Second Chances (2 page)

Read Second Chances Online

Authors: Clare Atling

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Second Chances
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Chapter 4


The silence in the truck was deafening as neither one had
spoken for the last forty minutes. Logan just drove, whilst Callie watched the
world go by outside. She was leaning her head against the glass as thoughts of
Sarah and Seth’s wedding floated in her mind. She loved Sarah like a sister and
couldn’t wait to be her maid-of-honour. Logan shifted uncomfortably in his seat
and coughed a few times, which made Callie smile. She could feel his nervousness
coming off him in waves and she wondered how the huge male could ever be so

‘You okay, Logan?’ she said, watching him grip the wheel
tightly and narrowing his eyes. ‘Something wrong? Are we being followed?’ Her
eyes shifted to the side mirror to find the road empty behind them. Fear crept
in now as she didn’t want Marcus and his son to reappear after weeks of quiet.

‘No, nothing like that,’ replied Logan. ‘I just wondered if
we could talk. You know, about stuff…’ He shifted again in his seat. ‘Fuck!
This is hard.’

‘What’s the matter?’ she asked. ‘Logan, have I done
something wrong?’ She hated herself for being so weak around him. She had never
been a ‘Yes, sir’ kind of girl, but with Logan the need to please him overtook
her senses.

‘No, you’ve done nothing wrong, baby…’ he replied. ‘Um,
sorry, Callie. It’s just that I wanted to say sorry for the way I’ve been
behaving towards you. I know you deserve better than that, but I wanted to say
it, anyway.’ He seemed relieved to have got it off his chest. ‘I mean, the things
I said to you when we first met, and the incident behind Hope’s place…’ Callie
remembered Logan pressing her against the side of the house and kissing her
senseless after a heated row over something she couldn’t now remember.

‘It’s okay, Logan. I know it’s hard for someone who has spent
his life chasing girls only to be confronted with a mate. I'm sorry you got
stuck with me.’ Her head dropped and now he felt even worse for bringing it up.

‘I'm not stuck with you, Callie,’ he replied, ‘because I
won’t mate you. I don't mean to be an arse, but you’re right about changing
lifestyles. I'm just not ready to have a mate.’ What he didn’t add was that,
when he did find a mate, she would be cover-model perfect. He didn’t think Callie
needed to hear that. She didn’t say anything else and Logan wondered if he
should have said anything at all. ‘Callie… you all right?’

‘Yes, sorry. I was just thinking. Do you think you will ever
be ready for a mate?’ She knew she sounded hopeful, but she needed a time

‘Yes. One day, but Callie, I don't think I can ever look at
you that way.’ He paused and looked at her for a few seconds. ‘I know fate
aligned us, but really we’re not well suited. Sorry if that stings, but I can’t
mate you.’ Shit, now he was a total wanker for saying that out loud. He knew it
would hurt her feelings, but he had to be clear with her from the start.

‘Okay,’ was all Callie could say. It didn't ‘sting’, as he’d
put it; it down-right tore open her heart. He never, ever wanted her. Ever.

‘Callie, I'm sorry,’ he continued. ‘I want us to remain
friends, as I know we’ll be seeing a lot of each other and... Fuck!’ Before he
could finish his sentence, their truck was struck from behind, slamming them

‘What the fuck...’ Logan was looking in his mirror and saw
the larger truck gaining on them again for another impact. ‘Hold tight, Callie.
He’s coming again.’ There was another slam, followed by a loud crunching noise
as Logan tried to control the vehicle. ‘Shit, can you call Seth? I think these
arseholes are trying to run us off. We need back-up.’ But before Callie could
get her bag, the truck slammed them again and Callie felt herself momentarily
airborne as their vehicle skidded and flipped forwards into a line of trees at
the edge of the road.

Callie slammed against the window as the car rolled and
rolled further into the trees before it slammed into a thick trunk, leaving
them hanging upside down. She heard Logan groan as pain exploded in her head. She
felt half asleep and disoriented, but knew she had to get out of the car.

‘Callie. You okay?’ Logan called out. ‘Can you hear me? We
need to get the fuck out. I think I can reach the belt clip. Callie, answer me,
damn it!’ He sounded almost desperate.

‘Yes, I'm fine,’ she managed to reply. ‘My head hurts from
hitting the window, but I'm okay. What happened?’ She knew it was a stupid
question, but she still felt light-headed. ‘I can get free.’ She released her
belt clip and fell to the floor – or the roof, as it was in reality. Logan had
climbed through the broken window to the outside. She followed his movements,
minding the shattered glass.

