyway. I'm okay, Logan. I just need a shower and a change of
clothes.’ He couldn’t help himself when he looked into her big brown eyes. His
thumb came up and swept the traitor tear that had slipped down her cheek.

‘You should have told me, Callie. I’d never think you were weak.’
With that, he leant down and kissed her mouth, tasting her tears before he
pulled away, leaving their foreheads together. ‘Damn it, Callie,’ he said
quietly. ‘You made my dick so hard all day that I could barely walk. All I’ve
thought about is your lush curves and your scent... your scent drives me
fucking mad.’ His hands stroked down her arms, making her shiver with

‘I thought it was my curves that caused you to hate me.’ She
needed to know why he had changed his mind. However, she could barely think straight
as his hands made their way down to her thighs, gently pushing them apart and
stepping between them. She could feel his huge, hard ridge as he pushed into
her body.

‘You think your weight was the factor for not liking you?’
he said. ‘Not at all, baby. I know I was a prick before and said some things
that were unforgivable, but right now all I can think about is pushing my cock
into your warm hole.’ He was grinding against her clit, making her too weak to
think about anything but him. ‘I want you, baby. I need you. Tell me this is
okay…’ His hand moved behind her as he grabbed a handful of her arse and pulled
her closer against his body.

‘So, why did you...’ she began. But, before she could finish
her question, he kissed her again. This time it wasn’t soft or sweet, but
demanding and possessive. Her mouth opened to him and he growled when his
tongue touched hers. Callie felt him tearing off her T-shirt to reveal her white
lace bra that covered her ample breasts.

Logan couldn’t believe he was kissing Callie in a bathroom
hotel. But, even though he knew it was wrong, he didn't want to stop. She
needed him and he needed her. His hands slipped between them to undo the zip on
her jeans.

‘Hop down a minute, baby. I need to get these off.’ He
pulled her off the counter and watched her breasts bounce perfectly at the
motion. ‘Fuck, I can’t wait to take your nipples. Get those jeans off, baby.’

He turned around to switch on the shower and started to
remove his own clothes. Once he was stripped down to his boxers, he turned back
to see Callie was still standing there in her bra and jeans.

‘Callie, baby, I thought I asked you to strip out of those
jeans. I don't like to have to ask twice. If you don't remove them, then I will.’
He smirked at her the whole time, making sure she knew he was kidding. He would
never hurt her, unless she wanted to be punished. Jesus, he didn't think his
cock would get any harder, but if he didn't get in her soon he was going to
pass out from blood loss.

‘Logan. I’ve… umm. I mean... I’ve... I’ve never done this
before.’ She flushed bright red as she motioned her hand between them. Logan’s
world tilted on its axis as the reality of what she was saying hit him full

‘Callie, are you telling me you’re a virgin?’ He watched as
she dropped her eyes to the floor and nodded. ‘Look at me, Callie. Baby, look
at me.’ His breath caught as he saw her eyes so full of innocence. ‘I'm sorry,
baby, I just assumed you had dated before. We’ll take it slowly, I promise.’

He knew he should have stopped, right there and then, but
the thought of her being his, touched for the first time, made his wolf preen
with pride.
‘Our mate’
he heard the wolf tell him. Yes, she was, but he
knew he couldn’t keep her. She would learn to resent him for settling with her.
Although he couldn’t argue that his senses were heightened at the thought of
fucking Callie, as she was indeed his true mate, the other half of him knew that,
once they returned to the island, he would have to let her down gently. He
didn't want to be settled down to one woman just yet, especially one who he didn't
find sexually attractive because she was larger than the women he dated. But,
as he looked down at her body, he knew he was lying to himself. Her breasts
would fill his hand completely, and he had big hands, and the thought of her
creamy white thighs tightly closed around his hips nearly had him coming in his

He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she nervously reached
for her zip and started to pull her jeans down. He winced as he saw her raw
feet again, but all that was soon forgotten when he saw the dark brown hair
that showed through her white lace panties. He stepped forward and took her in
another brutal kiss, whilst he pressed his arousal into her stomach. He reached
around and pulled off her bra and then her panties, to reveal more creamy white
skin that had him groaning.

‘Logan, please…’ Her voice was breathy and sexy as hell. He
knew he wouldn’t last long once he got inside her.

‘I know, baby. I’ll make it good, I promise.’ His hands
covered her hips and he pulled them towards the shower. Sweeping back the
curtain, he lifted her into the tub and watched as the hot water cascaded down
her body. Stepping in front of her, he immediately turned around so his back
was hit by the water.

‘Umm, Logan? I know I’ve never done it with a man, but
aren’t you supposed to remove your boxers before you get in the shower?’ Callie
laughed and it was like music to his ears. Shit, what was happening to him? He
was turning into Brandon, sprouting poetic crap just to get laid. But he knew Callie
wasn’t just a lay and that he was going to break her heart.

‘Sorry, baby,’ he replied, ‘but you make me kind of lose my
mind.’ He reached for the waistband and threw his boxers at the end of the bath.
His cock was harder than it had ever been in his life and he watched as the
expression in Callie’s eyes changed from laughter to fear. He was a big man in
more ways than one, but he didn't want to see the fear in her eyes. He wrapped
his hand around his rigid length and started stroking his cock. ‘Don’t look so
scared, Callie. I’d never hurt you, baby. I promise I’ll make you more than
ready for me.’

Callie kept watching his large hand stroke up and down his huge
length. ‘There is no way that is going to fit inside me. Ever.’ She was
mesmerised by him touching himself. Never before had she ever seen a sight
quite like what was in front of her. His body was carved from the Norse gods. His
huge frame was wrapped in thick, tight muscles that were coated in a tanned
skin, with no tan lines that Callie could see. ‘Ever, Logan.’

