Second Chance (Enduring Kiss) (17 page)

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Stephen had
settled into his new position with no worries about any rebellion. Everyone was happy to be rid of the egotistical Dawson.

I had also settl
ed into my new position with Drake's job agency. After finishing my classes here in Columbia, I graduated with an accounting degree. I immediately started helping Drake's clients by giving them interview and financial advice. I loved my job, helping those people see how easily they could change their lives.

When the girls became quiet
, I looked into the mirror. They had left my hair natural, letting it fall down past my shoulders in light waves. I was thankful they decided to keep my make-up natural as well. Only a light touch of brown eye shadow and a pink blush on my cheeks then finished with a light pink gloss on my lips.

I smiled into
the mirror. It was perfect.

"Thanks girls,
" I said sniffing.

"Hey now
, no crying or it won't look as pretty." Rachel admonished.

I smiled and took a deep breath. I nodded when I felt more put together and stood to get my ceremonial dress on. Just as I was about to untie my robe there was a knock on the door. All four of us turned and sniff the air then giggled at the sight we probably made.

"Sean," Jessica said giving me a worried look.

"It's alright,
" I said and went to get the door.

I was nervous
, but knew everything would be alright. Sean was a good guy and he would never ruin my day.

" I said

"Hi, you look beautiful." Sean replied sho
wing off his trademark dimples.

I smiled. He was so handsome. I wished I could say I wanted things to be different
, but I couldn't. I loved Drake and there was no other person I would rather be with. I only hoped Sean found what I had soon. He deserved to be loved as much as I was.

"I just wanted to come by and say congratulations. I know you'll be so happy
, but I also couldn't help but show you what you'd be missing," he said wagging his eyebrows.

I laughed knowing it was
exactly what he wanted.

"Thanks Sean. I am happy and I hope you will be too."

"Hey don't worry about me. I got the ladies lining up."

His eyes twinkled
, but I could see the underlying pain. I swallowed hard and wrapped my arms around his waist. He hesitated only a second before crushing me to him. After a moment, I stepped back and smiled at him, my eyes bright with tears.

"I'm going down now. I'll see you out t

He kissed me on my cheek, lingering only for a second and left quickly. I turned back to my friends and they immedia
tely surrounded me with reassuring hugs.

"Okay, that's enough of that,
" I said after a few minutes. "Let's get me dressed."

I dropped my robe as Rachel came forward with the dress. After smoothing it down
, I walked to the full-length mirror. The dress was ivory with gold thread weaved through giving it a glow. The length was long reaching my ankles and the sleeves hung loose at my wrists.

It had an empire waist and square
neckline. My cheeks heated when I saw my rosy nipples through the sheer fabric, but this was how the ceremony went. I would strip completely later in front of everyone so who cared about a little sheer fabric.

"I'm ready,
" I said.

"You look beautiful Rebecca," Jessica said smiling.

I smiled back as she handed me my bouquet of red roses. I put them to my nose and drew in their sweet smell. I loved roses, especially red.

We went through the almost empty house. Only a couple of guards were waiting for us. As I stepped through the back door
, I took a deep breath then focused forward.

My friends went to sit down and I locked eyes with Drake. He looked hot in his sheer shift. I could see his desire for me in more than just his eyes and I giggled.

I walked forward meeting him in front of our pack, our clan and our friends, and I didn't notice a single one of them. I did not notice the pink rose petals lining the walkway leading me to the white arbor where Drake stood. I did not notice the green ivy weaved through the arbor, or how the moonlight made every movement feel like a dream. I didn't notice the gentle breeze that blew through my loose hair.

I only saw him.

Drake smiled, taking my breath away, and kissed me tenderly when I stepped in front of him.

He held my free hand in both of his
, rubbing his thumbs across my knuckles as he recited his vows.

"Rebecca, we have known each other most of our lives.
We have also known we were mates from the very beginning all those years ago. I felt lucky and blessed back then with the knowledge of having you at my side, but now I feel so much more. I cannot live without you. You are my other half, the other half of my body, my soul, and my love. I have loved you forever and I will love you for eternity."

Tears fell down my cheeks with Drake's words. It was exactly how I felt. I leaned up and kissed him softly for the love he
had shown me.

"Drake, I know what it's like to think I've lost you forever. It was a very bad time for me
, but what I learned was that I could exist without you. I just don't want to. I will never love anyone the way I love you. You are my other half, the other half of my body, my soul, and my love. I have loved you forever and I will love you for eternity."

Drake's eyes glittered with unshed tears as I spoke. When I finished he pulled me in for a passionate kiss. He nipped my lip then soothed it with his tongue. I opened my mouth for him and tangled my tongue with his. My arms wrapped around his neck and
he pulled me against his body.

Whoops and applause broke us apart
, but our gazes never parted. The desire in Drake’s eyes made me shiver bringing a grin to his lips.

I lowered my lashes teasingly and tilted my head, watching as his baby blues turned dark with need. Drake bent down and sank his teeth into my neck sucking gently, then pulled away offering his own neck. I felt my teeth lengthen
, but not into vampire fangs like when we made love. My wolf came out for this feeding.

I sank my own teeth into Drake's throat and sucked greedily. I heard him groan and I smiled as I pulled away. I licked the blood from my lips and gave him a wink earning me a warning growl. I chuckled thinking tonight was going to be quite fun.