‘Careful, baby,’ he said. ‘Mind you don't get cut up. I
can’t see them, but it doesn’t mean they’re not here.’ He scented the air. ‘Can’t
smell them, either. Fuck, did you manage to get your cell before we rolled?’ He
was rubbing his neck as though it was causing him pain.

‘No, it’s with my handbag, which is still in the truck.’ She
went to retrieve her items, but Logan stopped her.

‘Shhh! I can hear them now. They smell human, but better to
be safe.’ Logan could hear them coming through the forest. They appeared to
have dropped down a slope further than expected, as he couldn’t see the road
from where he was standing. ‘They’re getting closer. Arguing over whether the
crash killed us or not.’ He didn't like where the conversation was headed. ‘Fuck,
baby, let’s get out of here. We can out-run them for a while, but may have to
change into our wolf form later. I don't want to risk them catching us.’ He
grabbed Callie’s hand and started running towards the dense forest.

Callie knew it was the survival instinct, but she couldn’t
help the flutter in her stomach every time he called her ‘baby’. When he
grabbed her hand, it felt like her arm was on fire, as if an electric current was
being shot through her.

Logan cursed the thought of being in the forest with the
humans chasing them. They would have to lay low and hope the idiots didn't
catch up with them. He knew he could kill them easily, but he wasn’t sure
whether they had guns with them. He wanted to rip their throats out for hurting
his mate. The thought sobered him, but he couldn’t supress the feral growl that
his wolf sent forward. ‘
Protect mate. She is ours’.
Great, now his wolf
was in agreement with his family. Callie wasn’t the mate for him and he would
have to keep that in mind. He knew his wolf wanted Callie, but he couldn’t give
in. His human side didn't want her, or even fancy her. His wolf snorted.
you keep telling yourself that. She has curves made for your hands and she is
no fragile weakling. Keep her safe, she is ours to protect.’

‘All right!’ Logan roared.

‘Logan?’ said Callie. ‘You okay?’ He knew holding her hand
and dragging her forward wasn’t helping, but he hadn’t realised he’d answered
his wolf out loud.

‘We need to lay low,’ he replied. ‘Let them pass us and see
if we can return to the truck to call for help. I need you to be quiet, okay? We’ll
hide down here by the stream.’ He pulled Callie towards the bank. She watched anxiously
as his huge frame jumped down the three-foot drop; but, just before she could
make the jump, he grabbed her hips and pulled her down.

Logan felt Callie’s lush curves fill his hands as he pulled
her down the bank. She was flush against his body and his cock was hardening as
he pulled her tight. He knew he should let go, but his hands seemed to tighten
on her.
his wolf snarled. Logan instantly released her and shook his

‘It’s all right, Logan,’ she said, sensing his arousal. ‘Let’s
just hide out and wait for them to pass. I can fight if I need to.’ She sat
down on the damp river bank, hiding herself under the thick trunks that would
give them some shelter. Logan relaxed and followed beside her. He knew the next
few hours were going to be trying, but he also knew Seth would kick his arse if
anything happened to Callie just days before the wedding.



Chapter 5

‘They have to be here somewhere. If the crash didn't get the
fuckers, then we have to find them.’ Grant was looking at his brothers, Ben and
Pete. ‘You hit them too fucking hard. Marcus will skin us alive if we don't
bring back that girl in one piece.’

‘Fuck,’ replied Ben. ‘I better call him and let him know we’ve
lost them. He’s going to go more nuts than he already is.’ Ben pulled his phone
out of his pocket to make the call. He knew Marcus was going to be pissed, but
find the girl. His brothers and he had been offered a lot of
money to find this bitch; they could pay off all their debts and live a better
life. He walked over to Grant, who handed him the now dialling cell phone.

‘We lost her…’ Ben began to explain. ‘Calm down, sir. They
didn't get too much of a head start…’ Grant watched as his brother’s face turned
ashen white as he ended the call.

‘Fucking hell, man, he is pissed,’ Ben told him. ‘He said
he’ll give us till sundown. If we haven’t found them by then, he’s sending his
trackers out to find and kill all of us.’ Ben handed the phone back to Grant
with a shaking hand.

‘Don’t worry, man,’ said Pete. ‘We’ll get the fuckers. I
ain’t dying for any fucking shifters. We need this money.’ He pulled at his
backpack and took his gun from out of its holster. ‘Shoot anything that moves. There’s
enough shit in here to knock that bitch out for a week. Ben, you stay by the
car in case they try and make a run for it. Adam and Cal are back at the truck,
making sure they don't double back. Shoot first, ask questions later. Grant, you’re
with me.’

Pete hoped they didn't fuck up this up. He didn't fancy his
chances with a pack of wolves chasing them through the woods at night.