Logan stood proudly in front of his mate whilst she
inspected every inch of his body. He let go of himself and pulled Callie closer
to him. ‘I promise it’ll fit, baby. It’ll be so tight and hot that I'm going to
blow as soon as I enter you, but it’ll fit.’

With that, he was kissing her again. His hands swept to her
breasts as his thumb strummed her hard nipple. His other hand wasn’t so gentle,
as he reached down to locate her clit that was now hard and hot against his
fingers. Callie moaned against his lips as her arms came around his shoulders. He
wanted to lift her up and fuck her right there against the wall, but he knew he
had to hold back this time. His fingers stroked her sensitive nub hard and she
ground herself against him, rocking her body to his ministrations. Then he
drove two thick fingers inside her wet, hot pussy, making her gasp in his mouth.
He couldn’t let her go now; she was so tight as she hugged his fingers. He
stroked inside her and felt the thin membrane of her virginity. He couldn’t
help but feel elation at the thought of holding her virginity in his hands. Fuck,
there he was, sprouting poetry shit again. He growled inside her mouth as she
moaned his name, spurring him on.

He couldn’t help it as he removed his fingers from her and
dropped to his knees. Callie’s fingers were in his hair, urging him on as his
mouth found her throbbing clit. The second his tongue hit that sweet spot she
exploded in his mouth. All that sweet nectar slipped down his throat, making
his wolf surface as his eyes turned to amber. Callie was looking down at him and
he saw her wolf was also present as her bright blue wolf eyes looked down at
him. He stood up and grabbed her arse in his hands and lifted her against him,
spreading her thighs wide.

‘Wrap your legs around me, baby. I know it’s going to sting
for the first time, but I’ll make it all right, okay?’ Callie instantly wrapped
her legs around him and ground her wet core against his manhood. Logan pulled
her down as she felt the tip of his cock breach her channel. ‘Fuck, wet hot and
so fucking tight, baby. Are you okay?’

‘Yes. So fucking yes! Don't stop, Logan.’ Callie had never
felt so wanted in all her life. She was stretched to the hilt, but knew she
could somehow take more of him. But before she could question, he pushed
forward and shoved her hard against the wall.

‘FUCK!’ Logan roared as he burst through her virginity. She
was so tight around him that he was worried she might snap him in half. He
almost blew his load, right there and then, when he felt her wiggle her arse in
his hands, forcing more of his cock inside her.

Then he felt the slight sting of pain before he realised Callie
was biting into his shoulder. She was marking him as hers, but he didn't care
at this moment. He did belong to her and her to him. The pain subsided and, in
its place, an intense pleasure coursed through his system. He knew he should
take her slowly this first time, but his wolf wanted to pound her till he broke
the tiles on the wall. As a wolf, Callie would heal faster and could take some
of the pain he was surely inflicting by being so rough. He clutched at her
backside and held her tightly against him whilst he rode her fast. Her muscles
were squeezing him so tightly that he knew he wouldn’t last long, but before he
could hold himself in check he felt Callie release her bite as she screamed out
loudly. A hot, warm gush surrounded him as his balls drew up and he shot his
seed into her.

They were both pressed hard against each other, their
breathing hard and fast, but Callie didn't want to break the moment with Logan
by moving. She could feel him softening inside her as he released his hold on
her, but she couldn’t hide the wince of pain as he slipped free. Logan was
looking down at her and was tenderly rubbing his thumb across her cheek.

‘I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean it to be so rough.’ He was
looking worried now as they both glanced down towards the blood on Callie’s
thighs. ‘Fuck, Callie. Shit, baby, I'm so sorry. I was too rough.’

Callie placed a finger to his lips to stop his worried rant.
‘No, Logan,’ she replied, ‘it was perfect. In fact, I think I was too rough
. I bit you hard.’ She moved her fingers across her mark and
smiled down at it, but when she looked at his face again she saw panic in his

‘Wash up, Callie, and get clean,’ he said urgently. ‘The
guys will be here soon and I don't want them to think I took advantage of you.’
With that, he was out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist as he
stormed into the bedroom.

Callie just stood there, wondering what she had said to make
him suddenly react so sharply. Shit, did he not enjoy it? But then, she could
feel his enjoyment still spilling down her thighs. She decided to wash the
remains of it away and get dressed. She would feel better facing him with
clothes on – well, at least a towel, as she really didn't want to put back on
those dirty rags from her day in the forest with Logan.

When she had dried herself, she walked into the bedroom to
find Logan sitting with his back to her, wearing just his jeans.

‘Logan, did I do something wrong?’ She knew from his tight
shoulders that she wasn’t going to like his answer.

‘Callie, I'm sorry. I shouldn’t have done that to you. I'm
sorry. It...’ But before he could finish, Callie had marched in front of him.

‘You son of a bitch! Damn right you shouldn’t have done it. God,
I'm so stupid. Regret. That’s why you fucked me and walked out. You regret
fucking me up against the wall of this seedy motel whilst we wait for your
family.’ Callie was fuming now. ‘All day you’ve been nice to me, spoken to me
and even acted like you cared. Now what, Logan? I was just something to do till
help arrived?’ Logan sat looking at her, not saying a word. She couldn’t
believe he was about to take back everything they had just done because he
wasn’t ready. Then it hit her. She had bitten him. That was what set him off in
the shower. She had marked him for all to see and, as his mate, the mark would
never heal.

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