We linked hands and walked towards the woods, our friends and family following. The vampires and humans that were present would stay at the tree line and wait. Drake could not shift into his wolf form. It was planned that I would shift and Drake would run with me while in his human form. I was saddened, but there was nothing else we could do.

As we walked
, Drake leaned in to whisper in my ear. "I happened to notice there's a certain something not showing through that beautiful dress. Care to tell me about it?" He groaned.

I chuckled and whispered back. "You'll just have to see for yourself."

We stopped and I turned to my mate giving him a small smile before stripping off my dress. His nostrils flared when he saw my surprise. I was complete shaved. I winked then changed quickly.

One second I was in human form the next I was my wolf. I could hear the gasps behind me
, but I ignored them, keeping my keen sight on Drake as he stripped off his own shift. I looked him up and down pausing in strategic spots. When I reached his face, he smiled knowingly, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

His smile faded as he began to tremble and cry out in pain. I whined trying to ask him what was wrong. I was about to shift back when he bent over on his hands and knees. Almost as quickly as me
, his wolf emerged. His muscles rippled as his bones shifted and beautiful black fur covered his massive body.

The wolf I remembered from years ago looked back at me, blue eyes smiling. I yipped in excitement. I
could not believe it. He was a wolf again. Howls filled the night air as well as applause from our human and vampire friends.

That was our cue. We ra
ced through the trees, the moonlight brightening our path. We leaped over fallen logs, splashed through cool streams. We hunted and played, nipping at each other and wrestling.

After one such wrestle
, we both shifted back. Drake rose above me smiling brighter than I had ever seen. I reached up and touched his cheek smoothing my hand over the dark stubble on his jaw.

"I can't believe it," I whispered.

I was so happy at that moment nothing could penetrate the pure bliss that I was feeling.

"I know it's...
there's no words Rebecca. We can run together again." Drake's voice broke.

I knew it was much more than that. He felt

"I love you mate,
" I said.

"I love you
mate." He kissed me softly on my lips. "I'm so thankful for our second chance."

"Me too Drake, me too,
" I sighed.

His fingers trailed down my side causing goose bumps. I laughed and wiggled at the light touch, but my laughed turned into a moan as his fingers continued down to the inside of my thigh. I open my legs, begging for his touch. Drake's finger teased over the smooth skin of my sex causing me to grind my hips seeking more.

"Ah, I have found my surprise." Drake's deep voice whispering in my ear made me shudder with desire.

"Do you like it?" I said breathlessly.

"Mmm, very much," he said as he slid down my body to taste his surprise.

We didn't speak again for a long while as we mad
e love under the moonlight. We would have to come back for a run during the day and make love lying in the sun, I thought. When I said as much to Drake he groaned against my neck then made me gasp on particularly hard thrust.

"I can't wait."


The End


Author's Note


To all my readers, thank you so much! Writing is new to me and a dream come true. I greatly appreciate any and all reviews and feedback. I hope you enjoyed Drake and Rebecca's story. I know I loved writing it. Thanks again!


Peace, Love, and Reading Happiness,

C.E. Black



Other Titles by C.E. Black


Enduring Kiss Series:

Enduring Kiss

Perfect Mate

Second Chance


Shifted Temptations (Spring 2013)


Excerpt from C.E. Black’s
Shifted Temptations

Now available at



Crouching low, I made my way across the yard, quickly and silently, until I reached the small metal shed. I lowered myself, belly to the ground, paws in front of me and waited. I was watching the small, yellow, wood framed house situated about a hundred yards away.

Intel had reason to believe it was where Alexander James Wright Sr. and his cronies were stashing an ass load of drugs, ready for shipment
. It had taken them long enough, more than three months. It had been more difficult than believed to get someone inside, but more proof was needed. My job tonight was to get in and confirm, without calling attention to myself.

It was dark inside most of the house, only the kitchen light was on. Knowing the resident was a shifter and could see just fine in the dark, I figured it was too early for bedtime.

Just then, the kitchen curtain twitched. I ducked down lower, hiding in the tall grass. There was no way they could see me. In the shadow of the shed, it was completely dark.

A face peered through the window, glanced around the dark yard before disappearing again. So far so good, I thought. They were exactly who Intel said they were.

Scenting the air, I found nothing suspicious so I sprinted across the yard. Once I hidden in the shadow of the house, I shifted back into human form.

Stooping low, I lifted a piece of siding that had been subtlety marked. Reaching into the hole, I pulled out a dark bundle. One of our informants had stashed the clothes days before.

Unraveling the bundle, I found a semi-automatic. Putting it aside, I dressed quickly, but left behind the gun. The scent would have given it away. My claws were my best weapon anyway.

Walking up the path, I took a cursory glance of the messy yard. The grass was knee high and brown. The bushes were overgrown and misshapen. The house itself wasn’t in bad shape, but it could have used a good paint job. What used to be a sunny yellow was now dull and flaking off in patches.

I rapped my knuckles against the dirty white door three times. When no one answered, I stood my ground. I knew they were home. They were looking through the peephole. I could hear them breathing. I gave my best, most friendly smile and waited patiently. It wouldn’t take long to be recognized.

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