Chapter 6

Logan and Callie sat and listened to the men’s conversation
whilst they stayed hidden in the thick roots. The noise of the stream hid the
sound of their soft breathing. Logan was furious and it took all his willpower
not to jump up and rip their throats out. He knew, however, he couldn’t just get
up and fight, for if they managed to get a shot out it would leave Callie
vulnerable. He couldn’t let that happen. He sat still until he was sure they
had gone some distance from their spot.

‘I take it you heard all that?’ he said, turning to Callie. ‘We
need to stay together and use our senses to get us out of here. We need to make
that call for help. The forest must thin out as we are probably twenty miles
from the town.’ Logan calculated it would take them the best part of the day
and the following night to travel that far. ‘Shit, can you make it, Callie? You’re
not hurt, are you?’ He was running his hands over her arms and down her hips
before she could stop him.

‘I'm fine, Logan,’ she replied. ‘I can run for a while and
try and make some ground.’ She stood up and looked over the bank; the woods were
empty, but she still sniffed the air in case the men were hiding. The scent was
old and she knew they had moved on to cover further ground. Logan jumped the
bank and held his hand out to help her up. She reached up, using him as
leverage, and he pulled her with ease against him.

‘Are you sure you can run for a while?’ he asked. ‘I know
you’re not fit, but we can’t afford to sit and wait for you to catch your
breath.’ Logan released her hand and brushed the worst of the dirt from his

‘Fuck you, Logan. I know I could do with losing a few pounds,
but I can move when needed.’ Callie moved past him to walk in the direction the
humans had gone. They needed to stay one step behind them and monitor their
movements. She knew Marcus would come for them in a few hours’ time and she
didn’t even want to think what the sick shit would do to her if he caught her.

‘I didn't mean any harm, Callie,’ said Logan, regretting his
choice of words. ‘I just meant that I work out all the time and you don't. We
need to get hold of that guy’s mobile and call Seth. He’ll notice we’re not
back, but I don't want to keep you out here for them to find.’ Logan pulled her
by her elbow to a stop. ‘We have to work as a team. I’m sorry I pissed you off,
but right now we need to stick together. Okay?’ She simply nodded at him.

Callie felt like she had been walking for hours. Well, she
been walking for hours, but she didn't want to let Logan know she was tired. He,
however, seemed unaffected; he seemed to move forward with the same stealth and
grace he’d had before they’d started walking. She could feel her legs shaking
and the sheen of sweat over her body, but she would rather pass out than let
him know he had been right about her being unfit. She felt so embarrassed and
wanted the world to swallow her up when he’d mentioned her weight. She knew it
was an issue for him, but she still hoped he would see past it one day.

‘Right,’ continued Logan, ‘I can sense them about a mile
ahead. I think we should cross the river to hide our scent in case Marcus has
sent his men out. It won’t hold them off for long. This fucking forest better
come to an end soon.’ He was speaking more to himself than Callie. She couldn’t
help but chuckle. The big, hulking warrior wolf was rambling. Shit, she must be
delirious from exhaustion. ‘What’s so fucking funny?’ Logan stopped at the
river bank and turned to her.

‘Nothing, I was just thinking about something.’ Callie tried
to keep her breathing steady and not let him know she was out of breath.

‘You’re tired,’ said Logan. ‘We should rest for a while. Catch
our breath and get some water. Can you make it across the river? Actually, I’ll
carry you over – that way they’ll lose your scent. They don't know mine as they
do yours.’ With that, he suddenly swept her off her feet and into his arms as
if she weighed nothing at all.

‘Put me down now, Logan!’ she shouted indignantly. ‘I'm not
a child. I can walk across the river.’ Callie tried to struggle, but his hands
held her firm.

‘Keep still. You’re no lightweight and I’ll drop you…’ Again,
as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he regretted them. ‘Shit, Callie, I
didn't mean to...’

‘Shut up, Logan,’ she replied bitterly. ‘Just don't. Please just
get us home.’ She was mortified beyond belief and tried to blink the tears away.
She knew she wouldn’t be able to stop them and just hoped that Logan didn't

Logan saw the tears in Callie’s eyes after his comment.
an arse
, he thought. He just wanted to get them out of this alive and get
on with his life. He stepped into the freezing water and adjusted Callie in his
arms so he didn't get her wet.

‘Hold on tight, baby. Only one of us needs to get wet.’

He could feel her warm body pressing into his as he steadily
moved through the water. Her body heat was like a hot brand to his skin. He
couldn’t help but pull her tighter to him
. ‘Mine’
his wolf told him again.
He knew he shouldn’t, but he took a deep breath and breathed in her delicious
scent. Honey and her delicate spicy aroma assaulted his senses and it made his
body respond in a way he didn't think he ever would with Callie. His cock
hardened at the feel of her curled against him despite the freezing water.  

When they made it to the other side, she made to get down
and free herself from his arms, but he held her tight again.

 ‘Let me carry you for a while,’ he said quietly. ‘They will
think you swam downstream once your scent has gone. Okay, baby?’ He didn't want
to admit how good she felt in his arms. He also knew he didn't need to carry
her as Callie was a strong wolf and could hold her own, but he reasoned that
just a moment longer in his arms would be okay.

He didn't realise how hard it was to walk such a long way
with a hard-on. His cock had been hard the moment Callie had pushed her body
into his. He had carried her for a few hours, noticing that she wasn’t as heavy
as he first thought, and he actually liked taking care of her. Her head was
resting on his shoulder and her arms were tucked against his chest, but she
hadn’t said another word since his fuck-up earlier.

‘Callie, baby, I'm going to put you down now. I think we’ve
gone far enough. It must be past two and the woods are not getting any thinner.’
He gently placed her down and noticed that she wouldn’t make eye contact with
him; however, he carried on talking to her, hoping she would reply. He missed
her warm smile and her soft voice. He didn't realise how much he’d enjoyed
listening to her until she went silent on him.

‘The trees are thicker in this area,’ he continued, ‘but I
don't smell the humans. We’d smell them if they got close, but I hope to fuck
they don't have sniper rifles. They didn't strike me as the military type, but
I’d rather stay focused.’ He moved over to a large fallen tree and sat down. ‘Let’s
rest for a bit.’ He watched her nod her head in agreement as she sat down next
to him. ‘So, other than fucking up getting the flowers, what else do you think
I’ll contribute towards the wedding of the year?’ He knew Seth wasn’t going to
care about some stupid arse pansy flowers when their lives were at risk. Callie
chuckled and Logan was so happy to have gotten a response.

‘Well, your first and only job so far hasn’t gone well,’ she
finally replied. ‘I guess the plus side is you won’t be getting any more
errands.’ He openly laughed at her comment, knowing she was right. ‘Actually,
you could have planned this just to get out of the wedding arrangements!’ She
winked at him and his chest swelled with pride.

‘Even I'm not that intelligent to come up with a plan like
this,’ he laughed again. ‘And I don't know about you, but I have better things
to do than roll around in the woods with the maid of honour.’ Logan saw the
blush that swept across her cheeks and knew she had taken his rolling comment
literally, but he didn't care. Let her think about it.

‘Right, places to see and women to do,’ she said. ‘I know
the drill.’

She smiled, letting him know it was a joke. However, he
hated the fact she thought that was all he was; but, in all fairness, he was
the one pushing her away. He watched her lift her face to the sky, catching the
sun that was shining through the trees, and he thought he hadn’t seen a more
beautiful sight. Callie was stunning, that he couldn’t deny; had she been a few
pounds lighter, she would be his perfect ten. Fuck, what was wrong with him? He
sounded like a total prick. Firstly, he shouldn’t be thinking about Callie that
way, as there was no way he was mating her and, secondly, he had to stop
looking at her or else his cock was going to push through his pants.  



‘Umm, I need to use the ladies.’ She was looking at the
floor and he couldn’t help but notice how embarrassed she was.

‘Okay,’ he replied. ‘You go here and I’ll move further
forward, just so I can make sure you’re all right.’ He started walking, but
turned to see Callie staring at him in horror.

‘I am not about to pee in front of you!’ she said indignantly.

‘I'm not eight, Callie,’ replied Logan. ‘I'm not about to
turn around mid-flow to see you with you knickers down. I think I can refrain
from that. Just piss and let’s get going. Can’t be more than twelve miles now.’
He walked away for a few more seconds and stopped. In all fairness to Callie,
he was fighting himself not to turn and watch her pull her panties down. All right,
he didn't want to watch her pissing, but to catch her creamy thighs as she
pulled her jeans up... fuck. He had to get a grip. What was the matter with
him? This was Callie, his brother’s soon-to-be-wife’s best friend. If he
screwed this up he was a dead man.

‘Okay, I'm done,’ she called out. ‘Thanks, Logan.’ Her voice
sounded so innocent. If only she could read his mind.

‘You okay to walk, or do you need me to carry you some more?’
he asked.

‘I'm good to walk. Thanks, Logan, for caring what happens to
me.’ He saw her eyes glistening and he wanted to ease her pain.

‘You’re family now, Callie,’ he replied. ‘I’ll always care
what happens to you.’ He smiled and started walking again.
Not enough,
, Callie thought to herself. When she got home, she was going to
throw herself into her work and try and let Logan go.

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